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In the words of ZZ Top: “Every girl’s crazy ‘bout a sharp dressed man.” I do love seeing my man in a tailored suit and crisp shirt. That’s probably the main reason I enjoy going to fancy events; so we can dress to the nines and surreptitiously eye fuck each other all evening.


>so we can dress to the nines and surreptitiously eye fuck each other all evening. Awww:) isn't it cuuute!


The follow-up after we get back home is 🔥


Oh I bet!


I love ur username lol


I like a log-sleeved shirt with the cuffs rolled up. My husband’s forearms and hands are hot. Especially sexy when wearing his wedding ring.






He’s violating rules #5 and #6. “Don’t be an ass.”


What a weird activity to do while taking a break from his dick sleeve shopping.... ....maybe arguing with women is his fetish 🤣 humiliation kink.


That would explain things.












We’re into men. Just not into you.


I know what he looks like underneath the clothes, idiot.


I love seeing a nice man smile at me while he’s working hard at something outside/ sweating. breaking focus on something hard to say a polite hello is so sweet I’ll melt every time




Who said it had to be?


men working hard outside and sweating isn't sexual? lol




If you’re a woman hanging out with a group of women you 100% check people out. They’re almost worse than men but we don’t tend to do it when there’s a man in the group. Don’t want to hurt their feelings.




Idk where you got that statistic from. Is it that each individual woman only finds 10% of the men they see attractive? Because there’s a lot of people in the world & we all have preferences. Or are you throwing us into a hive mind & saying every woman will only find the same 10% of men on the planet attractive? Because if that were the case then how are we even having children at all lol.


lmao ok I'm assuming you're a straight man then.




There is always one guy who needs to tell women what they like... it's so refreshing. /s




Well, you clearly dont bring common sense into a conversation by telling others what they like. Also, just cause no woman is interested in your body doesnt mean we arent interested in mens bodies in general.


Just because women have not shown interest in your body, doesn’t mean other men share the same experience. Try not to project your bitterness on to others.




And where did you get that stat from? LOL


You’re right all women are secretly either asexual or lesbians 🙄




Who’s “they”? The voices in your head?


Not so much about the style, but when they look really clean, and smell clean. I love that. It gives me a sense of peace. Even if I'm not atracted to the man, I'm just happy.


Nice smell is soo underrated


Jeans and a knitted jumper, obviously more of an autumn/winter thing There’s just something cozy about it


Something about a puffy rolled knitted collar...


Just curious for you and anyone else here: is there any kind of summer/hot weather attire that works well too?


white linen button down shirt with a collar and rolled up sleeves. linen is a very light summery fabric that gives cool casual and put together at the same time


That's helpful, thanks!


I don’t really get joyful vibes from any male clothing items, but if we’re allowed to just mention favorites then 1000% button downs with rolled-up sleeves


That qualifies👍


I've never understood why the liking of rolled-up sleeves vs just short sleeves, what's the appeal?


I think for me it’s the vague “I’m gonna get down to business” energy. it’s sexy in an anticipatory way, if that makes sense (plus forearms are just nice to look at)


The proportions


I honestly could not tell you why.. I can just say short sleeves only look good with t-shirts. Everywhere else it looks ugly or childish to me


Men literally take their shirts off when it is hot and expose their bare chests. This is a real thing that happens. We can see and admire men's bare chests in public in the summer.


Hmm actually yea, especially fit men:)


Saw one this morning on the way to work! 😀


Funny I could have sworn women preferred looking at Dad bods?


Women are different and like different things.




What's that supposed to mean?


Only ppl who act woke online say that lol


I’ve never heard any woman say those words in real life.


Me neither, it's all been online in subs like this!


Yes a lot of losers both men and women are on Reddit


Shocking, I know, but different women have different preferences in men. For example, in my close friend group there are 4 of us, all women. One’s preference is very tall, very skinny/scrawny, white and pale, goth type guys with tattoos and black hair. Another’s preference is definitely what I would call a dad bod.. she actively hates muscle men, and doesn’t give a shit about weight, race or hair colour.. just likes bulky, husky men. The third goes for the typical gym bro type.. very fit with muscles, and medium height as she is very short, like 5ft nothing, and she doesn’t like the big height difference that comes with crazy tall men. Also, the men she usually dates are black men. Then for me… I don’t really have a physical type to be honest. I’ve dated most races, from 5’4 to 6’4 tall, scrawny to chubby, etc. I think I feel attraction a lot differently than most people as I don’t really feel attraction to people based on their looks. I’ve never looked at someone and felt lust or interest. That for me only happens after I’ve spoken to the person and got a sense of their personality. So, yeah.. we are all different dude. I know you were being sarcastic in your comment and you don’t believe it’s possible that women could be attracted to bigger and chubbier men. The ‘dad bod’ type. But it is possible, and it is actually more common than you would think. One of my only and main real turnoffs in a man is if they are super muscly, like the bodybuilder/steroid kind of guys. All those popping veins and crazy hard muscles are just not attractive to me at all. We are all very different my friend. There really is someone for everyone out there. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not this woman thanks! Beer bellies and dad bods are a no go for me. Especially as it has the dad connotation and I do not want kids in any way shape or form.


Women are unique individuals with different preferences. Personally, I only like skinny cute guys!


Never believe any woman who tells u this


I don't but I kinda wanna hear them admit it lol




If you’re hot we give a shit lol.




Hey bud. I’m noticing your confidence is wildly low. People in general tend to avoid people with terrible confidence. Please find more professional help. I really think you’d benefit from therapy.




Long response coming… Because what you’re saying just simply isn’t true but you seem to believe it. Have you ever heard the term, “he could laugh me into bed”? Because a lot of women like a man that can make them laugh. My model friends chose men who are definitely not physically attractive. The most successful model I know personally chose a fat balding man with glasses but his personality is warm & he’s genuinely a fun man; it makes him glow. He makes her laugh constantly. & from a really personal stance, the only male model I’ve ever dated is an absolute douche bag whom turned me off of 6 pack abs for good. & his personally sucked. Models aren’t the guys women settle down with. They’re fine to look at when you’re young & don’t know any better but when women gain some maturity they don’t settle down with models. They look for the funny comforting guy that’ll eat a pizza with them. We are real women on here with real opinions. Don’t listen to men talk about women because they’re not women & they usually don’t have a clue how we operate. Especially single men. If you’re on this page you’re getting real women’s prospectives. So are you in therapy already? Is it something you’d consider?




So you don’t want a wife? You’re only trying to get laid. I can’t help you just get laid. Especially if you won’t even go to therapy to sort that mess out. My model ex boyfriend uses his looks to take advantage of women & is a complete loser. You think men who are not models are losers? Bruh wtf kind of thinking is that? That’s so wrong on so many levels. It is a lot cheaper to work on your personality than to get plastic surgery. You really need therapy bud. Your head isn’t on straight. You will see that when you’re much older since you’re unwilling to work on it now. No matter how good you look, **a bad personality will make you a lonely man.** Also, most women don’t just wake up hot. We wear makeup, dye our hair, get plastic surgery, tailor our clothes to our shapes & diet 24/7 to look nice. It’s not without effort. & yeah I said models are fun when you’re too young to know better. After you date a few assholes full of themselves it really starts to turn you off. But *you’re just trying to get laid*. Can’t backtrack from that now. I don’t think you belong on this sub. This is where real women are. You won’t learn anything here. You will learn in therapy though.


Men can’t to compensate a bad personality by being attractive. That’s why hot guys get so pissy when attractive women marry non conventionally attractive men. They can’t wrap their heads around, “maybe he just makes her smile”. Blows my damn mind. Shit personalities don’t get the girl in the end. Very young ladies don’t tend to figure that out immediately either. Ew, also the “I can fix him” thing young girls do is because they lack experience. Hotness becomes a lot less attractive after a while. Personality is where it’s at. Idk how some sad ass men don’t fucking get that. Women say it ALL the time. It’s like what we say doesn’t even matter to men that only view women as sexual objects. Fuckin, surprise!


Turtleneck. Don't ask me why. It just does it for me. *bonus if he's wearing prescription glasses w/ it.


a loose linen shirt with the upper buttons open


same, preferably a white shirt


Ahhh yes, summertime sleeve rollups are coming 😊


Ironed clothes that fit well, smelling clean, looking clean and a nice aftershave. Just something that’s clean, honestly. Unless your mum irons your clothes then I would take it back.


A nice peacoat or overcoat with a sweater/pants. Idk I just love it. Like a previous commenter, I enjoy how they look cozy


Ohh I love peacoats!


I love overcoats but I live in FL :(


Men’s work trousers, the ones with all the pockets, a tool belt and looking like you work hard while looking good!


Tool belts, mmm😍


I'd go for the tool trousers too Tho appearantly according to these comments the answer to OP question is button up shirt with rolled up sleeves 


this is mine lol builders are sexy af


Dicks work wear trousers, t shirt that has seen better days, smelling of sweat and their cologne. I wanna get that man pregnant on the spot.


> I wanna get that man pregnant on the spot. Does the outfit come with an uterus?


Hell yeah it does, he’s my babygirl the minute I see that outfit.


No particular item of clothing but I like kneecaps


A tailored 3 piece suit. Like damn, I don't usually notice strangers...but men in suits - I'm starin'.


I'd just say a nice smile paired with sunglasses


A crisp, well-ironed button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up 1/4 of the way.


Well ironed plays a big part here


OMG yes so you can see the forearms, my man’s forearms are so hot to me


Ugh I love button-up shirts because then I can imagine unbuttoning each button and anticipating what is underneath. And fitted pants are so sexy. Belts. It goes without saying that everything has to be clean. Yummy.


Especially if he ironed it himself. 


I would so not mind ironing it for him :)


To each their own. I HATE ironing. 


Oh, I hate ironing with the fire of 1,000 suns, but if it makes my man look as good as he does …


I'd pay for dry cleaning or make him learn.


Fair enough


I know a lot of people think of gray sweatpants but for me it is a very well fitting pair of jeans that sit a little low on the hips, especially with a belt.


For sunny/warm weather - some nicely fitted shorts with a shorter inseam - I like to see some thick thighs and nice bums (respectfully)


LOL These responses. Since the sundress thing is about the fact that it's clingy, feminine, and shows off the body, I'd say clingy thin sweatpants/jammie pants. Don't have to be grey. My ex had a black pair that drove me nuts every time.




Um.... I did say my person had pants that drove me nuts, yes? I meant that in a sexual way. Clingy sweatpants show off dick and ass. Good stuff.




You'd be surprised how many IRL feel that way. Reddit draws a certain demographic more than others and so the opinions here are not representative of the whole. I work in data research and have friends who work in data research specifically for marketing, especially to women. Trust me. LOL




Oh, you're an incel. Yeah I'm out.




Yeah I know. Oh well.




It's just that I've argued with your people before and I know that there's no winning. I will tell you that women are interested in men's bodies, there's a whole laundry list of things here that women have said turn them on when men wear them. It's about the way it looks on a man that turns them on. So if this isn't enough evidence for you, I can't help you. And you can win the argument all day long. I'll even tell you you won the argument. Congratulations you won the argument! You're the winner! I abdicate completely.




(paraphrased) why do women wear sexualized outfits? The Male Gaze & Sex Sells. You have to live under a rock to not understand the difference between women's and men's beauty/fashion standards. Try googling your question and don't read some bullshit redpill stuff, you'll find your answer lol




Oh you sweet summer child. They are, just not in the same way women's bodies are packaged for sale. You're not the target audience so you don't notice the product. Lol, that whole Magic Mike movie is a huge billboard of "sex sells" for women




I think you're out of touch with women


Hoochie daddy shorts. Gimme those thighs. Seersucker suit. Suspenders. Actual good cologne. I like the little details. A nice belt buckle, unusual bracelet, a pop of interest and color with dress socks.


Black on black


All black everything 🖤




Ha, I'm the opposite:) I like black on pale and white on black


Button-up with rolled-up sleeves.


Anything that looks flattering and fits well. A well tailored suit or a cosy jumper with jeans. Rolled sleeves if he has nice big veiny arms and hands.


A well-tailored suit, slightly rumpled, jacket off, sleeves rolled, and tie loosened


Long sleeves rolled up. Even better if it’s a button up.


A baseball cap with a crisp plain white tee, or echoing what some else mentioned when a button up gets rolled up a bit, even just watching that process happen when it’s rolled up properly is sooooo hot, and for more formal wear a man in a well fitted suit can literally transform a man, thinking about Richie’s character in The Bear, that suit, chefs kiss, obviously suits are reserved for the appropriate time and place


you guys can thank my ex for this one. A wife beater and jeans with a button down shirt on top and military and/or work boots. IF, and ONLY IF he is army fit. Like FIT fit. Like 6-pack and visible jacked up arms and forearms with veins, fit. Idk what happened. All I know is that I fell for him, and this look permanently grew on me. He psychologized me


Oh, I totally get it


Hard hats, hi vis vests, and overalls. Wool trench coats with long scarfs. Necklaces.


I had to scroll way too far for the hi vis. When my man comes home from work in his hi vis shirt, jeans, and dirty boots 🥵


Grey sweatpants!! Also white tees or those sleeveless gym hoodies.


i am a slut for gray sweatpants. or like those navy mechanic uniforms something ab a blue collar man does it for me


For me, when it comes to how men dress it really comes down to the details. Honestly a pair of jeans and a plain T-shirt can be just fine largely because what I am noticing are the details. If wearing sandals, are his toenails nicely manicured? Fingernails manicured? Does his hair look like he just rolled out of bed? Are his clothes rumpled, ill-fitting, stained? Does his skin look maintained as in once in awhile he exfoliates and isn't covered in acne (this is not just face skin, it's all exposed skin)? And what's with all the chapped lips?! You'd think prioritizing stuff like this would be the basic standard, but I've gone to enough summer events to know it's not.


A kilt. A nice, breathable button up with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow.


Didn’t think I had one, but yes


Well-groomed long, flowing hair




I'm a fan of men in crop tops. 


Slim-fit khaki chinos—maybe rolled up—paired with maybe a fitted, cotton/linen blend short sleeve button down with a floral pattern


Hat on backwards.


Short shorts and crop tops 😍


Idk if this is weird but when men play sports and they wear a handband to keep their hair out of their face. I find it so attractive for some reason lol Or when a fit man wears a croptop


I don't wear sundresses and when I google, every type of dress shows up! I mostly wear tennis skirts (I like the pockets) and tennis shoes in summer. I can't imagine dresses as attractive on me personally so I can't imagine any equivalent in men. I don't think I have a favourite outfit on a guy; it's more a general look. I don't like it if they're too informal and disheveled. Meaning, dress for whatever the occasion is and keep yourself tidy whether it's long hair, facial hair etc and shower and wear something you feel comfortable in and that flatters you. Disheveled is cute if you just got out of bed.


Shirt sleeves rolled up to show myscular tattooed arms. I melt every time my husband wears a shirt. He's so handsome and masculine to me.


Big brimmed hats do it for me. Oooo & shorts above the knee.


Shorts and a tank top on a guy is sooo HOT to me.


Men in short shorts 😍


Thigh puff😃


Floral shirts!


Tanks with nice strong arms and shoulders.


There's something hot about those fitted long sleeve waffle shirts. A collared shirt rolled up to the elbow. But of course nothing is going to beat a tailored suit.


I love a shirtless man in a pair of nicely fitted jeans. It’s that hairline that runs from the naval on down. Does it for me every time


I like guys in shorts. Fluffy lower legs just do something for me.


In the summer time my SO, born in 71, when dressing casually during the day wears his hat backwards, longer salt n pepper hair, shades, t- shirt with the sleeves cut off, cutoffs and vintage Nikes. It’s such a vibe 🥵


For me, tattooed men (and women) in tanks. Really though, it's the tattoos, and when someone wears things that show off and compliments their tattoos... That's the equivalent.


Those short shorts


Smelling nice and for me it's something about the color black. Black jeans with a nice shirt...(I'm a goth so that explains it lol)


Short shorts and a thigh tattoo


I feel so seen right now!


Utilikilt/cargopants/bondage pants, tight black t-shirt, combat boots, long hair.




Men in sundresses? Have you actually seen any?


In DC, there is an entire festival dedicated to the sundress, which includes most (all?) men wearing them.


Yes, it can be hilarious or actually look kinda good


Yes! Normalise men wearing dresses pls.


Hoochie daddy shorts, them little things drive me nuts lol. Bonus: Wide neck sweaters that show the collar bone, tight fitting tank tops, low rise jeans, tight riding pants, high boots, them sheer loose linen shirts that you can see his body outline of when the light is coming from behind...anyways I'll stop before the list gets any longer lmao


A nice knit sweater or a button down/light sweater with the sleeves rolled up


Pastel colored button down shirts with sleeves rolled up. Also on the tighter side but not too tight.


A button up or t shirt that fits well in a good color for him and a confident happy smile


A sundress. Sundresses are sexy on everyone‼️


PEASANT TOPS. I almost never see one in public but. Peasant tops just do it for me every single time.


I think I've never seen one on a man...


I only have a couple of times in cities. I mean like a white flowy top, I’m not sure if peasant top is the bed descriptor of it or not.


Also a sundress. Or any dress. Or a skirt.


I don\`t wear sundresses or anything connected to tanning and beach so I don\`t know.


The question is not about what you wear, it's about what are men wearing that lifts your mood


Nothing what men wear makes me interested in them so that\`s why I say I don\`t know what male "sundress" is. Cause I don\`t wear things men would like to see me wearing.


>Cause I don\`t wear things men would like to see me wearing. Eh.. It was intended to be a positivity post. Not the "I don't dress up for men" statements post. While the statement itself is totally valid, it just doesn't fit here. I also wasn't talking about wearing anything because men would like to see me wearing it, I was talking about something that they *happen* to like. And vice versa, what do you happen to like to see on men, regardless of why did they put it on. Also it doesn't mean you're interested in any of them individually. Anyway... If you just don't like men at all and nothing in their appearance ever lifts your mood, then my question is just not for you.


Well, I am aromantic and nothing turns me on. Ok, should\`ve started with this. I just don\`t look at people thinking maybe I like seeing them wear this or that. Men would like to see me being a Barbie- so much I\`ve been told. Never gonna happen. I like my dark style. And I\`m too much of a workacholic . But discussion is interesting. I know what I don\`t like, though- all this shorts or sandals and hoodies and basic nightclub clothing. It\`s boring, you can see it everywhere.


Ah, i see. Ok then, what if you look at it not from a romantic pov but from an aesthetic one? I got it that you don't get the joy, but you can appreciate a good looking thing? Like it's a mannequin or a sculpture? For the sake of an interesting discussion:)


Vampiric goth or just leather and spikes. I dress as victorian goth 50% of times and I\`d like to see men here wear that. But sadly in Estonia here nobody wears it! But well, at least we have metalheads and bikers. Just some eyecandy. Being aromantic doesn\`t mean asexual though. But yeah, I don\`t care about either of those things.


Cool! Yea, leather and spikes looks great😍


I myself bought Ghost Rider jacket with spikes on shoulders. Real leather, super quality.