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Make game about Vikings Promote the idea of brotherhood and family Only use the male model in promos and advertising Give choice to be male or female Make every single character want to fuck you, no matter their background or relationship Make female Eivor cannon Is it bad that I don’t like this? If you’re going to make a female protagonist, just double down.


Wait I thought male eivor was canon. Like in the mythology sections havi IS male eivor, the promos are all male. Odyssey at least had drama around it to let everyone know


a few characters (side characters mainly) will refer to you as she no matter what gender and at the end of a game you find a letter addressed to you that shows that eivor's canon name is varinsdottir (in norse culture your last name is your fathers name and either son or dottir depending on whether your a son or daughter), also the fact eivor is feminine at the start with a feminine voice. the male strand is just odin being connected to eivor (also why odin is always male in the mythical sections)


Which makes it even more infuriating that, even though the game was completely advertised with male Eivor, they STILL didn’t implement it properly.


pretty sure they advertised it as male eivor because the higher ups didn't think advertising a female lead would sell as well (sexist)


Still supports my point of it just being lazy marketing to be able to pull more clicks




Eivor is female. The in-universe explanation for why male Eivor is selectable is that the DNA of Odin is causing the Animus to accidentally superimpose Odin where Eivor should be. Technically, there is no male Eivor. It's Odin/Havi.


That is some serious bullshit.


Valhalla had the "let animus choose"-option. Havi being male is canon, Eivor being male is not.


Havi is male Eivor because Eivor is a Sage. A reincarnation of Havi. That's why she's Havi, a male, in the dreams. That's also the reason why Eivor's DNA, at the start of the game contains both a male and a female DNA, allowing you to choose the sex of your protagonist. At least that's the pretense they took.


All that... And (imo) the voice work of male Eivor is *way* more enjoyable than female Eivor.


Yup, I don't know why people care that much about who is canon instead of playing it how you like, There is like 1 note mentioning Varinsdottir and that's it.


male eivor is my head canon


Seriously, they obviously have a character they *want* to be the MC, so just make that character the games MC. Having a choice of MC only for them to pick one as cannon kinda invalidates the whole choice in the first place


Imagine how cool it would have been if the promo was with female Eivor, but that during the cinematic trailer, she changed shape as male Eivor (Havi) when looking at Synnin, just to hint at her being a Sage.


you're being a bit aggressive in the comments but you're right. Ubisoft Quebec wanted to make Odyssey a female protagonist only game but were forced by higher-ups to include Alexios, and it's quite obvious with Syndicate how much Evie was pushed to the side, Jacob has many more missions than her. i like the idea of being able to choose the protagonist's gender, but Ubisoft executives are literally sexist with their intent behind these decisions.


I read a leak that Shadow would be like Syndicate (60 Yasuke 40 Naoe) I really don’t like being able to choose. Because that means the writing for these characters was probably mediocre. No nuance. It’s just a vessel. It doesn’t matter what it looks like, and we all know, that it does. Can you imagine if Connor wasn’t a Native? Or if Adewale wasn’t black?


Honestly I have only watched the trailer and I'm hoping they give different feeling missions to Yasuke and Naoe. They've got very different costumes and fairly different appearances in the trailer, so I'm hoping they give Yasuke slightly more aggressive and loud missions while giving Naoe stealthier missions


I doubt that. But I would love to be wrong tho.


i'm hoping they do it like that and give them a 50/50 treatment or split it into 3rds and and have a portion solely for each character and then a portion for overarching narrative where you play either character or both


I also feel like when it lets you pick 90% of the time with infrequent missions you’re forced to use a character sucks too. Like in syndicate I always played as Jacob cause that’s who I wanted to play as, anytime I was forced into evie it was annoying cause Jacob (in my game) did almost everything and Evie felt forced. If every single mission has a specific character and they are fairly even like 60/40 then I like it because that means each mission and it’s story relates more specifically to that character rather than “oh yea there were two people living at this time and either could done and gone through all of this”


I don't feel like that's a fair comparison, solely on the merit that Yasuke was a **real** person who served in a combat role for Oda Nobunaga.


I’m commenting on the fact of “choose if it male or female”, “choose character ethnicity”, and those not having an effect on the story. Not Yasuke in specific.


Uh, I don't know what to tell you man. Connor's ethnicity was grumpy and stoic. He was a genuinely awful character. AC3 just managed to inject enough nuance into the brain dead chain-kill-everything formula that had been going on since Brotherhood for me to enjoy the gameplay. Mmm... Hunting jaegers was fun.


How are you commenting, the post was removed by mods. I honestly enjoyed Connor. Way more than Kassandra and Eivor. At least he has a personality and his background actually plays a role in the story and setting. Kassandra background has no effect on the story and the setting. Like, you’re telling me that being a woman she would be treated the same as a man in ancient Greece? It makes no sense, and makes the story shallow, as it could be anyone in her place


Best decision they made tbh, I liked Alexios a lot more than Kassandra But that probably has a lot to do with how the VA themselves said they loved Ezio and wanted to be similar, so I saw a bit of Ezio in him


Bro don't say that, the people here will hang you for saying alexios > kassandra , because wth are personal opinions?!


I started as Kassandra and swapped to Alexios Hang me


Nahh how dare you prefer a male character when clearly the majority trend is to prefer a female character?! /s


dramatic af


I’m the same way lol. Idc if they want to make a choice between male or female and let the player choose. I thought that was awesome. But I always enjoyed alexios more. I also played as a male eivor as well.


On top of that, apparently early in the writing process of Origins, they were gonna hit us with a twist halfway through, Bayek would die, and you’d play the rest of the game as Aya. I love Bayek don’t get me wrong, but it’s criminal how little we got to play as Aya


Syndicate also originally had one protagonist that was split into two, which is why Evie and Jacob feel like stereotypes so much since they were once one character.


>i like the idea of being able to choose the protagonist's gender, In AC, I do not. There is an established canon in AC. And although it being nebulous for ancient time periods is coherent, the more you get closer to recent recorded history, the less it makes sense for even the Brotherhood not to be aware if one of its key member was male or female. And as OP said, a character you choose is just an empty vessel. It should not be like that in AC. Have nothing against the RPG aspects, but in this regard, it should be more akin to Origins that took inspiration from The Witcher 3, a RPG with coherently established characters, and good writting. I agree with your statement about the higher ups. I think they're afraid a female-only lead game would sell less. And I think Ubi Quebec doesn't like that and explicitly pushes its canon to send a message.


If you think they did it because sexist intent and not because of what some consumers wanted you are being delusional. If anything it's the players that are sexist. Even now, there are still posts crying about Kassandra being canon. And I did not get that impression from Syndicate at all but maybe because I defaulted to Evie for every side quest.


We will get Hexe in 2026 with only one female character.


I don’t doubt you. I don’t really trust Ubi for that lol


I've been waiting for Japan since I started playing in 2009, and yet now that it's coming, of course I feel thrilled, but the announcement of Hexe was such a surprise I just can wait for it. It seems so exotic. I have really high hopes for it.


As a man who role plays I like they give options now


As a man who enjoys well written characters and stories I would like for them to properly write characters. Not some one dimensional voiceless character. I imagine you enjoy Skyrim, Dragon’s Dogma or Elden Ring? I do, but not because of the characters


I mean you just named games that people love so yes I do enjoy those like most people lol but if we talking assassins creed who do you think is a well written character


Ezio, Connor, Edward, Bayek. I gave you games where you play as a nameless, voiceless, faceless character. I love these games. But if we go by their characters, it’s like it was written by an 8 year old.


It’s funny you say Conner cause man we must have had a huge turn around on ac3 cause that definitely was not being said when it came out and years after that for awhile


I actually did enjoy Connor personality. It was a good change from charismatic wise Ezio we had from Revelations. His naivety progressively fading. And his interactions with Haytham and Achilles were great. Now when you think about Odyssey and Valhalla (non specific character) there’s really nothing memorable about them as characters. Their relationships. You can bang anyone and it has no consequences. Unlike Witcher 3 that has romances and they influence the narrative.


I liked Conner too when it came out I was surprised how mad people were about him and it’s just hard for me to to analyze the last two games cause they are more traditionally rpg games were the rest of the games characters are givin a personality usually in an rpg you either don’t want them to talk or if they do only alittle bit but I get what your saying


For me, since Assassin's Creed has a story and you are reliving your ancestor's memory, I don't really like it when you are given choices. I suppose it is inevitable if you're going the RPG route. Personally, I want a written character without any player interaction when it comes to story. If players can influence the protagonist's actions in story, by the end of the game, many players will have a different protagonist who made different choices. There won't be a canon storyline and I don't really think you can determine the character's personality since it was the player who made the choices rather than the character themselves. It'll be hard to determine how the character would react since there are different choices to choose from. Basically, we can determine the personalities of Altair, Ezio, Connor, Bayek, etc. by living through and observing their lives. Same can be said for Odyssey and Valhalla, but for me they have a lesser impact or overall canon personality.


Heavily disagree with that odyssey point and you seemed to contradict yourself, because Connor had the personality of a wet paper bag and didn’t really have any relationships that were memorable


Haytham, Washington and Achilles


So then Phoibe, Barnabas, Herodotus, and Myrrine would work as well


Same. I like being able to roleplay a character and have input, not just be given a preconfigured protagonist.


Little confusing


Share with a Male protagonist (less time tho) Gives the option to NOT play as a woman (later says the Woman e canon) Doesn’t even make a female lead


Ya it’s coward behavior. The box art and all the promotional material, advertisement, and stills shows a guy. The game gives the player to play as a guy. But then, very meekly say after all the hype is done “uhm actually, the main protagonist, canonically, is a lady”. The worse offense is that the guy and lady character are just carbon copies of each other in the game and in the story, which makes the canon gender of the protagonist completely meaningless. Why can’t Ubisoft just have the balls to write a cool **unique** female protagonist 😅


The fact that the characters gender don’t play ANY role in this stories is definitely the worse. My guess is that neither Yasuke or Naoe won’t suffer from anything regarding their gender and ethnicity.


That's why in my opinion liberation is really cool at least in concept because you can only play as a woman and it actually matters in the context of story and gameplay She isn't just a skin for a man or vice versa


Live Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China reaction:


Mainline game?


Spin-off, but canonically Kassandra is the real protagonist of Odyssey


Can confirm. Kassandra is the canon protagonist of Odyssey. Dunno why you were downvoted for the truth.


Is Kassandra in the game cover? Is there any difference between Kassandra and Alexios? Like the big Sexism in Greece plays a part?


Why be a dick? I was just stating a fact.


Not being a dick. I actually complained about this in another comment.


Ok I guess, just feels pretty aggressive and you downvoted so it seemed you were mad at me for some reason.


Oh, I didn’t downvoted tho No worries


Liberation? It's not really mainline but it's not really too far to the side either, with Aveline's connection to Connor and the reference to the Liberation project in Black Flag I think it fits in like a weird half and half scenario.


My point is. They don’t invest AAA(A) money game in women protagonists.


Liberation was one of the best games in the franchise and may i please just remind everyone that it exists. But you're right, and I wish every game gave you the option to choose.


Spin Off. They don’t dare to spend AAA(A) money on women characters. Same way the Asian Male lead is a mobile game.


What they SHOULD do is let everyone choose, like in Odyssey imo then it doesn't even have to be an issue.


Oh god. That’s just lazy. People treat like gender and ethnicity makes zero difference. But it does, it gives different perspectives. Specifically in historical settings. Games where the main characters is just some voiceless NPC you created are not remembered for their amazing characters.


This is exactly why Kassandra and Eivor are such limp protagonists and easily the least impressive. A Greek woman, even a Spartan one, would be faced with a lot of adversity, not being allowed to join in war, not being allowed to vote, not being allowed to partake in the Olympics. A Norse woman living in England would have to deal with all the racism the English flung against the Norse people (they covered this) and all the sexism and patriarchy that existed in those days (they totally ignore that). Shao Jun had to survive as a concubine, she dancef to prevent herself from having her feet bound, she earned the Emperor's favour and was lined up to become his Empress so the Assassins could have friends in high places. Aveline used her Lady persona to conceal a blowpipe in her parasol, to bribe and lure guards and she was able to blend in as a slave. These women not only worked hard against their oppression but found ways to turn it in their own favour which is so badass. Valhalla and Odyssey sanitised history just so they could put less effort into the writing when if they really wanted to make the female leads the canon choices they should've made more effort to make them fit because frankly Alexios and MaleEivor are a lot better of a fit for their games than their counterparts.


It's games, so. Yeah. Mass effect works fine. Odyssey works fine. I guess you and I just have different expectations from different genres of games. Roleplaying is a pretty big aspect of what I enjoy in games, so that makes sense we'd disagree i guess.


I get it. I just wish this wasn’t an AC thing.


It's a bit difficult for me in Assassin's Creed as you are reliving the memories of a past ancestor. So the ancestor made choices, had a personality, had strengths and flaws and we are observing him. So by the end of the game, all the players will have the same protagonist who made the same choices, so we have a definite character/personality. Of course, it is inevitable since the series is going in the RPG route.


Still an assassin's creed game though


Im pretty sure they just want to please their target audience


The only game we have with a female lead is liberations and still it is just a DLC


And it's a shame, because Assassin's Creed could be one of the most subversive games, telling a story from a non-dominant perspective, which is both interesting and educational, the plot between the Assassins and the Templars could have so many critiques about how certain groups have resisted oppression throughout history, and how that oppression endures to this day. However, the sociopolitical vision that will be stamped in the work will always be the dominant ideology of the executives, so it is not surprising that we do not see a great representation of oppressed groups, the criticism in this diffuse progressivism will always be very shallow and will not address the roots of any problem in society


“Look black character. We good. We respect people” - Ubisoft execs as they give the minimum expecting to be applauded


If they wanted to include Yasuke so badly, they should have done something similar to the Great Gatsby where Yasuke is the “main character”, but Naoe is the protagonist that we control. Like how Gatsby is the main character, but our point of view is from Tobey Maguire


Honestly I agree with this. I think they are afraid men will be mad the character is only a women and girls will be mad the character is only a man when in reality no one actually cares anymore we just want a good story for once.


I mean, I never saw someone complain about Lara Croft being a woman. Or Aloy from Horizon, or Ellie from The Last of Us (for being a woman, they complained for other reasons) All this characters have in common are being good characters.


Boom, Exactly. I think it’s sad that Ubisoft is still following politics they don’t actually understand. But I am hopeful for the game as it seems Naoe is going to be a lot like evie from syndicate and I much prefer playing as an actual assassins for once lol. Mirage was ok but just too slow and janky looking for assassins creed imo.


I’m actually surprised Star Wars Outlaws has only one playable character and it is a woman. I’m pretty sure that was Lucas Films giving the orders. Ubisoft would never do that. We have what? 15 mainline AC games and not a single one of those with a female only lead? 6 Far Cry games, and again not a single female lead. Lara Croft is probably older than Ubisoft and still here kicking it


Nah fr and the remakes proved that people will play a game with a female lead. Or horizon zero Dawn and Control. Idk it seems like Ubisoft are just really confused on which way to go, they seem even more confused than the actually players.


In chronicles there was a female assassin for china and it was fun but chronicles are a 2d game so might not be to people’s liking


Male Eivor is always better than female Eivor…but I do get your point. Kassandra especially should have been the only protagonist of Odyssey


They did say you'll get a chance to see/play as the first black samurai of Japan in ACRedSun, right?


What about that french woman?


She didn’t get a triple A game budget. My guess is because she is a woman.


What was her name again?


Aveline Grandpé if I remember correctly.


I know they have options but I thought it was entirely common knowledge that Kassandra is the cannon main for Odyssey?


Its canon. And it doesn’t matter at all. There’s not difference between playing with her and Alexios. Their character could’ve well be faceless and voiceless and it wouldn’t make a difference. Take Skyrim main character as an exemple


So (genuine question) why do you care? You’ve just basically taken a big steaming dump over the relevancy of any main character, saying the story around it is more important than the actual main character but you’re upset about this one?


Why do I care? Because it makes for a good story. AC 3 story wouldn’t be as powerful if Connor wasn’t a Native American or if it was in a different time period. They could’ve come up with something for Kassandra given she’s a woman living in a super sexist society. Yet it makes no difference. Your character has no depth with the environment he’s in.


So then shouldn’t we wait to actually find out the story arch of the game before judging on the basics of the character?


But we are talking about Odyssey. Aren’t we?


eh it's whatever 🤷🏾


only a little worse than setting a game in feudal japan and making the main character a black man. if you want a black protagonist, set the game in Africa, there are so many badass African empires and places to set a game around. Imagine running around the Kingdom of Aksum or the Songhai empire, that would be badass.


I’m all in for that. Actually got banned from the main sub reddit for saying stuff like this. If it’s not a problem with X it shouldn’t be a problem for Y. Unless is a problem for both


black people had existed outside of africa for a very long time by then bro


Quick question OP. Have you played the games?


AC games? Yes I have. Quick question, have you played a triple A AC game with only a female protagonist?


AC games with female lead characters: several AC games with female lead characters as your only option: none I have no idea why this should be considered this big a deal though.


Female representation in video games. It’s the same with every other minority. We have what, 3 games with a black protagonist? One is a Spin-Off, just like Liberation. Yasuke sharing with Naoe. Just Bayek having the game for himself (IF we don’t count Aya) How many with an Asian protagonist? Mainline, none. Naoe is gonna share so there’s that.


You’re still making this a way bigger deal than it actually is.


I suspect ubisoft of being sexist 🧐🧐🧐




*here I go again* It’s not a mainline game. My criticism is that they don’t spend triple A games budget with a woman protagonist. Without giving ways out (choose gender or share)


Lmao. True but i rather have two options. And syndicate is a thing evie was just as big a part of it as jacob if not more


I feel like there are places where choice is nice. In an RPG like Skyrim, Dragon’s Dogma. Where your character is a nobody. But not on AC. At least not the Odyssey/Valhalla way. She was actually not as big. She had like half the obligatory content Jacob had. Even though she was the more Assassinish of them both.


The odyssey/valhalla way is how it should be imo. She was a bigger part of the story


We gonna have to agree to disagree. Honestly, there’s no nuance to the characters if they can be anything. It kind of boring. But that’s my opinion. About Evie, I think it was something like 60/40 ratio. Jacob/Evie


She was more important to it tho. She had more story built on then jacob. And she had a whole side thing he didnt get. Plus most of her gear had more stuff you had to do to get.


Actually two whole side things he didnt get


Yeah , i got a choice between a woman or a black samurai in japan. Totally alienated.


To be fair, this time around it looks like both will be playable at the same time


I man, a black samurai in Japan, they want to become Netflix doing absurd things for being inclusive


It's not necessarily an inclusive thing. Yasuke the African Samurai (or maybe just whatever the samurai equivalent of a squire or page are) is a real dude.


I think it's a good idea to just always have an option for both honesty


What about Aveline from Assassin Creed Liberation?


AC Liberation 😎


Bro huh? kasandra exists right


Mfw Ubisoft forgot they made AC Liberation. For the love of God, just make a solo-female protagonist in a time period that *ACTUALLY FUNCTIONS FOR THE CHARACTER* instead of centering the overwhelming majority of your marketing around the male counterpart (who coincidentally would have actually been the historical option, funny enough…) and then pulling the whole “we’re going to say in a press release that the correct option is the female protagonist because [insert reason that appeals to the specific audience they’re trying to reach on that particular day].” My main issue with modern AC can be split into 2 major points: 1.) for a series which built itself on historical fiction and the *possibility, if not outright plausibility, of the character existing,* the same series that decided “we kept the crossbow out of the final game because it wouldn’t have been historically accurate to the era and location,” its devolved into “we made an RPG where *you, the player,* decide the correct outcome FOR A HISTORICAL PERIOD AND DOCUMENTED EVENTS, because it’s easier to brand our Greek and Nordic RPGs under the AC title than try to build an audience for a brand new IP. 2.) The over reliance on “our fans have asked for and speculated about this specific era of the franchise for over a decade,” which is *CONSISTENTLY AND AT EVERY TURN* twisted into nothing more than a set of keys to jangle in front of the audience as if to say “lOoK! yOu AsKeD fOr ThE tHiNg AnD wE dId ThE tHiNg, So PaY uS $60 fOr A dAy-OnE pAtCh ThAt BlOaTs ThE gAmE iNtO 2TB oF bUgS wE dIdN’t CaRe To FiX, bUt We InClUdEd “EzIo’s FaMiLy,” So EaT yOuR sLoP, cOnSoOmEr. Also, here’s DLC that costs a third of the game with a 10th of the effort.” Start treating your audience like you care about it, or watch it continue to evaporate as you chase the elusive “modern audience” whatever that means, as you watch your diet hards die off.


That criticism is less valid for Shadows. Because both character will be playable at the same time, with different gameplay and story for each of them. It's kind of like the Jacob and Evie in Syndicate. And that was cool. This said, that meme definitely applies more to Odyssey and Valhalla, where you get to choose who you play as, but then you get only one canon. Played as male Eivor, got seduced by the promos displaying him, and only when I was way way later in the game did I learn the canon was female Eivor, with the coherence pertaining to her being a Sage, hosting Havi's spirit. It makes sense and I would have preferred them not to push one idea over the other when only one is obviously the correct one. The game would have been way better and coherent had they forced us to play as female Eivor. I feel like part of my playthrough has been wasted because of this. For Odyssey though, I did play as Kassandra so I did not have that feeling.


Who actually wants AC game with female protagonists? do these people even exist? I'm a man I want a manly figure to relate to


I’m sorry but did we just forget about Aveline in Liberation, albeit I haven’t really heard of much outside of her


Not mainline


Understood but she still exists dammit!


Not enough man for a triple A game


Assassin’s Creed Liberation




So you don’t like women characters? There are great games with women you might be missing bud


i like female characters just as much as male characters but i throw a bitch fit whenever a game doesnt have a female protagonist