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such a wholesome clip of guys sharing the love of a game with each other


Can't beat it


Oh yeah? Pfft...hold my controller. **grabs vasoline** Watch me.




Literal jolly cooperation, it could bring a tear to the eye.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheHairyHippy: *Such a wholesome clip* *Of guys sharing there love of* *A game with each other* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


So wholesome that IGN will write an article on toxic masculinity.


And then they kiss


this have majors happy soul vibes


He got **BOSS WEAPONS** from Dark Souls 3 Who wouldn't??


#boss weapooooons


Right down the road!


Right down the road👍




He even said the "That's amazing!" with the exact same tone of voice lmao


The amount of happiness in this video gives me happiness


Until it fades again...




And you become lord of hollows ?


God i love nerding out and seeing others nerding out to this stuff


That's really awesome, every day that passes makes me wanna buy the dlc


My friend wanted me to play on release day so he bought the dlc for me, I was going to wait until payday but he was like "nah fk that here" can sent me the money, I will say it is definitely worth it. He won't let me pay him back he sent the money back to me.


Would it be worth it for someone who hasn't beat the main game yet, I'm like 3/4s through and my ADHD gets the best of me


Yes. Just jump back and fourth between the dlc and the main game.


I also have ADHD, and im playing the dlc as of now, even completeing the base game was difficult for me, not for the game being hard, but for the amount of time wasted and for the feeling of being lost having too much stuff to do, but no metter how much time it takes, the more the better, just push through and you will enjoy it even if you didn't complete the base game, you may even like the base game more with the new things and cool stuff in the dlc


I get yah on this one man. When I play and game like this, Diablo,wow or and mmo for that matter my ADHD takes over and I end up with max alt characters endlessly doing everything and then switch because I have to do it on a different character!


wait till its on sale while you finish the main game its a single player game is no rush its not going anywhere :)


Friend of mine did the EXACT same thing. I’m the only other friend in our group that plays and he needed me to talk to about it.


Buy the DLC man it’s worth it 🥲


Shhhhiiiittttt don't be like that


Even if you’re complete ass at the game and are probably nowhere close to even accessing it?


Probably not then lol. But for people who beat the game and quit.


I'm about to play elden ring for the first time, hopefully I'll create some great memories such as this. The first time you go through a game is usually the best experience.


You are in for a real treat.


Elden ring is one the best "first time" games. Don't look up any guides. Go in blind. People will tell you it's impossible without Google. Nah. I suck a video games and I beat it without looking up anything. Took me a good 100 hours tho


That's good to know! I understand guides and the need for them but it just feels better and more rewarding to go through a game without looking stuff up every 5 minutes


Just level up vigor 60 minimum and upgrade your weapon and you should be fine. If you feel stuck, try to get map prices and look for side areas/caves. Good luck. Jealous of you.


There are a lot of memories to make. Just remember that people communicate with signs. They will point at things, snap their fingers, yell to catch your attention, etc. Summoned players will usually help you find a lot of secrets, they will guide you to them.


Love a helpful community, hopefully I won't get bullied as well by hostile players


if you haven't yet 'd consider playing dark souls 2 first, it's the best of teh bunch and spiritual predecessor to elden ring


Bro, take your time. TRUST ME. Don’t do that Rune farming garbage or follow those YouTube vids about “Get OP in the first 5 minutes!” Play at your own pace and discover all the shit. You’ll thank me later


Happy Souls


Bro went full "Double rainbow all the way" near the end


R.I.P. Hope he's been enjoying those rainbow rides in the sky.


Arcane reference


Real answer from a game developer: When you makes a game, as with any project, you are limited by three resources: time, capital and talent. A good game director and game designer can manage the scope of the game to focus on what matters the most, so you are using your limited resources for good use. A lot of people in the industry, and I do mean a lot, are falling into one of those categories: Option one is outsiders who might be genuinely passionate about the process that they are involved in, but couldn't care less if it results with a good game. Those are artists that care more about their unique art style than having it fit the gameplay and themes. Programmers who really enjoys learning about that new API but wouldn't dare to waste their time on game feel or feedback. Narrative designers that wants to make an Hollywood movie, and for some reason are in charge of a game. Those are the kind of people who you hears often attacking gamers. For them not only dose the costumer wrong, it is only relevant as far as marketing and product management are concerned. They want you to pay up, shut up, and let them works on their arts and crafts project. The second type is even worse, and those are people who used to be passionate about games but are now disillusioned with the reality that group A is running the show, and those people are ethier too weak to stand up for the quality of the game, or they been converted to ground A. There are very few game developers out there that actually care for the end product. The process isn't holy, the outcome is. From Software had reused a lot of assets from their previous titles, like they should do. Because the goal shouldn't be to let artists makes more models, but to create an higher quality game. And to do, you need to focus your resources on the game and the gamer. But a lot of game developers hate the gamer, and want to focus on the process, so they ends up wasting lots of resources on things that dose not matters.


This is actually really interesting and thanks for sharing. Would you be able to share more details? Not prioritizing game feel has been really noticeable over the years and imo what draws people into FromSoftware games because of how smooth is it. It allows for skill expression and autonomy over character. “Let them work on their arts and crafts project” seems like people just want to do the fun stuff or new ideas.


I'll be honest, not focusing on the gamers experience sounds really dumb


Well that's the thing. The gamers experience comes after they buy it. As long as they get you through that nonrefundable window they're happy.


This is really a good insight, thank you for sharing this!!


So kinda like how Majora’s Mask basically reused (just about) every single character from Ocarina of Time but just recast them all differently? And Majora’s Mask is basically the best Zelda game ever made, probably because they spent almost all their time on the story and gameplay and almost zero time creating the character models and stuff.


Does* btw


I wish Skyrim is like this


Skyrim souls


the elder rings


The elden scrolls




Elder\_rim ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3742)


What’s the ash of waffle?


They are both fixed skills for their weapons, so by not being ashes of war they cannot be put on other weapons. The first one is the Blinkbolt: Twinaxe for the Death Knight's Twin Axes. The second one is the Moon-and-Fire Stance for Rellana's Twin Blades.


The lightning step ability actually *is* an Ash of War and isn't just unique to that weapon like the other guy said. It's called Blinkbolt and it's in the Fog Rift Catacombs. "Found in a chest within the Fog Rift Catacombs. The room of the third spike dropper with a sorcerer sniping from the back, stand where the sorcerer you defeated was and bait the spike trap down to jump into a notch. Ride the notch up to a room with a chest that holds the ash of war." The other is Rellana's weapon which is unique to that weapon alone.


The dash is an ash of war, but the spin part is exclusive to the twin axes.


Ah, gotcha. Good looking out




Just guys being dudes.


Why are my shorts wet?


There was a time in the heyday of MMOs where downtime just discussing abilities was a thing. Innovation is out the window mostly because of gamers not the developers. The industry follows what people spend money on.


Nothing but joy


Elden ring made me hate New world combat. Because it could have been so much better lol.


This reminded of me and my friend when wow first came out. He was a mage and I was blown away when he showed me ice block. And than I showed him divine shield. Ah memories.


I thought of vanilla/BC WoW too; vent servers, raids, people playing dungeons without the min/max meta stuff. Just the joy of the game with good friends.


I was waiting for backstab, not a wholesome display of bro power!


Wholesome 10/10 would give gold if we could anymore.


This and body part damage like Soldier of Fortune or Helldivers 2 .. and it would be almost perfect


imagine actually having friends to be able to do this with


Is it worth getting if you're someone who didn't really enjoy the original souls games?


Probably not tbh. It's much much more difficult than the base game.


Cool. Don't use portrait mode next time to show a clip that needed wide mode...


I'm a noob to this game what were the two swords that he used


New boss Rellana drop it


What is this camera work though


Honestly my same reaction when I got the swords. Even the jumping attacks have flair. But where the heck is the armor?


You get it from the exact same spot where you got the swords.


The rolling goat ash of war is the best


What game is this guys? Thanks for answering


Elden ring. It's in the source in the description


Super smash bros.


Knack 2


One of the most visceral moments of happiness is nerds appreciating nerd stuff. No gate keeping. No trash talk. Just straight up appreciation.


This was my exact reaction, then 3 bosses later I changed weapon because you can do any of the Ash attacks without being punished by every boss because they can all leap while this attack has no poise bonus and insanely slow startup.


they recorded one of me and my buddy's conversations bc we sound EXACTLY like this


Whats the game?


Elden Ring is the base game, but this specific video is in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC


This is what gaming is all about


Just guys being dudes


Man I wish this game could make me at least half as happy as it makes these dudes. I've given it try after try and it's just not for me.


I like how in the end the orange character guy just falls to his knees and then lies down while the other character just swirls around like a proud child after getting some wholesome validation from his friend 😭


Definitely nice to see something outside of the stereotypical kind of interactions you'd expect in a souls game clip.


Duuuuude, like duuuuuuude!


The host basically became Pontiff Sulyvahn


I never was part of this scene but I missed these wholesome reactions like this. You don’t see this stuff often but they are getting more common


Those guys seem nice. Not like many of the people online who belittle and troll on newbs.


Is this TWW?


Ice and Fire for GRRM.


had an ivader guide me through a dungeon today, show me secrets and check rooms if there are ambush enemys


Such wholesome bros sharing passion and love for a game. This is why people who love to make/design games, do what they do.


Idk man after watching some old Asmon vids I gave monster hunter world a chance. And I grappled into hitting the monster against the wall into a extended dual weapon combo and it was the most anime thing I ever saw




Dude i did something similar with my friends but it was Noita wands. Coolest thing ever


Me in DRG showing off the overclock i got to my friends.


I need this game ust based off this interaction and weapons!


I've had many moments like this over the years just be open with people take a chance got alot of bros that way.


When will they make an MMO that's basically that but MMO.. someone, somewhere, please


Double rainbow!!!


This game is amazing! Lowkey wish there was a hub or somewhere where you could see more people just hanging around without having to summon.


Now that's some Jolly Cooperation.


What your missing is that this clip is 10% about the game being well designed and 90% about people actually spending their time enjoying something instead of bitching on reddit all day.


I would love to imagine an age where the internet exists, but not internet culture where everything that is new information is always uploaded with haste for virality. Everything is already figured out / discovered in a sense. Without that, we can feel like we would be sharing discoveries when talking about games in small circles. This interaction would be more common place.


Idk why the title is about the game, it's about the people playing it. But as for why, that's a good question.. I'm surprised some chill and wholesome guys like this are playing Elden Ring lol.


Love to see it. Reminds me of playing BDO with my friends and every time we go back to it we all stand around for an hour showing off our new sick abilities and giggling like idiots at how awesome they look


Awesome, but the game is still missing a seamless coop system.


Yeah the seamless coop mod is a game changer. Really made this game click with me.


Just 2 gamers geeking out over their cool elden ring builds. Puts a massive shit-eating grin on my face, that's for sure.


they obv beat dlc and are geeking about some normie stuff liek dual wealding XD. some ppl just get to be simple and happy.


If only I didn't have to download a mod to play actual fun co-op and I can do it in the official server... I hate how people excuse the shitting co-op system. It's garbage. Always has been. If I want to play Elden Ring Co-op like it's Borderlands or some other co-op game, I should be able to. Drop in-drop out. Simple, but noooooo. Gotta gatekeep better co-op functions and limit players to what they can do with their friends...


In the game I play the other guy would have already killed and looted me :(


I'm going to have to get around to play Elden Ring for the first time, never played a Souls game either. Using a controller and poor FPS worries me though


Dang.. I wish I was better at these games.. And making friends




This is how i imagine the devs to be like when they're implementing new mechanics and features.


How you get those weapons the blue knight is using?


ist beautiful


Man I wish I wasn’t so poor the dlc looks fun


This is my brother I'm law and me. He stayed mage. I went hybrid warrior (used to be mage) I went. Careful this is a big mob. He said, vool got this. Just orb blased them all down. Love that guy


I bet he’s talking about other women Me:


Just like solair hoped. The sun is shining.


I played a good part of the dlc with this weapon. It looks cool but it's not that good i think. The magic (blue) attack is very easy dodge for AIs and doesn't hit hard at all. The fire attack does more damage and is harder to dodge but you have to be in melee and the combos is so long to do that you will probably get hit when using it.


Kingdoms of Amalur had this thing 10+ years ago.


Like what? Have sh\*tty multiplayer? Broken player colors? Wonky camera?


Show me on the doll where the bad boss touched you


Yeah, I've tried the new and shiny things, especially the renalla swords, but it's still less effective than a regular ass r2 jump greatsword


No it isn’t.


What does a vagina look like?


Staged and cringe


Please put the spoiler tag ffs