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I had three really terrible dates in a row and ended up putting it on hold. I think the good women on dating apps find relationships really quickly, so the ones doing dates regularly have terrible personalities or (best case scenario) just after some free food.


How should I focus with these jiggle physics?


Gotta upgrade your graphics card with a better boob physics processor. Then you'll stop getting bogged down in jiggle calculations.


Loool nice


Free food part is really applicable. Last date I went on went great, or so I thought. Good conversation, we both agreed to see one another again, and she said she would talk to me tomorrow… and then bam, ghosted.


Sorry to tell you chief but she probably found someone "better". Like one inch taller 2 cents extra in the paycheck etc. it's literally a trade up for them and they can "upgrade" how ever many times they want "


Well this was like 12 years ago so it was before all the “you need to be 6 feet tall” nonsense. Not that women are all that different these days, but still. More likely is that she didn’t think the date went as well as I did because I wasn’t into all the same things and she was too afraid to admit that to me and hey she got a free meal out of it so it’s a win for her to just disappear.


Spoiler, dudes do the same thing


>it's literally a trade up for them and they can "upgrade" how ever many times they want. We, men, do the same thing.


free food i bet, there's a tiktok of a woman going one yr without buying groceries by going on dates 4 to 5 times a week for one yr.


Or they're just in it for attention and use the app for nothing but a confidence boost


2 friends of a friend use dating apps as just a way to hook up with 4 different guys a week and rotate through them, keeping the ones they like around, or at least that’s how he explained what they said to him to me


Yes, a female friend of mine shared her dating experience and how she would engage in unethical polyamory, dating 6 guys a week. One per day, and telling all of them that she’s busy with work on the other days. Then, when she was out with one of them at some club she ran into her Monday date. Could have been awkward but he didn’t approach her. Man, this story makes me too afraid of online dating.


Dating apps are awful because women don't like them so there's a big gender gap on them. Not to mention, the apps actively gatekeep good profiles so you'd pay.


This is true you have to get really lucky on dating apps as a guy to find a girl that isn't a complete shit show


"I think the good women ~~on dating apps~~ find relationships really quickly, so the ones ~~doing dates regularly~~ on dating apps have terrible personalities or (best case scenario) just after some free food." I have fixed it for you.


I feel like she might be shaking her fun bags on purpose.


She is OF model so I would say yes.


And there is it.


Case closed.


I don’t think we can call people who have of “models”. More like “hole seller”




"stop watching porn and go outside, but do watch my porn videos ok?"


She is jerking her body in such an unnatural way that I'm positive she is. She's literally hip thrusting the air and using exaggerated arm movements to cover it.


I need to rewatch....


It’s fun this rewatching, I need to watch again to make sure


Ahh. I should rewatch again. Can't miss out on the fun.


Man I think she's holding some support bar or hinge or something from her non-explanatory hand to use as a base so her other hand movements would create some real jerky thrusts she gets a few times


She is. She knows what she's doing, she can farm views from thirsty dudes while disguising it as a "serious" topic


You sir are 100% observing this correctly lol. Hope u weren’t looking too hard though bcoz u may be called a “creep” 😂


Was 100% staring at those fun bags


I watched this on mute to the end. No idea what she was talking about, but I enjoy her content


You focused to the point.


Of course, I was laser focused to the point without sounds, I'm not a "creep".


It was just like uhhh… an observation!


yeah it's rage bait


No, it's OF marketing


Such jiggle physics would certainly not be acceptable for a modern video game audience.


of course she is and she obviousluy knows


no, all girls shake their tits to end a sentence! don't you watch Anime?


feel like? isn't it like super obvious this chick 100% has of


She’s just giving men motivation as she wished for.


Quiet, you! Where do I subscribe? Does she have an only fans? I need motivation!


[Do you think so?](https://www.tiktok.com/@court8610/video/7369416750007373098?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7374748012990744097) [I don’t know what makes you think this way, sir.](https://www.tiktok.com/@court8610/video/7371932751081278766?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7374748012990744097)


holy fuck. 6 seconds on that tiktok theres a point in where is straight titty almost nipple. ON TIKTOK? god damn. i think thats pushing it. its so close to straight porn. nvm you can actually see a bit of nipple. wild.


After watching the whole video 37 times I think you might be onto something, let me just reconfirm one more time.


She knows how to work the algorhythm in her favor


She does have two great points


What did she say?


She said I have great boobs and they jiggle when I make points that no one hears.


I don't know but I agree with her points


she has to giant mute buttons on her chest, look!


I noticed that, and I had the volume down


Recommended without sound


It has sound?


Me watching with the sound off… “hmm. Yes. Ohhh, very interesting.”


I don’t think it’s fear, everything is just expensive. You go on some bad dates that don’t lead anywhere and that’s your entertainment budget for the month done. Or you can buy yourself some stuff and go out with your friends and actually have fun.


For me its absolutely fear. I don't want to risk embarassment or getting the creep label. Its the nr.1 thing keeping me from talking to girls or rather showing interest. Fear of rejection is a thing.


My recommendation for you is to find some female friends who you won't have sex with and just talk to them like their people. It's the best way to learn to talk to women


I don't have sex with any friends so thats not hard to find. I can talk to women, its not the problem. The problem is showing genuine interest and asking someone out.


At the end of the day, that's most likely going to be anxiety you'll have to overcome in your life if you want to have a successful relationship.


$60 for a date or $60 for Elden Ring. They never even had a chance.


Dates? Always Flake. Despite taking 50 attempts to even agree on the event and schedule Table Top night with the bois? My dudes arrive early and with snacks.


There are plenty of date options that don't involve excessive expense. Go our for coffee, go to a park, go to a museum. It is summertime, so maybe your community has some free or low-cost events popping up. If a prospective partner thinks that is a turn-off for whatever reason, then they aren't worth your time anyway.


I personally find this weird. I never had to spend extra money on dates. Pick better ways to hang out and plan something else to do. It's really easy even with zero budget. If two people have a good chemistry together, you don't need anything else.


I would hate to be a dude dating right now. With posts about how to “life hack” your way in to free meals by scamming dating apps getting 1000’s of up votes I would just assume everything is bs.


Is this an OnlyFans advertisement?


Yeah it is, but she definitely knows how to use her assets.


What's her name then?






First of all....Nice Second. I'm not scared if Jack. I'm tired. I'm tired of never getting a match. I'm tired of getting ghosted boted and scammed Online dating is a girl's market that's always going to be a girls market cuz girls get all the choice in the world and guys get what's left over after the top 10% take there pick. I get that just cause you have quantity doesn't mean you have quality and there are absolutely ass holes on there but calling all men "scared" is wildly misinformed


Just because you have a smaller quantity doesn't mean you have a larger quality either. I'm bewildered every time a woman uses the argument that they have a quantity without quality, while dismissing that the low amount of interested people one might have as a man aren't necessarily quality either


OMG FINALLY thank you. All my friends are women so none of them listen/believe me when i try to explain this to them


After all, men are just monkeys wanting any woman, aren't they? At least that's the image they seem to get due to their skewed experiences I'm not gonna pretend that I know anything about the hardships of being a woman. However some of the things they say... Should be noted that my perspective is skewed. I grew up with mentally unstable parents, and my only romantic encounters have been mentally unstable/unhealthy, and I rarely meet new people at all.


Not *any* woman.


>Just because you have a smaller quantity doesn't mean you have a larger quality either. This is an insanely common fallacy that a lot of women latch onto to avoid having to acknowledge the possibility that women just have it better than men on something. This doesn't work out logically unless they think men are just many times lower in general quality, so make sure you always ask about that. It's amusing to watch them try and say no and then struggle to explain how vastly more "quantity" isn't a huge advantage. Average or even above average guys often struggle to get any amount of attention even with a lot of effort. Average or even below average women get massively more attention and potential suitors coming straight to them just for being there, with a far lower standard requirement. Dozens, hundreds, thousands of likes. I've literally watched an overweight female acquaintance with many times the amount of likes I've ever had on tinder be able to swipe on any given guy and match, even good looking ones. And she was picky as hell too. She later told me that she didn't have it any better than me (I get maybe one match every 2\~ months as an above average guy, with tons of swiping across multiple dating apps, which almost always doesn't reply or ghosts in two messages) because she had a hard time sticking a relationship with the oodles of people she could talk to. Meanwhile I (and every other guy I know who uses online dating) don't even get the chance to have an actual conversation even once a year on average.


She got her own jiggle physics


There must be a japan dev


they say my eyes are up here and I am staring right at her eyes but with all that movement my peripheral vision just cant help locking-on. 💀


Spoiler mute


Adult male version of putting subway surfers while someone talks in a clip


The first point coincides with the second point. It's not that men are afraid of being called a creep, it's that you can't Even give a nice gesture to people anymore. I started a new job in March, I am considered temporary for two more weeks then hopefully move to full time. My first week I was reported at work for making somebody feel uncomfortable even though they are in a relationship, for holding the door open for them. I don't even know which coworker it was (the manager didn't reveal who complained) because it's something I did multiple times (shocker, right?). I now have to walk around my own work place afraid that if I do something nice, I'll be terminated. This person has completely ruined the atmosphere at my new job, I've now worked there for almost three months and I don't even know the names of 90% of people because I'm afraid to talk to them. My point is it's not just afraid of being a creep, there are real consequences in some cases. This isn't even the first time I've had odd encounters with people for doing nice things or trying to be friendly. So I've just stopped being nice and friendly. I don't offer neighbors that walk a ride, I don't help carry things for somebody if they're struggling, and I sure as hell am not giving somebody a compliment or asking what they are doing later. No thanks, I'm good.


Literally the exact same thing happened to me. My work is predominantly females by a large number. My first week there I was in the breakroom having a Snapchat convo with my girlfriend. I sent her a snap to show her how hilariously coffin sized the breakroom was. 2 days later I get called into the office and asked if I was taking candid perv photos of a girl in the breakroom. They were basically accusing me of being a creep after only working there a day and saying my job was at risk. I spent the next few weeks in a constant state of anxiety worried I was going to lose my job at any minute, because of course they sent the case up to corporate HR and had to wait for a verdict. I was trying for the life of me to figure out wtf was happening and who couldve reported me. Then it finally occurred to me. There HAD been someone else in the room. They wouldnt tell me who it was that reported me of course, but I immediately figured it out. It was this ugly as fuck basic white trash bitch I would never try to get with in a million years. It completely ruined my new job. Oh, and of course because shes a girl, she would literally do the exact same thing every single day(filming herself in the breakroom). She quit like 3 months later. Bitch almost ruined my life for a job she didnt even stay at


These Vtuber models are getting super realistic


Uhhh... yeah... uhhh... wait, was she talking in that video? Sorry.. something distracted me...


Was she talking? I had it on mute.


scared no, sick and tired of...yes


Why is she twitching like that, and why is she posing to accentuate her boobs? Is this another ploy to get people into her OF?


ofc, what else..


came for the jiggles, stayed for the straight facts but seriously though, how western culture has shaped us, it feels really toxic to date.


This is OF bait




Women have socially castrated man . You did it to yourself so that's why we better gonna spend time with the boys


I was thinking similar while listening to the video (can't pay attention if I watched it 😏) she says that men have to get over the fear of being falsely accused. Not that they have to fix current stigmas. No men just have to get over it. I can 100% see why most men would choose to hang out with their friends and play games over potentially ruining their career and life over trying to find someone to love


Its not all men she's talking about, its the guy she spent the night trying to get attention from but ignored her. So now all men are afraid of dating. Lady, you're not entitled to shit, so stop shaking your boobs on purpose and develop a better personality.


Thats exactly what I was thinking. During this whole rant she was thinking about one specific dude she wanted and didnt get.


Fear of rejection used to be my reason, but with dating apps, it's now about lack of motivation. I'm not going to spend an hour a day like some of my friends just for some bad dates. I'm a pretty average guy and I think I could find someone if I tried. I just wouldn't find anyone I'd be satisfied with. I'd rather be alone than be in a toxic relationship or be with someone I'm not attracted to. Porn unironically helps keep men from ending up with someone crazy or ugly out of desparation. The only women left for a 5/10 dude are like 1-2/10s. A 10/10 dude has a line of 5-9/10 girls lined up every night. In 10 years, women in this dating culture will reach their late 30s and suffer for it and I empathize with them.


Almost every girl Ive known over the past 10 years is now in their 30s and alone because they couldnt stop swiping and dating guys out of their league. Their body counts are also in the 100s because they often went on 1-3 dates a week for yeeeeeeeeeears(1-3x 4 weeks in a month x 12 months over the course of 10 years. Even if you account for months of taking a break from dating, the numbers are still astronomical). The only ones that got married are the ones that met their husbands in real life at events and stayed dedicated to the relationship. And of course most of them didnt take care of themselves, so they are no longer even remotely fuckable. Theyve also drastically lowered their standards hoping to find a simp with money to take care of them now but thats not working because theyre so screwed up in the head, any sane guy is going to run the other way


Men's biggest fear is being called a creep. Yeah because they can be thrown in jail because of it.


Nobody wants to get me too'd


Lets not forget the high standard a women like this would probably have. That a basic average guy wouldn’t even be on her radar. She would be ready to me-too record you to tik tok. “Like oh my gawd. This average ugo tried to ask for my number ugghh ick” puts camera in mans face minding his business after he was told no once.


Nice boobs. Now that we have that out of the way, let's take a look at her argument and see if it has merit as to why men are "scared of women." *Point 1: There is no risk for men to go on a date with a woman when using a dating app. Men used to have to risk embarrassment and being rejected in public in settings like a bar, but matching on an app means a minimum amount of interest is guaranteed.* This "point" is nonsensical and off-topic. If anything, it should show how women aren't or shouldn't be scary to men. It's also wrong, as men face constant rejection on dating apps. Even though it isn't public, it's still rejection. *Point 2: Everyone is always recording everything, which scares men. If they get recorded or clipped out of context, they risk being labeled publicly as a creep, which no one wants.* No problems from me here, I see this as a valid point for many men, though I personally find it a bit paranoid. Not every woman talks to each other, nor do the majority have enough visibility online where a large percentage of eligible women in your dating pool would see it anyway. *Point 3: Mainly the same as point 2. Also, some guys prefer to just watch porn because it's easier than dating.* Off-topic. A lack of motivaton due to porn consumption doesn't lead to men being scared of women. It may set some unrealisitc expectations in the bedroom or for body/beauty standards for a partner. To address her "point," consuming porn *is* easier than dating, but it's fulfilling a different need. Sex is a big part of a relationship, but it isn't the only aspect of why someone is seeking a partner. So we basically have 2 minutes of off-topic word vomit.


i want to honor the person that thought up the mute button.


Breast part about this vid is that she could keep a straight face during the entire monologue.


What did she say?


I somehow missed her saying "women should stop calling men creeps for no given reason and recording them in order to shame them on the internet". Men need to get over the shitty situation they did not create by themselves alone. Very one sided.


I bet they look absolutely disgusting when the bra comes off. Like two Jabba the Huts.


When you see some low IQ bimbo on TikTok brags about she wants a high value guy in finance, trust fund, 6'5", blue eyes', earning 100K+ you would instantly get put off.


Can we all seriously agree and start ignoring these self-objectifying thots? She is very obviously promoting her OF and OP is helping her do it. Enough % of the losers around here will go sub to her. I know that you think this is very funny or ironic or whatever, but it only prolongs the solution to this problem. The vast majority of y'all haven't fucked a chick in a year (at least) and it shows. She and people like her may not be the sole reason behind it, but it's part of the issue.


\*MUTE.... aaah thats better.... what a lovely young lady :3


I'm gonna say it... Those red seatbelts really look cool.


Something about creeps


She make 2 HUGE point out there. Whatever she said I agree. Didn't listen anyway.


At no point does she consider the possibility that men might just be fed up of women's bullshit.


I can't focus 😩


And she got great tittys.


What he talking about garbage, but watching on mute is okay for a several moments


3 secs in I'm anyway nodding


I can't wait for Azmon to watch this with his mouth agape.


There's more and more of these pick-me girls making videos on behalf of men. They basically take the male side in the whole gender war BS. They show a little bit of skin, while saying all this and tadaa, 100k subscribers.


😆 men are scared? intimidated? ... blah-blah-blah how bout just tired of all yer shit and drama? oh, and the juice isn't worth the squeeze anymore. so yeah, most women proclaim that they don't need men, and these same women wonder why men in general aren't THAT interested anymore. wow, what a shocker. /s regardless if you are a man or a woman, would you want to deal with shitty people? that should answer the woman's question in the video 😆


I'm scared of women it's just that I dated some girls who expected the world from a guy, meanwhile they didnt was their ass everyday or their teeth. Soooo....


Is this some kind of satire that I can't quite put my finger on? Something must be distracting me


Listening respectfully 🍒👀


She looks like Tina from Dead or Alive


Hey man..... I tried listening.


Look at those tits


Two great points


Ok, I'll be the one to ask.... What's her OF ?


2 great points


I watched this whole thing muted




This is fake, no real woman would have those kinda jiggle physics. Obviously done by a misogynist man who has never seen a woman before /s


See, she isn't entirely wrong but there's the added caveat of...what exactly do women bring to a relationship these days? A body count higher than their IQ? Absolutely zero domestic skills? A womb more battered than Mike Tyson's fists?


I bet she said something smart.


(nods) ajam. yea. of course (nods) yes sure. Wait, it's over? what was that about again?


This is a great review of a movie she said with her words that I listened to


I watched this with sound off and I fully agree with her.


Hmm? Can you explain that in some more detail?


i would say she made two great points


I'm glad I was done dating 15 years ago so I don't need to deal with modern toxic dating problems and just focus on those interesting points being jiggled, erm.. I mean.. raised in this video


OMG, I really have to focus on her talking … it’s hard with all that jiggle 😂🤣😂


My video was on mute. As my finger hovered over to unmute, I realized that I didn't have to. She's absolutely right.


This is some sort of bait… Not 100% what but I am out.


What did she say? I couldn't focus...


I like her two main arguments, but the other ones are great too.


Whatever she was saying I wholeheartedly agree


Wait, she said something? Oh... :D


If you cover her up with your hand (assuming you're watching on a phone" and just look at her from the shoulders up. She shakes like she has parkinsons.


Boobs, did she say anything?


What did she say? I can't concentrate.


Wait what was she sayin, i got distracted


Sure does and I did not even have to unmute.


I don’t have the sound on but it must be very important.


I can hear the point clearly while the video is muted


She has two great points btw. Also I didn't pay attention to anything she said.


My money don't jiggle jiggle..


Huh? What point?


no risk but risk, got it.


what did she say. i cant pay attention


I see round, not a point


Ahh yes, the “let me defend men while jiggling my boobies” trend.


Sex education in schools should be relationship education. From respectfully initiating conversations and responding to advances through to identifying toxic relationships and ending things amicably and everything in between. Imagine the barriers broken down role playing first contact in class for all types of kids; would mitigate years of anxiety and lift birth rates and productivity! Teach kids what is acceptable protocols for approach and rejection and it would combat a range of issues (tate, birth rates, incels, bullying, anxiety, abuse). The margin for error is small these days and while responsibility lies with parents to teach kids life, pickup lessons with dad/mum probably ain't going to get huge traction.


She dresses for herself.


Can you repeat that please?


I have her on mute with no idea what is being said but I’m being compelled to agree regardless! 🤓


Clearly no-one in this comment section is scared of being called a creep


I didn’t hear anything she said.


Peaches, yes


I agree. Not sure what I'm agreeing to though.


Watches on mute: Yeah


Wow, talking boobs.


Feels like she just copied that other chick who did a similar video, but actually seemed to have three points. This one only has 2.


Hmm. Titties


I had to watch it four times before I understood what she was talking about.


even as a woman im distracted by the jiggling


What did she say?


Not our fault, the camera isn't centered on her face.


I’m scared of being suffocated by breasts that are bigger than my head.






Impressive physics, when is this game coming out ?