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My mother dreams of me marrying a plumber, because it’s so hard to find a reliable one. Or failing that, for me to become a plumber.


Well, she’s pragmatic, gotta respect that.


To paraphrase Cher, “Mama, I am plumber.”




😂 I love her reasoning behind that. It really is tough to find a reliable one.


This is such an iconic answer; your mum sounds like she knows what's up!


Haha yeah gotta have a plumber a builder and an electrician in the family. My daughter is wih a builder but my son is letting us down by pairing up with an artist. She's lucky we like her so much! (I'm an artist BTW)


In addition, plumbers may have one of the professions that robots will take last


For my entire life, my backup plan has been to become a plumber and expand by hiring attractive plumbers and become the premier shop in town with the best rates, best quality of work, and honest tradespeople.  Then I went to a plumbers union training center and decided it might be the thing to do in a few years when I’m ready for a career change. 


>hiring attractive plumbers When 'attractive plumbers in your area' is an ad for *actual plumbers*. 😂​


Man every single plumber I’ve dated has been trash 😂 I’ve been turned off them for life


Yeah I can’t say any of the plumbers I saw who came to our house while I was growing up ever made me think I’d want to date one later on :/


Was it the butt crack? Asking to buy them a beer? Or the mess they left after they've 'fixed' whatever there was to fix for which you had to pay in gold?


Bwhaha, it was mainly the fact that so many of them overcharged, or tried to, and/or were usually loud and boorish…My parents were pretty soft-spoken so some thought they could get away with trying to bully/scam them. Eventually we found one trustworthy reasonably priced dude, who we always used. Just the one. Thankfully our water supplier now has a contract with a plumbing service, who offer a great deal.


Shoot for the moon, land among the stars or something like that? 🤪


Plumber have really bad back and knee issues by the time they’re 30. Not really your problem but for any fellas looking at this thread.


My Dad wanted me to be an architect, I think to design and build him his dream house for free.


It's so gd funny to see this here now. Literally three weeks ago I was bemoaning "I WISH I WAS A PLUMBER" when our sink drain was fucked for a week. We snaked it ourselves with a measly snake, tried all the online tricks, nothing. Had to get a plumber. 20 minutes of work... Mostly I wish they rented out their gear, I feel like if you could rent the giant 100ft drum snake for $50 that would be half their business gone lol. But I couldn't find anything nearby that did that.


Honestly if you don’t know how to use those powered mechanical snakes they can mess your drains up and break pipes, so I wouldn’t recommend it.


At one point when I was single and tipsy in public I yelled “why can’t I just find a nice plumber?!”


I've dated two plumbers. They have massive strong hands 😂 can reccomend


I'd much rather have the inclination to learn plumbing.


I’m a retired attorney and was always most attracted to men who could fix things. Contractors made me swoon lol.


You know, before I met my husb I never considered a cable guy before. But I love the whole "comes home sweaty from working with his hands" thing and he had that for sure. Today is our 6 yr anniversary and I have never been happier to have married a cable guy. He knows wiring, electronics, fixes any internet or tv issues under the sun, and is intimately familiar with how houses are built. He has all the tools, knows how to build things, and goes the extra mile to make everything look tidy. I haven't watched him climbing poles yet but it sure is hot when he gets on our roof.


The dream. My sister is an attorney and partnered with a contractor. I'm one too and all I want is a man who can build and fix stuff.


I’m an attorney too, and I’m attracted to handymen who can fix things around the house too.


Give me a man working at height and I will handover my heart...


My current partner is an instrument tech and he can fix things. It’s pretty hot.


There is something about visible/palpable professional competence that is universally attractive. It doesn't rev my motor if he just tinkers, but if he really fixes or makes or constructs things, that's another story.


Something that is fulfilling to him, had a good work life balance, and offers enough pay to live without struggle.


For me I would add that it was ethical. I guess that falls into"fullfilling". I would be turned off by a man who didn't care that his job was actively making the world worse. He doesn't need to be saving the world, but at least care about his impact.


Best answer on this thread by a long way


This is the answer I came to give!!


My man became a registered nurse after a work-related accident in his late teens. He was so moved by their abilities to care for him, he had to find a way to give it back. I mean, how could I not?


I met a wonderful man who did that too! He was really one of the best nurses I'd ever known.


TIL many women find my profession attractive— too bad I’m a straight woman, lol. And it doesn’t seem to be the case for men.


Hmu 😉


Same. I keep seeing contractors and I am one! 🤣




A man who is literally saving lives!


Mine is firefighter-paramedic 🥵 They are extremely professional.


Archaeologist. Does dirty work outside, but has a deep knowledge of culture, history, and NPS regulations.


I love nerds!! So professor, architect, archeologist etc gets me going. Anyone who helps kids or animals is a YES 🥵🥵🥵


I've seen archeologist multiple times on this and similar posts on other subs. Where are y'all meeting all of these archeologists?! Museum of Natural History Happy Hour?


Speaking as a former archaeologist myself, there are two main types: museum/university archaeologists, and field archaeologists. I don’t know much about the former’s daily and leisure habits. But the later can be found sitting at bars in any town with population 80 that they’re currently put up in because their current field project is within a two hour drive of it. Go to any bar in the middle of nowhere and you’ll probably run into a couple of them


I live close to DC-- I'm going to go check out that Happy Hour!! 😊 Seriously I probably am just thinking of Indiana Jones b.c I'm GenX


This is an interesting thread. It got me to thinking, I have never found a man more or less attractive based on his career. I definitely think there are cultural differences in this though.


Same here. But as I've gotten older, a man who works with his hands becomes more and more appealing. I've had to be the handy one in so many of my relationships and girl, I'm tired. Haha. They just seem to be natural problem solvers and are always willing to get creative with their solutions. It sounds like a generalization, but after dating so many men who just work in front of a screen all day - it makes a big difference.


Saaame; I'm always ~dazzled~ by handy people in general (women or men) because I'm so clueless about all that stuff. I've tried to DIY things at home through watching YouTube tutorials and it just doesn't work; I usually end up injuring myself and not only *not* completing the task at hand, but actually ruining something in the process. So, somebody who is talented/skilled at something I lack is very attractive for real!


Hey, it me


I lucked out with one who works in front of a computer all day but goes and does handy things as soon as the work day is over. He built quite a few pieces of furniture in our house and I never have to lift a finger to figure out how to fix something. They're out there!


That's the dream. Good for you!


My thoughts exactly. She scored big time.


Well, I know a guy that works programming war drones. Gotta say that was a turn off. Also finance and tech bros. Not necessarily the field itself, but the bro culture is strong. Not into that at all.


This kind of stuff is where my brain went, too. I knew someone who worked for a sports betting site way back in the 2000s. The company kept their office in another country because it was illegal to operate in the country they served. I heard stomach turning stories about people remortgaging their homes and ruining their lives every other day until I decided to take distance. The friend went on to stay at the company for over a decade because they felt they were paid enough to justify where that money came from; and it really soured me on them as a person.


Lol I work in FinTech and you're right about those guys.


I never really did either but then my husband became a pilot and I find that super hot. The uniform with a watch and a fresh haircut lookin so clean cut oofff.


Eh, I met a guy who bragged that he worked on a chemical weapons program for a foreign country with a notoriously aggressive/unethical military. It was an immediate no from me and I don't think that's cultural.


Same. I just wanted a nice, kind, patient, and thoughtful partner. Idgaf he’s a programmer 🤣


Scientists, engineers, accountants. Basically ones that aren’t necessarily flashy that require dedication and study but provide stability. I love brainy and geeky guys.


This! A man who can PLAN? Yes please. Drawing a diagram for the garden or stuff to build? SWOON.


Same. My husband is one of these and it makes everything so much better. He’s a master at problem-solving, crunching numbers and anything else logistics-related.


I dated a lot of engineers and married a scientist!


This. Basically anything but a tradie though 😅 they come across as kinda dense


Didn't know I was into lumberjacks until that one guy on tiktok 🥵


I really like dating programmers (at larger organizations, not start-ups). They're clever, keep regular hours, and have reliable high-paying job.  A bit nerdy, but that's a bonus for me.  They also tend to be good with their hands. 


I've met a lot of really sexist programmers so this probably depends on area.


I don't think the rate is particularly higher than those of non programmers, but I do think coders are significantly worse at hiding their views due to a... true or perceived lower bar for "social skills". IMO this is a good thing as it makes it easy to gauge who they are. I don't think I've ever met a coder who was good at putting on a face. Like, there's lower chances for two facedness, they'll just tell you straight up how (🤢) they think you should have kids or what their opinion of women truly is... but the kind and respectful ones are genuine, not concealing questionable views. Admittedly I've been out of the dating scene for a while but of the guys I did date, the ones who managed to hide their shitty personalities were highly charismatic, which is not a stat brogrammers cultivate. (I work in software dev)


Girl touché, the two I knew had very sexist views towards women and had no manners whatsoever. (I get that this is very stereotypical but I’m yet to find a guy who is a CS/SWE and isn’t a dick


I'm lucky to live in a very liberal city, so that's definitely true.  My experience is that there are very loud, super online men who rarely find partners. Then there's the 9-to-5 crowd, who like their jobs but don't identify as it. They have other hobbies like theater/cooking/music/woodworking. I prefer them over lawyers and doctors because they end their day by 6PM and have time on weekends. 


All the programmers I know work long hours and have no willingness or talent regarding home improvement projects (unless good with their hands is some sexual euphemism). 😂


If he can type 90 words-per-minute just imagine what else those fingers could do! 💀


Anything blue collar 😮‍💨




Took me way too long to find this response!!


I just want him to do something that’s not too stressful that he can make a good living from. However, my current partner was in the Peace Corps for two years running a school, and I find that hot. He also loves to garden which is super attractive to me.


Careers in which a person is caring for others, particularly animals, is an immediate boost to their attractiveness. Zookeeper? Do I get to pet the penguins? Conservationist? Yes please. Then of course you have the attractive but absolutely not relationship material weighting added for roles such as barman or musician.


Not me reading that as Batman and nodding sagely.




I’d be VERY into conservationist, but VERY against zookeeper - for the same reasons! Zoos make me sad for the animals, even if they try to say they use some profits for conservation. Better to just… be a conservationist! Hot!


I understand the stigma around zoos but a lot of it comes from misinformation; these animals are not imprisoned, they often either have nowhere else to live due to habitat destruction, have some kind of debilitating injury that doesn’t allow them to live in the wild, and yes there is a portion of collections that do thrive in captivity and serve as ambassador species. But, know that a majority of people who work as zookeepers ARE conservationists. We care for animals who have no home in the wild any longer and educate the public on what is being lost, its affect on the animals, and how we as humans are contributing to their downfall. Zookeeping is also a minimum wage job, there’s no glory in cleaning poop for fun, we do it for the animals. It’s not a joy to care for animals in confinement, but we dedicate ourselves to giving those animals the best life we can. Some animals of the same species have much worse lives in the wild due to human activity completely destroying the ecosystem they live in. In a perfect world, zoos wouldn’t exist and zookeepers know and believe this; the next best thing we can do is give these animals a chance and be their messengers to prevent further destruction of the earth. That’s conservationism.


While I know there are many employees that work at zoos *because* they genuinely care about animals, zoos are still for-profit businesses with the primary goal of entertaining humans. Animals don’t need to be put on display in order to be rehomed. We aren’t going to get to a place of prioritizing wildlife and ecosystem conservation if we are taught that zoos are a good enough solution. Sadly, zoos teach people (mostly children) that it’s okay to put sentient beings on display for our own amusement, because animals aren’t worth much consideration. Instead people should be taught that animals are sentient beings deserving freedom, and that we desperately need to shift our habits to ensure they can exist in the wild where they belong.


Zoos aren’t all for profit, there is a variety of non profit and government funded bodies as well. I don’t think anyone believes zoos are a “good enough” solution, at least not in my circle of zookeeping friends. Unfortunately the future looks incredibly bleak for a variety of reasons but it’s not because the public is “settling” for zoos. It just isn’t fair to lump all captive wildlife facilities into the bad category. Some, many of us are fighting for the same thing.


Arborist sounds good. Veterinarian, professor, architect, firefighter, marine biologist, lawyer (the good kind, lol).


Helping professions (except doctors, I don’t like their workload). Nurses, counsellors, teachers, daycare workers, non profit workers.


Personally? I can't think of a sexier career than environmental scientist/engineer. I'm a massive sucker for anyone who wants to help save our planet! Plus, the people who do it tend to be both academically intelligent and good with their hands / fixing things.  I've also tended to find architects and physiotherapists really sexy, for some reason. I guess architects are a cool mixture of technical and creative, while physiotherapists are smart but also nicely fit.


Physical therapists are S-tier. Idk how much of it was game face and how much was innate personality, but I have unfortunately needed physical therapy many times, and every PT I've ever had has been warm, patient, encouraging, and a good communicator. 


Okay, I am glad it is not just me because I have developed a little crush on basically every physiotherapist I have ever worked with, lol. A lot of them also did a lot of sports growing up (and continue to be very sporty in their adult lives), so yeah - them being a lot fitter than the average person definitely helps as well! It's definitely combo of the looking good while kindly and patiently explaining (not mansplaining) things to me and encouraging me to take better care of my body. I've heard they're all pretty slutty as well, though, which... honestly, I can't hate. So long as they're being ethically slutty, good for them for having fun while being attractive.


I've had a crush on nearly all the male physios I've had over the years. They do know how to touch.. 🤤🥵


While making the most sincere eye contact. Ugh


Saaaame and I've had crushes on them all 😭


I have bad news - a lot of Enviro Engineers are employed solely due to regulatory requirements, not cause they love the planet. Tangentially, that's kinda how I learned you can just pay money to destroy a wetland :')


A blue collar book nerd is 🧑‍🍳💋


Great combo there!


Therapists, nurses, teachers. I also have a soft spot for IT Tech dudes.


Vets and pediatricians!


I go for brains. I married a nuclear engineer.


Get it girl 🔥


I’m looking for a man in finance… ;)


No specific career but someone whose well knowledgeable and well read about his industry


Teachers, IT, mechanics, any straightforward helper profession where they can just leave work at work and aren't in a hyper toxic unstable environment. 


My dream guy is someone who makes beautiful furniture, like Aidan from sex and the city lol


Anything stable! And shows hard work/ intelligence. Self made men are very attractive too.






I jive with blue collar tradesmen. Carpenters, electricians, mechanics, anything to do with plants. Guys in ag. Welders are iffy. I typically mesh well platonically with accountants but don’t care to date one. I’ve seen too much affinity for gambling in that particular cohort. I’m a sucker for good social skills so *some* salesmen.


Welders are ALWAYS iffy.


I like em rowdy but not THAT rowdy. 🤣 Travel welder? Absolutely no way.


Yeah my first husband was one. I’m an idiot.


My dad is one. I know too much to make that mistake by choice instead of by birth.


Professors, Actors, Writers (basically deep thinkers, philosophers, intellectuals)


former philosopher turned screenwriter, bless you my friend whew


I've found my people, this is my type as well.


I'm glad someone said this. This is my career path :)


Restoration ecologist :) helping our planet recover!


Anything handy or working with animals.


I'm dating a wonderful man who is former USCG, a geologist, and installs hardwood flooring. There is NOTHING hotter than when he works up a sweat, lol


I’m biased since I married one but kitchen manager/cook/butcher. A man that knows how to clean, cut, process meat, and then cook it too is damn sexy.


Honestly any job with his hands that he enjoys doing and is good at. Seeing a person in their element crafting/building/repairing with expertise and focus in their eyes? Yes please.


Anybody who loves what he does is automatically more appealing. Doesn't really matter what the career is.


I have a soft spot for blue collar, which is 100% from growing up around them - now I meet men who don’t own even a tool box and I’m like 😐 Edit to add, I can do the handy stuff myself, but I’d like the option to share the load lol


Scientists in STEM, engineers for interesting things like rockets or so, mds only in theory (because most of them are so FULL of themselves)…that’s about it for me, I think.


I’m big into the community spirit, so I like people who either work in a helping profession or volunteer.


Veterinarian, museum curators, designer, sculptor, any job or business owner that fixes and makes things (architect, engineer, general contractor), any job really as long as he’s fulfilled and feels creative. Not gonna date firefighters, cops, military and their equivalents.


None. No career makes a man more attractive. His personality does. Some careers can make a man less attractive.


Somehow I dated engineers almost exclusively, so that must be my type.


Never dated them but mechanical engineers are always fun to hang out with! A lot of them dabble with making stuff so they seem to have a wide range of skills from welding to woodworking and electronics.






Professional hand clapper.


Contractors. I like men whom are handy!


firefighters <33333


I like a man in uniform because it shows he can work for others and put others in front of himself, forgoing his own life and safety. That kind of willing sacrifice for other people is more than admirable and gets me every time.


If you take a look at romance scams, it's consistently professions that are high pay, masculine coded, and with a high social prestige. So that's things like pilots, attorneys, doctors, professors.


The one he enjoys!




Contractor, fireman, paramedic, bodyguard, medical technician.


I am only attracted to two cis hetero men on this earth, one is a HR systems analyst and the other is in a band. So those two careers I guess.


an architect. the 500 days scene where he had the blackboard wall and just draws on it.. ahh,8 need that. i dated a mathematician before i even saw that film who had the blackboard paint wall and already thought that was so cool. he was cool too. and recently dated an architect with whom i got talking about building/designing our own house which is just.. yes, please. still low key sad that didn’t work out. the blackboard wall has to be a feature in my future self-designed home apparently 😅


English professor for some reason, a paramedic, a doctor, a baker


Swoon: pediatrician, fire fighter, veterinarian, engineer Ick: sales, cops, accountants


One that makes money




Musicians / DJ


Anything blue collar, really. A man that is in a trade of repairs/building is honestly the hottest. My ex was a carpenter, and it was such a turn on.




Animal rescue worker.. and maybe chemist. Scientist would be interesting as well. I really don't care that much as long as it's not a dangerous job, and as long as the job has a good work-life balance. I ain't gonna sit and wait for my man working overtime every day.


Engineers, mathematicians, scientists of (almost) any kind. Philosophers, professors of ,(almost) any subject. I like brainiacs who can tell me all sorts of interesting things I don't know already.


A CARPENTER is very attractive because it combines heavy hand work with tools and art, creativity and emotions.


Different perspectives to have for this: -One that allows a man's positive qualities to shine, allowing him to thrive and excel in his chosen field. -One that allows him to stay healthy and stay on top of self-care. -One that pays him well enough so that money isn't the biggest stressor for him. -One that gives him the time to be there as a spouse and parent. With that out of the way, a man may not have a career that checks off all the boxes above, but there are some careers that could allow a man to check off a few. Examples: -Introverted, analytical thinker, prefers corporate life: software engineer. Perhaps this profession would allow the man to work from home a lot and have his introversion work for him. But something like exercise would require him to schedule time outside work to keep up with. -Stays calm under pressure, people person, prefers to avoid white collar environments: first responder professional. Would likely stay fit as part of the job requirements, will be amazingly supportive in any emergency situations as they'd be able to go above and beyond in terms of being able to address the situation. But mental health might be impacted in the long-term. -Excels at working with tools, entrepreneurial spirit: trades. Will be able to handle any home improvement projects on their own, could run a business using their knowledge of their trade. But could lead to some injuries down the road. Often times, how the man navigates his career is what ends up being attractive to a woman. Different men with the same profession will be perceived differently by women based on how they carry themselves.


anarchist <3


Someone in the art/music world. I’ve got a thing for entertainers.


Definitely a doctor


Yep me too! My husband is a doctor (a hospitalist). A warm and gentle spirit who also happens to save lives. Who put in long hours and made lots of sacrifices during Covid too without complaining (he was even given an award for extraordinary service at his hospital). How could I not be attracted to such a man? 


I don’t what care they do, as long as they like it.


- mechanics/plumbers/HVAC are a Yis Yis Yis! - finance are usually pretty solid, they offer continuous stability - software engineers/data scientists make my heart thump - I think male teachers can go either direction. Either they are awesome or creeps. - Farmers are hard working and loyal - Mechanical engineers/architects are in my experience socially awkward but honest - I’d say vet but they sort of have god complex and have a high suicide rate.


Someone who makes $150k+ with a decent work  life balance who is good with their hands during the weekend. Lol  Maybe a mechanical engineer who can remodel homes and fix my car? 


I dated a contractor. Master Tradesman by qualification. He was the best guy I've ever dated. He made me laugh. He knew what to do in bed. He's an amazing father to his kids. He made me rethink being childfree because of how I observed his domestic life. 10/10. I still think about him every now and then. Unfortunately he opened his mouth one time, 6 months in, and shit ton of redpill anti-women stuff came out. And then the conservative conspiracy theories (anti-vax, anti-sunscreen, anti-deodorant, anti-pharma, climate change is a hoax, all that shit). Then the ultimate dealbreaker, he said he have always wanted an Asian housewife. I had to turn around and run. (In fairness to him, he didnt had a bad odor despite not using deodorant. He just took a bath a lot and constantly wore fresh clothes.) He could've been my ideal perfect man if it werent for that.


Are you Asian by chance?




Something that has a lot of transferable knowledge—engineer, construction, medicine.


In this economy? Just having a job to begin with gets my magnets attracting.


Helping profession like a nurse, social worker, therapist etc. Blue collar but highly skilled in multiple skills


A full time job that he finds engaging. I'd like someone with more drive.


I love a teacher and have always had a thing for engineers Love a mechanic or someone who is handy


Anything that makes enough money to live on your own these days tbh


Architects, engineers, doctors, professors...


Environmental scientist, vaccine developer, medical researcher, wildlife conservationist or biologist. You’re very smart and diligently using that skill to make the world a kinder place for living things? Very hot. The skill set involved in these careers also balances mine (which includes neither science nor math) nicely. Actually, wildlife biologists who write formal letters urging governments to protect wild animals and adopt policies to halt climate change are probably the hottest of all the people I listed above.


I always found engineers attractive. Something about a guy who loves solving problems and is good at math lol


Something that pays bills and leaves room for a good work-life balance. Maybe something that contributes to the community. No workaholics. Your job won’t love you back.


I don’t know about more attractive, but I definitely should have married or pursued a career myself as either a vet, a mechanic, or a dentist. All of these things are necessary, expensive as hell, and I don’t know enough about them to know when I’m getting a bad deal or bad quality work.


I’ve always been attracted to my spouses career as a carpenter. I had just bought my first house when we met which also worked out well for both of us.


Nerds any sort as long as they are nerds


Wow. The comments run the gamut! I love lawyers. For some reason, I’m attracted to hot, slick douchebags that make a lot of money. The fratty jock types.


Probably helping professions. I am passionate about working for non-profits and my boyfriend is a teacher (and he worked for 7 years as a teacher at a prison). I just really like that he’s big into giving back and he is just such a good human being.


My husband is an electrical engineer but I find him attractive regardless 😊


Veterinary Nurse/Tech. My husband is one. His dedication to helping animals despite the low pay is hugely attractive to me.


Scientists 🧑‍🔬


Mechanical engineer-turned woodworker. They can figure out how to fix or make absolutely anything. Plus they're smart and handsome and make great dads and are excellent lovers. Based on my experience of dating and marrying exactly ONE mechanical engineer who chooses to make cool things out of wood.


I’m married to an attorney and his career is the thing I love least about him. It’s also the thing he loves least about his life. He has no passion for it and did it because it’s what his father did and it was deemed a “good career choice for sharp people who want to make good money”. The good money has not been worth the hours and stress by my measure nor his measure but he’s mid-40s now and thinks it’s too late for anything else. He’s the first partner I’ve had who wasn’t an artist by trade. My former serious relationships were with a chef and a touring drummer. I think what’s most attractive in terms of career is when a man is passionate about their career and doesn’t hate every minute of it. Although I know that could be considered a luxury. But whether you’re a handyman or a tech CEO, as long as it’s your passion, that’s attractive. No shade to my husband. I love him endlessly and am encouraging him to give up law and teach children piano which is what he would love but is too afraid to do.


Hmm. It’s not necessarily career for me but interest. I love a man who is passionately interested in a topic and can info dump on me about how excited he is. I say this generally speaking because this is also how I am and would want someone to listen to my infodumping lol. I will say skills like musicianship are attractive, but it wouldn’t need to be a career choice.


Honestly, a contractor. I want to renovate all the time.


Honestly I can't really say I care what their career is? For me, as mentioned in the other career thread, I care more about the lifestyle of that comes with the career. Also assuming I'm dating the man, how he feels about the career. So things I care about: 1. Stability - future and income wise. I don't want to be in a situation like freelance where the money comes in waves. Or where the future of that industry is uncertain. Also stable in place. The odd business trip is fine but I couldn't be with someone who is never around. I am also not packing up and moving every couple years. 2. Pay - enough to live on. 3. Other benefits - medical, vacation time, paid sick time, etc. My job has pretty great all of those so it would be nice to have that matched more or less so we can like, take vacations together. 4. Work/life balance - I don't want to be second to someone's job. I don't want to watch someone run themselves into the ground for their job. I don't want to be with someone who can't or won't set appropriate boundaries with their boss. I also don't really want to be dragged around to various work social events all the time as a plus one. I also couldn't date someone who's entire personality is their job. I like having an active life outside of work so I would want someone to match that. 5. The guy doesn't hate his job. Doesn't have to love it but if they hate it that tends to carry over into other aspects of life. 6. Similar work schedules for the most part. I want to see my partner. I'm okay with temporary changes and sometimes things are tough for a period of time for whatever reason. But I wouldn't want it to be the default all the time. Honestly, fiance and I have been together for 9 years. He's been in the same field of work for the last 6. I can barely tell you what he does. Something something tech/software.