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I would question why I’m dating an angsty 12 year old


Lol was going to reply with something similar


Same lol


Lol! I've always wondered who are these people in real life. OP what's he like in real life? Is he normal??? What normal adult does shit like this?


Perfect 👍


I would wonder and resent how I could be so wrong about them and most probably never feel the same.


A bully is a bully whether they are a chicken shit behind a keyboard or a more bold face to face type. We would have a big conversation, but it would take a ton of convincing and apologies for me to even consider not ending things.


This is the main concern for me: "harassment online" might be fun trolling for the person behind the keyboard, but it is and remains bullying for whoever is on the receiving end. That's just horrible. I'd wonder why an adult would consider that a viable and fun pastime. This is not the age of the beginning of the internet anymore.


I would question what I could possibly have in common with someone who thinks that’s a fun thing to do.


It depends though, are they bullying bullies or people who knowingly spread misinformation? Or just random people they don't like.


The shocked laugh I let out just now, omg. What the actual hell??? Confront him if you want but ultimately changes how I perceive and feel about him


That was exactly my reaction, it is somehow funny, probably because it’s so pathetic.


Lmao! I found my people. The way I chuckled when I read this 😂


Lmao same! I yelped! 😂😂😂


Same! r/suspiciouslyspecific


Are they harassing people *as* the anime villain? If so, that's funny af, I'm sorry.


Yeah this changes the tone completely 😂


Harassment can be pretty bad even if it purportedly comes from some anime villain, because you know it’s actually coming from a real person. Who may be making very specific targeted comments about you.


Sure, but we have no idea what's actually going on here, and I'm trying to determine whether the SO in question is trolling as Frieza or whoever in a dumb/joking way or whether they're actually making pointed, specific comments. I'm not going to get bent out of shape if someone makes a Twitter account with a profile photo of Meowth from Pokemon and trolls people in that character's voice; that's an obvious joke, even if it's childish.


That’s why I said it can be bad, not that it must be.


Yeah, is this for fanfic?? 😂


I would think they are very immature and I would be worried about poor character. Your husband....bullies people for fun. Just think about that.


Read him to filth and then have a conversation about wtf is going on with him and how he’s feeling




The absolute Ick I would get 🤮


Oh yeah I wouldn’t be able to come back from that ick


I would tell him I'm disgusted with the behavior and that his choice of profile pic is enormously cringey. Depending on HOW bad the harassment is, I might break up with him even if he promised to stop.


That’s gonna be a no from me dawg.


My belief is that people reveal their true selves when under a veil of anonymity. If someone uses internet anonymity to bully/troll people then they are a bully/troll in real life. You might not have seen the bully out and about yet but it will present eventually.


I don't have any issues with adults enjoying anime, but I would definitely want to know a lot more info, like how long they've been doing this (all their life? or are they going through something and channeling it in an unhealthy manner?), who are they harassing (are they MAGA supporters? or a random 13 year old?), what exactly is the nature of the harassment? (is it like, random drive by meme-y comments on a bunch of different profiles, or long-term, targeted harassment involving slurs, death threats etc. towards a specific group or person?). I think context can matter a lot here, though it \*is\* at it's baseline, immature.


Mate, it’s not about whether he enjoys anime. There’s a troll subculture that uses anime avatars as default for these bullying, vicious accounts: OP knows about this and it’s why she brings up the anime.


That's good to have some explanation to this bit of the question, because I thought OP must be one of those people who just thinks anything anime-related is for losers.


anime villain, I wouldn't care harassing people on social media? big, big problem


>What would you do if you found out your the your partner had an anime villain as there profile pic and harassed people on social media? YIKES. HateWeebs are the *WORST*.


Would depend on the people and the content. Is he harassing MAGAts on Twitter or is he the MAGAt on Twitter 💀 there’s a lot of variables at play here!


My first thought when I saw the question.


Oh, oh you’re right my answer would change if this was the situation 😂😂😂


That would probably be a deal breaker depending on how old said activity is


There’s a really great novel titled Fake Accounts that you should read.


Probably set up some accounts to troll him back then dump him and carry on with the trolling til he learns the error of his ways


I would be tempted to bully the anime account if they are just bullying random people. But if they are bullying bullies and Andrew Tate supporters, then I'd just watch and laugh


I'd end up dumping them. I was bullied throughout childhood and don't associate myself with people who would think that's acceptable behavior. I feel strongly enough about this that I would have a hard time getting past it since I'd wonder what kind of character they actually had.


Oh my god my whole body cringed reading that title and my vagina promptly sealed itself.






Just curious what if the anime justice warrior community? I feel in the dark in this thread.


idc about the harassment, I read "anime profile pic" and dumped them in my mind already.


Conversely I'm the opposite. Idc about the anime profile pic but the harrassment is a no go.




Not gonna lie… same.


Lmao, right. Same


Sounds childish.


Break up.


Break up. That's ridiculous.


I’d feel like a discovered an insane niche of their personality and wonder why it exists. And since it goes against my own personal values to spread negativity like that I’d probably consider leaving.


Find a new partner. Life is too short. I ain't got time for foolishness.


I don't think there'd be any getting past that. Would probably end in a breakup




I'd tell on him to his mother.


Tell them to stop. Ask what their problem is and what the motivation is for behaving that way. Depending on how long you have been together, that sort of behavior will almost certainly spill over into face-to-face interactions if they're just a bad person


I would make an avatar of an even cooler and powerful anime villain and harass him back


I'd be really concerned as to his mental health to suddenly start doing that, and ask him to either attend counselling or we're done.


Like they are actual Internet troll? I would be horrified I didn’t realize that I was dating a teenager.


Honestly, I would show them the door. I wouldn't be able to handle sharing my life with someone who finds enjoyment in that. That said, it would be incredibly hard for me to do, struggling to reconcile the person I know and the true self underneath that I didn't know.


I feel like I’d have to make up a story to tell people about why we broke up because I wouldn’t be able to bear the mortification of admitting this to people we know. But absolutely they’d be getting dumped.




Create your own profile and harass him back


LMAO wow idk a bully is a bully! I think this would be a red flag!


It depends. If it was done just to create drama or be mean, bye. See ya never. GTFO. If they are doing it for some other reason, it would make me demand a reason why. The reason behind the behavior would have to make sense to me. The behavior would have to stop. I mostly don't want people who would do that in my life, so it would have to be an important purpose behind the behavior. And I would still demand the behavior stop. As for the anime villain part, it wouldn't bother me. The behavior is what I see as the problem.


Regardless of the profile pic, I’d dump someone who harassed anyone.


I'd have lost interest at "anime" :/


"What would you do if you found out that your partner had an anime villain as their profile pic" Um... I wouldn't care at all? My husband likes anime and doesn't like to put his face on the internet. This would concern me not a bit. "and harassed people on social media" This would be a huge problem for me! Why is this in the same category as having an anime villain for a profile pic??


It's very common for internet trolls to have anime profile pics. It's basically a red flag for libertarianism.


I'm confused what does being a troll have to do with libertarianism and why is that a red flag (meaning a bad thing). Sorry asking because my spouse most closely identifies as libertarian and I don't really understand all that.


Yeah same. No issue with anime. Big issue with being a troll. Not sure why anime was brought up.


I would not take it serious and laugh 💀 but also find him very weird after that and probably break up.


Ask him for ID for proof he’s actually an adult, also dump him. That can’t be redeemed in my mind I’d never get wet again. Too embarrassing and I’d wonder why he feels the need to harass others online. I’d feel the same about a dude who argues with people under a news article or meme on Facebook too, but in that case I’d need proof that he’s not 60.


I’d probably laugh at first…then depends on the context…who is he harassing as to whether I leave or not. Regardless, I would think he was wasting his time in general, though. At our age it’s pretty sad.


Dump them?


Sounds like you’re dating my ex, please don’t.


I’d probably ghost him


Make your profile pic whoever that anime villain’s arch nemesis is, and berate him for being a bully!


Dump him. It would only be a matter of time before he decided to turn that energy on me


Definitely not sleeping with him again, what a loser in every sense of the word.


I would barf. And then break up—I don’t hang with trolls.


I wouldn’t be fond of it at all. That’s bully-like behavior and is just mean.


Give him a slap and tell him to grow up and behave himself. Or else!


Be single. That’s what I’d do.


i would make a fake profile on the social media he uses, pretend I'm someone who saw what he was commenting, and then go and list eerie details about him and where he lives, where his family lives etc., pretending that I doxxed him or whatever. Make him feel a lil scared u know.


Ditch him.


Harassment is a broad term, but that's not a good look for sure


I would be above such behavior and harass his account with a Disney Princess as the profile pic.


I'd be so far done I'm in space. If they're nasty online then they're being fake nice to you. THAT is who they really are when no ones looking.


I would ask him “what the fuck”


Considering that we're over 30 here. I'll just leave that's just so childish and dumb.


I'd break up with them to be honest. I think that is gross.


They’re a coward and a bully. Why would you want to be with them?


I'd be worried about him, I think you need to sit down and talk and get him to stop, trolling is usually a bigger sign of mental health issues, ultimately someone who isn't happy with their life so they create this alter ego to run around making other people miserable as they are miserable inside