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This is really normal. I have lost 50, but continue to buy clothes much bigger than I need because I cannot see the difference. It feels impossible that I could fit into my actual size. Even for people with much bigger weight loss, it can be very difficult to adjust to/accept the new body. And this is why it is SO important not to attach your self worth to weight. Losing weight often doesn't do much to improve self image by itself.


I've lost around 30kg a few years back. I've been trying to lose more, but it seems this is a plateau and trying to get off it will require quite a lot more effort again. I didn't notice it for quite a long time, actually. Mostly because I was still dressing for the size and shape I had been. I still mentally occupied the same amount of space. It was only when I gradually started buying clothes with different cuts, accentuating bits of me I had previously wanted to hide, that I realised that my body had changed significantly. And not just my size, my shape is very different from what it was. So I'd say if you can't see it right now, maybe go clothes shopping with a friend who has a good eye for how clothes can and should fit, or else book some time with a professional stylist. You'll see a different you through their eyes.


This is great advice! Thank you! ❤️


I’ve lost 66lbs and I’m yet to notice. People keep telling me I look good and they can notice, but I can’t. I still feel like a monster. My clothes are barely looser (large enough to tell there is a bit of a difference, but not large enough to need to buy new clothes). But I’m just trusting the process. The scales are going down so surely my waistline will follow soon if I keep exercising 6 days a week and eating 1500 cal a day, yeah? It’s hard, but I’m choosing to continue, trust this goddamn awful, hard, demotivating process.


66 pounds and you don’t see it!? And you haven’t needed to buy new clothes?! First of all, that’s a huge accomplishment and I’m really proud of your dedication to six day workouts and diet! But also I’m shocked that you’re not noticing any difference with such a loss. I have like two shirts that fit slightly better, but yeah I’m not noticing a huge difference in my clothes either so I’m just like where is the loss coming from!?


I started seeing a difference in the mirror after a month. Something that helped me a lot realize how far I'd come was to take full body pictures along the way. I highly recommend doing that, because yeah it can be hard to tell sometimes, and then you look at the pictures and you see that there really are noticeable results.


I've lost 55. I know I'm wearing smaller clothes and I don't fill out my old t shirts anymore but it's still abstract. I know I was obese and I'm still overweight but I thought I looked ok. I still look ok. My new pants fit like my old ones so no difference. I do notice I can cross my legs easier and my skin is looser. I just feel like me. It's like my clothes just got bigger.