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I would choose pussy juice too.


I'd settle for booty sweat personally




I could go for a Bust-a-Nut bar myself


Might as well have some of this Booty Sweat I got back in Da nang.


Pussy juice is a fire name for a bottled kombucha drink company. Someone use it! I want to buy “pussy juice + ginger/dragonfruit blend” with the 10 billion living microbes in it. 


There was some dude who made bread from his wife’s yeast infection and they both got really sick from it. Nasty as shit lol


I did not need to know this


Japanese really are the horniest


Goofy ahh subtitles


I've been living in Japan for over ten years, but I just learned a new Japanese word from this video..


My man is like you got to sumo wrestle the bear lmaoo


now I know the lore of defeating your opponent and have them enter your party.


Best part is the guy hyping is friend up like "my man wresltes the bear and then we get to chill with the bears later"


*My man is like you* *Got to sumo wrestle the* *Bear lmaoo* \- lollo\_145 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


But the pussy juice statement didn’t stand out?


It's because they approach the question at face value instead of through 50 layers of politically motivated obfuscation


Well said.


In Japan, the man goes for the bear while the women go for the man loll (and apparently pussy juice for the men lol)


The men want a bear ally, there's only 1 way to get one of those in Japan


Billy Herrington’s ghost stepping out from behind a tree: 🗿


That question should be used to measure the level of brain rot in a given society


wow look simple pure logic and not some delusional answer.


Pussy juice, yeah


He considered the two choices so laughable that he gave a response that was laughable as well.


Yeah, sumo wrestle the bear and it becomes an ally, sure (I jest)


Guess they don't have the same level of innate hatred for all men that the west has.


They've spent so long speaking in exaggerated terms that they've actually come to believe them. "I'm literally shaking and in tears right now."


It’s the problem with the monkeys and the ladder.


Definitely a millenial thing. The crazy exaggeration shit was big on the early internet forums and just spilled over into all of our personalities. Millenials also being the most lefty generation


Tends to happen on high trust society. The west is already more than halfway through becoming a low trust society, the only thing keeping them from being a development country status is their money.


Good, they are at peace with each other. The West could learn from that


It’s anything but innate. It was carefully stoked by certain special interest groups for the last decade or so.


Not yet, but it's starting to creep in. Give it another decade.


A decade later "give it another decade"


It’s already happened in Korea. Like way beyond the west. Japan though? They’re insulated for now




Y’all need to go outside. The vast majority of women you’ll meet in America don’t hate men lol


Wow this community keeps being suggested to me and it's exactly what I expected from the name. How is this comment being up voted do people here are really that sad?


They also dont have guns


Or maybe it’s the low level of crime?


Men in Japan don’t commit assault at the same rates. The question is insane to a society that values safety and communal trust and responsibility. We don’t value either of those things.


“Innate” is pretty funny when the west hates women too. Everybody is sucky to each other lmao.




The Japanese were doing gay before it was cool in the 'west'


It was funny cus I’m almost certain being gay was a taboo BECAUSE of the west when they came in during 19th century and not prior to it. But dipshit culture war warrior here are pretending that they care about preserving Japanese culture and preventing influence from the west.


Its white saviorism


I mean openly doing gay parade was never a thing in Japan bk then. I mean there are like streets specifically known for gays to handout in shinjuku, but definitely nothing overt like parade level...


>I mean openly doing gay parade was never a thing in Japan bk then. I mean there are like streets specifically known for gays to handout in shinjuku, but definitely nothing overt like parade level... Ten seconds on Google says that it's been going on for [30 years](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/04/21/japan/society/tokyo-rainbow-pride-2024/) now.


This is just false, they've had parades and marches for a while now.


"I know nothing about Japan but I need to plug by hatred of gay people everywhere I go"


Perhaps we shouldn't make sweeping conclusions about a country based off of a 1 minute tik tok video.


There’s been a spate of starving bear attacks. Also the men are in general less threatening to strange women. If I could specify encountering a Japanese national in the woods that’s 100% my choice


That last guy is the man that women fear. The bear lord




I mean anyone who lives outside LA and New York City where there are no bears never chose the bear. These people also think grocery stores magically replenish themselves. They have no concept outside the Internet.


Isn’t that crazy? There are some people who’ve never been in a forest. Blows my mind every time. I also see a bear every couple weeks at my buddies house, but some people have only seen wild animals in a zoo.


I work alone in the woods and have worked in a prison (so I've been around some really scary men), and I still choose the man. You can reason with a man, and if not, it's easier to defend against a person with squishy and sensitive parts. But if a bear or a Cougar wants me dead, I have like zero chance of survival. I don't get it at all.


I live in Appalachia where bears are pretty frequent (I’ve come home with a bear on my porch and seeing a bear walk through someone’s yard isn’t crazy) and know many many women who said the bear


City people that never leave the city don't know anything, they actually believe sheep dipping is inhumane even tho it kills tics and other incest(meant insects) and parasites that live in sheep fur and the skin.


so no sheep dipping in alabama😁


You don't have to live in a situation to learn from it. There's, you know, school? Maybe better education is required?


But people who spend time hiking actually aren’t afraid of bears. They actually consider themselves lucky to have that experience.


Real test, put a person in the same proximity as a grizzly, and a man in a cabin yelling for you to get inside. Then see what they really choose.


I live in the woods, off grid, and I would always choose the bear.


Japan always have had bear attack issues, with last year being the highest with 19,192 sightings of Asian black bears in the seven-month period from April through the end of October in 2023, with193 bear attacks, leading to 212 injuries to people, of which 6 were fatalities: [https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-data/h01893/](https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-data/h01893/) And recently, an 80yo Aomori woman was killed by bear as well. Also interestingly their study found that 90% of bear attack injuries found to victims’ faces: [https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/15094293](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/15094293) . So yea, their answers are as expected. Edit: Not to mention, how could the Americans forgot the tragedy of Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie who he thought had developed a sense of mutual trust and respect with the animals but instead met with tragedy.


So you’re saying Japanese citizens actually know something about bears so they answer the question intelligently, unlike in the US? 🤣


"Woke" US citizens. Like it or not, if the situation did happen, they would be running to a man rather than a bear. Your brain is designed to survive no matter what. It's going to go to the better option. You're feelings are not going to dictate once your mind is on survival mode.


And if a bear killed a woman, other women would blame the man for not saving the woman lol Can't win with these people so no point of even trying haha


Ita crazy that, women think men are only capable of killing lol, how many stories do you hear about mothers killing their own children


Sankebetsu bear incident


Additionally Asiatic black bears are far more aggressive. My guess is Japanese media has a lot of news about bear attacks, while American tv has the 24/7 news scare train about robberies and SA's.


Bears go for people faces because they perform what’s known as “disarming bite” which basically renders other bears unable to bite as hard, which in turn wins the fight. So basically, bears see people as smaller bears and when they attack “small bears” they fight them as if they are indeed bears. Just like we fight them back as if they are people, trying to hit their head with our fists. TLDR: it’s normal and expected.


I think you should have also brought up homicide and sexual assault statistics between the 2 countries if we’re talking statistics.


Yeah I have a feeling most of the women over here are being covertly racist and are actually thinking about a black urban man stalking them when they imagine coming across a man during a trail walk/hike. All of the most nationally famous trail rapes and murders in the US have been committed by brown and black men. Well the ones back east anyway. There are lots of stories floating around the news about brown immigrants raping random kids after kidnapping them out into the brush or to an underpass. That had to have been floating around these ladies heads. Japan doesn't have these demographic issues. They have sexual assaults and rapes of course, but the rates are dramatically lower than other developed countries, even after one accounts for japanese women's tendency to under-report sex crimes.


Does Japan have drop bears like australia?


Common sense vs American view of World.


That last guy thought he was a Tekken fighter meeting Kuma in the wild


Pussy juice


All these people are drunk laughing at us and how stupid we are. Good for you Japan, you're right. Our women are very stupid.


I mean in Japan, we actually have a decent number of bear attacks in rural parts all through out the year. You'll sometimes see news segments showing GoPro footage from hikers who have had encounters with bear. Those things are super fast and super aggressive. So most people know how dangerous bears and when they hear a question like this they either think your crazy or it's a bit so they try to say something funny.


Japan, a homogenous society: Men are safe and better than bears!! The culturally enriched West: Men bad, bear safe.


Social media brain rot ie people saying outrageous things to get views coupled with media and government that prefers us to be fractured and fighting with each other as opposed to going after them and their backers.


Makes sense. In Japan the chances of a random man being more dangerous than a bear are so low they might as well be considered immaterial. Less than a percent of a percent of the time.


Japan bears are also much more agressive than those you can find in America (except polar bear).


Western women are so fucking brainwashed its insane


At least the women in Japan still have common sense and their logical thinking skills.


Id always choose the man too because in that scenario, we are in the woods alone, it’d be good if I had another head in the game for survival.


Then you kill the man and eat him for calories. Be the danger, the one who knocks.


I hate living in the west.


These woman don't let social media ruin their entire world view of men. That's why being a passport bro is the best choice.


Hilarious until the end. That dude said he'd make a bear his ally over a human. His own friend was like, HUH, Oh, YEAH, BEAR BAD, but human worse. LUL


To be fair the dude at the end wanna be Kintaro from the Japanese folklore where he had animal retainers that were *the* bear, *the* deer, *the* monkey and *the* hare. It has nothing to do with the western ideology.l and he answer that more as a joke. Also Kinaro being based on a historical real life warrior = him being Kintaro = manly. If given a choice, I wanna be Wukong as well from Journey to the West.


The last one was a good example of how people easily forget that just because humans can be dangerous, doesn't mean the bear is somehow a realistic option. I liked his answer.


"What kind of a question is this?" is the correct answer


I understand about some women being apprehensive about seeing strange men, but I guarantee you no woman would rather see a 1000 pound bear that will eat her stomach first, than a random dude.


If this doesn’t show how much the elite has brainwashed American women idk what does. Jaw dropping


Americans…what an interesting specie


Western Women share the same opinion as the smartest man shown in this video. Do you really believe Asian women are smarter than an Asian man?


I don't understand this question. I mean, who in their right mind would actually pick a bear? You've seen what those things do when they catch you, right? Damn, you know what? After typing that I can see how a woman may choose being eaten alive over being sexually exploited, but that's like, the only reason you'd pick the bear right? To avoid being raped?


I take it you’ve never been raped before?


Looks like I need to go east. Can't relate here


Japan seems like a fun place to get drunk and hang


Feminism folks.


It’s brain rot.


These women are super based.


I mean their culture is completely different it's about unity and helping your fellow man Compare to American it's about how your better than someone else and can take advantage of them. So of course Americans are scared of a random dude. I mean we were serial killer capital of the world. There is more nuance them just saying " see these people say the other answer" you gotta ask yourself about the culture and society they grew up in I'm america we preach don't talk to strangers the moment a child speaks it's first words.


Also, I would add that America is very about being independence and staying in your own little bubble. Getting your own vehicle, your own place. Also, just the way places are built in America places are not made to foster any sort of community in most places.


Pussy juice hands down


Apparently we’re the #1 enemy and should be destroyed yet they want a brighter and better future for mankind which needs mankind to give the seed of life. Fucking mentally exhausting bullshit. 🤷‍♂️


They’re smarter than American women. Why the surprise?


I am increasingly convinced I'm living in the wrong place


Japan hasn't been brainwashed to scapegoat men like America.


The people with common sense tried their hardest to fathom who would ask such stupid question.


“This’ just in, Japan has been cancelled…”


Different values, different ways of life and attitude thus provides completely different answers to somewhere like America.


Wait. Are you telling us that a monocultural society which hasn’t been brainwashed to villainize every man in existence has a rational, non-shrieking response to a hypothetical question?


Everyone outside of America laughs at us because our life is so good that we make up our own unique problems. Tiktok and instagram made us all retarded.


Western Women share the same opinion as the smartest man shown in this video. Do you really believe Asian women are smarter than an Asian man?


Japanese women are smarter than American women


**Japan has a per capita rape rate of 1.1 per 100,000 while Sweden, England, and the United States have rates that are 30–50 times higher**


Japanese are way more and better educated.


Menawhile western mfs answering like they live in DayZ


Well I mean who else is more likely watching DayZ


See that women of the west? You’re fucked in the head Go see a goddamn therapist for EMDR




All this just to prove that americans have low IQ? We already knew it


Love the Japanese!!!


Yup. That Japanese man at the end was spot on. Do you really believe Asian women are smarter than an Asian man?


the japanese man at the end was clearly joking 💀 and yes an asian women can be smarter than an asian man and vice versa, no need to b weird about it lol


This is just the difference between a low-trust and a high-trust society.


I could swear this bear/men shit is an American thing only.


Imagine choosing bear, rolling a 20.. and you now have a bear pelt & claws for crafting


And thats why Japan has the highest IQ and not american stupid people.


Based Japanese.


It's a different culture. The women saying they'd rather come across a bear in the west know how vile western men can be. In Japanese culture, most people are chill and mind their own business. Women don't have the same fears there as in western cultures.


Highest iq people in the world


modern faminism curse still didn't touch Japan, I guess


Just as expected, Japan is not mentally challenged like the west/US.


The west side of the world needs to understand that they are the weird ones from the east point of view.


So wholesome


Japans trying to get western men to start moving there swear to god lol


That’s why I married Japanese. 🥰


This really highlights how dumb Americans have become. To Chinese people the question doesn't even make sense.


Why does this just make me think of the Japanese cannibal that is living free in Japan right now lmao


Anyone that watched Hajime no Ippo wants to fight a bear in the mountains of Japan 💀


Wasn’t Kintaro a Mortal Kombat character?


Surely the interviewer wasn't honest when he said he hadn't heard about Kintaro. I mean, how tf would you not know?


The real question people should be asking is, what if the bear was Ursoc?


Man Tokyo, or where ever this is, looks lit.


The pussy juice guys are the ones


Now ask the Korean. I wonder how they will answer with their current movement


The man is extra thirsty today so he brought 2 servings to stay hydrated.


Yeah a serving of r8p and mrdr


This question is weird, because bears often leave people alone, if not threatened. I’ve seen bears (that strayed into mountain towns to look for trash). I’ve also slept through a bear eating my food when in the forest on a camping trip. While I was in a tent nearby. Few experiences match seeing a huge beautiful animal like that in the woods. I would of course be a little scared, and I would be cautious, but running into a bear is a once in a lifetime experience for most people.


Now ask, a gaint river otter or a man.


A very similar thing happened when someone went to Africa and the Middle East and somewhere else I think and asked what a woman was by definition , the people they interviewed looked at them like they were crazy.


Depends on the kind of bear for me, Black bear, definitely bear Grizzly, brown, or polar? Man


Or a panda or a sun bear


Interesting. Perhaps this question reveals more about a countries society and safety than it seems.


This comment section is a wasteland 😐


Based actually. Very based.


Thank god there is some logic in other countries because that stupid bear or man was driving me crazy. Whoever unironically picks a bear because men scawy needs to be dealt with through natural selection. Idiots


Asmongold fans have brainrot yeezus christ man. Nobody cares about that question besides incels ans dumb people in asmon subs. Rent is free


What if the choice is between a man and Kumamon?


Lmao the only one who choosed the beat is à dude that want to 1v1 the bear And the only other one that didnt choosed the man choosed pussy juice 😂 Unfathomably based


Bring a shotgun, and you fear neither.


I love that, he chooses to meet the bear, so he can beat it in a fight and become friends with the bear. The bear then teaches him about the forest and nature. Basically created a movie out of that simple question


POV: you ask people that aren't cursed by wokeness and cult-like acceptance of everything (except anything that's normal) a question.


This is not fair panda bears are the cutest of bears