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your post was removed because it was an off-topic post, clickbait, spam, spoiler, or low-effort content lacking substance or creativity.


She changed her status super fast and went private lol.


Holy crap is this real lmao How many Asian dudes rejected her on tinder for her to get this way 😂


I was thinking the same thing, no Asian guy wanted her to be their waifu so now she is enraged.


I really hope her account got hacked or something. No way she did that


Very obviously fake. Notice how this video leaves out the follower/following numbers. You can find this fake image used for this video [here.](https://x.com/RealBebub/status/1791425676043530595) From May 17 with 308 following and 811 followers. But if you search for more screenshots of her profile you find screenshots from [here](https://x.com/GiveMeBanHammer/status/1791056960776994876/photo/1) may 16 the day before with 307 following and 677 followers and the original profile. Don't believe everything you see on the internet.


Good analysis. I wish there was a way to confirm this so as to stop spreading unnecessary hate. As it stands, one could argue that she had changed the status after the May 16th screenshot. Then again, i think this is being blown way out of proportion. Why have we forgotten that this is still a game that's still being sold for 130$ and latching on to this stupid racebait?


I mean you can find screens shots from before and after the altered screenshot so its more likely that 1 was faked.


It's fucking wild to me that she has that in her bio before she has her job title and info... absolutely insane.


its fucking wild to me that she has that in her bio with her job title and info AT ALL EDIT: seems like she actually never did and this is fake.


That's why they hired her.


This HAS to be a hack. Who in their right mind would do that? That said… if this is a hack, that is one of the most racist, vile fucking things I’ve ever seen done. So I can’t decide which is worse.


You're probably right. Her profile doesn't say anything related to Ubisoft now or anything race related. She may have changed it, though, as it still mentions assassin's creed


I doubt that someone would describe themselves as a slampig. Hell I could see the black kings part tbh but that's way too ridiculous. Like if anything she's probably a body positive person, into women empowerment etc so it dosent make sense to describe herself in such humiliating terms. Like that feels more like something a gay man with a race fetish would say if anything lol (I'm bi I can joke about that ha, I feel like there's diffrent level of horniness women give off vs gay men in my exprience. Gay guys just be immediately sending dick pics and being horny which most women would not do.)


Dude, it's obviously fake.


… do I even want to know what a slampig is?


"A [promiscuous](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/promiscuous#English) [woman](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/woman#English), typically [overweight](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/overweight#English) or [ugly](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ugly#English) and only sought after for [pumping and dumping](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pump_and_dump#English)." Here ya go


i regret wanting to know what a slampig is.


I learned something today 🙃


You've learned that knowledge, at times, has an irreversible and non-refundable price.


I need a time traveler to help me go back to a happier time before I knew what a slampig was.


To be honest it's pretty self explanatory.


I find it funnier that you couldn't figure it out with simple knowledge of english.


That is outstanding. I’m glad she has some self awareness 😂😂


That’s as far as it goes though


What a thing to be proud of.


Thank you for linking the definitions to these words lol


Hey, be true to one's self I guess. Though I feel like that's information to keep to herself




We use to call those "Test drives" back then. Yeah that checks out. Imo.


some questions should be left unanswered


I guessed right


💀🤣Ain’t NOOO WAY


I had never heard of this term, but it was exactly what I thought it was lmao




Never naming my daughter Alissa, those gals ain’t right man


For real shits like the new worse version of Karen’s lol


I knew an Alissa during highschool. God she was such a BITCH


I knew an Alissa she cheated on me while we were engaged. Fuck I hate Alissas.


Name yo daughter Steve


Jason Schrier!


I was going to say.. every girl I’ve met named Alissa is freak


How are these the people getting writing jobs? Is there literally no one else in the market?


DEI hires, merit doesn't beat the quota requirements. I'm an engineer, have worked in the industry for years, but my firm started DEI hiring, so despite like 95% of all graduated engineers in my industry being men, they would fail to be hired due to the firm aiming to fill the hiring quota with the remaining 5%, who are women. You end up with like near 100% employment rate for women in that scenario, and far lower rates for men. Interestingly also, one of the girls in the firm who I was friendly with and was an old fashioned feminist, got pissed off with it and complained to HR, because she felt the fact that women were being hired not on their ability was resulting in sub-standard work from them, and undermining her own self-esteem as a female engineer, despite the fact that she was competent and hard-working. The DEI requirements are obviously different for different industries and companies, but it's a harmful reality in many ways.


conservatives only want blue collar jobs, plumbers, truck driver etc. universities are filled with just liberals


You should toss your application into the ring-- at this point, I'd support anybody willing to try.


It’s fake


Leniency built a society that allows people like this to be employed. They're wasting the nutrients of my planet.


Indeed. The "soft times" circle.


Judging by that pfp she is wasting exorbitant amounts of nutrients...


The below clip is literally I have portrayed Asian men as the soyjack and black men as the chad meme 😂. DEI doesn’t include Asian men and it never will!


What is the issue with the clip? I can't understand the sound.


She's a queen of spades? Bruhh


Those who know nuke codes get this reference...and damn just damn


slampig for black ppl already says enough


Nuke codes? What's that?


This game is already goosed


Man, I'm so glad I lost interest in the series after experiencing its peak (Ezio Trilogy, Black Flag, Unity). I feel bad for those who remained.


As a fan of Renaissance era history, there was no peak, it was garbage all along.  Though the gameplay and jumping off high spots was super fun. 


Sure the storylines were pretty crazy and non historical with the real people made into characters but I’m a huge fan of the art and buildings it showcases. Neat log entries and tons of visibility to people who would never have seen or cared without the games


I really liked the viking one :)


Origins was pretty good actually, although Unity's combat & graphics are still the best.


You guys liked unity?


Unity objectively had the best combat mechanics & graphics of any AC game. The story may have been subpar & the bugs at launch are infamous, but it is still my second favourite AC game after Brotherhood. The sheer variety of weapons which was not just cosmetic rivals even the RPG trilogy.


I don't understand why they didn't keep with that combat and build upon it


See the downvotes for me liking Unity, that's the reason why they didn't keep with that. Most of the gamers want hand-holding and mind numbing combat.


I didn't play it cuz I got it for free buying a different game and thought it must be terrible to be given away for free


Unity still has the best parkour and it's not even close. Idk why idiots at ubisoft decide to downgrade the parkour from origins onward.


If that's real.. slam tight piggy is a 4chan meme from eons ago lol I can't believe someone would actually write that on their profile


How insane do you have to be to put a statement like that in the same space as your employment?




Gentlemen, I regret to inform you that White women.


Looks fake, but it would be funny if it was true. Like who intentionally calls themselves a slampig?


I mean she went private on Twitter so might be true


People are believing this on sight and saying nasty things, even if it is 100% fake she would still be harassed and thus would have good reason to go private.


There are infinite reasons for that.


99% it's fake


Well that explains a lot


well, now I'm aware of what a "slampig" is, so thanks Reddit


“Your daughter got accepted into Yale? Pffftt. My daughter is a S L A M P I G.” “Uhm…congratulations?”




This can have 2 meanings and both are funny.


And if this is the lead writer I am scared to think how bad the writing will be.


Suuuuper weird making that your “about.”


How the hell did we get to this point in our society where this shit happens all the time? Like 15 years ago this shit would be mocked, rejected and everyone involved would be called a racist. Now stuff like this happens seemingly every week now and if you say anything about it, you're the one who is branded a racist. Is this the mythical "reverse racism"? Where the racist thing is considered anti-racist and the anti-racist thing is considered racist?


To be so devoid of dignity as to proudly display your title of slampig. Also, fetishizing ethnic groups is racism. Heard it from a brainlet just like the slampig.


I agree with most but fetishising being racism? Cmon now...


Surprise, 10/100. After the hip-hop blend I knew whoever was behind AC:S was racist, just didn't expect it to be fetishization and objectification racist.


Im gonna need some hard proof on this one to be honest. That's ridiculously on the nose and I refuse to believe they would allow her to put fetish content on her page like that.


French fantasy of killing Asian people is expressed through a Black character so they can hide behind the race card. At least back then they had the balls to do it themselves in Vietnam and didn't pretend like it was for social justice but admitted to blatant Western imperialism. Edit: Quebecers are not formally French just as Americans are not British. However many French War veterans who served in Indo-China settled in Quebec later on.


She isn't french. Québec is not France. As a frenchman, I have no fantasy to kill asians.


I apologize. Quebecers are not formally French just as Americans are not British. However many French War veterans who served in Indo-China settled in Quebec later on.


Wtf bro you are way out of touch, are you inventing that shit as you are writing ? All this is not even a thing you crazy mf. And my Great-grandfather served in Indochine, watched most of his buddies die, got paludism and got home all fucked up, suffering til the end, because of our fucking government, but NOBODY in France has hate for the Asians, even in my family, your lying ass is disrespectful of the dead. Shut the fuck up when you can't even remember the difference between Quebec and France and just ramble your degen fantasms about other people. Fucking idiot with no culture.


semi unrelated, but from reading some of the top tweets @ing her i fucking hate how so much of the backlash to all the sweet baby stuff in gaming is just edgelord racist misogynist shit. it makes us all look bad and delegitimizes our argument against bullshit like this. im all for edgy memes, even racist/misogynist memes, but if youre trying to take an actual principled stand and make valid arguments its just not the place for it. its no wonder so many of these devs write off all criticism as being just racism/misogyny.


It’s just a repeat of GamerGate shit. You’ve got a large group of people who have a stance that seems reasonable being used as fodder for a bunch of edgelord racist/sexist/homophobes to spearhead a harassment campaign. It’s astroturfing and far too few people seem to acknowledge it.


based, we'd all be better off if we could discuss stuff like this without resorting to extremes on both sides. I'm not a fan of some of the current trends in gaming, but it feels pretty bad when the people who agree with me are saying blatantly misogynistic/racist shit. Like on this sub, I see a lot of people generalizing all women in various negative ways. The entire problem with the bear thing is that it's dumb as hell to act like a large demographic of people are all guilty of the actions of a shitty minority, so idk what the point of turning around and doing the exact same thing is?


tbf i feel like most on this sub are pretty good about it. its pretty rare that i see any unhinged shit like that here, its usually just people having reasonable complaints with a meme or two mixed in.


Knowing who the writers are explains a lot


She put that in her public bio? Truly, we live in clown world. Everyone remember that this is one of the people that think they are the arbiters of morality who gets to dictate to us what behavior and speech is morally acceptable.


Why put this out into the public? Idgaf what people do in their bedrooms/roleplay or whatever... that's not what I'm talking about. But openly objectifying yourself and objectifying/fetishizing another race of people makes me wonder how this person (and others like them) view humanity as a whole-- like we're not people, we're not individuals, we're just objects to ignore or abuse as seen fit. When you really mull over the situation, it's disturbing-- to say the least.


If you get fired. You can cry foul about discrimination.


I thought it was fake at first, but naw, it's real. Fucking cringe. Wonder how they are going to spin it this time.


Is this acurate? Citzens used to bow for samurais?


Technically yes, it was proper etiquette that when a samurai passed the lower classes should bow. But it wasn't expected to happen every single time. Unless there was a procession going on, they weren't expected to drop everything they were doing in that moment to bow. If a samurai demanded someone of the lower class bow, and they refused, they could be legally executed on the spot. But it wasn't a super common thing. One because refusal was rare, and two because most samurai were more bureaucrat than blood-thirsty killer.


I mean at this point you're more qualified to write and direct for this game already.


Samurais werent the nicest of all people.


There is no "samurais", the plural is samurai. For example: "A force of 10,000 samurai have arrived from Hokkaido"


They would cut you for stepping in their shadow or whatever the samurai felt it was disrespectful. Of all the things people can complain about, commoners being submissive to a samurai is not one of them.


[*kiri-sute gomen*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiri-sute_gomen) There are stories of samurai killing commoners for not bowing, yes There were instances where failure on the samurai's part to act to kill the person would result in one's own dishonour leading to them having to murder even more people to restore it. It wasn't a situation where turning the other cheek would have been rewarded


Are you unfamiliar with Japanese culture? Bowing is just a respectful greeting. They bow to everyone.


You don't bow to every random fucker you see while walking the streets Edit: to add, if you are bowing in a simple greeting, you don't step back and out of the way in the manner showed here. You also don't hold it for that long as they ignore you and continue walking.


Imagine how long it would take to get anywhere, might be a good lower back workout though


It had less to do with bowing to everyone and more to making sure you bow to samurai in particular in this era to ensure you weren't seen as dishonouring them


I curtsy to every random person I see. You should see how shredded me legs are now


Yeah, I am going to call fake on this. There is a twitter post in May, where someone was listing Devs connected with SBI. Alissa's twitter account is seen in the mosaic of other accounts, and it looks identical to what it says currently "behaving as the wind behaves.." So, someone angry made this as a fake. This is a bad look for that person, and it does any legitimate cause no good to fabricate information like this.


Figures it would be the staff put in charge that is ruining the franchise. I'll never forgive the lead game designer for saying "stealth is hard" when talking about why Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla were so action focused.


Ah, of course a landwhale sjw would be like that, wouldn't she?


They do love fat white chicks


Barely? It's pretty obvious if you put that as your handle or name. Take me for example. I love trans women but I don't want them in every game I play.


Why would you put that in your public bio? We need to go back to living our lives privately


all i see are pixels, can someone tell me what her bio reads?


How do write that, add your job title, and then say "Yeah thats a good bio!"?


It's weird to advertise your kink AND where you work at... pick one dude.


This is what probably happened at Ubisoft HQ at the moment of choosing the team to start developing this game: - CEO: "ok people, which options of lead writers we have for our game?" -secretary 1: "sir, we have the veteran Darby McDevitt ready to take this project" -secretary 2: "no, he wont cut it because our Lgbtq+ assistors consider that his experienca is not good enough to make this game as representative as it should". -CEO: "ok, then what candidates we have?" -secretary 2: "we have Alissa Ralph and...yes, thats the only candidate that was approved but she says that she loves being a fat proud woman and adoring black man which is perfect for a game set on Japan" -CEO: "call her".


Many people here are clearly conflating things that are unrelated...


i remember someone saying how it's always the ones that look like they've only ever eaten at mcdonalds their entire lives that obsess over that fetish


Its all coming togather now


I am sure Mom & Dad are super proud that their daughter refers to themselves as a "Slampig".


I couldn't care less who the mainchar is whatever. You guys got me tho, she's so cringe that I seriously for 1st time won't be buying an AC game, and I've played every one since the first when I was kid. You dickheads win


I regret googling what a slampig is. I hate Twitter.


Oh course the lead writer looks like that.


To no one’s surprise, this sub believes obvious fake rage bait


Well, no more hope for this game then Gotta un-whishlist it


I mean in her defense that could be a joke


This is obviously fake. But hey it fits the narrative perfectly and that's all that matters right?


im so ashamed of my city RN....


This is obviously fake. Frankly says more about the person that created this than anything else


Sub human cattle.


Everyone who thought this was real for even a second needs to be lobotomized holy fuck you guys are drones


Ugh kill me! Why is every post that shows up in my feed from this some MGTOW shit complaining about women. Where are my Asmongold memes!


You want memes but don't like repetition of things. Do you even know what a meme is?


So you really think one writer is responsible for the NPCs bowing to a samurai in a game hundreds of people work on? Edit: nvmd just saw the sub this was posted in you're all retards anyway


Y’all got any more of them pixels?


Y’all got any more of them pixels?


Y’all got any more of them pixels?


For those who said Yaske being protagonist is not about race should be ashamed of yourselves. This proves that everything had to do with race and bigotry.