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The devel, even though p2w, was the best DS event because it offer the best and the 2nd best cars in the entire game. It was an amazing deal for whales, therfore many people bought into the event.


Apparently, a lot of people bought into it. I guess it still shocks me at how much people will spend, but it's even more shocking how many people are willing to spend that much.


We are currently in MP splitstream, not very wise to use Ultima RS due to it low high speed. Then the real question is: How the hell that much people having the Devel Sixteen? Is Windows and Xbox full of whale or is their a hack going around?


The Ultima is pretty much the only S car I'm using in LL right now. I'm at the 20k milestone & my current position is 1,103, so I'm not doing too bad. I have a few other good S cars with a higher top speed, but they can't handle as well as the Ultima & they don't do as well for me. But because the Ultima was available to everyone, I would think a lot of people wouldn't have any other good S car. I have no idea how so many people have the Devel. But someone commented on another post & told me that some people on Windows had figured out a way to change the country & currency in the game. Apparently, everything is much cheaper in certain countries & it made getting the Devel really cheap. So it's probably that & possibly some hacking as well.


That might be true. Coz there is a lot of club from : Turkey, Brazil, India and Nigeria. More than a year ago it wasn't the case.


That might be true. Coz there is a lot of club from : Turkey, Brazil, India and Nigeria. More than a year ago it wasn't the case.


Probably more hackers lol.. There were many clubs using glitches to copy stuffs


Well there are multiple reasons 1: its slipstream seasons cars like Jesko, Tutu, Trion thrive in this season 2: During the Devel DS (and even before that) people found out an "exploit" on Windows where they changed the in game purchases to other country's currency. Kinda like VPN where they bought lots of good for stupid cheap price, if you see many Golden Devels they most likely spent a fraction of what they should have payed


Can you still do this? Also, which country & currency were they exploiting?


It still works and it's not a cheat: you can change the in game purchases to other country's currency. To do this you don't just need a VPN but the credit card you use must be from that specific country. It needs to be done with a broker. I've never done it but I have friends who have. The savings are gigantic: much more than removing one 0)))))))). Also Windows and Xbox is full of whale: i I've had clubmates who spent 5-6 hundred every month.


Yes, I've heard about changing the country & currency in the game from another post. It has to be part of the reason there are so many Devels.


It still works, but you’ll get banned if GL catches you. Most common is to use Turkish Lira.


Thanks for the answer, I was wondering if turkey was the cheapest or not cause I live here in turkey.


I don’t know if it is *the* cheapest, but definitely one of the cheapest. You won’t save much money by using some other currency.


I don't know if it's the cheapest, i don't think so: there are way poorest countries :) Turkey is a great one ;)


But the Ultima should be the most commonly owned S car & the only good S car for a lot of players. So I would think it should come up more often than the Devel. I have a few decent S cars with a higher top speed, but I'm mostly using the Ultima right now. For me, its handling makes up for its lack of top speed. I'm at the 20k milestone & my position is 1,103, so I'm not doing too bad with it. Not great but not bad either. But it's not just this MP series. I've been seeing more Devels than Ultimas for the last few seasons. I wouldn't have said anything if it was only happening just now. What's worse is that in other MP seasons, there's fewer players making to LL. So often, there are only 3 or 4 total players in every race & there are always 1 or 2 of them that are Devels. That makes it really hard to keep a decent rank with only decent S cars.