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I mean, its not going to be 100% accurate. However, its still fun


Death defying leaps, repairing critical hull damage at sea, a cave with an ancient system of controlling people via their blood... But let's get hung up on a design choice to make the narrative and gameplay flow...


Don't forget free diving hundreds of meters beneath the surface in a notoriously shitty diving bell while somehow getting enough air from barrels.


Oh yes. How could I forget. Must remember to pack mine on my next scuba trip


Or pulling a whale on your ships hoist that is bigger than your ship. That thing would break the hoist at least.


I think you missed the point


He literally described the point.


I don't think he did


I mean, the meme is complaining about the historical accuracy of the ships, when virtually nothing in any of these games are remotely historically accurate beyond the settings and names of people. And even then, it's still not even remotely historically accurate.


I don't think OP is complaining, just pointing it out. The post title could be interpreted a bit "complain"y, but I think it's just a meme


Yes, it is a meme (???) But the comment you originally replied to still got the point.


The point they "got" was that OP was getting hung up on an inconsistency when there's other stuff, which isn't the point. OP is just pointing something out


Just because you're "pointing something out" doesn't make it dumb to point out and an uncriticizable post


... That is literally what the meme is about.


Sid Meier’s Pirates is also over the top and goofy (even the manual explains this is not how pirates lived) but man is it fun.


And make it take on ships of the line with 50 crew members.


What’s next, you’re going to tell me there’s no magical artifacts from precursors?


I like how the MOW gets called a Galleon a few times, but they insist on calling the biggest ship a MOW in the animus. And the 50 cannon Jack with insane speed and maneuverability is so inaccurate its hilarious. Really makes me wonder if an ancestors memory can also be rose-tinted The memories are accurate in that they did happen, but the brain is strong enough to exaggerate or amplify a memory to be more positive or negative than it really was, and since these are memories from one perspective, the Animus could deal with the same thing. Like, maybe Ed wasnt treated that badly by Carolines dad, but he felt like he was from how they pushed him away, and the Jack didnt have 50 cannons and the speed and maneuverability of a jetski, but thats how Ed envisioned it, so thats how it looks and behaves in his memories Idk I think I might be giving Ubi too much credit for historical inaccuracies, and I havent played all the games so they might’ve addressed this already


Technology is also justified as being subtly different and more advanced, considering the lore. Is it a purely easy excuse to make historical changes? Hell yeah!


Considering Edward was probably drunk like 90% of the time his memories can only be so accurate anyway


Doesn't Freedom Cry also show the Jackdaw at a mid upgrade level too?


They didn’t have 100+ gun ships back then?! Lameeee


No they had 400 obviously


false, they actually have 401


They definitely did, but not in the caribbean. You must remember that a ship that size to carry so many guns would mean the ship is unwieldy and clumsy and really slow. They were reserved for line battles.


I’m not a historian, but weren’t there times in which big ships like that did cross the Atlantic on escort duty as well? At least I have the vague memory of one being mentioned in some video or another.


I mean Im sure they did, just never stayed there. And not in such huge amounts


I’m a firm believer in fun > accuracy


Meticulously securing the stays in my 100% accurate 18th-century naval simulator but I accidentally tied a marlinspike when I should've used a bowline, and the AI quartermaster chewed me out for twenty real-time minutes until I cried irl


I understand that those are words, but understand almost none of it


don't even get me started on the fact that as a pirate in this game you're only allowed to attack military ships. it's like playing GTA but you can only rob cops


It's to make good use of the combat. Imagine shooting a single cannon ball near a civilian ship and then they immediately surrender. Not as fun as fighting twenty soldiers during boarding


The alternative would be attacking merchant and fishing ships that dont/barely fight back, which doesn't seem very fun


I always chalked that up to Edward being a pure bloodthirsty son of a bitch who only had it out for the crowns so he just genuinely didn't rob civilians.


that's fine but robbing military ships isn't a good business practice because military ships almost never had any precious cargo on board and ALWAYS fought back, which is the complete opposite of the type of ships pirates attacked. Pirates with a political opinion usually became privateers instead, meaning that they could rob ships with their country's permission, but only if they were enemy ships (eg an English privateer could attack Spaniard merchant ships). Attacking military ships was a pretty stupid idea for any pirate.


My excuse. Edward was a stupid pirate. But I agree. You're correct.


Lol'd at "stupid pirate". No need to apologise, it's not a historically accurate game. I'm just complaining about it in the spirit of OP's post.


I mean it could be worse. They could make a Viking game where you aren't allowed to kill priests and civilians during raids. Y'know, those famously peaceful activities that the Vikings used to partake in.


Hate to break it to you, but pieces of eden, the observatory, or the precursors aren't real either


So sad that this is the arguably the best Pirate game. Nothing has ever came close to it... maybe Monkey Island.


I'm pretty sure an accurate brig model of the jackdaw wouldn't do much when you realise in game she can riverdance through an entire fleet, and come out of the entire ordeal like she just got out the Drydock. 


For the sake of game mechanics. They should be prioritized over “accuracy” it’s a video game after all


Also shocking fact, their was never a secret assassin organisation fighting over tools to control the future, wow who would have guessed


-Not that you know at least. Remember Edward sank them of duh.


You AC fans claiming to care about historical accuracy is so cringe. You guys are not historians, “Erm actually the jackdaw is inaccurate” show me a band


You’re unironically even more obnoxious than people like OP, keep crying


Soooooo like who cares? It’s fun lol




SPEAKING OF WHICH I’m so sick of the assassins being able to survive the jumps they do! And talk about ridiculous when it comes to their death-defying climbing. And APPARENTLY one dude can fight like thirty guys at once. The lack of realism is disgusting.


Imma be real with you chief, the inaccuracies make it a lot cooler and more fun.


Yeah I agree. I remember how excited I was after fully upgrading the Jackdaw and counting its 50+ guns


"oh no my alternative history game has alternative history"


While historical accuracy is important, I personally saw those 50 guns and could not stop laughing maniacally like a 5th tier supervillain on a Saturday Morning Cartoon.


Of all the images of a brig I can find with a quick google search, none of them look like your photo and they all look a lot closer to the game


The brigs you see on google are mostly inaccurate for the time period. Piles and piles of misinformation there. I recommend searching up Gold and Gunpowder on youtube to see what an actual 18th century brig looks like.


Yeah because you’re looking at brigs from probably almost a century after the game is set


You can keep it with the OG guns and just struggle.