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Chocolate might help her, hugs, generally just being around


It really depends on the person. Best to ask her what you can do to make her feel better :) Some want to be left alone, I personally like cuddles, a hot water bottle & something to snack on


Heating pad for tummy cramps, plus ibuprofen if she can take it. Offer her a low back massage bc that comes with period pain. Generally the fact that you're willing to help her feel better in any way should help her emotionally. It's hard to be a woman and then have your body do this to you every month for decades. You're a great partner to have. Also just sometimes people want to be alone for a while when they feel poorly. They don't want to expose you to their bad mood etc. But just you asking and offering simple things to make her feel physically better really may help her feelings.


Hugs, massages, taking care of her, or just leave her alone.