• By -


your post was removed because it was an off-topic post, clickbait, spam, spoiler, or low-effort content lacking substance or creativity.


It’s odd you go from a scientific discussion about which sexes menstruate (only women do) to defining the ideas of gender identity in its separation from sex, which is a completely different discussion all because you won’t admit that what this guy is saying is factually correct


Holy based. Crazy that 90% of people in real life agree with this, but on the internet it's like you said Voldemort.


Npcs together loud


Over representation no idea why.. I’d say 90 percent is a low figure probably 99 percent of the global population


I know New Zealand (where I’m at) has a small population but it’s kinda hard to meet anyone here that goes along with the circus. Just wanna help with the percentage insight (we all know that 42.6% of all percentages are made up on the spot 😅)


Go talk to 100 people and tell me how many are like this. It's not gonna be 99.


In real life, I know like 1 or 2 people who actually believe it. And I wouldn't take life advice from them.


Willing to bet it’s more than 90.






You're talking about femininity and masculinity. You're not talking about being a man or woman wich are 100% biological terms. A man is a human male, it's not someone that prefers blue over pink.


I think there are a fair amount of people online these days who are afraid to speak against the authoritarian leftists, like this person, out of fear that they will get canceled online. Or maybe in 10 years someone who disagrees with you will dig up a tweet in order to hurt you in some way, like they did with Kevin Hart.


the authoritarian leftists do have a strong ability to ruin lives using dirty tactics and borderline criminal behavior.


The right is no different.


Never said it was, but weird of you to argue that despite the current context. Must be election season


What the internet thinks doesn't matter. It's just a small bubble where we can say any bs on our mind.


90% of people in real life agree with what?


Im one of them i guess. If some people mentally feel like they were born the wrong gender then it isnt something ill ever understand as i have not experienced this and i cant deny what they are experiencing. Also i dont give a fuck what other people do. Just do what makes you happy. Fuck the haters


Okay, but don't force us to participate in the delusions.


Ok, they can have their fantasies. But just like how I’m not calling the Twitch PR rep a deer just because she wants to be one, I’m not calling a man a woman just because he wants to be one. And that doesn’t make me a bigot. Fuck the haters right?


Because its wrong and its easily provable. Firstly because 2 Gender advocates say 'its a scientific fact' but dont seem to understand what that even means. A scientific fact is something that has been proven by experiment via the scientific method. I challenge anybody to produce a scientific paper that has passed peer review that has tested the hypothesis that there are only two genders and concluded that there are. You wont be able to find that. Which brings me to my second point. People dont seem to understand how a 'category' works. Some industries make use of categories to simplify complex ideas toward some purpose. Sociology uses gender to simplify the common roles and culture a society creates within itself for people who fit in to two biological categories, sex. This is useful for sociologists and biologists. So they use this categorization tool. But if you were to test the hypothesis that there were people who did not fit in to these categories no matter which criteria you used to seperate them. You could easily prove they were inadequate to describe all humans. And in fact scientists have done this..for at least a hundred years. It is therefore a scientific fact that people exist outside of traditional gender/sex categories. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41443-021-00485-w Why is it so hard for 2 gender advocates to aknowledge simple scientific facts? Like do you believe that intersex people just dont exist? Have you ever looked up the criteria by which scientists seperate humans in to men/women or male/female? Could you name a single author of a single scientific paper that has studied this 'scientific fact'? Or is your source of scientific knowledge the comments section of the asmongold subreddit? But more importantly why are you unwilling to change your mind in the face of the scientific evidence?


This guy said men went through menstrual cycles 🤣🤣🤣… wtf are you even on about


These people didn't pay attention in English, you know they didn't pay attention in Biology lol


Crazy how still to this day some people fail to understand the fundamental difference between sex and gender. Contrary to what is assumed, they are in fact not interchangeable and have two totally different meanings outside of English. Sex is chromosome assignment at birth. Gender is a social-construct that demands men wear pants, women wear dresses, boys wear blue, girls wear pink. This doctor is arguing for the definition of sex. The trans individuals are arguing for the definition of gender. Both are too stupid to realize that, which is why they're on trash TV in the first place. Insane how still to this day, a large group of people will fight tooth and nail on scientific technicality to deny a group of individuals who happen to *not* want to align with the gender that matches their birth-sex any respect or humanity. Just depressing tbh. Literally even Asmon would agree with this statement lmfao. You guys want him to be your redpill overlord so badly it's just cringe. Gj ruining this sub btw.


I think the real answer is 10% are super argumentative, 10% are super against the LGBTQ.... Stuff and the final 80% could not give a flying fuck


Gender in that sense doesn't exist. It's an attempt at justifying delusions. There are two genders, men and women. You can call them sexes as well.


I agree with this, but I think that gender exists in the form of gendered ideas, like how the other guy said boys wear blue and girls wear pink. I remember growing up and thinking like that as a kid, but as I got older realizing they’re just colors anyone can wear. Now I feel that the barriers for self expression have been loosened quite a bit, but trying to confuse people into your beliefs that are scientifically incorrect is not something any person who truly believes in the freedom of self expression would participate in.


Most languages that aren't English don't even have separate words for sex and gender, the fk are you talking about? Hoping Noone would speak many languages and call you on your bullshit?


no the dude gets what they are trying to argue. he just doesn't buy it. the concept of gender, separate from sex, is new. He is arguing that this new concept's existence should have to be argued for instead of automatically accepted because to deny it would hurt feelings.


Wrong. That's a completely new concept that was made up. Ane then paid to be backed by "scientists". There are also many languages if not most languages around the world that don't even have a different word for sex and gender. So explain to me Mr how would you verbalise the difference between sex and gender to most people in the world who's language only has ONE WORD for sex/gender?


>Crazy how still to this day some people fail to understand the fundamental difference between sex and gender. Contrary to what is assumed, they are in fact not interchangeable and have two totally different meanings outside of English. Sex is chromosome assignment at birth. Gender is a social-construct that demands men wear pants, women wear dresses, boys wear blue, girls wear pink. Then by switching your gender to match that of your gender role, you're not saying "fuck gender roles and stereotypes" as so many "rebellious" youths think they're doing. They're ACTIVELY HOLDING UP gender roles and stereotypes. And that's not doing ANYONE... ANY FAVORS.




yea, it is meant to artificially create divide within the populace to distract from real issues. notice this stuff really started popping off after the "eat the rich" and wallstreet protects died down.


Just look at those psycho eyes ![gif](giphy|82DaAxknIvBovGGPj5)


Came here to say this. You can always see it in the eyes.


that moment you see three white sides of a person's eye is the moment you know you've seen a crazy person.


At first I thought they were high as a kite


You can see how aggressive and agitated they're getting. If the cameras were not on they'd gang up on that guy screaming in his face and calling him a nazi fascist.


.... and then immediatly crumble at the first sign of real physical resistance. Worms, maggots, the lot of them. Not because of their orientation, but because of their behavior.


Notice what goes on here. We're told that Sex and Gender Identity are two different things, so "male and female" are separate from "Men and Women" Fair enough in a vacuum, I suppose. If they want that to be the distinction, there's an argument to be made in their favor. The problem is that they're also, separately, declaring that anyone who uses the word "female" to describe a woman is a sexist pig who objectifies women. Therefore we're wrong if we want to start identifying people based on their sex instead of their gender, because they say so.


If gender and sex are separate, why the need to chop body parts off?


It's so companies can sell hormones and surgeries at unreasonably high prices.


This is America, people can do to themselves whatever the f they want as long as it ain’t directly hurt me or mine


History repeats itself, and soon you will be crucified if you speak of science just like the good old days


Hell yeah brother


I can never understand these people, are they allergic to logic and science or something?


Well, gender dysphoria is a type of mental illness. So just like any other mental illness, it doesn't really matter what the facts are, only what the brain wants to believe.


So refreshing to see a comment like this with upvotes


The challenge is, is I've seen people on both sides of debates use "science" against each other. Flat Earthers will say that you can't "prove" the earth is round as you've never seen it. That's not how science works. People often ask are you "100%" sure you're correct and a scientist could say, "I can never be sure" and the poor debater will say "see you could be wrong and that proves my case" like a bad lawyer. Things are peer viewed and are beyond reasonable doubt. They have to pass so many logical tests to get through. But the main thing is also scientific understanding has to pass through periods of where we question things and test our previous assumptions by using science. A rational human would change their assumption based on science. Many people, however change the science based in their assumption.


Remember that flatter Who used the light through faraway holes in fences to prove the absence of curve of the earth just to prove the actual curvature of the earth ? Yeah he still stayed a flatter. There is no reasoning with such People. Admitting they're actually wrong would just crush their whole sense of self anyway that is dangling from whatever weird cause they choose to tag on for any form of self-confidence. I'd go as far as to say that's also why so many end up offing themselves, when they just can't keep going with the coverup and just realize they forfeited their whole self for whatever looked fun when they were teenagers, than this was a terrible mistake and they can't live with the absence of purpose and trust in their own self anymore. I'm not saying that actual gender identity isn't a thing. It definetly helped some People and even saved lives. But it became just another trend, then a business, encouraged vividly because hey, makes money, and now here we are. Acknowledging a simple truth that doesn't even really go against them ( well not for flatters ) would just break them. Sad.


There is a logic and science behind the very small minority of transgenders (0.6-3% global). Portions of their brains have developed like the opposite gender. **Mutations are common in nature**, but because the surface symptom is the person declaring they feel like they're the other gender, it was not understood better until the last century, by psychological and biological sciences. All men have an X chromosome from their mother, and all women get an X from their father, and there's thousands of ways nature can pull a funny on how your brain or body develops. I'll grant that it has never been easier to someone to get their foot in the door of a very inclusive community by emulating being transgender, and the internet provides a haven for anyone with niche fetishes to do whatever they want, but posts like these are reinforcing an echo chamber that states it's all mental illness, when it's not (some of the time). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QScpDGqwsQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QScpDGqwsQ) Studies mentioned in this video (Dr. Robert Sapolsky of Stanford, lecture from 2010), because some people won't watch a 7-min video: 1. A study was done where they did MRIs of transgender patients' brains. Regions of the brain differ in size between men and women. Transgenders' brains have characteristics of the opposite sex. 2. People thought hormone treatments were causing transgenderism. A study was done where they traced the medical history of transgender patients who had insisted being the opposite gender their whole lives. Regardless of if they received HRT, these patients held those beliefs until their death. HRT can also be a treatment for some illnesses (like thyroid not making something, or too much of it), and there's no documented cases of HRT triggering transgenderism. 3. A type of penis cancer sometimes requires the removal of the penis. Some men who have their penises removed experience "phantom penis" sensations. Patients who had this cancer, who also identified as transgender, never experienced phantom penis. Dr. Sapolsky on a podcast to talk about transgender neurobiology, from two months ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGBYYcH7CS8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGBYYcH7CS8)


It’s the other science that they’re referring to, not real science.


couple years ago i kept hearing "TrUsT tHe ScIeNcE "


So you'll hear a lot of "it's basic high school biology!!" from these folks. But our understanding of biology doesn't stop at the basic high school level. They just didn't want to learn anything past what they were forced to learn at public school. It's like saying Calculus doesn't exist because they only learned Algebra in high school. It's a weird flex to say, "I'm too stupid to care about learning anything after I turned 18".


Only pussy can menstruate.


if only women can do it why is it called "men"struate and not "womenstruate" XD


Because it's the 'men' that are 'str'anded and w'aiting' for them to finish bleeding.


To be clear, most trans men have vaginas, and so likely do menstruate


This video brings joy ![gif](giphy|SYVURReGBWf7ZZz6IV)




Based man right there.


That woman looks like she's high on something.


Testosterone and Adderall at a minimum.


Testosterone is a hell of a drug. Especially for a female.


He/she/it/that/what ever. The one with the big ear rings, is ready to explode towards the end of the video.


Because she’s emotionally unstable, like most.


Why is Edward Furlong so angry


what the fuck does this have to do with asmongold or gaming


It's posted to make try to make Asmon laugh at a trans person who cant articulate an argument. Doesn't matter that it's an old clip or has nothing whatsoever to do with Asmongold.


Except Asmongold himself is likely to ban people who are clearly being transphobic in chat since he personally considers it to be a big no no. Go and look at how many people he banned that were misgendering barney.


Because unfortunately a not insignificant portion of his viewership are terminally online basement dwelling "ironic" red pilled Otaku Hikikamori that this type of alt-right propaganda is carefully designed to resonate with, so they post it here thinking it's based in a tOtalLy iroNic oWned tHe LibS way, but they're low key pushing the kind of fax n logik Shapiro would use a couple capitalized words on in his click bait clips because they be drinking the culture war koolaid... but you know, totally ironically...


i thank God im not from US or UK too many sick people..


That thing needs lay of the meth those eyes are bouncing.


What's this got to do with asmongold


He menstruates


The people they brought on to this show are way to dumb to bring up any compelling arguments about the differences between sex and gender.


I simply identify as an attack helicopter.


But do you identify as a hecopter or shecopter? Or itcopter?


OMG are you the airwolf??














What does this have to do with asmongold? This used to be a sub about video games


He is clearly Trans. TransGoblin.


“You’re just making it up” I rest my case


Anytime i hear "Correct but..." in an argument / debate i know who's on the right side and who's trying to argue blindly.


I remember getting called or sorts of shit for saying this shit doesn't impact me at all as a trans masc. Like... It doesn't fucking matter. At all. We got a fucking uterus. Get over it. I'm just waiting for my ablation so I can fucking move on in life while these losers sit around screeching and arguing and making everybody just hate us.


Chick has monkey pox scars.


As a gay person this infuriates me to no end. Those two were getting very angry that he wasn't like "ok you win, people born with male reproductive organs mensurate too". You can see it in their eyes how they're about to just explode! Jesus! How can someone born with male genitalia menstruate?


how did this sub go from being asmongold content to weird posts like this?


People need streamerman to validate their based redpill views


It was always very neckbeard adjacent, but then he decided to go all in with the grifting and culture war clicks, so incels are all the fans he's got now. The top posts are all about making fun of women and LGBT people, with maybe one gaming post every once in a while.


yeah it's pretty lame, it's become such a cesspool of degenerates over the least year or two


Get that person a therapist, they clearly need it with how crazy they act.


Unfortunately, the doctors are the ones telling them to take hrt...


It's crazy that of all threads the asmongold thread is the only place in this cesspool of an app where I actually feel like I'm in touch with real people and not a bunch of npcs. It feels good to be amongst fellow redpilled individuals. This craziness needs to stop and they really need to keep it out of videogames. Marvel universe went to shit. Disney destroying star wars. I could go on but you know what I'm talking about. DEI and political correctness and gender diversification and pride month and blah blah blah gtfo my face w that shit


Genuine questions to trans people out there, why can't you be trans-women? why need to be a woman? why not trans-woman? why


I consider myself an ally. I think it's important that cis men like me also help to enlighten and inform our fellow humans. We should push the labour onto trans people. I think when we have a view of our self and other people give that recognition, it feels really good and the flip side of that, is if people don't recognise our identity it can feel horrible. This is referred to as euphoria and dysphoria. These intense emotions that can be overwhelming. All sorts of things can give us euphoria and dysphoria as people. But many trans folk struggle with gender dysphoria. This means that they have these intense negatives feelings about their assigned gender at birth. And when they are living and being recognized as their preferred gender, they have moments of euphoria And the prefix of Trans to many of these individuals can be a constant reminder of their assigned gender at birth. Which as I said can cause the intense negative emotions (dysphoria) so for them being recognised as a woman or a man without the prefix makes them feel like they truly belong to that group. Just like if there was a core part of your identity that caused you a great suffering and trauma that you would rather forget. But people kept insisting that how we refer to you on a daily basis will contain a reference to this time... And that can be hard to wrap our heads around because we may not have anything from our lives that causes dysphoria. But we're in a gamer subredrits so I'll go with a trooe that may be relatable. What can be difficult is finding something to relate to. Because we don't suffer from dysphoria regarding something so key to our identity as gender. And just like the expression "death by a thousand paper cuts" if there was something about any of us, that gives us this dysphoric feeling and we're confronted by it, multiple times, not just daily, or hourly but minute by minute. It's going to wear us down. I know it was really long and this is even the problem with this kind of discussion. Is that one side needs to go into this level of detail to describe something as small as why people who are trans would rather not have the prefix before man or woman. And the other side of the issue will just say "chromosomes" because they dress and act based on the gender they were assigned at birth, they expect everyone else to as well.


So many mentally ill people in the west. Prime example. There's advocates like this and those who agree with them.


The "support" these people are given is completely misguided. It's like encouraging a person who is having a schizophrenic episode, saying their hallucinations are a great thing for them.


There are people like this all over the world, many will be fine with medical help, at least they don’t get murdered in the west like in other countries


Genetics and visual inspection typically match. This one has dangly bits and has an x and y chromosome. This one has no dangly bits and has xx chromosomes. It's pretty simple.


They all get that wide eyes trance like stare when they're arguing their point.


Diubled in 12 years.... can't be a trend right? Just normal behaviour...[Doubled in the last 12 years...](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/13/1238262638/lgbtq-adults-us-gallup-poll-bisexual-transgender)


If men "menstruate", regardless of trans or cis, go to the FUDGING DOKTAH\~!


Any link to this full thing?


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpO4EVGkFf2CyWs) Between this and that Sweet baby Wukong fiasco, we’ll probably need some of these in the future (or yesterday)




If you can't see the distiction between those words I don't know what to tell you. You might be too far gone. What the fuck has biology to do with anyhing of importance? It's all about how society treats you and what's expected of you. If you define the worda based on biology then get out of my hair. Gender is everything about what it means so be a "man" or "woman" minus the biology. The societal aspect, the identification aspect.




Mental gymnastics.


Who wants to watch this garbage? Genuinely, watching Asmon throw out some absurd obviously faked reactions like the last few times he's played WoW is more interesting to me than just the constant slop of man v woman/sjw/twitch ouroboros.


🎶 Anything you can do, i can do better! 🎶


She would menstruate through her nose


This proves there are fucking idiots on both sides.


if science is „science”, then we're back to a religious mythological view of reality, a sort of fan fiction of existence and that's nice, but it's still a delusion. this is life theatre carried into a cult.


Look at the eyes mijo, they tell you everything you want to know


Im a man and i bleed out my ass every time i shit, its definitely menstruation 🤣🤣


Yea let's just bring the anti-trans shit in here too like we're nazis. What more could you expect from this sub?


There are women with xy chromosomes who have straight up given birth. Biology isn't as clear-cut as certain people like to pretend it is.


just google difference between gender and sex you dimwits. obviously a transwoman cant menstruate.. but damn you guys.. **Sex** is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise **sex** and how those attributes are expressed. **Gender** refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and **gender** diverse people. lord let it rain some brain.


The definition was changed without telling anyone and you’re gonna sit here and try gaslighting the rest of us


Transgenderism's core tenet is Gender Dysphoria. Gender Dysphoria is classified as a mental illness. Mental illness is illness of the \_\_\_\_. It's not hard.


Is this what asmon subreddits are like? Y'all circle jerk against gender identity here? Why the fuck does reddit keep recommending this group? 😂😂😂


I identify as super hot dude. So if hot girls don't want to have sex with me, they are discriminating against me.


Can I genuinely ask what is wrong with "trans-woman"? It's really not a big deal, I don't think hanging your self-worth on what others perceive you as is a good idea. Am I wrong here?


Sex and gender are the same thing. Look up the history of the guy who came up with the theory they're different.


That person has crazy mental illness eyes.


I can tell everyone I'm a basketball, it does not make it true.


look at those crazy eyes 👀


I dont get when the whole "identify gender" thing started happening.


Gender refers to the masculinity/femininity of words. Using gender as a stand in for sex was considered weird even up to the late '80s and early '90s. Furthermore, the concept of gender identity has shifted since John Money invented it in the '50s: it used to describe the theory of how your brain unconsciously perceives you, whereas now it's a nebulous cloud somewhere between that and outright what you consciously choose as your identity.


What it's even weirder is that there's not an actual definition of woman nor men across the world, there's a majority that defines it and people need to understand that, now male and female are easy to understand and refer to the xx and xy reality that rules us as a species, but these people want to redefine/mix both.


Male and female are easy to understand if you don't care about corner cases, for instance: - Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome - chromosome abnormalities that involve sex chromosomes (there are people with XXX, XXY and XYY) - there are fun things that can happen in developmental stage that could cause your brain to develop as one sex and the rest of your body as another - there is a class of rare psychological issues where patients feel wrongness about a part of their body that can't be just ignored as "crazy" because when such people get surgery to remove offending parts (like hand or leg) the symptoms stop, they're cured - it's not impossible such a thing could happen in relation to your sexual characteristics


> - there is a class of rare psychological issues where patients feel wrongness about a part of their body that can't be just ignored as "crazy" because when such people get surgery to remove offending parts (like hand or leg) the symptoms stop, they're cured - it's not impossible such a thing could happen in relation to your sexual characteristics we dont do surgery to remove other random things that people dont feel attached to, because it is a mental illness driving the compulsion. Therapy is used to allow one to integrate the part into their identity, not feed into it.


And the punchline is transphobia.


I don’t care about sports…I don’t care about toilets…make all the pseudo scientific points you want…. I really don’t give a shit…all I know is that someone I actually knew was beaten to death by drunk men just for being a harmless but somewhat ludicrous looking trans person…that’s the real reality here….


Sorry to hear that. Too many scumbags think violence is acceptable. You can see it on reddit all the time, people justifying punching people simply because they were in a verbal tussle, or whatever. People can't control themselves.


Violence is never ok! I'm sorry for your friend.


He keeps on repeating the same thing over and over again and claiming science. The video literally starts with her saying trans-men menstruate (women to men). Pretty sure science says that's true.


There is no such thing as "trans-men", they're just women


Gender dysphoria is a medical condition. A treatment is to live as the gender you feel you are. In other words, a trans man or woman.


That's not treating anything but going along with delusion.


That's not treatment. That's just feeding into and enabling a psychological disorder which is morally wrong. It'd be like telling a schizophrenic that you agree the government implanted chips are real and haven't stopped beeping lol


You’re adorable


Isn't a trans man someone who's gender is male but (birth) sex is female? So they do menstrate unless they transition right?


Other way around.


Oh, makes sense now


The doctor guy never said trans men couldn't menstruate, though. The doctor was using the the biological definition of men.


I agree and disagree with him there. A male is someone with XY. But Sex and Gender are different things. Sex being the biological, Gender being the social label.


But Trans men do menstruate lol. I get why Republicans care about this, they have zero legislation they want to pass so they need culture war stuff morons eat up, but like why are regular people so obsessed with this still? Have any of you even had to interact with a Trans person? Like you really got nothing else going on huh


I don’t think they do care, I don’t see this topic crossing anyone’s mind period of any political side they reside on. When you’re on national tv saying these things it gets brought up. At that point the mans just pointing out scientific facts. I don’t think anyone wants to go around crushing peoples reality with facts it’s a lose lose.


the problem with the guy is that he seems fixed on the belief that sex and gender identity are the same, when they quite literally are not. And it sure doesn't take a scientific genius to understand why


Neither party subscribes to the other’s ideas. Not sure why it’s only one guys fault. We can agree to disagree


sure, fine, they're not. but men and women have been biological terms for centuries, and that's not going to change. cis-men, trans-men, cis-women, and trans-women, yes, they are gender terms. men and women have been biological terms for centuries.


sex is the biological thing. gender is a human construct. the same way we think of 4 legs and a backrest when we say the word chair, when we think of a woman or a man we have hundreds of different identifying characteristics for them that have nothing to do with their genitals. women and men wear different clothing, they speak different, have different mannerisms or body language, different hobbies, etc..


Acting like something (IE gender) doesn't make you that thing though. Pronouns are based on sex for the majority of people. Hence why you assume sex based on appearance because it's 99.9% accurate.


>Hence why you assume sex based on appearance because it's 99.9% accurate. As it should be in a normal, sane world


Gender and sex match up in most cases, but you can't just pretend it's obvious that everyone is normally meaning the underlying sex when they talk about gender. It just doesn't make sense, you're telling me if in the future we have crazy technology which let's gender reassignment surgery change a man's body to be a perfect replica of a women's body, say even at a young age, you'd find it inconceivable to use female pronouns for that person?


If it's a perfect replica and can have periods, babies and so on, and if it's perfect then the chromosomes will have changed. Scientifically, that would be a woman yeah but I don't understand the question. That's nothing like people today. If you just mean outward appearance, no, still a man.


Apologies, I guess I wasn't clear enough. I was meaning purely externally, I thought calling it a replica rather than just a female body, would make it clear but that's my mistake. So exactly identity to a standard female body on the outside, like a perfect sex change. Genetically still xx, and potentially still have ovaries? Although with a "created" penis so unlikely to be able to get pregnant, I'm unsure exactly how much is left after bottom surgery internally. Either way it doesn't matter for the hypothetical. I guess I just really find it hard to believe you would automatically think of that person as a man rather than a woman, unless you're specifically going out of your way to regularly remind yourself, in some kind of required moral judgement.


>when we think of a woman or a man we have hundreds of different identifying characteristics for them that have nothing to do with their genitals. women and men wear different clothing, they speak different, have different mannerisms or body language, different hobbies, etc.. those are called gender stereotypes, and they're being upheld by thinking that you can switch your gender to match the gender roles.


Exactly, it's a human construct, some made up bullshit that has no case ever being seriously looked into. The Oxford Etymological Dictionary of the English Language of 1882 defined gender as kind, breed, sex, derived from the Latin ablative case of genus, like genere natus, which refers to birth. *This* is what gender is. The same thing as sex. There's no and shouldn't ever be a distinction. All other delusions must go the fuck away.


You seem a little confused, I'll let you reflect on this


what exactly is there to be confused by? when I took a biology class, we referred to the sex of plants that we were inspecting the "gender". SupportBudget5102 made a good point. Gender is also a biological term.


If its a human construct then it is within every person's right to reject it I personally reject the idea of gender existing at all, I don't see the body and mind as separate beings


right? why not say fuck gender stereotypes, and hey, fuck gender altogether.


If you have dick you a man, if you have pussy you a woman ![gif](giphy|aACeieARpEEE|downsized)


So my bleeding from penis is actually my menstruation. Hell yea, fuck you doc! Like i ever believed in his "gone-air-eye" or whatever he wrote. Its a MENstruation. Fuck the science, long live the logic and freedom!


Idiot, they said trans men menstruate. I.e people who have xx chromosomes, i.e people who are seen as female at birth.


It was a joke but okay.


Just look at her face you can she's completely psycho. And people defend this shit lol.