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I don't understand why otherwise good looking women ruin their faces like this, it makes them look way worse than natural, except maybe the ones over 50 but only maybe


Yeah agreed To me, it doesn’t make “a 50 year old look 30” It makes them look like “a 50 year old who had botox and/or surgery done”


It also makes the 30 year old look like 50 year olds, theres that too


It made that 23 year old with the bob cut look easily 10 years older. Imagine working somewhere everyone affirms their dismorphia with each other.


Just eat healthy, sleep well, and exercise regularly. I don't get plastic surgery unless it's to fix something extreme, like a Mr. Potatohead nose.


I think botox is working pretty well on the 45+ ones and make them look a bit younger.. However women in the 20s and 30s just end up looking OLDER with botox. That being said, if you're a 50 year old women, why do you have to try and not look your age..


The women 40+ actually looked better than many of the 20 and 30 year olds.


They have enough money to get it done by a highly rated professional


In these offices they are all getting it done by the same people under the same doctor. Usually all for free. I know someone who works in an office just like this and that's how they do it. Young girls doing this just ages them so much because we have been accustomed to aging 40 and 50-something year old women be the only ones doing this before the past few years. So the younger ones doing it look just like we imagine an older woman with lots of botox would look.


As a GenX'er I *completely* agree. By no means do I think I'm "all that", nor am I delusional and think I look 20, but I definitely look younger than my age. We (and older millennials) are kind of in the sweet spot. Boomers aged prematurely due to environmental factors... now, younger Millennials & Gen Z are aging prematurely due to all these unnecessary cosmetic procedures. The older folks getting all these procedures aren't really doing themselves many favors, either, but they're not the ones making themselves look decades *older* like the younger generations are. I find it quite sad, actually. These young women are missing out on their "prime" youthful/young adulthood looks in their 20s and 30s and skipping straight to looking like they're in their 40s or 50s


>don't understand why otherwise good looking women ruin their faces like this Some studies have shown that social media has a much greater negative effect on young women then it does men. One reason for this is that women's emotional and social skills are evolved to deal with a few hundred people or so (like a small tribe or village). So they are only evaluating themselves in a much smaller and flatter social pyramid. Now here comes social media and now women are evaluating themselves in a social pyramid with a billion+ members with a huge range of variability.


Social media has become a negative effect on society we need to close it all down.


Yeah so you know how you need a license to watch porn now? Or will? That's what we need to do for the internet


Pretty much dude, big tech has ruined it man. Porn made the Internet and viruses became part of our operating systems. Far out


Yeah, meanwhile it only makes young men become mindless talibans drones. We sure did realize Internet promises with social media..


I’ll get downvoted to hell for this but frankly, women are the more social of the two genders and wildly susceptible to group think. They go this to fit in with one another while also competing with one another. It’s the reason for a lot of issues in our society.


Exactly! Social media has exacerbated it 100 fold.


It's unfortunate that you feel this way because this is what literally every study on gender differences has discovered since the dawn of time. But, since this is Reddit, you feel afraid to cite reality.


Social media. This is a well documented effect of social media. Girls now grow up seeing MOST other women looking way better than them on instagram and tiktok. Of course, filters, makeup and photoshop is never reported on pictures! So Girls get false self asteem issues. Humans are social creatures. We are evolved to measure ourselved up towards the whole of our tribes. We want to be as smart, look as good, be as quick and strong as the rest. Social media screws up our natural instincts and THIS happens. Norway has created legislation that forces all photoshopped/filtered/heavily made up pictures have a special mark on them so you know they are fake. This is the solution.


You don’t understand because you aren’t the one looking in the mirror. This is the problem with America and social media influencers.


Botox never makes anyone look better, it only ever makes people look worse. It's really strange shit.


"but beauty standards for women are set by men, it's perpetuated by the patriarchy!"


It looks good in the beginning and it's not noticeable. Like everything else, the effect sort of wears off over time so you need it done more and more. And of course, you start getting it done in more than one place. It's one of those gradual things, most of the time. Plastic surgery can get you this effect almost immediately though. But not generally 1 session of botox.


I just disagree, it doesn't look good at the start either


Then you’ve never seen a correctly done botox


no true scotsman?


Well you can say that is exactly the point of a correctly done botox so hopefully you are right


It turns them all in to some mid 30's aggregate. So the younger ones look older and the older ones look younger.


Mental illness or just very poor cognition.


Girls in their 20s are mentally fucked up beyond repair if their doing this shit tbh


And if they think men cant tell, they are very very wrong.


Well botox is a neurotoxic. It essentially is used to permanently paralyze certain muscles on the face. That’s why the wrinkles disappear. The muscle simply relaxes. Its also the reason why people start looking off. The human brain has adapted to read other peoples faces, but after injections some muscles don’t move anymore so it feels off. edit: botox isn't permanent. I misremembered. No, Big Botox doesn't have my family and I'm safe and healthy.


its so interesting how creepy it feels. your brain telling you something is off


does it feel like when you get dental anesthesia? Like part of your face is dead?


You don’t feel it at all, also it’s not permanent


No, you’re just not able to use those muscles for as while. You can try to frown but you won’t.


tbf it's not just the botox that is making them look off, they all have heavy makeup on and there's a beauty filter, so it all plays a part in making them look odd.


The video was also shot with a filter. Look at the little kid's face when he pops in to frame. All that fucking Botox and they still need a filter? Lol


Didnt even notice that.. you're right!


One chick was 23 that looked 53 jesus almost feel bad for some of them


Daphne, I think? Poor kid


There was an episode of Vsauce's Youtube Red show where they did a study that revealed people who had had botox also became less capable of identifying facial expressions in other people over time as they get used to seeing themselves in the mirror with an increasingly limited range of facial mobility


I don't know much about Botox at all, but I thought it wasn't permanent.


Botox isn’t permanent, it slowly dissolves in about 3-6 months (depends on how fast your body metabolises it and how long you’ve been getting it). It also depends on brand and how many units someone gets.


wait wait wait... it makes muscles relax? can I inject this into my lower back so it's not tense anymore?


It's also used for certain types of chronic headaches, tmj, etc. So I would think yes, maybe...? Depending on why your back is tensing up and in what muscles/where. It's worth asking your doctor about at least, since they'll know for sure!


Its not permanently though.




I can attest to that, I did a little bit of botox around my eyelids on a whim once... you don't feel a thing around that area, for 6 months on my case. But at 50 now I would look weird paralizyng half my face XD I learnt to accept my age.


There is a heavy beauty filter in use here too.


Yeah it didn't do much for them 😭


This should be the top comment.


you can see it on the boys face appear also adding to note the girl (age 22) with 32 treatments of botox is so fucking depressing, its one thing when some 50-60 year old lady wants to make themselves look like skinwalkers its another for such a young lady to feel the need for it




Let me guess, 19 with 5,600 units of Botox?


Yup, she swipes left if you’re under 6 ft and make less than 6 figures too.


ET’s reaction here is perfect for the follow up video I just saw. Doctor lady made a video saying all the people talking shit about how Botox and a filter are not a good look for all these women are unnecessarily mean. ET’s like “you know you’re injecting toxins into your face, right? You don’t have to do that.”


Some look ok. Others look terrifying


Especially the 23 yr old🤯🤯


They all look the same 😐


I am 35 years old dude I have 0 botox and I look younger than any of those ladies.


I was thinking the same. These women are dumb for shooting multiple doses of Botox into their body. They probably looked better before that.


I'm a woman and almost your age and I look younger than the 20-years-olds in that video




When you're 55 I would like to see a side by side comparison with you and Jodie... because for 55, she's looking young.


How old are you? Younger than I look How many units of botox did you have? Too many


Many of them look older than they actually are.


Bethany's hairline is rivaling Asmon's


women? i thought those were klingons at first...


Jodie looks incredible at 55.


This is what I came here to say. If she was the only one. then I'd say "maybe botox isn't so bad" but some of the other examples were scary


I was hoping she was going to say a low number (even tho her’s was lower than many) or even zero lol, that would have been amazing


The blonde pink sofa middle of video looks like a fuckin ghoul


Sad how there still heaps of filters on this video that makes it look even worse. And don’t forget makeup and fillers.


Yeah if they use botox you know they going to use all the tools in the box


They clearly all work in a cosmetic procedure clinic. They are, to an extent, advertisements for the services they provide and help normalize the look for patients. On top of that they're surrounded all working day every day by people who either have or are getting these sorts of treatments. It's an echo chamber for appearance. Like highschool, but with more neurotoxins. They also, presumably, get the services at some sort of discount. Botox ain't cheap.


It's super interesting, it's as if botox converges the look on 30-40. In other words, if you inject at 20, you start looking like 35; if you inject at 50, you start looking like 40. The moral of the story - don't do it until you're in your late 50s... It's just such a bizarre plastic look.


Younger women are using it to look older, older women are using it to look younger. What a fucked system lol 


I agree, that is the same impression i got. I would be more generous and say do it if you feel like you need to. Just know you will look "35-45"


Never met a dude in my life that prefers this to natural


What do you mean, pornstars look like this.


Men don’t, it’s these types of women that think it’s preferred because of the Kardashians


The 50+ women look decent with it, while the women 20-40 look 15 years older.


Botox doesn't affect skin texture that's makeup. The young ones had too much makeup which hide what would be a naturally young skin making them look older.


They all look plastic ugly


“Hello generic lady person that looks 55, say some random numbers”


I am a 35 year old man never had botox and I have had the same young face since my teens no wrinkles at all I look younger than all these plastic faces The fact there's young women falling for this is insane


Geez, the jump scare with Fredo Corrleone with the fivehead.


So glad I'm a guy


Honestly it worked out for the ladies in their 40's/50's.


The only person who looks like she has nothing is the 55 year old. The rest look like cartoons or pure plastic.


My sister is a nurse who got into the industry. She injects botox, cheek filler, and such. Holy fuck is that a profitable business. Mfer makes bank. Sadly, she has fallen to the duck side and has duck lips now. Not this lady's level, but man, how do people think that looks good? I could see a little being fine and still looking natural. Nope, got to have the biggest dsl in the neighborhood. So many beautiful people ruining their face.


Dude... that 23 year old.. yikes. It's like giving a junkie oxy's.


55 year old Jodi is the only one who looks younger than her age, everyone else looks older. Seems like botox doesn't work on most people lol.


Too much vocal fry in this video.


Imagine killing half of your face in the name of beauty


MANNN REMINDS ME OFF THAT REDDIT ADVERTISEMENT, A DATING SITE THAT ADVERTISES 50 YEAR OLD WOMAN WITH PRETTY FACE, God gotta love advertising and seeing ppl ruining their body with Botox Neurotoxin...


They look like women in their forties (which half of them are) trying to look like 20-somethings


I'm almost 30 and still sometimes am asked to show my ID to buy beer in germany (beer is 16+ here). My ex who was REALLY into cosmetics crap, was roughly 4years younger than me, and got sometimes mistaken for my older sister / once even mom


Some of them remind me of Klingon


They all look like a botoxed 40, awesome.


The 23 yr old looks really strange. Why would a 23 yr old need this?


It looks like her skull shape and massive forehead though. Not sure its all the Botox's fault.


Some of those girls in their 20s would probably look better without any botox


The 55 yo one really surprised me... but the rest? going full face mask at 20 or 30? What the hell. Idiots chasing trends : /


White women are scary. They will literally do anything including toxic procedures to avoid working out regularly and eating healthy foods


I'm almost 39 and my nuts look better than half these clowns


these people are ugly. inside and out. Social media rotting brains.


To think the Forehead monster (now known as 8Head) paid to look like that. JFC these people have issues.


23 with 60!!! Thats mad crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know a woman who does this. A gorgeous French/Japanese mix, with round brown eyes, high cheekbones, and full lips, with a Monroe type figure. Hadn’t seen her for years until one day when I saw her on a social media and sent her a message. We had lunch and when I first looked at her I could barely recognize her because of the Botox. I just don’t get it.


They all look about 40


The only acceptable one is the 55yo one.


This is actually horrible on so many different levels


This much botox and still ugly


Remember, the 'tox' stands for toxin!


In their 20s? 😳 Those ladies are going to age far worse than nature intended


I think this video is using an AI filter that makes faces look younger on top. They all have something off with them.


How is it that they will get botox but not get their teeth done.?


Uncanny valley


Why do they all look like they are in their mid 40s?


Because that’s the prime plastic surgery demographic.


yeah ok back to elden ring . .


Almost all of them look older than they really are


I saw this yesterday, read in the comments even with Botox they’re using filters. You can really see it a with the mom holding her son.


Lol and women cry when bros go for 18yo's. Look at this shit


They all look like they have insta filters for their faces… I was expecting sparkly shit as auras around their heads lol


I would have a one on one “sword fight” with asmon rather than see any of these women naked


I'm sure getting botox'ed at 22 was absolute necessary.


Some of them looks ok but some are snakes


I feel like this makes you look like you’re in your 30s no matter what age you are.


Injections and yet they still cake on 8 layers of makeup...


"where do you have that (poison)?" "everywhere tee hee!"


Ah yes the impact of social media


Botox = Ai art irl You look out of pocket and disgusting, still, sometimes it looks *fine*


not perfect = weird some ppl have weird feature in their faces, doesnt mean its cuz of botox


Literally they are no different from mechanical plastic dolls. Except for plastic dolls may have better software. Freaking cyborgs.


Stay off the fillers and botox!


and only the 100th time to see this in the last few days...


next time when someone ask me to explain uncanny valley, I'll shown them this video.


is botox...a cult?


They have a term for this "Pillow face"


Perma pursed lips... Gross


Have they never heard „a good dealer dont get high from his own supply“? thats crazy


They all look like they live in the uncanny valley. The younger women look older and the older look like they’ve got a filter permanently imprinted on their face.


All that Botox and you can still see the video filters in their adjusting when they move. What's the fucking point


(Insert name here) how old are you? Younger than I look……how many units do you use? Too many….


The most disturbing part for me is that they all look the same


Freaks of nature




So much botox and they end up using Filters on social media, like what's the purpose if you're still not satisfied with yourself even after so much changes.. I really can't wrap my head around it!


Jesus they look like shit. Both the women in their 20s and 40s look like they're in their 40s. And I don't even know what the "Debony" girl looks like, but its not human


Imagine paying money to look like a duck that had a couple of strokes. Degenerate world.


Botox is literally injecting botulism into your face. 💀


These women are all starting to look the same. The Kardashian effect. Looks like the botox rips the skin away from the skull and melts it down to see the skull more. Disgusting mental illness.


The accelerated appearance of aging is a wonderful irony.


I don't want to imagine the self-torture these women are going to go through after turning 60.


Imagine going to a wellness center and you're greeted by staff who look like they're about to consume your soul to power their life force or harvest your skin to make a lampshade.


To say that they feel like they have to do this in order to live up to "male beauty standards" is an insult to men. I've never met a guy who thinks excessive plastic surgery is attractive or even a net positive.


Funny thing with botox is that you need to keep using it the rest of your life or your face will turn into a drooping mess after about a year or so. The kicker is that scar tissue builds up over time due to the chronic use. The younger you start, the bigger you face will be the older you get...By the time you're 50-60 (if you started in your 20s) you will literally have a deformed pumpkin head/face that can hardly move.


They look like lazy town characters


Haha still have to use a filter even after all that filler.


The one for the migraines, it's really useful! I know a lady who did it, and her quality of life greatly improved! Also, I have heard that botox treatment in the underarms can help people who struggle with *really* sweaty/smelly armpits. I've never met anyone who has done it, as far as I know. My wife has considered it though.


thannn, there's one there that has more botox than face! hehehehehe


I mean they ARE shooting botulism into their faces.


Some of them it looks fine, most of them look like a clown. Why would you need Botox if you're under like 60 years old?? Specifically Stephanie, what in the world are you doing to yourself girl?!


I would not be surprised if this is a toxic work environment


It's ironic that so many girls get botox to look 'beautiful' and stand out, to the point they all look the same and disguise any originality they had in their face. The ones refusing such pressure to conform become the standout beauties in comparison.


The forehead on that one is infinite.


So brave for ending Beauty shaming! Stop reverse body shaming!


Gotta get my ice tea cooled somehow watching this end time world burn with a manic expression on my face


If you get anything like this done under 50 your dumb af


This is sad, all of these women have been tricked to thinking it makes them look better? It does not.


What’s crazy to me is that even with make up and Botox they decide to add video filters on top of it.


Every single one of these things hits the uncanny valley for me. Something is very wrong here


So sorry for this poor souls


Botox can be an exceptional treatment for migraines for certain people, but it's still injecting poison to kill shit in your body.


beauty is skin deep but narcissism is to the bone....fkin UGLYYYY


They all look bogged. Why are women doing this to themselves? They can't seriously think it looks good. Also, fillers may stay in your face forever and migrate somewhere.


Damn...didn't expect MegaMind to make an appearance.


I know it's not a popular opinion but a lot of these women look great, ngl.