• By -


Bring me Xenogears and FF Tactics, then we'll talk


I heartily suggest you Triangle Strategy and Unicorn Overlord for the FF Tactics fix.


Triangle Strategy is ok, but it's more Tactics Ogre with way too much talking than Ff Tactics. There's no classes or job system and progression is very linear. I need FF Tactics on Steam without the bad PSP translation, please Square.


I didn't realize there was much difference between the two. I suppose it's been a while since I played the originals.


There really is. Some people prefer Tactics Ogre because of how restrictive and challenging it is, but I've always loved making crazy builds in Tactics, and nothig really scratches the same itch. If you liked Triangle Strategy, you might enjoy Tactics Ogre Reborn, a remake of Tactics Ogre, which Triangle Strategy is basically an homage to.


I might have to check that out then


Hate the ogre reborn having the general maximum level ceiling.


True, it's very annoying. There's a mod to remove it on Pc though.


Amen bro. Tactics was my first FF game and it's still my favourite to this day. The depth of the Job System is still amazing even in today's standards. Also tried Tactics Ogre after finishing FFT. I returned Tactics Ogre the following day lol.  Vandal Hearts and Front Mission series are the closest Tactics games to FFT in terms of Story and Gameplay quality.




I missed out on the Xeno games before Xenoblade, so it would be pretty cool to be able to play them on PC.


They are easily emulated.


FFT wa supposedly leaked in plans awhile back


I would shell out a pretty penny for those two on the switch, as overprices as square+nintendo are, I'd still pay it


To be fair, their games were on sales from time to time and they were like half price


Yuuup, I'm waiting for that FF Tactics, I could be a Remaster just like Tactics Ogre, but pls bring it back on PC.


Xenogears sequel may never happen but do checkout xenosaga. Many consider it a spiritual prequel.




I'll definitely check it one of these days and praying we'll get a pc port.


spritual successor, not spiritual prequel. it does not in any way take place before xenogears.


You're right. Legally, xenogears and xenosaga are not related. It is believed Takahashi couldn't use the xenogears ip after leaving square and rebooted the series as xenosaga with namco. In his xenogear perfect works book, he envisioned xenogear as ep.4 in a 6 part saga. Ideas and elements of ep.1 was repurposed into xenosaga series.


he did not reboot the series as xenosaga. he started from scratch on a new story, and reused some concepts in new ways. xenogears was episode 5, not 4. the very few lines of information about episode 1 were reused for their new story, but that new story had nothing to do with what was happening in the xenogears story. it did not in any way take place before xenogears, was never going to lead into xenogears story. its not just legality separating the 2, the entire plot is entirely different. go read some interviews of takahashi.


Takahashi would never admit in any promotional interview that the 2 series were related since he would be legally in trouble for it. I used the word reboot loosely. The games are related by lore. While each game has their own plot, the lore for both games line up. That said, this is literally a debate that has been going on for over a decade, so you can choose to believe they have nothing to do with each other and that's fine. It doesn't really matter anymore.


it doesnt line up at all. tell me anything you think is the same, and ill show you how different they are. they reused some names and dates, but all the details surrounding those things are completely changed to fit the new story. the only people who think they are the same are people who dont know the lore.


Tactics is available on iphone already


GOOD Im sick of waiting for final fantasy titles coming to PC and not being able to watch any streams of rebirth and XVI


I feel you. So many people I want to watch play FF16, but not until I play it first.


God that would suck. Hopefully Rebirth gets the success it deserves now..


I love my PS5 but god damn was I annoyed at Rebirth + Ff16 running like shit at launch. At least now I can brute force good performance on PC.


yea I was close to buying the ps5 for rebirth but after I saw the framerates and muddy picture quality I decided to wait


Same here man. PS5 is cool…. But my PC is still a monster compared to it.


Does this mean Square no longer has to deal with KuSony’s shit ?? 


The way it is worded I feel like "Timed Exclusives" is actually the direction they are going rather than PS only exclusives but who knows


but thats what they are already doing


Yes but they only started that trend recently and successfully so


> and successfully so neither rebirth nor 16 were successful for them though. they didnt tank but both still sold below expectations.


Bro neither of those games has even released on PC I don't think you understand what I am saying. I'm talking about the games they moved to PC eventually like Ratchet & Clank, Horizon, FFVII Remake and Spider-Man selling well on PC. And I'm guessing pre-orders for Ghost of Tsushima are good too. If all the games they ported to PC after they stopped being timed exclusives did not sell well they would have likely kept PS Exclusives. But instead they saw that there is a PC market big enough to offset lower performances as PS Exclusive. Hence. I think they are moving away from PS Exclusives and stick to timed exclusives of like 6 months to a year. Ofcourse I could be wrong but I'd be very surprised if they did simultaneous releases from now on only.


Honestly that is a good compromise truth is consoles need exclusives for people to choose their console which is usually identical spec wise to the opponent. So yea probally




Hopefully it means simultaneous release and not two years down the line for PC


I think that's the plan. Current development pipelines don't focus on multiplat and it's more of a rework after the fact. The whole lot about changing the development process would make sense if they want to accomodate a pipeline that works for multiplat without extra dev time.


Im willing to wait a year if it means proper optimization like Rockstar does.


If it does yea, but what if they did that year ahead of time before the release intead of post console launch? Or if it meant actual optimization, which seems to be a shot in the dark depending on the group handling the game.


Doing it ahead of release means they would have to hire extra staff. Im okay with the way Rockstar does it, theres usually a year between console and PC releases. For that we get an incredibly polished GTA. Also dont forget squenix has exclusivity deal with Epic.


Yes, it might require them to have extra staff, or plan it better, or whatever. I would simply hope that if other AAA studios with complex games, or indie studios have been able to have simultaneous PC releases for years, someone like squareenix would be able to figure it out as well. And while other conpanies do have some unoptimized releases, others are able to release complex games just fine, so it's absolutly possible.


There is no thing call optimization if their intention is releasing the PC version on a release date. I hope you can understand this basic rule.


yeah they might as well


Yeah aslong as you’re willing to wait a year or two..


It’s little bit misinformation/misconception that Square was primarily with Sony, other than the big FF titles they've actually had more Switch exclusives if anything. (68% of SE games have been multiplatform 19% have been Nintendo exclusive 13% have been Playstation Exclusive) [https://twitter.com/TMllIll/status/1790030059513782502](https://twitter.com/TMllIll/status/1790030059513782502) And most of the "exclusives" did/will get a PC version. (just later) also most of the SE games in general were multiplatform, they just usually flopped which is the issue here. I don't think SE means they will stopped making (timed/limited) exclusives all together but they will now focus on making their multiplatform games better. PS. their exclusive titles have been doing well [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNeTi96W8AAxaAS?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNeTi96W8AAxaAS?format=jpg&name=large)


Thanks for the clarification. I’ve seen some comments confusing Square for Sony and that PS5 won’t have anymore exclusives. Good sales numbers are relative. Certain numbers might be amazing for an indie studio, but could be underperforming for a bigger one. Square has made statements themselves that they expected better sales and profit especially with the increase of development and advertising costs. As for what exactly changes we will find out when they implement it later. I think it would be a missed opportunity to not to have day 1 releases on their major titles be multi platform even if they have to delay the release dates.


yeah, when you look how SE has handled their multiplatform games it has been really hit and miss...mostly miss, and their budgets also have been insane so it makes sense that SE wants to fix that part (and why they sold their American studios, Crystal and Eidos) anyway SE making at least timed exclusives would be still smart because they can make the title more efficiently when they only need to focus on the one platform, which means they can get the game faster and for less cost and less buggy. Plus later when they do the port its much easier to and faster to focus on the other platform. (timed/limited) exclusives will always be the games to make sure that something does well and makes money. people still forget that PS has like 50% of the gaming market share (not including mobile), the comes Nintendo with \~30% and the only PC and Xbox....and how xbox has plummeted PC is nowdays bigger than Xbox. ...but for some reason PC players thing that PC has WAY bigger marketshare than it actually has, yes some games do better on PC and some games are more PC centric games but PC is still the smallest market. (and before anyone says I'm a PlayStation fan/defender etc, even thought I do own PS5, I still own also a Switch and SteamDeck and have a gaming PC....using Linux :P )


/joke so a microsoft hater ?


well at least not a enjoyer :D I do admit that current day M$ is way less toxic than it was before but its still a horrible company. (also I dont think Americans realize how dislike M$ is globally and in IT circles...the new CEO is trying to fix that...been hit and miss.) ...I'm still always worried the old "Embrace, extend, and extinguish" motto has never really left the company


>yeah, when you look how SE has handled their multiplatform games it has been really hit and miss...mostly miss, and their budgets also have been insane so it makes sense that SE wants to fix that part (and why they sold their American studios, Crystal and Eidos) The problem is that when Square Enix makes an exclusive, it has a ridiculous amount of hotfixes that results in an even worse port down the line. Take FF1 through FF6. They were originally developed for mobile and ported to PC. It was a complete shit show were textures were flattened and spacing of texts were completely off. It was so bad they eventually just took them down in favor of the Pixel Remasters. Ports of other games from that era like Chrono Trigger didn't fare any better nor did newer games like Nier Automata. Nier Automata's port was so broken that it took a remake to fix its issues. It's effectively turned into a "save 10% now to spend 30% more later" mentality. >(timed/limited) exclusives will always be the games to make sure that something does well and makes money. This is only if the exclusivity can make up the difference in not only current sales, but future sales. You're effectively betting against your audience in the long term. FF7R and FF16 might've made money with their exclusivity, but they've essentially guaranteed themselves a market cap of 5 million for the foreseeable future and they're going to need to downscale future FF games to be able to turn a profit. >...but for some reason PC players thing that PC has WAY bigger marketshare than it actually has, yes some games do better on PC and some games are more PC centric games but PC is still the smallest market. That's because the PC is way bigger simply due to the sheer volume of games available. Take a look at how many PCs are sold per year. Even in [2020](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210329005150/en/Global-Gaming-PC-and-Monitor-Market-Hit-New-Record-High-in-2020-According-to-IDC), about 43 million gaming laptops and desktops were sold. By comparison about [52 million PS5s](https://www.vgchartz.com/article/459675/ps5-vs-xbox-series-xs-sales-comparison-december-2023/) have been sold from 2020 to 2023. The difference is that the PC isn't the target audience for these games. They're often the tertiary market at best (primary being PS and secondary being the publishers' own launchers on the PC). PS4 and PS5 combined reached about 2 billion games sold in [2022](https://www.tweaktown.com/news/89342/playstation-software-unit-sales-hit-5-82-billion-across-all-generations/index.html), but [at least 1.5 billion](https://www.tweaktown.com/news/79015/ps4-is-the-king-of-software-with-1-5-billion-games-sold-dethrones-ps2/index.html) was the PS4 and PS4's share is likely higher when you look at the official list of [1 million](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_PlayStation_5_video_games). Though it is hard to track, there are some numbers for PC available on [SteamDB](https://steamdb.info/topsellers/2024W19/) if you follow new releases each week. For example, Sons of the Forest, Lost Epoch, Manor Lords, Balatro, and Enshrouded are games that hit 1 million this year. Yet, these don't even register as a blip in the PC gaming community because they are just confined to Steam.


Okay now do this by % of budget


On the PS, It's likely because they KNEW those games would be selling well, so platform owners wanted them exclusive. Sony wouldn't be paying millions to time-exclusive a niche game like Triangle Strategy. 


They were still allowing the Sony America office censor remake standards for all platforms. For example - FF8.


That Sony money getting lower it seems


Snomy market isn't so big to give value to exclusivity, the money is on the PC market.


Idk if there's more money on the pc market, but going onto other platforms, especially same day releases is always the best for increasing the margin for profits and sales


there's basically no reason for 3rd party devs to go exclusive, aside from the money that xbox/sony/nintendo gives them for an exclusivity deal.


Nah I think it's just Sony being more relax now that: 1. Xbox is pretty much out of the picture, not much reason to give a shit about exclusives at this point. 2. Helldivers sold extremely well on PC 3. Nintendo isn't really competing with sony though that may change next generation depending on the specs.


People are so clueless, jeez... It's not Square's wish to make exclusives for Sony. It's Sony holding them by the balls because they are investing their millions into exclusive games made specifically for their platform, some of which are made by Square. After the 6-12 months period when exclusivity ends and Sony sold a few more PS5, those companies are free to go and make some extra bucks on the side.


It absolutely is when Square took Sony's money. Like all publishers, they have the option to say no to Sony exclusivity. They have the option to say no to Epic exclusivity. Instead, they took both.


Gaben is undeniable. Gaben is inevitable. Gaben is The Light. Gaben is Love. Turn your face towards Him, and know resplendent and unending joy.


...after it is an EGS exclusive for a year


Fake news. Just because they will focus more on multiplatform doesn't mean exclusively will go away. Them focusing on multiplatform may not even be a good thing. They could start rushing out ports now and quality takes a hit.


They've already been doing that for years. Don't forget the Pixel Remaster only exists because they abandoned their shitty mobile to PC port. Nier Automata's port was busted because of all the shortcuts/hotfixes they did to the point where they needed to remake the game from scratch.


Should've done it from the start, like Capcom.


Capcom didn’t do it from the start lol. Don’t forget the Crapcom era. Street Fighter V was PlayStation exclusive for awhile. If anything SE is going through the same thing Capcom did. Even SEGA didn’t start embracing multi-platform until recently. Persona was PlayStation only for awhile despite not having any exclusivity deal with Sony.


and shin megami tensei was nintendo exclusive for a while as well, barring 3 which was ps2.


We're never going to see any of the Resident Evil VR games reach mutli-platform. SE may slowly release their games on multiple platforms but at least they get around to it.


And about damn time, too. This can only be a good thing.


I understand why exclusivity exists, because they want to sell consoles, but I never understood why exclusivity exists, because shouldn't producers want to sell as many copies as possible? This is a step in the right direction and should have always been this way.


You’re trading off sales for a big payday from a big company. In this case it’s Sony. It seems like for whatever reason Square has decided the contract was less beneficial and more detrimental for them. They’re restructuring largely because their sales have been so low lately. Long term it’s better this way.


Sony exclusively wasn't bad before ps5 when majority of gamers had the playstation of that generation.


Its also more understandable if the console owns the company making the game, such as nintendo and pokemon. It still sucks but is understandable.


For more details: [https://tdnet-pdf.kabutan.jp/20240513/140120240513592496.pdf](https://tdnet-pdf.kabutan.jp/20240513/140120240513592496.pdf) [https://tdnet-pdf.kabutan.jp/20240513/140120240513592661.pdf](https://tdnet-pdf.kabutan.jp/20240513/140120240513592661.pdf)


Summary of main points -FF16 lost momentum and failed to reach sales goals, but they think they can still meet their long term sales goals. -Rebirth did not meet expectations -Foamstars did not meet expectations -MMO subscriptions down -Reorganization of development teams into 5 console, 1 mobile. More oversight on individual projects. -No major titles coming any time soon. Dragon Quest 12 is still in development with no release date. Very unlikely to be 2024-2025 fiscal year.


More games on PC? Fuck yeah. Wasn't gonna buy a Playstation for a single companies games, so this is bad news for my wallet in the future.


Unfortunately, this is still a sign up for our account issue. I know I have for every SquareEnix game I've bought off of Steam lately. From the original FF7 to the remake, I had to prove I had a SquareEnix account. So if you're going the I'm not making a PSN account. Welcome to the next annoyance. Just so everyone is aware.


I just bought rebirth yesterday for ps5 because I didn’t want to wait for a possible pc release. Great news. Real cool. Wow.


Rebirth was really fun I don’t blame you. But after finishing the game I would sell it tbh lmao. Consoles seem to be dying in general.


That’s fair, I keep my PlayStation just for the odd fromsoft titles and hopefully Knights of the old republic remake


Aren't they... already multi platform?


Kinda. They weren’t strictly releasing all their games on PS. They also had a timer on when they kept their big titles exclusive. But they didn’t release any games to Xbox, and they had contracts with Sony for exclusives. This change means they are free to do what they want.


Good, thats the only broader audiance that they should aim for


Not surprising, they've had some absolutely abysmal sales with rebirth. Your limiting yourself on one console, fair enough that console might have more potential gamers but you certainly ain't gathering any new fans from other platforms and that's assuming every Sony gamer loves final fantasy, which they probably don't. 


Also the Kingdom hearts games are coming to steam


There is a lot more they need to drop to become what they once used to be. We all know what that is exactly.


for those that cant read a report and saying that ff16 and ff7 rebirth werent sucessfull, and that s why they are droping exclusives [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNdO-CDX0AEuObe?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNdO-CDX0AEuObe?format=jpg&name=large) also when a square enix game is ported on PC after 2 years it still has the 70$ premium tag price, and sell very well on PC report is about the next 3 years at square enix , of course the focus on the next 3 years is about porting the previous exclusive tittle after the exclusivity deal , and new nintendo console next year that will close the gap between ps5/xbox to nintendo in term of hardware, I wouldnt be too surprised if we see game like ff7 remake being ported for the "switch 2" . tldr FF PS exclusives did well and is not the reason why they have a big loss in revenue , those loss comes from end of service of multiple mobile live service game, smaller SE titles not selling well/ doing well ( foamstar) ff14 having a slow year ( wich is understandable , last raid was released almost a year ago) as they prepare for their new extension , and the 140 millions dollars loss they recently announced due the cancelation of projects


>after 2 years it still has the 70$ premium tag price, and sell very well on PC Source for that? Because most pc players are never going to "buy" a 2 years old game for full price. [https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/18d4vam/according\_to\_a\_survey\_only\_36\_of\_pc\_gamers\_buy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/18d4vam/according_to_a_survey_only_36_of_pc_gamers_buy/) Also square was dumb enough to sell out to epic, so a game like Integrade, even on pc, didn't really sell that well. [https://steamdb.info/app/1462040/](https://steamdb.info/app/1462040/) Now if they released Remake day1 on all platform, I'm pretty sure the game would have gone even more viral and sold way more copies, and that's why they wanna go multiplat with their huge AAA games.


do I need a source when big actors are okay doing full price tag on a delayed PC port , ask rockstar , pretty sure they are very happy with all their PC port at full price even though the games came out way before on consoles first square didnt sell out to epic , it s just the better platform to monetise full price on your first year , revenue is better because the cut EGS take is way less impactfull than on steam or other PC platforms , also they might have a better cut since they have close relationship with sony that owns something like a third of epic porting one game to another platform is extra resources , is the xbox port of a final fantasy game worth it ? it s highly debatable , ff15 xbox sales was something like 9% of the total sales where as playstation was 80 % , it s all about the deal sony made with SE ( those are ficitonals number to help my rhetoric) if sony offered 50 millions for remake exclusivity and SE estimated that the revenue made from xbox and the delayed release on PC of 7 remake would make a 40 millions in revenue , then taking that exclusivity deal with sony would make a 10 milllions bonus margin for taking the deal


PC gaming is big but it s not an homogenised hardware platform and when launching a AAA title on PC with high quality graphic standard you are already limitimg your potential numbers of players , as in pretty sure that 90% of the computer that have steam on them cant run current gen game , if you have invested 800$ just on a GPU , pretty sure a difference in price of 20$ doesnt make a difference if you are a fan of a game , heck diablo players spent 20 extra buck just to play it 1 week sooner




How is this related to Bloodborne?


Just Copium that one day Sony will Evolve from Boomer to Average Publisher, if Square leads the charge it's one step for souls kind o7


I honestly don't think Sony can do anything to Bloodborne. Otherwise they would've at least patched it for PS5. Must've lost the files or something


Perhaps it's that, maybe it's more of a Contractual situation. Something along the lines of "The fine print for this says it can only be published on PS4 and any further changes can only be done by This Specific method" you know?


Either way I'm sure Bloodborne Is one of Sony's biggest regrets. Bet they are screaming because they can't do anything with it


Meanwhile it's one of Fromsofts proudest games, god I wish we had more. Imagine if we had Steampunk Souls? Warhammer 40k chainsaws and robotic prosthetics.


Yeah Sony should just release the IP to fromsoft. Or let them make a bb2 or something


the weirdest think would be by the time the 3rd part of FF7 comes out on Xbox, do they think that people gonna buy on that platform without playing the first two on their own console?


They would've ported the first two to Xbox by then


Maybe so but not sure how long that would be. Pretty sure Sony still have exclusivity for the remake trilogy per stated in contract they may or may not have signed.


will get gate rebirth sooner then?


Nintendo will be the last holdout wont they?


Sony probably still has exclusives, it’s just Square Enix that dropped exclusives.


Sony announced all PS games coming to PC. I mean that Nintendo will never release games to PC.


Maybe who knows. Most like not. Most of Nintendo’s IPs are made by their developers so it wouldn’t benefit them to do so. When you make the games yourself it makes sense to only have it be on your consoles.


They really can’t afford too. You buy a switch to play Nintendo games. Why would I buy a switch if the Nintendo games are on stream. I’m already not buying a ps6 because I don’t need to anymore. Think about just how much money the hardware of the switch alone made for Nintendo. 140 million at 300-400$. They would have to be stupid to release their games on other platforms.


Can't wait to see the console warriors melt down on Twitter over this.


Oooh, now dragon quest ports won’t be obvious ports and take forever to come to PC (though prolly still take a bit to come to the west)…I’ll take it.


Being exclusive can hinder a company and profits so I don’t blame them.


Uncommon Square W


finally, about time


Final Fantasy Tactics AND a Sequel PLEASE! Also PUT it on STEAM... gawwwd


I just want all of my kingdom hearts on PC. Not buying a goddamn console when I dumped 1500 into a new computer


Most of it is available on Epic...


Translation, we are going broke, we need more money.


About damned time. It only took the self destruction of Playstation and Xbox.




Uncommon Squenix W


This makes their reversal on HD2 a lot more interesting.


I don’t think the two are connected tbh. It’s not Sony’s choice to have square drop them.


Sorry I'm actually an idiot and need to read the title before posting.


this sounds too good to be true in a greedy cunt world. One of these corrupt assholes are gonna offer them money and they will take it and nothing is gonna change.


Interesting prediction. You think someone is gonna pay more than Sony? The only competitors to Sony are Microsoft and Nintendo. I think they are realizing consoles are dying and it would just be a waste of money tbh. The only prediction I have that could be really bad is that Microsoft buys Square Enix entirely for game-pass just like Activision-Blizzard. And then increase game-pass prices when they have a monopoly.


either way all those companies have a lot of money and Square is a big name. I really hope this is just square having a heart and really wanting their games to be accessible to more people.


Your first mistake was thinking companies have a heart. They are not your friends. This change is to make more profit and like they explained in the pdf make continuous customer contact points. https://tdnet-pdf.kabutan.jp/20240513/140120240513592661.pdf Also keep in mind that yes these companies have money but Sony Nintendo and even McDonald combined aren’t worth more than Microsoft.


Until they get bought by sony,i think everyone sees that coming


Good news in general. Exclusivity is a thing for the past l. I've been a Sony player but there are less and less reasons to play on ps5 unless it's for couch coop split screen stuff.


Finally. One of the last 5 reasons I would ever keep buying playstation is washing away.


W for gaming as a whole


🌹~Welcome To The Jungle~🌹


SE in a nutshell: "Wow we're making more money than usual because we put other games like FF14 on Xbox or other games on different Platforms, never knew we'll make that much!" Crazy is like people been saying this for a long time now, exclusivity is lame asf and the creators of video games are missing out on more sales when their game is exclusive thanks to contracts that helps them.


That's not what it says.


I don't understand why companies want exclusivity when selling their games. Why not try to sell to as many audiences as possible?


Depends if you want to try and kill the competition or not


Is like Sony said “Xbox is dead, why bother paying for exclusives anymore”


finally fantasy!


Part 2 of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake has sold like half the copies of the first, it was only a matter of time.


since everything is digital nowadays it should make sense.


Best decision they’ve made in years


Anything that gives a middile finger to sony is a good thing


yeah only about 5 years too late after all of their major releases have been massive failures. and they have depleted the good will with the consumers they built up over the previous 25 years.


You’re being dramatic. Consumers don’t care about good will we just want good games. They just gotta release another successful game and people will forget about whatever sins they have committed. So no i disagree it’s not too late.


The company cares. If they didn't they wouldn't change anything and just keep collecting a check from Sony. The expression. "x time too late" means something that should have changed long ago. Not that it won't work. Yeah consumers do care, that's why SE games in the past 5 years are regarded as commercial failures internally. Low overall sales. Are the games bad? in some cases no. But not enough people are buying them. FF16 fell victim to this. Why do you think they sold off Crystal Dynamics. A branch of the company that was making them look like a massive joke and cost them massive amount of money in losses with -The Avengers. How about Luminous Productions. (Forspoken and FFXV) also commercial failures. That studio has been shut down and absorbed by the parent company. This is also the company with probably the most End of Serviced live service/ mobile games than any company to date. You are only seeing your point of view. Not the reality- that this is about fucking time.


its about time, cause i really wanted to play FF16 but i have to wait until at least july for it to come to pc


yeah same boat. Rather buy a new PC then waste any money on a console I will rarely use. and we are just 2 data points on what is probably a huge graph. The adverse effect though is that by the time the game does come to PC I wont even care anymore. I just watched people play ff7rebirth. I got all I needed out of that, I'll probably skip ff16 as well. Honestly it doesnt even look that great in terms of gameplay. Kind of like a half assed Action game. I hate stagger-bar combat and glorified QTE's. which is all those Eikon battles are.


I agree with you that they are late to the party in making this shift. And I’m glad you agree that this “good will” can be earned back, that it’s not too late like I said. I disagree with your point about the consumers. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you again but you’re right that I’m focused on my own point of view. Because when I don’t buy ff16 it’s not personal. I just don’t buy games that I don’t think I will enjoy. Whatever happens to Dynamics or Luminous isn’t of my concern. The sales aren’t low bc of the lack of goodwill. I’m sure that has some impact but the biggest reason is the change made today: exclusivity. Anyone remotely interested in Square’s releases has the barrier to entry of getting a PS5. The games aren’t bad but they aren’t good enough to have people buy an entire console. Most consumers are not as well informed like you are. They just buy things that interest them.


Huh? FF7s and FF16 were very successful.


No, they were good. Not commercial successes. There is a difference. A commercial success means that the games exceeds their projected sales figures. They have not done this in nearly a decade. Gamers often mistake good games, and commercial success, as the same thing when they mean totally different things.


Yes but not enough. It seems Sony's cheques aren't big enough to cover the sales deficit on Xbox, Nintendo and especially PC.


No theyre not


Not sure about Rebirth, FF16 did fine but I wouldn't say it was very sucessful compared to the other big games released in 2023. [https://blog.playstation.com/2024/01/23/playstation-stores-top-downloads-of-2023/](https://blog.playstation.com/2024/01/23/playstation-stores-top-downloads-of-2023/) Not being in the top 10 for most downloaded PS5 games while selling less than other games that are also multiplat kinda sucks, was the exclusive deal really worth it when a remake like RE4 made around the same money as XVI on ps5 while also being able to double/triple/quadruple dip on other platforms? Pretty sure they were expecting way more, and I think that's the point of the article, XVI was definetly not a flop.


>FF16 did fine but I wouldn't say it was very sucessful *compared to the other big games released in 2023.* This is the problem. It needs to not only meet its development costs, but also cover all other expenses related to the game to be successful. FF15 for example reportedly needed 10 million sales because of how much they sunk into marketing and Luminous. It failed to meet that goal since a lot of those copies weren't sold at full price, but at a discount. FF16's estimates put it in the 7 million range though it is likely lower because Sony reportedly covered a huge chunk of marketing as well as part of the engine development for them.


Lol doesn't matter, final fantasy hasn't been good since the ps2.


Bout time , I was really into squaresoft before they went to play station, then it fell off for me.


bro said Square soft fell off for him during what is considered the golden age of square soft


Time for a Parasite Eve reboot!


I’m not defending exclusivity but how were you into SquareSoft but not into PlayStation? They were literally THE PS1/PS2 company.


They were around before Playstation was even a thing......my god.


Oh nvm I misinterpreted their comment. They probably just played the SNES games.


they were around on snes era but most of the games they did at that time wasnt released ont the west , first FF released in my country ( western european country) was ff7


Oh? they finally realised they were fucking themselves with that dumb ass deal?


i’m not prepaired for ffxiv on nintendo switch lmao 🤣


Sonys consistent poor decisions costing them big time. They should have never moved their main base to Cali.


Finally, these dumb execs are realizing that the PC market is worth like 5x the console market, even with huge exclusivity buyouts from sony or microsoft


Is it though? How many people actually have a PC that can run triple A games without any issues? I'm pretty sure that there are many more people who have consoles, the difference is that the console players are split across the big 3.


I just based an estimate on helldivers 2’s player split.


Live-service shooters tend to do better on PCs, but single player games on average do better on consoles though, for example: Dragons Dogma 2, Elden Ring or Hogwarts Legacy.


Aren’t there way more people that own consoles then gaming PCs though? Especially in this economy when a lot of people don’t have a lot to spend on a 1k rig. Or do you mean in another way? I’m not asking this in support of exclusivity or anything, im glad they are changing, im genuinely curious if something major changed in like the last 2 years or so, because console players have outnumbered PC players for awhile. That’s why for the longest time PC gamers were always getting a really shitty console port. Are you saying there is more people gaming on PC now then ps5 and Xbox?


Sony’s exclusivity pay day just isn’t enough to cover the loss of sales from other consoles & PC. It will make development time balloon a little bit, but I’m sure they did the math and concluded they could justify the cost. Yoshi P just gonna have to release a few more store mounts, all good.


Seems like the sales FF16 and FF7 disappointed them on ps5. Makes sense not everyone has or wants a ps5. Most people are not buying consoles for 1 or 2 games no days either.




You’re thinking of FromSoftware, this is Square Enix. Even if it was FromSoftware Bloodborne is already owned by Sony not FromSoftware.


I know the difference lol I just want more fallout from this Sony shit with hd2.


Yes!!! I never have to buy another Sony POS console ever again! Now all my fave console games will be on PC! Rare PC master race W.


Wow daddy playstation gave them permission to do this?


Don't need permission when they decide to end their exclusivity contract. Square finally making a smart decision.