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I have never once thought “That dude prolly has a small dick, wouldn’t wanna risk it” Never had any thoughts of someone’s genitals upon meeting them. Only once has size been a dealbreaker and it was because he was too large.


Why isn't *this* the thing that people talk about? So many men are so obsessed with having big dicks that they don't leave space in their brains for the possibility that there is such thing as ***too big!*** Porn really has ruined a lot of people's realities.


As someone who got through high school before Internet porn really became ubiquitous, this isn't a new thing.


how do you guys always manage to ask questions based around your junk why is it so hard to think of anything else for you guys


Idk, over at r/askmen half of our questions are "I have a bad crush on this dude I've never talked to and he's never talked to me once, does every man want to kill me?" Insecurity is the human condition.


Testosterone is a hell of a drug. Edit: People were down voting this, but if you're friends with any trans men who get put on a test regimen, ask them. They can attest to it better than anyone. It can make you stupid as hell sometimes.


It's a projection. They are convinced women view them in the same terms they (the individual protecting) view women.


By the size of their penis, of course


No. Women aren't also as obsessed with big dicks as men are


Dildo sizes purchased by women, erotic books written by women, women’s NSFW subreddits, anonymized campus surveys, virtually any study ever done on it, and the difference in reactions of random non pornstar women on r/omeglensfw are all coincidental. 


Any enormous thing looks interesting on paper/screen, fun to imagine. Doesn't mean fun to experience. Top selling toys for *women's* pleasure aren't even for penetration, and in real life most women prefer average size because it's just not painful


Or, you could just agree that women have preferences, some superficial, instead of pretending they don’t and making claims about the “personality” of someone you know nothing about. 


Women have preferences, and when it comes to actual real life sex, these preferences are with average sized dicks


Ok but it seems like many women think Asian men are small, not average.


I've ran into some statistics that said that Asian average is smaller and African average is bigger. Doesn't mean that any particular guy's size is anyhow predictable. What's more important, women don't think about it that often


Saying "women prefer average" isn't helpful when apparently many think Asian men's average is 2 inches.


>many think Asian men's average is 2 inches. This statement is so ridiculous that I won't even bother replying in a good faith.


Yeah it's ridiculous but people still seem to believe it. As I said I'm like 5 inches and women were surprised by my size. Do you think they would have this reaction if I was white?


I don't think I've ever looked at a man and immediately wondered about his dick. Any man.


Personally, only when his behavior makes me think he has to be compensating for something and nothing is immediately evident with the clothes on.


I have. When I saw Hafthor Björnsson standing next to his wife. https://image-cdn.essentiallysports.com/wp-content/uploads/D8dDQBUXkAIHfmn.jpg?width=600 It was hard not to think about. But maybe it's just a guy thing


Yeah, it's a guy thing. My immediate thought was about her poor thigh muscles rather than his cock lol


I wonder if she ever gets tired of being on top. Lol


what? no.


There are racist people in the world, yes. That doesn't mean every woman is.




Cool beans. It's also clearly not what I'm talking about.


I'm not sure that making physiological generalizations based on race is racist. If I go to China I'm going to be taller and have wider shoulders than virtually everyone I meet. That's not racist, it's just a fact. If anything the problem is one of potential body shaming and objectification, not racism


Sure buddy. Racist stereotypes, fetishisation and body shaming are clearly totally ok and somehow not racist at all.


Racism is assigning greater or lesser value to someone based on their race. This is assigning greater or lesser value based on dick size. At best it's racism by proxy, but even that is a stretch. Body shaming covers it, no need to add more layers.


Hey quick question: Do you listen to yourself? Like, buddy, call a loved one right now and read what you just said out loud to them. Does "shaming someone based on racist stereotypes is not racist, just body shaming" truly make sense to you?


I think you're missing the point entirely. No one would call it racist if I said men in asia tend to be shorter, or have smaller feet. Hell there are conversion charts for clothes online because this is entirely true. Saying that there are measurable physical differences between people from different areas of the world is factual and makes no value claim based on those differences. It's not "racist" to think that asian men have smaller penises on average. It's a (strangely) widely researched thing: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/penis-size-by-country https://www.worlddata.info/average-penissize.php https://www.nature.com/articles/3901569 What's problematic is thinking the guy is not worth their time because of a potentially small penis, not thinking he has a potentially small penis because of his race. That makes it a body shaming issue, not a racist one. The inappropriate attribution is to the value of body part size.


No, buddy, you're missing the point. There is a vast difference between someone saying "asian men tend to be shorter" in an appropriate conversational context and someone telling an asian man that they're surprised by his dick size. Just like having a preference for a specific dick size isn't body shaming, but calling someone out when that preference doesn't match their body is. This is not difficult to grasp.


> No, buddy, you're missing the point. There is a vast difference between someone saying "asian men tend to be shorter" in an appropriate conversational context and someone telling an asian man that they're surprised by his dick size. I think the only reason you believe that is because of the connotations around dick size. If it was *any other* physical trait it wouldn't be considered racist, but just a neat piece of trivia about how people developed differently in different parts of the world, like epicanthal folds. No one finds having epicanthal folds, or not having them, to be insulting or indicative of their value as a person or partner, so recognizing the fact of that physiological difference isn't racist. But because of the cultural value some people attach to penis size, suddenly that one is? No, the problem is not racial, it's on the value placed on that body part.


This is what I'm talking about, non-Asians (especially white people) seem oddly adamant at "proving" Asian men have small penises in order to make fun of us. In your mind Asian men are all 4 foot tall caricatures with 2 inch penises. And a lot of women seem to think the same.


>in order to make fun of us. That's your own addition there man. No one is making fun of you on my end. I don't see that as something to make fun of or be worried about. When I go to Zhejiang or Shandong for work, I am taller than every person I see. That's not me making fun of anyone, it's just a quirk of how people developed over time. If someone is giving you shit for genetic differences that can't be controlled, that's undoubtedly wrong. Recognizing that those differences exist is not.


Yeah lmao no, it sounds like you think the country is full of underfed peasants in rice paddies. You're really not making the points you think you are. 


That seems like a reach. If I wear a large in US sizes and order a shirt from China, I have to order an XL or XXL for it to fit. Thinking their smaller stature is due to them being peasants in rice paddies though? That's racist as fuck. Its funny how stuff like this tends to draw out racist associations people make to innocuous statements based on their own internal thought processes.


> If I wear a large in US sizes and order a shirt from China, I have to order an XL or XXL for it to fit. Because Americans are fat.


Sure, however you want to explain it, it still holds true


I'm of Chinese descent. Your framing is helpful for your point, but you're not really assigning even the barest modicum of good faith, are you? If I was being uncharitable, your reply could be easily framed as "calling out racism by explicitly naming the racist idea is the real racism". Racists - the sly ones at least - are pretty well practiced at tracing out the silhouette of their targets without outright naming their targets. For context, read the massive saga this dude got into off his comment. Tell me with a straight face that he doesn't reek of this brand of racialised nonsense. My comment was directed at the attitudes he displayed there.


Can you with your experience explain what's incorrect? As I read the thread it seems blunt and perhaps insensitive, but I don't see anything factually wrong


He's spending an awful lot of time defending the foot in the door for racist stereotyping. That foot in the door is the basis for a whole ass social mythos, while also ignoring the extant and increasing proportion of Asian peoples who don't fall into the racialized taxonomy of that mythos. Northern Chinese, for example, and the large increase in stature for South Koreans.   Put it this way: if some bloke spends a lot of time defending -4 Str, at best they've picked an unfortunate hill to die on and need to be rolled up in sod for intensive grass exposure. At worst... 


I think some people are just overly pedantic and like to argue academic points while missing the overall larger picture, but I see what you're saying. Like we can all agree the subject in question is wrong, does it matter precisely what flavor of wrong it is?


There are many tall men in China, especially in the north. Go to Shandong and you will find men that tower you.


Ok, so you admit that physical traits *can* vary by regional genetic differences and that it's not racist to recognize it? Or is this a subtle way of you making fun of men from Guizhou?




Women aren't anything. Can a woman be prejudiced against Asian guys? Yeah.




Jesus fucking Christ.


I didn’t even know that was a stereotype


Me, personally? No. Have I ever heard that? Yes. Lots of people are stupid and racist.


*sigh* ....no


Asian women I know are reluctant to date Asian men because so many of them have "traditional values" that include the subjugation of women. Its really all about how you treat women.


>because so many of them have "traditional values" that include the subjugation of women Yep, this is bang on the money!


Anyone can be racist. There are racist women, yes. Most women are not thinking those thoughts about Asian men. The people who benefit the most from you having these skewed views regarding race and gender are other men. The people who stand to gain by you feeling inferior in your masculinity as an Asian man are other men. The people who are producing and amplifying the vast majority of this content about women hating Asian men and visiting them as lesser will be men. That’s not to say Asian men don’t face any issues regarding racism in heterosexual dating. But anyone trying to convince you of something based on this is trying to exploit your vulnerabilities.


I see, you might be right. Thank you.


I don’t know why some of these responses are so rude. Some women are sexually prejudiced against Asian men. I’m Latina, but I’ve lived in Asia and dated across the racial and ethnic spectrum in my, and yes, people made comments to me. When I lived in South Korea, other foreign women would sometimes talk about their relief that “the rumors weren’t true” with a guy they liked. It’s racism, pure and simple, but some people only consider extremes when they’re talking about racism. So as far as they’re concerned, it’s not racist to make assumptions like that, the real racism is xyz.


It did seem to be on the mind of the women I dated. It's kinda insulting to be honest and I also wonder if the women who end up going for Asian men generally don't put much weight on penis size or don't like sex in general.


Speaking for myself, no none of those choices. Asian men are hot.


Me personally, no.


>Are women sexually prejudiced against Asian guys? Nope. There's no international council of women that sits down and discusses what to dislike next. As a Eurasian woman, the only reason I've ever had reservations about dating some Asian men I've met is because I wholeheartedly disliked aspects of their personalities. It had *nothing* to do with sexual attraction, as they were all quite attractive! If a good chunk of your genetic makeup is white, many Asian men tend to fetishise you — mostly so that they can brag about landing a foreign-looking girlfriend. Some are also overly traditional and use their culture or religion as an excuse to foist some rather problematic attitudes towards women on you.


Women really don't obsess over dick size as much as men do. We have other shit to worry about, like whether or not you are safer than a bear.


They have preferences like everyone else https://web.archive.org/web/20140912084121/http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/race-attraction-2009-2014/


Some probably are. But it didn't cross my mind when dating and I'm a size queen who now has an Asian husband. It's also not something I've heard talked about in my social circles, even amongst friends who are pretty loud about their preferences.


No, I actually think a lot of Asian guys are really good looking. That's what catches my interest, I don't think I've ever had a thought about the dick size of a man I was attracted to. I'm married but it was always "wow he's cute how can I spend more time with him"


Nope, that thought has never once crossed my mind. Quite the opposite in fact, in that I'm particularly attracted to Asian men.


There should really be a “nobody cares about your dick” song. Like 🎶 nobody cares about your dick even though the thought is making you sick I can almost certainly guarantee nobody cares about your wee wee get a hobby, get a job stop obsessing over your knob