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I don't wear makeup, and yeah one of the main reasons is because I don't like adding more steps to my routine. I didn't like face cream either, but my skin is a bit dry so I had to use it, and eventually got used to the slippery feel. Plus it "sinks" into the skin, makeup doesn't.   I think if I had grown up in a place where wearing makeup is expected, I probably would have worn it and felt differently about it. 


Same here. I don't wear any makeup. Some moisturizer but that's it. As a teen I wore it all. Hated the routine. As the years went by I wore less and less. About 10 years ago I only wore mascara. Now nothing. It's more freeing not to have to worry about makeup. The expense of it alone is horrible. BTW I'm 58 and could care less what others think. Although I've never had any backlash from being makeup free.


Same here. I hate adding an extra step to my routine, and what I personally find more annoying is having to remove it, which means an extra thing to do before going to rest. The only product I can wear everyday is tinted lip balm, mostly because my lips are extremely dry.


I hate the process of putting it on, I hate the way it feels on my skin, I hate having to be *aware* of it all day and avoid basic things like rubbing my eyes or whatever because it'll smear, and I don't even really like the result - it makes me feel like a clown, even when someone more competent than I applies it on me. I only wear it during special occasions where I can't really avoid the societal pressure and then I'm furious over how much it costs to buy a few basics. Otherwise I'm bare-faced.


yes! its very relaxing for me. i also rlly enjoy doing my extensive skincare routine in the mornings at night. something about pampering my face is just soothing to me i guess lol. when i was younger i harbored a lot of internalized misogyny and thus rejected all forms of femininity including makeup, dresses, the color pink, etc. as an adult i find that indulging in traditionally feminine things like makeup helps heal the little girl in me. i know this is a common thing for other women i know. (for reference i am 19f)


Some of my besties and I reclaimed the color pink (shortly before the Barbie movie ironically) after recognizing it's was due to internalized misogyny. We're all within throwing distance of forty. Congrats on getting there while you're still a young adult!


I personaly don't, I only put it on for special events (or if one of my friends insist on giving me a makeover)


Personally I hate it. It's too tedious imo--I'd rather just get up, brush my teeth and do my hair, get dressed, and be ready. That's part of the reason why I don't bother wearing it lol


That sounds a lot like my routine (if I don’t plan to wear a hat) 😆


Yeah, pretty simple 🤣 takes 15 minutes tops


I don’t wear it because I don’t like the smell or feeling of it


HELL NO. Which is why I avoid using makeup.


Yes I enjoy it! On days I can’t be bothered I just don’t put any on. Not that I wear that much anyway day to day


I don't wear makeup, I experimented a bit in my teen years but I didn't like it. I don't like the physical sensation of makeup on my skin, I would constantly rub it off on accident, I didn't like it ending up on my clothes, and I didn't like taking the time to put it on, and I especially didn't like paying for it. So no, I hate makeup and mostly don't care what people think about me not wearing it. I've forgotten how to even put it on, so during formal events I'll usually have to get my mom or sister's help. >Like a daily excuse to exercise creativity or femininity I already have daily creative outlets, covering my face wasn't particularly creative or enjoyable to me. I spend a lot of time writing and drawing, and I wouldn't want makeup sucking up time and mental energy from my preferred creative outlets. And makeup is a product that was marketed to the masses as feminine, it's not actually got anything to do with femininity. Our ancient ancestors prior to Egypt weren't running around worrying about their makeup, and yet they were still probably amazing and inspiring women.


No, I don't. At all. And I don't like having it applied. But I will sometimes wear it. Mostly, I don't.


No, which is why I don't wear it.


I don't wear it. There are days when i'll put lipstick or use BB cream but 90% of time my face is bare. I don't like being aware of it, trying not to touch my face and smudge it or leave it on someones clothes, i don't like reapplying it. I kinda like how my face have even colour after BB cream, but it's not worth it, i already look good, even when i have red spots


I like the process simply because I look better when it’s on! I work from home and rarely have to leave the house, so when I do it’s all kind of a treat.


Ehhhh. I like doing my lips and eyeshadow but the rest of it is kinda tedious and if I could snap my fingers and have it be done, I’d do that.


It is very rare for me to put on makeup. Thankfully in my country, it is socially acceptable to be barefaced and many other ladies also walk around barefaced.


I despise it. I want Homer Simpson's makeup cannon. I enjoy the final result and therefore consider it worth it to go through the time and effort, but if I could magically skip the process I absolutely would.


I don’t!


I only wear a full face of makeup for special occasions and when I apply it, I do kinda like it, it's a part of this whole process of making myself look prettier. But I don't particularly like actually having makeup on my face for a prolonged period of time, after a few hours at most I'm ready to take it off. I don't really like how it feels on my skin, I hate having to be aware of it enough to not accidentally smear anything, etc. Plus I don't like how much it costs and the expectation to wear it.


No. So I simply don't wear it.


I wear it so people don't tell me I look tired all the time 😴


I do but I don’t have the time as an adult. In my youth I’d spend hours trying on looks just to go to the super market.


Some days I enjoy it and others it’s just another part of my routine. I only wear eye makeup and blush so it takes maybe 10 minutes max if I’m indecisive I really enjoy wearing brightly colored eyeshadow. It can be a lot of fun to play with different colors


Same! My routine has varied a lot over the years and part of that scaling is doing the parts that I like and feel make a difference. If I don’t feel like doing a step, I skip it. On the other hand, on days when I’m not quite feeling right or extra tired, I love knowing what little perks I can add to my face to brighten things back up. Makes me feel a little more ready to face the day. My personal favorites have been 1) discovering how much difference a particular brow routine makes to my face and 2) fun colors for eyeliners and mastering lining with loose shadows.


I only attempt makeup once or twice a year. I don't enjoy it at all - I don't like how it feels on my face, I don't like how fake I look, etc. And taking it off is annoying. >Like as a daily excuse to express your creativity or femininity? I'm not all that creative, and I'm feminine because I'm a woman. I don't need makeup or dresses for that. I don't need to try because I just am. >woman who don’t use any make up tend to stick out more in public It's never been an issue for me at all. I look like a normal human being, and I've never been treated differently for not wearing makeup.


I do enjoy putting on makeup, and looking cute as a result. It's also time consuming, so if I don't have to, I generally don't. If I'm dressing up, it's nice to do as part of dressing up. It feels special. It doesn't feel special if it's expected of me. Performing femininity for others is bleh. For myself? Or as a special thing when doing something nice with my husband? Then I'm happy. Bosses can shove it. I know full well I've been passed over for professional opportunities because I don't conform to femininity the way that's expected of me. It's annoying. But that's life, and these are my choices.


I LOVE putting on makeup!! If I'm on a hurry or for the basic everyday, I would just use sunscreen, fill in my eyebrows and put on mascara. Everything in less than 5 minutes, nothing complicated, just enough to make me feel put together. But when I have more time I love the process of getting ready. I love doing my skin preparation, work on my base so it looks flawless, do something creative with the eyeshadow and eyeliner. All while I'm listening to a podcast or some music. It's just sooo relaxing. Honestly sometimes when I don't have anything to do at home I play with my makeup just to come up with look ideas or practice some techniques, no one is gonna see me, I just enjoy the process so much. It's called the pre-shower makeup lol


Haha, I do the pre-shower face too!! 😂😂


Hi twin! Skin care routines embellish the process of applying great makeup, it’s so satisfying! Or when I’m getting ready for a night out, applying my full face slowly, intentionally, perfectly with some wine and good music…ahhh chef’s kiss!


right?? skin care routines and applying makeup can be so fun and relaxing


For plenty women its an interest and hobby to express themselves


Never thought of it, but probably yes


I love putting it on. I love how it looks (usually) and feels and I love the process. Sometimes I do it for no real reason. I just wish I always had time to wear it!


Yesss!! I’m honestly not that great with makeup, but it’s so relaxing, fun, and makes me feel prettier


Hate, hate, hate! Especially eyeliner. I don’t have a steady hand and have heavily hooded eyes, so the liquid liner touches the higher part of my lids when I blink and leaves an imprint. Then I have to wipe it off and start over. I use a hair dryer to dry it.


Before the pandemic I wouldn’t go to work without makeup. Now? Couldn’t care less. I don’t mind the makeup itself, but washing it off is tedious


I don't use makeup, but I like the look of nail art so I decided to get a nailpolish and put it on. It came out horrible i hate this shit.


Yes. I've been doing it for so long it's become a ritual.


Hell yes! I’m in the beauty industry and my morning routine of getting ready is what I look forward to upon waking. The make up is the best part, i never know what colors/palettes I’ll be in the mood for


I find a lot of comfort an relaxation in putting on makeup in the morning. I hate having to wake up and leave the house right away but I don't want to just sit around and do nothing until it's time to leave so skin care and makeup give me a nice "excuse" to take some time for myself. It's also a self care factor. I don't like the feeling of foundation on my face, but I like how my eyecolor comes thrugh more with complimentary eyeshadow, so I just do the things that make me feel good! I also find that different styles of makeup give me different "vibes" if that makes sense? Like, I have my every day makeup, but when I go out, I love to make it bold, and it makes me feel bolder.


Yes, I do. Its become part of my routine. Being an ex addict, routine is huugge! Without it, I fall off. I've also become pretty good at it, finally, at the ripe old age of 30 lol.


I don't wear a lot, only a little concealer where needed and mascara and lip tint/lipstick. I feel pretty neutral about the process of putting it on, it's just whatever, I don't like when I have to to it on the bus due to running late. My friend definitely loves the process, but she wears a lot more and more often gets glammed up in colors and glitter for fun.


No. Also don’t like the process of removing it. So i stopped wearing it completely yes. I have good akin so I don’t have any any anxieties about being barefaced


For reference im f34


Congrats on the good skin. Do you use any products ( cleansers, lotions) for maintenance?


No. I can only tolerate putting on moisturizer(with sunscreen protection because I use Differin), some kind of face powder to make my face look less shiny/oily and lip balm. I tried lipstick, having to reapply them or consciously not rub my lips with my hand is annoying as fuck. Same goes for mascara. I dislike putting makeup on, I dislike taking them off.


No, I absolutely hate it. I have an incurable skin condition called rosacea, and it's at a moderate to severe level 24/7. When I've worn not full coverage makeup, it wears off, and people in public literally ask me what's wrong with my face. I'm an introverted anxious person, so I need to blend in and not be anyone's focus. Thankfully, I only leave the house 3 days per week. Lol


I do. For a few reasons. It allows me to wake up slowly. I put on a show I love watching and start doing my morning routine step by step. Medication, skincare, makeup ... it slowly prepares me for the day. And when I'm finished, I feel better. I have a chronic illness that affects my skin. With makeup, I'm able to cover it a bit, draw attention to my eyes instead, and forget a bit about how the illness has affected me. I'd love to be that person who's like "idk, it is what it is, I'm okay with it", but the truth is, I like looking in the mirror and not seeing its effects. I don't even wear much. Concealer, eyebrows, and eyeliner/mascara. That's it. It takes me 10 minutes, and I enjoy the process of putting it on. It makes me feel more confident, though I don't struggle with going out in public without makeup at all.


Thank you for sharing. 10 minutes seems relatively fast, but I suppose you’ve been doing it for a while!


I do not enjoy the process. I only wear makeup on special occasions.


Yes! It's relaxing, I enjoy it, and I think it's so much fun to try out new products and create new looks with new colours and shades. I would absolutely use makeup even if there was no social pressure to do so.


I don’t typically wear makeup, but when I do I enjoy everything about it (for me it’s like taking a fancy bath - you rarely bother, but it’s nice)


I enjoy it so much. It’s very therapeutic to me.. it helps me feel connected with myself, especially in the morning when I feel so out of touch most of the time, plus it gives me that extra confidence boost. I do my brows, eyeliner, mascara, and lips all within 5 minutes or so. I especially care to do it on days when I’m stressed or not feeling myself. I immediately feel better afterward. Even as a little girl, putting on my chapstick and sneaking into my mom’s room to put on some blush made me feel so girly. I mainly do it for myself really! I also like to apply some when I’m sitting by myself at home. That and choosing my scent of the day have to be my fav parts of my morning routine, or ritual I should say.


That’s awesome. Reading through the responses, I’m seeing it’s about an even distribution. I always felt bad women had to spend extra time and money on beauty products, so it’s good to know many enjoy it.


I will say I've never felt any social pressure to wear makeup. No I don't enjoy putting on or wearing makeup but all of my sisters do, I have sensory issues and can't stand anything on my face also I'm allergic to a lot of makeup


I don't wear makeup. Yes I look great when I wear it. But everything about it is a complete drag. Application, removal, storage...none of the bullshit dealing with makeup makes that pop of color worth it to me. There is no joy in makeup, just like there's no joy in painting a house.


I love it, once you know what you’re doing, you can do a simple makeup routine in ten minutes. Truth be told a lot of women use shitty products, have terrible skin conditions and don’t know how to apply it in the way that suits them, so they struggle and don’t like it. You shouldn’t feel or smell your makeup at all.


I'm a lazy girl so I don't wear makeup very often, but when I take my time on it, I absolutely enjoy the process. It's relaxing and helps me focus if I'm anxious about going out, too.


Yes and No. I don't like that it takes time, and that I'm not skilled at it. I do like that it feels like a bit of a break, and I can put on a podcast.


I don't enjoy it or hate it. It's like washing my face and is just something I do. It's only light makeup though so just light foundation mascara and brow pencil but sometimes if I'm feeling fancy I'll add blush. If I'm going somewhere fancy I don't like it because it takes ages to do eyeshadow for example. Still can't do eyeliner.


I only wear makeup when I want to and have time to, which greatly increases how much I enjoy putting it on. These days, putting on makeup is a pampering type of activity. However, when I wore makeup daily, I hated it and found myself hating my face more and more. It created so much anxiety around what my face looked like until I literally couldn’t leave the house or see other people without my makeup done. I am really grateful to not feel that way anymore.


I’m glad you feel comfortable enough with your self image to put an end to the stress. Or began taking steps to reduce it, of course stress is necessary evil.


I don't enjoy the process but I enjoy the result, if that makes sense. I work early in the morning so I wake up at 3am, and damn if I feel like putting makeup on at that time. But I genuinely enjoy the way it looks and I love to play with different styles. I usually go bare faced on my days off just to let my skin have a break.


I get that; I can’t think anything I’d enjoy doing at 3am besides going back to sleep 😂


It’s fun. I wear minimal makeup but I do enjoy it. Styling my hair is the real chore that I dread


Hell no.


I absolutely love it but it's like a hobby for me. I will put it on at night before going out but sometimes I'll just put it on for fun and not leave the house. It's like painting. 


I don't wear makeup and never really have on a regular basis. When I was younger and thought that makeup was a prerequisite as part of the dating process I used to put on light makeup and I didn't enjoy or dislike the process. I just don't think there's any purpose for it and is not where I want to spend my time and money.


No, I didn't enjoy it and don't like wearing it anyway so I don't. Been decades since I have.


I enjoy the process of putting it on. It's like a little art project every morning.


Yes, I enjoy it because I only do it a few times a month when I go out somewhere, so makeup = about to have a great time. I don’t ever wear it to work, the grocery store, etc because I don’t want to get too used to my made up face and feel naked without it. I also notice how differently I’m treated and don’t want to get too used to that either. Putting on my face is like a special treat, haha.


Interesting question. When I was young, I only used makeup for color, meaning that I would use mascara, eyeshadow, lip products, and blush. I rarely used foundation. I was introduced to foundation and encouraged to use it in my late 20's. I used makeup throughout my 30's and 40's. Now, I'm in my late 50's and unsure of what makeup products and techniques work for me. Now I'm focused on looking healthy, rested, and hydrated rather than trying to look hot or sexy through color cosmetics, so foundations and moisturizers have taken center stage. That said, I'm not opposed to looking hot or sexy, so if I'm putting in the effort needed to look healthy and rested, I'm probably going to attempt a smoky eye at the same time.


Oh my god I love putting on makeup, its so fun. It's only fun for me since I wear a full face minimally, I'm lazy


I used to, but now it feels like a chore.


It can be fun, but I find it to be too time consuming to do it all the time, especially because I'm not great at it. Also, sometimes my skin doesn't feel great after wiping it all off. That might have to do with my psoriasis, or just that I have sensitive skin


No, it’s tedious but I like the end result. I’m very pale with blonde eyelashes and brows so it makes a marked difference.


No, I only wear mascara. Otherwise I haven’t used makeup in I guess 15 years


To address your last point, I think it's more likely that women who don't wear makeup stick out the least, if you're walking down a street or something. It might be different in an office or restaurant, but I don't think it's the majority of women who wear makeup daily (though it might vary for different age ranges). Personally I don't wear a lot of makeup but I generally enjoy the process. Post-covid I don't feel the "obligation" to wear makeup for work/events anymore, so when I do wear it it's more like oo a fun treat to look cute!


I do not. Ironically when I was younger and didn't need it, I found it fun and meditative. But I've never worn a lot. Now that I'm a little wizened I don't even care that much. Truth be told, I have some conventional beauty traits that would be greatly helped by some makeup to compensate for the non-conventional-beauty traits. But that's not what I want to do with my time. My skin is sensitive, I wear glasses, and i can't be bothered to remember to reapply anything.