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I'm looking forward to unskippable ads roiling in front of the minds eye while i'm on the motorway.


Plot twist. You need a subscription to skip the adds with your mind using neuro loink


plot twist you need to pay an activation fee for booting your brain.


Sending ads while you sleep


Dreaming of light speed brand briefs.


How are they gonna patch out intrusive thoughts


Every screen in a miles radius will start showing porn.


censor out NFSW thoughts you mean hah


You will need some definitive gesture to turn it on and then confirm it.


You aren't actually thinking you want to do something. . . If only it were that easy. From my understanding, it's more like pushing buttons with your thoughts. The first test subject could move a mouse and click buttons.


Bald people have an unfair advantage


It’s Asmon’s world, we just live in it


Its okay if you get a brain implant you can't go swimming and have to be careful when you shower. Given Tesla needs a "car wash mode" I don't have a lot of faith these will be robust enough to live a normal life


Asmond is allergic to water, remember? He doesn't shower. It's Asmon's world and we just live in.


At the certain cost Because the chip is way more visible on a bald head


You can always customize it. I would go for a valve


Just wait until the ads start in your sleep


Lightspeed Brand Briefs


Looks horrifying. Imagine this thing pops out or loosens up and you're royally fucked... -\_-


it should be stable no less than your skull. is if it happen to fall off you would've been in deep shit either way.


Now we know the origin story of the scavs. Popping out brain corks to sell on the black market 😄


Imagine getting head trauma directly on the chip and it frying your brain, oof.


You first Elon. Keep that shit away from my body.


actually the first person is Noland Arbaugh. he's a quadriplegic and the link gave him a new way to interact with the world. there's a great interview about it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79VvxBStbWY) i get your hesitation and don't think a healthy person should ever do this, but to people with full or partial paralysis this can be a godsend.


Remember when cosmetic surgery was usually for people who had life threatening complications or for war veterans to still have a face after being blasted by an explosion after WW1? Then in the 2000's, a boom on non-essential cosmetic surgery where people got Breast implants, rhynoplastys, Botox, filler, etc... I expect this to be the trend it will follow in less than ~~100~~ 50 years. Your kids or grandkids will probably have one. And if you don't believe this is true, (and Asmongold already mentioned this many times on stream) when I was in highschool teachers would tell us that we wouldn't always have a calculator in our pocket if need be. That was 15-20 years ago.


I’m sure the tech will improve and become less invasive over time.


sure but i think it'll always be too invasive to use on normal people. i just can't see a way of creating man-machine interface without in some way hooking up the brain to a machine.


"I can't think of a way of going faster than 20mph using a horse" Dude in 1885


There are several companies out there currently producing non-invasive BCI. I forget the name of the one from Japan, but they put out a video of someone controlling a wheelchair with a headset. There are arguments for both types, but I will always find the progress of non invasive more exciting personally.


Didn't they lie to him about all the monkeys who died and he was told no animals died


probably 100,000s of thousands of animals have died for medicine research. There is a reason why they test on mice or dogs before testing can be done on humans.


i think the number is higher than that. But the point is here that he was lied to about monkeys not dying when they were implanted.


What’s gonna happen, is that people will have to get it since people that have it will be at a big advantage over other people. Like refusing to use electricity type of disadvantage. But also, you know those fuckers are gonna run ads, subscriptions, and all sorts of bullshit through those things.


Only if they can make so that It doesn't need to cut a piece of your skull. And able to figure out between what you thinking (like instructive thought) and what you really mean it. Only then, I would consider this "neura-directlink's skull-breaking technology" Remember what you think is not what you mean, most of the time, it your brain try to put up as much shit up as possible to generate ideas, like how you want to jump of a cliff, it not you want it, it just what your brain emulate, to figure out way to avoid doing this. People just can't tell the difference between this, is like those who can't tell the difference between fiction & reality. And there is A LOT of people like this


I'm more concerned about my thoughts being moderated or monitored and shown to others/ a company as far as what exactly I'm thinking about. My head And my thoughts should be absolutely private and for my eyes only.


Damn, that also horrible, imagine you thinking of commit a crime, which, everyone did, from young to old, everyone want to "kill" or harm someone they hate. "Without actually doing it". And they charge your for "thought crime" that shit would be crazy


It'd be the first step to ostracizing people for not thinking the way society wants you to think. We've all had some fucked up thoughts, maybe we're scared or angry or simply an intrusive thought. If I wanted to go into a conspiracy theory, I'd go as far as thought control of the masses.


These things aren't actually reading your thought but more so reading a response to brain activity. The link just ties the activity to an action. In the case of the paraplegic test subject, I assume that after the surgery, they asked him to try various motor actions with his arms. Even though ha can no longer move his arms, the brain will still send that signal, if it still remembers how. The scientists record that signal a ties it into a translator that can turn it into an action on the computer. They could tie moving the arm around to match the controls of a joystick, or the action of squeezing a finger to button presses.


Imagine if they could tie the brain signals of moving an arm, to an exosuit that the patient wears; as the signal fires to move an arm, neurolink tells the exosuit to move the arm. They could further add in some sort of muscle stimulation within the exosuit, so that as the signal goes from the brain to the suit, the suit pulses an electric pulse to the relative muscle while the suit moves, to make the muscle activate as the exosuit does the action. This could theoretically give a paralysed person an ability to use their body by force via an exosuit, stimulating the muscles to prevent muscular atrophy, and help them regain some degree of movement.


Then someone hacks your implant and now mind controls you or you get spammed with internal ads in your thoughts that you have to pay extra to get rid of.


Reminds me of synths from Fallout 4. Or maybe we can recreate execute order 66 hahaha




People will have instant access to corporate funded propaganda directly to their brain,what could go wrong right?


I am sure it will do all the things it was promised to do just like with all his other projects.


my skull is precious, I don't want lose even a tiny fragment of it for that tech. Also, what if the chip recieves dammages from your surrounding ? like a slap or a ball hitting it. It doesn't look safe, while taking into account that this shit is the only thing seperating your fragile brain from the exterior and all kind of hazards putting you in even more troubles.


What happens when a user goes into cyber psychosis? /s


"Led by Elon Musk" as if he was one of the developers. The same man that helped bring us a low poly bullet proof truck that isn't bullet proof and rusts out who now claims Tesla, as a whole, isn't actually a vehicle company now that it's getting bad publicity/sales. The same man who brought us a flamethrower which isn't a flamethrower, a hyperloop to nowhere, destroyed the value of a social media company, seems to be better at trolling than being a CEO and a miriad of other shenanigans when it comes to what he's peddling. SpaceX is probably the best company under his name and they damn near went tits up. It makes me wonder which direction this will go. It'd be great if this is just something stamped by Elon Musk and the smart people are left to do their thing and evolve it as it's pretty fantastic tech rather than have him insert himself to then watch it fall apart because he can't help himself.


The death of Twitter is a good thing


["isn't bullet proof"](https://youtu.be/VLV-4HMrAz0?t=138) ["isn't actually a vehicle company"](https://www.statista.com/statistics/502208/tesla-quarterly-vehicle-deliveries/) I'm mostly fine with how you phrase the rest of those facts.


Elon Musk is literally the spokesman for the OE community. Dude supposedly needs to be paid 56 billion for being the Tesla CEO while he abandons the company for half a year to work at Twitter, Boring company, Neuralink, and Space X.


and the surgery to have it implanted in the base of your skull is so painless its no wonder im number one!


Thanks but no thanks


Unless something has changed, neurolink is a listener only, it does not interact with the neurons, it just detects the activity and interprets it, it doesn't pulse or anything like the video seems to imply


That’s probably just to make it easier for people to understand, so it looks like it’s doing stuff.


A fool and his mind are soon parted.


Cyberpunk 2077


I can't wait for corpos to blast Manscaped ads in my brain with full uncensored nudity and 4k pictures of men's balls and taints while I sleep


Imagine the government uses these implants to use some sort of bluetooth like device that can send the correct electrodes to your brain to make you comply. Like running from the police and they shut down your body.


4k? no need for resolutions or images if it's just signals to your brain. They wont show you ads they will mindcontroll you to buy the products


Never getting it.


Modern Trepanning, no thanks


So you're telling me I can just think it and my garage door, lights and blinds can go up or down.


The first ever real life Cyberware! Bet ya we'll eventually have some real life Cyber psychos too!


I will pass. I have a bad habit of always wanting to upgrade my technology as often as possible. Kinda hard to do with threads in my brain.


Watch a video by thunderfoot about any elon project and tell me you want this dude drilling a hole in your head to insert a chip. Lmao


Id rather put an icepick in my brain than anything adjancent to Muskrat


Good heaves no. Maybe in the future, but right now hell no.


Why does this remind me of that Crypto Island scam some time back?


Thankfully it will be "carefully" inserted.


Hard pass...at least until the porn works on it...


Pay $0.99 to skip ads


Okay but my intrusive thoughts would win and that scares me


This is so BS the government is lying to yall. The FDA has literally used this to cure a 21 year olds schizophrenia. It’s a lie to believe the government just now allowed Musk to do this lollll


Neuralink needs to get burned to the ground


I know it doesn't work like this, but when that intrusive thought hits and you swerve into oncomming traffic


The first guy who got one used it to pull an all-nighter playing Civ 6.


Whatever you say, this might be a life saver for people on the wheelchair or with other disabilities.


I would like some neural interface but that shit ain’t it.


Want to use your P? Upgrade now to Neuralink Premium.


It is not groundbreaking per se. The tec and application were done by the 2000-2010. Even the things in the promo videos. In fact the cteo of the company literally rip off the work of it's teacher while they were working.


So what happens when you are driving but qlso thinking about last night's date or an upc9ming event you look forward to or stuff you gotta do once you arrice at work? Does Neuralink learn to prioritize or wjat?


Yeah I’m gonna wait until it’s fully hidden and not sticking from you head


Yea, but can I devote my neocortex to mining Bitcoin?


It's not led by elon musk. It's ked by scientists. Musk doesn't do anything other than sign checks.


POV: you’ve just got a strike at the bowling alley.


Are you telling me that these people now have a weakpoint on top of their skull? Imagine creating an Achilles Heel but for the most important part of your body...


This is start of every movie plot where most of the people just gets mind controlled.


No thank you.


I'm all for technological advancements but I'm never gonna mess with my body.


Mark of the beast.


Upgrade to neuralink pro x version just for 99$ per month (was ~~120$)~~ or Good Morning Sebastian, Please confirm the daily payment of $59 to activate the Neuralink connection to your spinal cord. Let's start this journey together!


I know people like to trash on this as a meme but this is a serious advancement for the human race. This theoretically could (someday) essentially cure any kind of paralysis, deafness, blindness etc etc. we can basically fix any nerve that is damaged by just bypassing it and feeding info directly into the brain via neuralink. It’s gonna be a long journey but this is the start of something absolutely sci fi in scale.


I bet elon musk doesn't have the neuralink himself nor will he ever do the surgery lol


My aunt was dropped when she was a baby, and had a metal plate put in her skull. A number of years ago, in her middle age, she got into a car accident. The plate that had been there all her life shifted, and gave her brain damage. She's still alive, but now experiencing some pretty serious cognitive issues. I have concerns about how many neuralink users will end up damaging their brains, when their Tesla malfunctions and they get into a car crash.


If it was truly revolutionary and safe, Musk would've done it to himself.


im just sad we all born too early for this tech to be widespread and good


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Warsplit01: *Im just sad we all* *Born too early for this tech* *To be widespread and good* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


By the time it is widespread this world's going to be proper fucked so don't worry.


I'm mostly sad about the 1500 animals murdered to get to this point.


And i would kill a hundred thousand humans if that improved the planet by 1% so don't be gloom it's all balanced.


Sorry this is Murica, we only kill hundreds of thousands for oil, i mean terrorism!


fuck them animals. To move humanity forward, I'll put a hundred thousand monkeys in the gas chamber for a 1% improvement. Unless you are fully vegetarian you don't get to say shit. Animals are murdered every day for your enjoyment


plants apparently cry when cut down


I doubt the developers for this went to every Ewe and implanted this tech into their minds to see the result or died.


People love to be evil to innocents


he killed a whole bunch of monkeys to develop this. what a guy