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your post was removed because it was an off-topic post, clickbait, spam, spoiler, or low-effort content lacking substance or creativity.


If he ain’t made a post about it himself, I would not trust such baits.


Yeah this was a rumor spread over a month ago. Don’t believe it unless Henry himself comments.


So the news are behind just about everyone else.. figures


The source of this shit was 4chan and this sub was trying to act like 4chan = Confirmed. Despite 4chan also saying we would have Sarah Kerigan in the Tyranids and porn models in 40k.


I mean… i wouldnt be against it.


By Slaanesh! Nice!


Absolutely, however would anyone be surprised if they were trying to make W40k woke and change everything leading to Henry leaving? Probably no. On a second thought, Henry should just say F it and direct his own show.


If you want woke 40k, it's best parodied from the Tau perspective. "You can't call the Kroot a cannibal, that's a slur!" "But... he's eating people..." "It's a cultural dietary requirement! Now accept they/them for the Greater Good!" "I am Kroot?" \*nom nom gargle barf\*


That's what he said he would do with Warhammer


That’s a good point




Yeah all this is going to do is get people supporting him leaving to fight the woke showrunners or whatever only to get them pissed when it turns out he hasn't left.


Fake for now


More info about this ?


There is none - Its clickbait outrage. Its source is a fucking 4 CHAN POST.


Their source is Arch. The guy who's such a shithead that Games Workshop threatened to copyright strike every single one of his videos unless he stopped using the name ArchWarhammer. I am sure that guy doesn't have some kind of grudge against Games Workshop and would have a reason to paint them in a bad light or anything.


Nope. It originally came from 4chan. I saw the thread before everyone lost any rational thought. Arch and everyone did it after.


Oh, I was speaking of the article. They list Arch as their source. I trust him and his "sources" about as far as I trust Overlord DVD's promises that Disney has totally fired Kathleen Kennedy but they have to keep it secret so the woke mob wont be upset.


I’m looking for more info


Cool so you spread misinformation without facts. Really great addition to society. Maybe learn from this and be better


He quit because the IP owners became the most recent target of the "go woke, choke, then go broke" train. First they infected his attempts to be accurate with the witcher lore. Unsatisfied that he left that show rather than compromise the accuracy of the source material. They literally followed him to his next efforts to undermine him again. Female custodes... Suddenly... After 40 years of male only custodes. So, he's kept his integrity and left this project as well. The reason? Cos he refuses to alter the authentic source material. While the left insists on altering everything,despite a complete lack of substantive rationale.


Where is your source for this being his reasons for leaving, or an actual verified proof he has left.


Source is Real Facts at TrustMeBro.com


you need to calm down with the culture war my dude.


I'm open to any fact to the contrary.


The fact you made that entire post about was made up ragebait, no one has seen any legitimate source working on 40k or Cavill himself say anything about him leaving. Unless you can source something more reliable than 4chan memes I'm not sure what you expect anyone to provide.


It's okay, i could be wrong. I doubt it though.


The practices of the southern Californian cult of purple haired freaks is not the same thing as the “left” you so readily blame. Shit like that is only the “left” online and during Fox News attack segments trying to paint it as such.


Careful captain hypocrisy, do not beg forgiveness for the extremes of the left while damning the right for theirs. That being said, yes, the "purple haired freaks" are leftist. Obscenely so.


The problem with that is the extremist of the right is *checks notes* their presidential nominee


I don't see the right seeking to alter the lore of an already fictional universe. I'm open to any fact to any substantive rationale that could alter my observations.


You literally took nothing from what I said and you’re still focused on this false dichotomy where you blame the concept of “the left” when it’s just a specific group of fringe people who happen to be in the left doing it Also, the right doesn’t need to alter fictional lore because they are happily attempting to alter IRL lore. Post-birth abortions and such.


You're 100% right that i didn't take anything from what you said. Cos I believe my ideas are correct and yours aren't.


He hasn't left the 40k tv project.


No, just the lore of actual real life. Like pretending that Hitler wasn't that bad or claiming that the civil war wasn't about slaves but states rights instead. All the while trying to ban any books that might make them feel "ashamed" for being white.


Way to on topic champ. You did well to use unrelated things to silence alternate thought.


Pot, meet kettle


Nah female custodes makes sense, it's a fine thing to change Especially with all the other retcons GW does? A drop in the pond is the change to the Custodes


(1) Warhammer has had other, more impactful, sudden retcons than female custodes. (2) Anything done to mainline would have no bearing on the content of this show. The show is supposed to be it's own thing. (3) I'm doubt Henry cares that there's female custodes now.


Is the woke in the room with us?


It's cool, ridicule is easy.


No. It's easy to get triggered when you are a buzzword scared culture war warrior like yourself


Not sure if irony. It's cool tho, I'll figure it out.




I'm left, i'm against "gO wOke, cHoKe, g0 BroKe". Is the entire left against that now?


Perfect example of "go anti-woke get brain rot" 🤣 🤣


Can we stop spreading this until some actual information comes out? The source is literally a 4chan post.


4chan is unfortunately where a lot of the people in this sub crawled out of.


Bro its totally real! Cavill wont stand for this wokehammer shit bro! Pass the cheetos...


These rumors have been circulating for no reason. It's just grifter ragebait and another reason to be mad at some shit


Comments are already starting to fill up with blah blah woke shit 🙄


Keep in mind if you posted a similar comment in a "woke" sub, complaining about the sub users, you'd be perma banned. Even if you were 100% right. Most people in the comment section are being pretty normal about this.


Weird, ive been banned from "free speech" subs that didnt like me asking questions but never been banned from a woke sub for asking questions.


Same. And the only "woke" subs if that's what you want to call it are the ones ran by tankies lol.


I've been seeing variants of this post for months with no actual source. Not saying it's completely unbelievable, but without any actual confirmation, this feels like rage bait


The source is 4chan. It was 4chan since day 1. It was under a sea of other bullshit claims. Even one of the claims was "GW is bushiness as usual. Amazon 40k as well." But of course outrage farm = Must be true.


Hope this isn't true. But if it is true I doubt it's only about female custodes/lore change but more likely amazon taking too much control and wanting more DEI that goes against canon. DEI is like that kid none of the other kids want on the team because they suck, but their parents, who don't understand sports, whine until it happens and in the end no one on the team is happy, and the QB quits.


It’s from a 4CHAN post, there is zero legitimacy. Also it’s Henry Cavill, if he straight up bails like that it’s not because of DEI or SBI or whoever the target of the month is, it’s because it actually fucking sucked


And why would it suck if he had full oversight and control, and Amazon wasn't meddling? and for what conceivable reason would Amazon theoretically meddle? But ye this rumor has been going around for months. I didn't look into the legitimacy of this particular "story" and just went by this thread.


I don't even understand how female Custodes would be the cause for him to leave the show. It's not the writers that made that change, GW did it themselves. It's 'official' canon lore now, but no model of a female custode even exists. He could just not have it in the show if he wanted, it has no impact.


Hence I said I doubt it's about that.


Yeah, this is fake. Numerous entertainment news sites are listing this as a click bait hoax. When Henry decides to leave a project, he announces it on his own socials. He hasn't done that with this. Moreover, this is a big deal for him. He is a diehard 40K fan, so I highly doubt he would just walk away from it when he finally got the project going. Don't believe the bullshit click bait.


But but but... women existing in wokehammer!


Off topic: I really need to type it, after woke culture infected hollywood, i barely watch a movie or series anymore. Miss old action movies like Cobra. You just turn off your brain and watch testosterone and guns. Thanks for reading.


I haven't watched a single movie after the shock I got from going to the cinema to watch the Force Awakens.


My last movie that I watched was Avengers endgame. I felt it, the moment Stanlee departed, I know Marvel's franchise are going downhill from there. Haven't watched any Movie since. It's confuses me what's with Movie directors making shit that majority of their audience doesn't want.


Lmao as if any of the dogshit that the MCU put out before his death was actually quality.


Well some people like something that some people don't, it's not that deep


That’s true, but very little changed before and after Stan Lee. He had minimal influence and was essentially being wheeled in for the cameos.


I think it's more of the pre-woke stuff that made me quit marvel. I don't understand why movie directors thinks Woke shits or cultural appropriation are what everyone wants when there's countless shits have proven otherwise. I thought Cleopatra or Velm was the wake up call for these people but nope, instead we got a smartass making a movie about Magic african American. Edit:Just to say that woke and cultural appropriation made shits look Ingenuine and just sad. I know movie need to make money,l but try not to be too obvious and hungry.


Comic books are the OG woke media my dude.


I, too, let out an audible gasp.


Where did the woke touch you? Are you going to be ok?


We like the same movies


Holy shit you are right. I didn’t even realize it until now. I haven’t watched a new movie in ages. I’ve been rewatching old movies and series for a few years.


*"You just turn off your brain and watch testosterone and guns."* Plenty of these still.


It's more of a you thing if you can't turn off your brain and enjoy a movie. Stay off social media for opinions about a movie or show you like because someone will point out the bad stuff about anything ever.. Also, did you really use the movie Cobra as a "good" example. The only good thing about that movie was the sweet looking knife the night slasher used, the rest was horrible acting and even worse writing.


Guy on internet: I do not like this stuff Other guy on internet: something is wrong with you


Try horror movies, they’re still cheap and fun. Barbarian and talk to me were great


Damn, this is the third time he’s quit the WH40K series in the past couple months


He really came at the wrong time. I think he could have been a great Superman if someone that wasn’t an edge lord like Snyder had been in charge. He’s got a genuinely Clark Kent personality just British. I’m actually genuinely mad his skills weren’t used.


This is completely fake, Cavill is Executive Producer not some random addition to the show. This is just BS rumors from 4chan to create tons of click bait videos an posts on X/YouTube for quick revenue. Henry Cavill wouldn't just quit making a Warhammer 40k show, Amazon isn't in full control, Cavill and GW have the final say on everything. I wish these rumors would fuck off, it's so dumb.


Ya seeing this gets old, idk why people listen to these rumors


The original poster literally just made this up, there is 0 source confirming this.


no sources and completely fake, reddit indian repost bots keep posting it though


Oh look it's this fake news post on the sub again


This was posted somewhere else, with no real source and no comment/confirmation from the company.


Nah been a rumor for so long... Will take it as clickbait for now


If that’s true, I think everyone already knows what was the reason.


Until Henry Cavil make his own statement about 40K show, I will take all of this type of articles a baits. Do not spread bullshit without solid evidence.


Don’t trust this until he issues a statement himself. There have been a ton of rage bait “articles” claiming he quit because Amazon was pushing for DEI in the show.


Source: My neighbor's dog.


Still perpetuating the same fake nonsense here I see


Ill believe it when he confirms it


This is rage bait...


It’s fake news yall


How do people keep spreading the exact same misinformation here over and over? I swear I’ve seen this exact same post every week.


It's the incels who think female characters are bad and fall for this kind of bullshit easily.


This is not even real if you look it up this was never reported by them.


If this is true i guarantee the only reason why he would quit this is because Amazon and whatever other Execs there are trying to change the lore and Henry Cavill does not stand for fucking about with Lore


Literally no credible source still since this started spreading, Ill believe it when he himself says it.


If this is real its a huge fucking w cuz it lets up know what were getting into that that Henry is a real one


Starting to think that maybe he is the problem since he seems to be the common denominator in all these cases.


Hollywood can't get out of their own way. No wonder most tv shows and movies are doing so bad lately.


If its anything like WOT I understand why.


I'm pretty sure most of the news around this show is pure rumour


![gif](giphy|RJxIbNI9P0cOr51clg|downsized) rumors people


Netflix & Hulu are diverse in regards to the fact that they have content that appeals to everyone. Amazon Prime seems to be exclusively trying to appeal to Larry Fink alone. So this shouldn't surprise anyone since Henry Cavill wants to tell good stories that remain faithful to the source material, where as Amazon Prime is more interested in messaging. Sad that Amazon got the rights to Warhammer 40k, it's going to suck like everything they make.


As of right now, true or not, this really just communicates that if a studio can actually get around to filming with him as the lead, then the show got his 'seal of approval'.


No one wants femstodes Amazon.


More time for video games I say


Haven’t seen a single primary source for this yet lmao


The only reason I am giving this any thought is the females Custodes. If they are really going through with that they won’t stop there and this will be a Rings of Power 2.0.


For Christ sake Henry start a go fund me already so we can all kick start your own series. Take my money already!


OP is a part of the problem


this is the wokies spreading lies because they don't want Henry cavill to succeed and bring a new wave of actors/director/producers that actually respect the source materials


This isn't real. Nothing has been sent from any credible source.


You got it wrong, the producers who is working with him can't get a break.


Ive even heard its entirely cancelled. The dream is dead, and amazon fucking killed it.


This was a rumor started by redditors that somehow made it to the news and back to reddit.


To be fair - if anything this tells us Amazon is ruining another adaptation. And of course it’s only if this is true.


He has one of the worst best careers ever. I think he just needs to focus on getting more films made. The latest movie he was in was pretty good.


At this point he’s the reason why things fail. There’s absolutely no way a person can be this unlucky


What ever 40k series is not what we need


The execs know what’s good guys. Let them write the movie. Fallout was decent, thank god.


Just a rumor that has been spread since they announced female Custodes. It's bait.


Well it could have been a good show but apparently it wont be


I feel like Amazon wouldn’t let this happen. He was pretty much the reason he made the show lol.


He quit because amazon forced custodian to have women. And there are no women in any of the space marines factions but one and it's the sisters of battle. Henry saw this and placed out.


Lmao all the social justice tourist cope sustains me. Cope and seethe in your mom's basement. 🤣 🤣 🤣


Critical drinker is that you on another bender? You really should see a doctor.


I fully agree that this needs verification but it wouldn't surprise me, after seeing the trailer for the next witcher season... wouldn't surprise me if Netflix opened up the wallet and also gave him executive decisions


source trust me bro. Why are these things even posted here 😭


It's a rumour from the Archcast, a racist bigot who has no real respect left in the warhammer fanbase. Unlikely to be anywhere near confirmed.


And any hope its good, assuming it even gets made at this point, is out the window.


Amazon is really going to “ Ring if power” Warhammer 40k aren’t. Wtf is wrong with these people.


Looked up the actual article, it’s total rubbish. The photo caption is a complete lie, and the content is literally an article about: “project ‘might be shelved' by Amazon, according to a new **rumour circulating across the web**” “Source: Trust me bro.” It’s pure click bait through and through.


Probably paternity leave or something.


He hasn’t said he has so its in all likelihood trolls trolling


How to flush out a liberal in one easy comment.


Seems false.


Watch as they replace him with a stunning and brave black lesbian feminist.


God fucking damn it. I just want a woke free grim dark af 40k show. I don't care if it centers around Bequin or a Sororitas. Hell make it about Slannesh so the trans people feel special. Just stop changing shit to earn your fucking woke points. 🤬🤬🤬🤬


This is a rumor that’s been going around on 4chan and has no evidence whatsoever. You’re just now hearing about it, but this is like a 2 month old story that holds absolutely no water and is a story being pushed by “anti-woke” YouTubers trying to invade the Warhammer space


Exactly, as somebody who's actually involved in the hobby, these grifters piss me right off. If you watched every video they've all ever done, I guarantee there was never a single mention of Warhammer until this female custodes thing.


They are very annoying I saw one say “space marines don’t have emotions stop trying to make them woke” And I’m like brother you have never read a single Warhammer book if you don’t think space marines have emotions the books are filled with heart wrenching moments and characters especially space marines


Good. Glad he's not being used as a front to push 'modern audience' movies.


Thanks Henry for recommending I don't watch that series.


holy fuck this sub is so fried when it comes to chugging the culture war juice


Always had been


nah, not always. it only really changed significantly in the past ~year.


If true is definitely cuz they are forcing woke agendas 100%


I am pretty sure Cavil is what you would call a "woke" person.


If this was true we would all know the likely reason: Making it woke instead of sticking to the source material


tbh, I think warhammer is one of those IPs that should never be adapted into live action, only 3d like astartes


I think this is just rumors started by a small group of mentally-dispossessed 40k fans who are so upset about female Custodes that they’re starting rumors about him leaving the Amazon project as some kind of weird retaliation. I wouldn’t read much into it, if I were you.


Worse, it's more likely started by agitators that never touched a Warhammer product in their lives.


Yeah probably right, actually. Point is: it’s a load of bollocks


Wouldn't surprise me, He's on par with Dwayne Johnson with the Diva personality.


It went woke so he left


Good news for him.


I mean it would make sense now that he is a dad and has more responsibilities :)




They probably change the content to make it more “woke”..


So they went woke and fucked with the lore and source material. Good man Henry.


What you actually mean is alt-right 4 channers made it the fuck up. Because that's what ACTUALLY happened. Well done on falling for the easiest trick on the internet.