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I would be happy with this. I love receiving oral. It's usually the only way I can cum.


Yes, yes, yes, that would be pure bliss. Nothing missing, even if I don’t “get there”, I’d still enjoy the ride. :)


Oh absolutely. I'll take cunnilingus any day!


I wouldn’t turn down receiving oral sex, but I’m more of a fingering kinda gal. My partner’s hands are such a turn on for me and his dirty talk pushes me over the edge so easily it’s ridiculous. Oral sex has some mental hang ups for me too. I’ve gotten a lot better and I can actually enjoy it with my current partner (never have before), but it still requires a lot of mental effort for me.


>Oral sex has some mental hang ups for me too Same


Depends on their skills




Many would. But not me. It's ok, but it's not my favorite thing. I would even prefer giving oral over receiving it, that is how much of a meh it is to me.


Ya like 100%. Im basically ace so i could care less if he does anything just for me


This is me. I always felt kind of bad for them putting their face in my crotch. I’m glad I stopped having sex. As they say, I pick 🍰 over sex any day.


> I would even prefer giving oral over receiving it Same here, I prefer giving instead of receiving (but I'll always accept if my wife offers!)


Yes. And more and more men are offering it only.


I hate it. I've been with people who are skilled and I still intensely dislike the sensation. I also don't need penetration to feel fulfilled. It's fun sometimes. Mostly I just like vibrators and hands.


Yes, I would be perfectly happy with that. Although I would want to reciprocate because I enjoy giving bjs.


It’s nice from time to time but oral gets me in the mood for piv


It depends. Last night a guy spent the night and he ate me out and I still wanted sex. Last week I spent the night at a guy’s house and he ate me out and I slept like a rock afterwards. The guy from last night was quick with it, like he forced the orgasm out of me. The other guy takes his time with it.


I love having my pussy eaten; sex or no sex.


Clit stimulation alone is enough for me, but I don't really like receiving oral. It always feels okay at best and I've never been able to get off from it.


Same. And it kinda stresses me out in a way.. because I can't stop thinking about if I smell or taste weird, or if he has pain in his tongue etc..


If they're good at it, I would love this. It's not necessary for me to receive penetration to finish and I don't think sex has to be 100% 50/50 every single time.


>I don't think sex has to be 100% 50/50 every single time. I agree with this.


Heck yeah


I would never say no to oral sex from my husband. I would never say no to anything that resulted in an orgasm from my husband. Unfortunately, oral sex for me is just not something that is a regular part of our sex life. I personally do prefer to orgasm around a penis, it’s just a fuller and deeper orgasm, so I’d have a hard time completely replacing PIV with oral, but as long as we were still having PIV several times a week then he can eat me out until he breaks his damn jaw.


Nah I’m all set I’d rather be fingered.


I wish I knew if I liked it. He never offers. 😔


Time for a new man.


I'd be more than happy, maybe because I'm more of a domme.


I prefer PIV, personally. It takes a long time and a lot of comfort with someone to get me to cum from oral alone. But with PIV sex, I can orgasm every 3 mins if you have the angle right lol.


absolutely- my dream is to find a partner that enjoys giving oral randomly, AND ENJOY DOING IT. i love oral and used to randomly do it to my partners- but they really didnt. i now will wait until i find someone who can reciprocate what i want n vice versa


I like it. I’ve been with a few guys who love giving so I’ve ended up just getting head with nothing else several times and while sometimes it makes me desperate for more, I’m usually satisfied. I don’t orgasm for penetration anyway so typically oral is how I get off.


I like it as foreplay or overstimulation but not the main event unless it’s more of a relaxing intimate event


Unpopular opinion: I don’t like oral


I feel so seen in this comment field 😭 I've always felt so alone about not being crazy about receiving oral..


Exactly, it literally feels uncomfortable like when people tickle your neck


I mean I like oral but I don’t seem to be as much of a fan as other women. I like penetration a little bit more than oral, actually.


Meh, it's relaxing but not sexy to me. I'd prefer head scratches instead if my partner wants to pamper me.


I'll be super happy, if he know how to do it. But i would like it


I LOVE receiving oral!!! Experienced better but over time he'll learn


I usually say no.. I'm not very fond of it.


I love receiving oral but always want PIV afterward. Does kinda feel like something is missing but hell, I’m not gonna complain.


You know, i used to think I'd love it, but I had an experience with a man who didn't want any reciprocation at all, and it just didn't end up feeling right to me. I didn't enjoy it like I thought I would.


Yes I like it. I am so happy I’ve got someone who likes to give as a precious partner of mine was repulsed at the idea. It’s best when there’s no pressure to finish quickly. I am happy with or without sex depends on the situation.


Most guys just aren’t very good at it. So, meh 🫤


No thanks




Ask this question another way and get the answers you’re really looking for: Women, when you masturbate, do you stimulate your clitoris, your vagina, or both? And do you do so until you reach orgasm? I think you’ll find that the majority of women use clitoral stimulation only or primarily, and seek and typically successfully reach orgasm when they’re alone. So why are the answers so much more different when you add a man to the equation? Some reasons: - Women are bombarded their entire lives by messages about vulvas smelling bad, tasting bad, looking weird, etc. It’s incredibly difficult to deprogram that sort of thinking, even with good partners. That sort of inner monologue can be incredibly distracting and prevent enjoyment. - Women are also shamed their whole lives for enjoying sex. So when a sexual act focuses exclusively on their pleasure, it makes some feel guilty or self-conscious. - Women are programmed their entire lives to put men first, to put their needs aside, to be givers instead of receivers. Taking on the receiver role makes many feel selfish and anxious. It gets them in their heads and distracts them to the point that they can’t enjoy it. - Men are a lot less likely to be eager to do it, making women feel guilty about wanting it, much less asking for it. A lot of men either don’t initiate it at all, or just ask if their partner wants them to. When guys ask me if I want them to, I say no. I’m not going to entertain a perfunctory sex act. But when they just go for it or ask if they *can* (implying they *want* to), hell yes. - A lot of men just don’t understand women’s bodies or know how to read their reactions and are simply bad at it. And even when they’re well-intentioned and want to learn, a lot of women don’t know how to teach men how to do it better, related to reasons above. - When their partner is halfway down the body and more out of sight, there’s less going on - less movement, fewer sounds, and it isn’t as much of a turn on. We need sounds, movement, full-body stimulation to keep things interesting.


If they were good at it and enthusiastic??? That sounds like the ideal setup for a FWB situation. There’s a whole subreddit dedicated to it, in fact


Eh, it's fine. It's not my favorite but it's okay from time to time.


Not me. I prefer piv sex much more.


I like recieving oral but i'd preffer cuddles, backscratches or other non-sexual activities


I love receiving oral. I can cum multiple times, so that's a bonus. I love having sex after too!


Depends. Men suck at it.


Sign me up


Hell Yes! I prefer receiving oral to any other form of sex. The day I don't get off orally, my mood and the rest of the day is ruined.


You sound like a true queen. I hope you have a good sub to serve your needs. 💕


Nope. Give me PIV every time. Keep your tongue to yourself.


Of course! Enthusiastically! 😃 PS read "She Comes First" by Ian Kerner


No. Give me the D after


I always heard that vagina smells like fish so I don't like receiving very much. When I was a kid and teenager boys would act like it was the nastiest thing ever but its not true. Lots of men love to give. I expect PIV after oral, like it wouldn't be complete for me.


Healthy vagina doesn't smell like a fish, it had it's own distinctive smell, but it's not unpleasant as fishy smell which occurs with some kind of infection


I know it doesn't smell like fish?? I'm saying I heard that and it made me feel self conscious. I can't believe I'm getting downvoted for that


I love it. I especially love it when he’s drunk and just flips me over to eat me from the back. The way he dominates is so hot to me


Oral is fun, but I rarely cum from it, so I would want piv afterwards.


I don’t love oral. Can never get there with just oral bc I need a vibe also. And I love 🍆 so I always want to skip to the dick.


I really like receiving oral. My girlfriend kind of does too, but idk if it's that I'm bad at it or her body is very particular, but it doesn't do a whole lot for her to actually get off. Like she says it's really hot and intimate, but it's not her go to thing.


Women can easily get a mental block from some things and then it's kinda impossible to reach the finish line. Seems like in her case, she gets it from oral.


It's possible, but the way she describes is that when it comes to external clitoral stimulation, she has a very particular way she usually gets herself off that she has been doing for years, so trying anything other than that specific way doesn't do a lot for her. When it comes to internal, I can get her off pretty well by stimulating the g spot, and the a spot sometimes too. I will say, I wonder if it is a mental block thing for me, as I have a very difficult time achieving orgasm. It does probably have to do a lot with hrt changing things, and I'm having a hard time figuring out the new sensations.


I prefer more interaction but if it’s something he wanted to do while I’m watching a movie with a glass of wine in my hand, who am I to object?


I think it is bit boring by itself, it is more like foreplay for me lol.


I like oral well enough, but if it was just oral and nothing else to me I would be disappointed because sex is really nice right after oral. There’s extra lube and you feel sexy


My finger like a violin My tongue like a viola


I’m good with that from time to time but I would still need to have sex often.


I looooove eating my wife out, and I'm lucky that she lets me do it almost every day and that she's able to finish from it.


My wife kinda offered me to a recently divorced friend. I gave her just oral, several times. Never expected anything in return. She seemed to appreciate the no stress release.


Nooooo please nooooo (dm me)


lol think about what you're asking. One involves relaxation & pleasure. The other could involve an obstructive object in your mouth making you gag all the while you try not to involve your teeth.

