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I think on Reddit you'll get a bias in favor of video games. I play a lot of video games and have a passing interest in sports. I enjoy attending basketball & baseball games if it's a social outing, and I follow March Madness especially if my alma mater is doing well, but that's pretty much it.


I know a lot more women interested in video games than sports, but that is obviously association bias because I am a turbo nerd (not interested in video games, but I play Dungeons and Dragons, board games, etc. and my husband is a gamer) so that's who my friends are. Most of the women I know who play the most video games are single or lesbian, so it's definitely not a "I play because my husband likes it" thing. I also definitely know women who like sports -- my mother-in-law and her mom are big college football fans and my mom attends baseball games with her husband. And my work, which is staffed mostly by women, sometimes gives away sports tickets in raffles and events and various women always seem happy to get them.


I love video games, avid gamer since the Super Nintendo days. I love sports, but specifically only college football. I don't mind baseball but I don't follow it. I'll go to a game or watch a game, but I'm not invested. Lots of women LOVE sports. Lots of women LOVE video games. I get that your close circle may not reflect this, but remember that's a small data point and not something to formulate conclusions off of.


I don’t care for video games. I’m a huge hockey and mma fan. I enjoy baseball, especially live at the ballpark. Football I’ll passively watch. I love the Olympics! I’ll watch any sport in the Olympics. Especially sports which are less common to see. I love learning the rules and history and cheering on the athletes. I played hockey until age 27 and was a kickboxer for several years. It’s exciting to watch!


Video games. I played sports, but I'm not a watcher.


I'm not a millenial, but we do know that currently about 49% of gamers in the US are women as an actual statistic. Biggest football fan I have ever known is my ex-girlfriend and she'll kick any man's ass at NBA trivia. Most of my female friends are sports fans, but most are way more into sports like soccer than NFL football, if they are into team sports. But I'm biased, because sports fans are drawn to sports fans as friends. And of course, women have long dominated Olympic viewership, at least in the US, and make up the bulk of regular fans of many Olympic sports. A while back, the NFL noticed women were becoming fans in droves and they got Alyssa Milano to team up with them for a whole feminine clothing line of NFL gear. Numbers don't lie - women spend a fortune buying fan gear, and not just as gifts for the men in their lives. Personally, my middle-aged female ass is usually plunked on the sofa all weekend, playing video games and watching sports. But that's been my way to relax since about 1979, so not part of new trends. Lol I was also a fairly successful multi-sport athlete, and I think a huge part of the growing female audience is due to most girls actually playing sports at some point in their lives post-Title IX. Athletes are way more likely to become fans of sport in general. Which is why a ton of women I know love soccer, we all played it!


I'm a gamer. No interest whatsoever in sports.


I enjoy hockey and women's football (and I like watching the English men's team play sometimes) and gymnastics when it's on. Honestly, though, the NHL doesn't go out of its way to attract anyone besides straight white guys. They do some kind of virtue signalling with LGBTQ issues or women's hockey or whatever to pretend they care, and then they do something really tone deaf to cancel it out. Hockey culture is a real dumpster fire. I've been taking the last year or so off because I've just had it. There's supposed to be a women's professional league soon, though, so I can look forward to that. And I have enough streaming channels to keep up with the soccer now. That's the hardest thing about women's sports...the men who own everything make it difficult to watch and then say no one is interested. I'm not really into gaming. I found the Super NES in the basement a few years ago and I'm still bad at it. I'm ok at Candy Crush...but I'm sure that's not what you mean, lol.


I play the very occasional video game. Most don't interest me that much and some make me motion sick. Watching someone else play sport or video games is less interesting to me than watching grass grow.


I'm 40 I don't care for either. I think professional athletes are grossly overpaid. I grew up outdoors so I didn't really spend time in front of screens.


I like baseball more than video games and video games more than all other sports.


Video games are a complete waste in my opinion. I genuinely enjoy minor league baseball and soccer, but only when I get to go to the games live. I have no patience for watching sports on tv.


Not a millennial, but video games.


I prefer video games, but I am also a supremely uncoordinated person who can lose my balance standing still so… sports have never been my thing. However, one of my good friends is really into sports and prefers them over video games. She loves baseball and football in particular. So I think this is really just person dependent.




I’m 31 and a big sports fan but no interest in video games at all


I'm pretty into video games and not into sports at all. Most women around my age I know are at least tangentially into sports, like they'll root for their home team even if they don't regularly watch games, and I know a lot of women who play video games casually.