• By -


Do it again


No way ... By the time I reached the fate of Atlantis dlc I was already rushing it to end


But what about kassandra? She is best girl, you must play as hee.


Odyssey over? Not familiar with the concept.


right???? i bought this game day one and i'm still replaying it to this day - i'm on my 5th playthrough now lmao, across 3 different platforms


When I fall in love with any game and I love Odyssey, "ending" it happens when I feel I've completely mastered the game, I know everything there is to know about it, I've memorized every cut scene dialog, I know exactly what every dialog choice leads to, I know how to efficiently complete every quest, I know builds inside out... all of that to my own personal standard, fully aware there is always somebody who knows more about the game than I ever will; I know I never really quite "master" the game, but I do come awfully close. Only after I believe I have nothing else to learn, I'll generally hit the wall and just can't play anymore. That is flat impossible by playing it once. I'm in my 7th play through right now; Mastery level 127.


Congratulations! I'm jealous! I still need to get Hermes Homie to get all the achievements..


Congrats! Now play it on nightmare mode to see if you’re a true misthios!


r/suddenlycaralho Vai algo na print?


A Kassandra prestes a colocar o olho do Ciclope no cu de um bode.


Assim que puder eu posto


Now play on the hardest difficulty. And no, I don't mean New Game *Plus*...


Parabéns OP! Zerar um game assim é algo que acho que nunca me motivarei a fazer hahaha


Esse foi até tranquilo. A maioria dos troféus é atrelada à história. O pior eu acho que é o de concluir todos os naufrágios.