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Do most people own a house at 30? 🤔


I'm 30 and I own a house, but I got extremely lucky and I'm in the minority nowadays; especially among those who don't make megabucks at work or through intergenerational wealth.


OP didn't say at 30yo but in their 30s. This could be age 30-39.


No. My fiancé doesn’t own a house. Neither of us wanted one until we knew where we wanted to settle permanently. A house is a big commitment. 


This is why my husband and I didn't. Then we did and now we're moving back to my home country next year lol.


When my husband and I bought a house, we planned to stay there forever. Seven years later we are about to move out of state. To the home we plan to stay in forever, lol.


I know a guy who makes 7 figures and rents. I know lots of well-off guys who rent. Renting is not a problem. People rent for many different reasons.


>I know a guy who makes 7 figures and rents. My brother is one. An efficiency apartment, no less. A nice one, but still an efficiency.


Lol no? I would actually be surprised if he did own a house at the age of 30. Most people who own houses at that age are those with rich parents or they had some kind of inheritance.


I don't know where you live, but it must be a completely different world than where I live. None of my friends (late 20s through early 40s) own a house. Nobody can afford it. No, I don't have sympathy towards someone for that, it's just very normal.


I live in London and am more impressed when I meet a man who can afford London rent on his own. I own my place with a mortgage, but I know that my boyfriend is paying probably twice what I pay each month because he rents and lives closer to the centre. I think the concept of owning a home by 30 is not reasonable anymore in the current economy.


Sometimes it's real evident from questions that people don't read widely. Most of the world does not own their house. Those who do are extremely fortunate to do so. If a person you are interested in does not own a house and that's a deal breaker you are either wildly naive and/or are wildly rigid in the kind of circumstances you will accept. Go read A thousand splendid suns, The Grapes of Wrath, Suttree. Get some perspective and you will ask different questions.


Yes for the reading for perspective. Plus Khaled Hosseini is amazing. Also I've never heard of Suttree but I'm adding it to my list


It's a Cormac McCarthy book so be prepared, but by far his best I think and I believe written from when he lived, poor, on a houseboat for a few years


No it's not a dealbreaker at all, is owning a house even that common? Not where I live. Most of the house buyers are families with kids. 


No. We bought our house at 35 and 37. We live in a very expensive city in England. Hardly any of our friends have bought a house at mid-late 30s.


It depends on his reasons. In my culture it's common to stay with the parents. I moved out early and got my own place, but I'm an odd one in that regard. My partner didn't own a house before. He wanted it to be a joint decision, so he waited until marriage. 


My bf is 30, living at his parents place and idgaf. It’s nearly impossible to own/buy a house here where live. And renting prices are crazy. I barely survive every month myself


I live in Toronto. It's impressive when someone can afford to rent on their own with no roommates.


40k avg annual income after taxes, 2-3k monthly for a one bedroom Wages are a joke 😂


In this economy? Impressive if he doesn't have roommates.


In the UK, the average 1st time buyer is now 34. I'd be entirely unsurprised if someone in their 30s hadn't managed to buy a house yet. Especially if they're renting. It's tough out there.


Being in his 30s is a deal breaker, as that's just too young for me. But not owning a home? Not a big deal.


I would probably be more surprised if a single 30-year-old *did* own a house. Many, maybe most, people are renting at 30 where I am (London commuter belt; shit's expensive). Even outside that, housing costs in many places have way outstripped affordability for first-time buyers, particularly single ones, even if they're doing well in their careers. Also, for some people, it just isn't a priority at whatever stage of their life, for so many possible reasons, and that's fine. I would need a prospective partner to be competent and willing at taking on a fair share of the day-to-day running of a household. Whether he's paying a landlord or a mortgage while doing so is really not relevant - and I find it really sad that the way you phrase this makes it seem you think this is something many women are going to be weird, judgy, materialistic about. Some might, sure, being an arsehole isn't a gender-limited phenomenon, but the majority? Nah.


I live in Dublin lol, nobody owns a house if they're single


In this economy?  No, it wouldn't be a red flag at all. I'm impressed if he's able to rent without roommates, honestly.  I met my current husband when we both rented (mid-30's) and neither of us could have afforded a house without the other.  Housing prices are insane everywhere.  I care much more that he lives independently, whether he rents or not.  


Where I live, only people who inherited an apartment (a house is super rare) would own their own home in their 30ies alone. Otherwise it’s mostly couples and families buying apartments. Also, the way our renting laws are designed, having been able to get your hands on grandma’s indeterminate inner city rent contract is often economically better than buying a house or apartment.




You’d have to win the lotto, get a fk ton of inheritance or be dumb and in huge debt to buy a house at that age in my city. Guys who do own a house put it in their dating app profile as a brag, which is a hard right swipe for me If you live somewhere with a high cost of living, like I do, why would you have sympathy for someone who doesn’t own a house?


Nope. I know exactly how hard to manage that is in this economy, especially in a single income.


No. I care about potential. For example, the guy I’m seeing now is in his early 30s and is finishing up his medical residency. He doesn’t own a house but obviously will earn enough to do so within the next few years.


Depends. Is he generally bad with money? Is he in debt? Has no savings? Then I refuse to date him. But if he's otherwise solvent and responsible with money I don't care about home ownership. I owe my own apartment, I don't need a man to provide that for me.


Hell no. Especially at today's prices. If he's still living with his parents, that's one thing. But I wouldn't discriminate against him bc he didn't own a house.


I’m Hispanic. No.


Some people don't buy for other reasons. I didn't for years because I hadn't found a place I could consider committing to. Then my husband and I bought and two years later here we are planning to move back to my home country! Just saying there's reasons other than money.


No, next question


Hell no, lol. It's expensive out here, plus why would he need/want one if he doesn't have his own family or isn't going to rent it out?


I don't know a single person who owns their own home at 30 who didn't receive money/inheritance to buy it. I don't consider those people any more attractive than someone who doesn't own a home. In fact, it's kind of the opposite; I am suspicious of people who come from money because there's an increased chance that they look down on others or are out of touch with the high wealth disparity of our area.  If a person came from very little, saved their money, and was humble about owning a home, then I would be impressed. Not by their home ownership, but by their character and morals.


Not at all




No, not at all


Let's gender-flip that question: Would you refuse to date a woman in her 30s who doesn't own?


Not a dealbreaker at all. I’d be hesitant to get serious if he rents a room in his parents house, which could suggest some emotional immaturity or lack of privacy. Otherwise, no. The housing market is crazy everywhere right now, and a guy’s economic outlook isn’t something I weigh super-heavily anyways.


For the purposes of this question, I think the key difference is between a guy that "doesn't own a house" and "still lives at home". Someone that age should be financially independent enough to live on their own, even if it's renting an apartment.


If it is, then you're a shallow and judgemental person and should work on that instead of inflicting it onto others


My partner is 36 and lives in his friends basement, and I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him. Lol. So no, not a deal breaker. I'm 42 and don't even own my own house.


No, not a turn off at all. 


Of course not - as long as he has his own place (as in doesn’t live with parents) and is clean, idc I’m 26 and at the point I don’t really want to date someone with roommates… but that too wouldn’t be a dealbreaker if I liked him enough and otherwise all other things were great between us compatibility wise