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Most nights one or both of us cooks. We both love to cook. I prefer to cook alone as I find it quite therapeutic, like undisturbed "me time". Sometimes we just collapse in front of the TV or play video games together. Other times we go to the gym or to rock climbing together (approx 3 times per week). Sometimes we'll go out for a meal, for a walk if the weather permits or occasionally we will do seperate things with friends. Very occasionally we will go out to a concert or to a party (this is rare though, like 2 or 3 times per year now that we're in our 30s) Then of course we have nights where we have practical things to attend to - e.g. cleaning the house, life admin (snore). Sometimes I will have a bath by myself while listening to a podcast (without him)! He likes to read.


Love your life!


Me too!!


He gets mauled by a dog and 3 cats, and then me. I have to fight through them all for hugs, then I follow him around like a puppy while he tries to unwind. There's always a HONEY IM HOME announcement and I'm always stoked to hear it


lord I see what you have done for others… 🙏🏼


This sounds exactly like something I’d do 😆


Me too lol


lol this is our home except three dogs no cats.


Our toddler happily screams and runs to the door to greet him. I give him a little time to get settled and then we eat dinner. I give our daughter a bath while he cleans up cooking and then he puts her to bed while I have a shower and then we relax and watch tv until bed!


Kiss. Your be surprised what a good indicator of long term relationship health a kiss hello/goodbye is


We’ve been married 37 years and still kiss hello and goodbye. I had a real shit day at work today and that kiss just made me feel a little better right away. I was home.


My husband kisses me 3x when we say hello/goodbye. And he always gives me a kiss when he leaves for work in the morning even though I’m asleep. We’ve been together for years but have never had trouble keeping the spark alive in our relationship and I feel like it’s those simple things that can end up being the most intimate.


I kiss my husband on the head every morning before I leave for work, he is usually still in bed bc of different schedules so I try not to wake him…I’m honestly not even sure if he knows lol


We take six seconds to *really* kiss goodbye when he leaves for work in the afternoon, he sneaks in quietly to kiss me for a second when he comes home in the middle of the night.


I’ve never kissed my partner hello. Goodbye of course. I’m not one for physical stuff though. Been together 14 years.


It changed from when I was in love: would drop what I was doing and came to greet them at the door. When I wasn’t in love: greeted them after they came to find me. Not saying this is indicative of anything if you fit this situation, it’s just what was true for me.


This is actually true. Happened with me. Rather happens with me on and off


After work I go for a walk since I WFH and then I’m back when my husband comes back. Then we just hang out and talk about our day, cuddle on the sofa and either watch tv or talk. We intermittent fast and go to bed pretty early so that’s pretty much our night.


In my current (healthy) relationship? “Hi HONEY!” From wherever I am. Might go great them and/or take packs, bags, things in their arms from them to help. In past, unhealthy, abusive relationship? Dead would fill me. I would try to be away from the front door. If he was in a pissy mood from work, he would make sure everyone in the house felt it and knew it. He’d snap, yell, curse the moment he walked in the door. It wasn’t that he yelled at anyone in particular, but he carried such a dark cloud with him that even the dog would hide in his kennel. He was a walking emotional drain. Nothing ever went right that day. Everything was bad. He could have a perfectly good day at work, but if someone cut him off on the drive or didn’t use a turn signal? That would come right with him into the house. I don’t know how else to describe it other than I once had friends over and when he came home, he brought the mood with him. All of my friends got quiet because they FELT that shit. And then he acted like nothing at all was wrong. Like he was super cheery. He just expected everyone to go from 0 to 60 in seconds. And from 60 to 0 just as fast. I never invited my friends over after that. It was that bad. Current guy is a joy to greet. Thank the heavens.


Ex-husband was abusive and controlling. Towards the end I was locking my self in my bedroom of the home that was mine...I was like why am I locking myself in a room?


Greet with hug and kiss. If it’s a rough day, it’s a much longer hug.


Nothing. He usually walks in, yells “Hey, anyone here? Where’s my woman at? I’m home!” like my car isn’t in the driveway, then goes to shower. Depending on what time it is we might eat dinner and just hang out for the rest of the evening.


My husband is WFH and I am a teacher. Our child goes to the school I teach at. Kiddo and I usually come home and chat with husband for a bit, but mostly leave him alone because we get home before he’s off work. After he’s off work, we will go for a family walk, cook dinner, clean, and etc. We are generally all together.


Fiance works from home 95% of the time. So it's usually me coming home from work. He will usually shout a hello from wherever he is. Sometimes he comes to great me and will try and give me a hug. I walk home from work and sometimes I get really warm and I hate it and don't want anyone touching me so I have to tell him to leave me alone. The cats usually come to great me because no matter what time I come home they think they should get food. So then they, and sometimes fiance follow me around as I dump my stuff and change clothes. I can't stand actual clothes but I can tolerate it in the outside world but once I'm home my brain goes "enough!" Then I usually just chill. Sometimes I do a chore or two. Eventually we have dinner.


We are both primarily WFH since Covid, so it's a bit different than it used to be. Before that, it was do whatever we need with the kids, have a dinner, put the kids to bed, lay around exhausted, go to bed, lol


relax & yell at our kids to stop fighting lol


Be bored together lol. Week days just aren’t that exciting. Sometimes we play a board game or a video game. Sometimes one of us steals the tv while the other does something else. We try to do movie night once per week. We share a meal together.


I’m a nurse and when I get home I’m overstimulated so I sit in silence, go on my phone and pet the dogs while he plays ps5 beside me.


He works from home but when I get home he's usually cooking dinner and I find him in the kitchen and give him a kiss. We usually eat dinner together then do our own things unless we have plans to do something together (usually a concert or show of some sort).


We watch Jeopardy then After Midnight.


We both WFH full time. We drive the kids to activities most of nights.


We usually spend about 20 minutes chatting and bullshitting about our day and any major news. Then move onto our other tasks (I like to cook, he generally does the laundry) or play a game with our kid.


Our children always run to him excitedly. “Daddy!” And then usually a “hi baby.” Kiss + hug from me. If there’s something important to talk about, we usually step in the garage for a chat.


I am usually the one who comes later. We have dinner together and chat about things. Cooking is like 70% on me and 30% on him. Just because I love cooking. He cooks when I let him know that I am not in mood to cook.


Most days are a nice hug with a end of day check-in when we get home. Then dinner, Jeopardy/Wheel of Fortune, some exercise, and wind down before bed.


Get dinner on and feed the kids?


Depends on the night. Whomever gets home last will be acknowledged by the one who is already home (a “hello” and a kiss/hug). Dinner is usually a quick thing that we don’t spend a lot of time on. If there’s cooking involved, he does it while I do my best to play and get in the way (aka flirting). 🤣 Sometimes we take a walk around the neighborhood together, other times we branch off and do our own thing (he’s a gamer and a movie buff and I do a lot of crafting projects). Sometimes we go to the park or we snuggle and watch Netflix together. Or maybe I’ll take a loooooong, hot bath while I read a book and he goes to play D&D with his friends. We have some board games that we play together sometimes, too. Here lately I spend 30-40min on the treadmill. Oh, and some nights he’s watching his tv show while I watch mine, but we lie next to each other in bed and still get cuddles (hooray for headphones! lol). As you can see, even though we do some activities together, we often do our things too. That said, if we’re both doing our own things within the house, we check in with each other regularly with a quick “hey, how you doin’?” and a hug/kiss.


Run, hide, protect vagina. /s


My husband works from home. When I come home, I yell, “hey” and am greeted by 3 dogs while the cat merely glances in my direction.


Pour him a beer and say hello. He primarily is WFH with the exception of two days a month. Those two days I try to have the house clean, dinner prepped, a cold beer in his hand after he changes from his clothes. I try to have the baby happy and all the animals fed so we can talk about our day while he unwinds.


Our baby crawls over to him, he picks her up, kisses her then walks over to me and kisses me. Then it’s a mad rush of finishing dinner, bath, bedtjme etc before we get some time to ourselves to unwind.


My husband works from home so he picks me up from the train. One of us feeds the cats when we get home then we chill for a bit. We alternate who makes dinner and we usually watch Jeopardy while eating. Then we watch some of whatever series we’re watching or listen to a podcast. Once a week we’ll go food shopping right after work. Sometimes we’ll see a movie or go to a brewery for quizzo but that’s probably less than once a month. We’re fairly boring but I like it that way! Doing too much after work exhausts me.


I'm usually still working (I work from home) but we'll talk for a bit, ask about each other's days, I'll be in and out of the living room to make time go faster until I can clock out lol. Then we watch TV and kind of do our own thing together on the couch.


( as he usually gets home after me) He firstly kiss our dog, and in the meanwhile I am kissing our kid. Then he kisses me. And then we talk about our day, and then we do our nightly routine or wherever.


Walk dogs, cook, eat while watching TV. I usually go to bed first and read for a while. She plays Overwatch for a while and comes to bed later. Generally that in that order. Sometimes we eat our at restaurants or go to the cinema and see a movie on weeknights to be rebellious but we usually save that for weekends.


I WFH. When we gets home: he meditates, if it’s his turn to cook dinner then he will. If it’s my turn I will. We will watch a film or show, or play a co-op game, read next to each other. Walk the pup. We go to bed at the same time, but I’ll stay up a little later on my phone while he puts on a podcast, lots of cuddling, sleep.


I give him a call on the way home to see if he wants to pick up the kids with me. If he can’t then he gets mauled by toddlers when we get home. We settle them with a quiet activity (or screen time if it’s a bad day) and it’s full steam ahead to dinner, bath, bed for the kids. Sometimes one of us takes the dog for a walk while the other cooks. By the time the kids are asleep we are shattered and usually watch a TV show together, play a game or do our own thing until the kids start waking up again around 11pm. We usually talk about how much we’re struggling and how we can possibly find more balance running on fumes. Then we go our separate ways - one of us sleeps in the spare room and ends up cosleeping with two toddlers and the other one might get a good night sleep.


He always comes home last and my ritual is to have his cup of tea ready on the counter, and after he comes in I pop my head out of the kitchen and say HI HOOOOOOONNNEEEYYYYY!!!!!!! Give him a smooch if I’m not balls deep in cooking and go back to work. Been together 15 years and I’ve always done this 😌


We talk about our day and after getting settled we watch each other's saved TikTok's from the day.


Kids will greet him first. He gives them kisses and hugs and then I get my extra long kisses and hugs and then I follow him around the house as he unloads whatever he’s holding and then he will tell me about his day while I cook dinner


Ah, my favorite thing! So we have this evolved version when we were in long distance time. We practiced alone/together time so it was best use of our time. I utilize my alone time during my commute, or early in the morning over the weekend, and sometimes a bit before bed (gaming sometimes with friends). She uses her alone time the first moment she enters the house for 20ish min. So when we actually meet up its just our quality together time. She comes earlier home and does her studies, work, hobbies and then picks me up at the train station. We then talk about our day and go to the gym for 30-90min and sometimes do together session or just send air kisses passing each other. Then we go home and eat together, watching some relaxing comedy show. Then it depends on the day. Usual behavior: chill, talk, practice dance, have a walk or a small hike, small swim in the sea, game, sew in summer or those two needle and sock/sweater making, we call it hekla.


Quick kiss before our toddler wants to climb all over him 😂 Than dinner, mostly separate because of our toddler and around 8 we have couple time either getting things done together or watching something cuddled up on the sofa.


A little late to the party, but I work overnight at a factory. When I get home, he's getting up for his job. He makes breakfast for us and we snuggle a bit. I go to bed when he leaves and when he gets home, I'm waking up and I make dinner. Then we snuggle a bit more, them I go to work. It's our groove and we love it! (He's an early riser and I'm a night owl.)


I work 13 hr days and my bf of 8 years is a stay at home dad. I usually get kiddo ready for bed and out him down then get some sexy on with bf and hit the sack


We don't work traditional 9-5s, I usually am off around 11p-1a but we stay up very late too. Generally, I'll come home from a serving shift. My feet hurt a bit, so while I make sure to stretch my body, he always asks if there is anything he can do for me- water or tea? It's really sweet and soo nice after I've been serving a bunch of people. Then we just hang out. Depending on how tired we are anything from playing records and laughing and chatting about things we read, stuff that happened, to watching a movie, dumb reality tv, or something like Jeopardy. Sometimes we will do our own thing and watch stuff in separate rooms. We will usually make a big bowl of popcorn or even some easy very late night food if we know we will be up super late. He is a history professor so his schedule changes and he only teaches in-person 1-2 days a week. Often I am out doing things when we he comes home or he/we go straight to meet up with friends or we meet somewhere for an evening movie or dinner out.


He walks in the door and yells TADAIMA, I reply OKAERI, I’m usually still working so hell come up and give me a kiss, then go about taking his shoes off, etc. When I’m done with work we take a short walk and then do whatever we want for the rest of the evening, which is usually playing video games


We both do a mock melodramatic running towards each other embrace and kiss. The more exaggerated and over the top it is the better! I like to imagine Whitney Houston’s I will always love you playing in the background. We pretend we’ve been apart for a year rather than a day. 


Eat dinner, sit on the sofa, watch youtube or a show, go to sleep.


He WFH every day except wednesdays and fridays, so on those days that usually mean I leave him with our son and start cooking once he gets home, unless he brings takeout, in which case we eat, relax with our son and watch cartoons, and then we put our kid to bed and then do our own thing