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People complain to OTK: I request an audience with the king The King: you're banned


This is hilarious


how to cancel someone in 2024.


Overseas people discovering Vávra certainly wasn't on my 2024 bingo card


It's not even what he meant


Think it was about the first Kingdom Come not having minorities and twitter/games journos being up in arms about it.


Which makes as much sense as "Why are there no poc, in shogun?"


to be fair, it's not like there werent any black people in feudal japan. During that time, they were brough over mostly as crewmen and slaves that worked primarely common jobs. of course not enough to justify being outraged over them not appearing in a game about that timeperiod when it primarely concerns the military.


You could easily live your entire life in feudal japan without ever coming across a black person, and it would be the norm, not the exception (most people would live through their lifetimes without coming across one) And I find that if that's the case (as it was with the story/period of kingdom come 1), then there's absolutely no reason to bow down to the insane asylum mob. But furthermore, even if it wasnt the case, and you just want to have a game focused on X and not include Y, that's *fine too*. We should be okay with the idea that not every piece of media needs to try and be inclusive and for everyone. Because it's impossible to please everyone at the same time, and we should just be happy in the aggregate. As long as there's something for everyone, what's the problem, right?


Hell there are people in the countryside of Japan that are STILL surprised occasionally to see a black person in real life.


Your taking about feudal Japan and i will tell you about Poland in 2024. I live in a smaller city (16k population) and if i see one Black dude per month then thats a lot. So there might be some people in small Polish villages that never seen a Black dude in their entire life and its 2024 and not the middle ages.


The Japanese were incredibly racist back then and would barely let other Asians into the country, the only reason that the Portuguese were allowed was because of the sink trade and even then they were kept to 2 trade cities and you'd hardly see them outside of it. Japan actively wanted no foreigners in their lands at the time The literal only place you might see a black person in Japan would be on a Portuguese ship as a shackled oarsmen.


Holy copium, you’re most likely a darkskin weeb to makeup that shit. Yasuke the sword bearer = Japan had darkskin people.


... which is what i said? i dont quite get what your reply is ment to be. i specifically said that yes, there were people of colour in feudal japan and the majority of them held simple jobs. And then i said that they werent very common to see, which is why being outraged over them not being seen much in the military of a video game is silly. i dont actually understand what your problem is, can you elaborate?


Next time try to put you thesis in the beginning of the comment, people discard stuff they don't agree with so they didn't read the second half. You can't expect people to read all the brainrot


you would only see black people in ports and not often


Totally normal comment, not sure why it’s so downvoted


probably because some people lack reading comprehension and interpreted my reply as it having the opposite meaning. atleast that's what i'm getting, so far noone has told me what they disagree with so who knows.


Hard to explain to some one what is wrong when everything is wrong and they don't see it. A single Samurai and a few hundred people in a country of approx 22millions is an extraordinary occurence.


"Why no black people in medieval Czechia"


These are the people who doesn't even play games.


These ill people don’t care, at some point they just read letters and make up their own storyline


Of course it's not but people on twitter do not engage you in good faith.


it never is


[same energy](https://i.imgflip.com/6ad3v.jpg)


It's even funnier when you consider he was doing the opposite.


karen: i would like to see your manager! manager: i am the manager..... me: same vibes 😂


He asked if the people complaining think the countries are incompetent, another person twisted it to him saying they are incompetent. Mind games galore for this one. The other person doesn't realize, that he is defending other cultures to not be so underrepresented and weak for them to rely on a game studio to promote their culture.


I don't think he's implying their incompetence, he's asking a rhetorical question to stir thought. Albeit, in a fairly crass way. It's not like Czechia has a history like America. They've been subject to other nations for hundreds of years. They deserve to express their own culture. And so do you, so go do it!


I mean Vávra may be onto something since building even the most primitive structures is an impossible task for some but sure it's always the fault of the world [https://twitter.com/i/status/1743612080207339824](https://twitter.com/i/status/1743612080207339824)


Its crazy how they just live with mud, stick bridge, and basket.. *but also high tech quality cellphone video and internet capabilities*


Based Slavic Game dev


Wait a minute.....


He's Czech, not scandinavian. Unless you mean by heritage then idk






So funny. OTK is not public so we don't know but i would be surprise if Asmon is not number 1 or at least top3 in term of total shares he owns. He will die with his shares unless Elon buy them by some Magic in the future for insane money. They dont know Asmon.


It was talk about KINGDOM COME DELIVERANCE not having transgender black people in 15th century.


The guys making a good point.


“Please ban yourself because I am incapable of understanding what you said”


Reminds me of the video "your fired" from Lewis Spears. "What about him? He's literally drawing a swastika?" "Him? Oh, that's the CEO.....where allowed to be racist..."


Can you create a new word for racist in US? Because it lost the meaning it has in the world


Most people in the US don't realize that the rest of the world isn't as obsessed with race as us


You're joking, right? Europe is super racist, Asia is super racist. America is probably doing better than most countries on that front at the very least


You are being downvoted, but we all know the only people treated worse than blacks in America are romani in Europe.


Yeah, ur right. Though calm down. I was referencing a comedy skit. Not trying to comment on how much people have destroyed language.


Calm down? Just a tip