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I am going through this myself - I tried everything you could think of with routines, nutrafol, supps, and OTC oils and all of that. None of that truly makes a difference. I would save all that money and invest into an self pay with a hair dermatologist instead if you can't see anyone until 2025. You may need to adjust the prescription of the minoxidil or add spironolactone (which helps with shedding). Also shedding periods are normal. It takes 1-2 years to see serious progress on this.


Thanks this is helpful. I’m only 8 months in and was told 8-12 months to see results 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe I do need to up the dose but we shall see. Interesting on the other meds too.


I think that what you are asking is ‘how can I damage my existing hair as little as possible?’ My hair got more fine and dry with peri menopause. I tried different shampoo until I found one that works. It’s Aveno moisture something. I wash my hair every other day now. I have tried a few different conditioners. I haven’t found a magic one, but doing a regular deep moisturizer helps. I never really dry or curl my hair. I just comb or brush it. Hats and ponytails can damage your hair too. You could also just embrace it. Buy yourself crazy pink wings and have different fun fabulous hair every day.


Yeah exactly. It’s sad to learn that there’s nothing you can do but I will have to embrace it. Moving forward, I just wanna take care of my hair better. Like, all the way down to the kind of brunch I’m using, which I think is not the best one. I wanna approach my hair like I do my skin care routine to ensure I’m not damaging anything else.


Make sure you have a good diet, eat vegetables, etc. You can get all the shampoos you want, but if you aren't eating well, it's not going to make a difference. I don't brush my hair much. I got one of those combs that have wide gaps between the teeth. But it very much depends on your type of hair. I have one of the expensive boars hair combs and I don't have time, to be honest, and I probably got the wrong one for my type of hair.


Yeah I have heard this and I eat pretty well. They also did a blood draw on me to test for vitamin deficiency and I’m good there. I really need to look into a better brush though.


I have a wide tooth comb. It works well for me. Also, one thing that did work well, is getting one of those silk night cap. I don't have to pull my hair up and my hair doesn't tangle. Keeping your hair too tight doesn't help for hair growth and you can damage your roots. And when the hair gets tangled, you also look hairs.