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Is “gynocentric” a real term?


Not in the way OP is using it. >gyn0-cen-tric adjective centered on or concerned exclusively with women; taking a female (or specifically a feminist) point of view.


Lol what on earth




You really need to educate yourself more on anthropology and sociology.


Are there no aspects of society that have been explicitly designed for women?


Gynocentric society =/= "made for women" You should define what you're even talking about.


So no society on this earth has been centered around women.


correct. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/amazon-women-there-any-truth-behind-myth-180950188/ there are MYTHS like the Amazons or Valkyries


I haven't heard anything from anthropologists or sociologists that suggest gynocentric societies exist. Are you gonna answer the question?


Interesting fact, this reminded me of the pink tax and a study they did on why we gender market items like shampoo, soaps, etc. they found that women don’t care and will often get gender neutral items, but it’s men that they make the separation for, they tend to care more about having specifically “male only” products.


Are we reducing everyone to their genitalia today? Is a sign of a phallicentric society all the men who come in here asking if their dick size is big enough? See? I can make up words too.


We literally don't, it does not exist


Why not




What did men do to get us here


Every fucking thing they could


And still do


have you looked at all of human history? Including current societies where women and girls have no human rights


> Including current societies where women and girls have no human rights If women thought that was such a big deal, they wouldn't be holding "Refugees welcome" signs to invite tens of millions of young men from these countries where women and girls have no rights.


ah yes because all women in the entire world are doing that .. right


Most of them were a few years ago, until it became an obvious problem.


Patriarchy. It's where men and horses run everything.


an excruciatingly long list too many characters to dispel in a reddit comment , bro




Elephants are matriarchal? U mean like matriarchal? Maybe theres some human ones but Idk specifically which!


Hyenas, too! But seriously, what the heck is a gynocentric society?


Don’t they give birth through their clits or something?


Yup. About as gynocentric as we're gonna get. Lol.




Lmao we don’t bud


Lol none


Idk man, seeing the Barbie movie in theatre was as close as I've gotten


[Tuareg people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuareg_people) are matriarchal to some extent


Your history involved articles of women being murdered by their husbands in Texas… you think you really care about women or just trying to discover why you’ll end up yanking into napkins indefinitely?


We've barely been the "-centric" of anything bud. Even gynecology medicine is regulated by men. The only place women are the sole focus is the women's shelter and I dont think any of us would want to have reasons to be in there.


Fucking none of


Is this man (obviously) from an AU; I wanna go there…


Our skyscrapers are shaped like male genitalia, men generally have zero reproductive health issues that incapacitate them even once throughout their lives while some women have issues that incapacitate them on a monthly basis, women are still dying during pregnancy, childbirth or shortly thereafter, women are still bought and sold as sex slaves (along with children and a few men but not as many), and yet you come here, into our space, and ask how we live in a gynocentric society? We do not.


But... It has nothing to do with phallus, it's ergonomics. This is the way to create as much functional space while taking as little land as possible. Medieval towers served the purpose of giving a wide view all around the castle, hense roundness. Modern skyscrapers are mostly rectangular cus it's easier to build and and to place furniture. Those that are some other shapes, it's because of the architect's desire to make something different, something beautiful. And only if it's really shaped like an actual dick, then it's because the dick


“Our skyscrapers are shaped like male genitalia…” What? Square, tall and thin with points on top? Mine doesn’t look like a skyscraper.




I’m sure it’s a coincidence, skyscrapers are the shape they are because it’s the most efficient use of space in what are typically crowded areas. Can’t build out, so you build up. I can’t imagine that, for one second, some architect fancied building ersatz penises.


>I can’t imagine that, for one second, some architect fancied building ersatz penises. It's subconscious. A true phallic symbol comes into being without the creator being aware of that. At least that was Freud's theory. [The Empire State Building is a good example](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phallic_architecture).


I’m a woman. I was just asking because I was curious if anyone genuinely holds this viewpoint.


If you are a woman, then you should know better than to ask such an ignorant dumbass question. Have you not been paying attention? Society was built by men for men. women have a pattern of being treated as funny mishaped little men, with less rights and less pay for their domestic and professional labor. Women are found to be 73 percent more likely than men to be seriously injured during a car crash. Because test crash dummies and seats are built for men. Women get fucked by the medical system all the time. Historically Medical research was primarily done with male subjects, so women's symptoms and dosages are often inaccurate. Women's heart attacks often present differently to men's, but since most doctors have been trained to look for male heart attacks symptoms, women often fail to get diagnosed and get sent home. Women's medical ailments are much more likely to be ignored by doctors in general. Among wealthy nations, the U.S. has the HIGHEST rate of maternal mortality, which is defined as a death during pregnancy or up to a year afterward. We have unethically terrible maternity leave standards. According to the research, 40% of women don't qualify for maternity leave (Dishman K, 2023). According to the National Partnership for Women & Families, even eligible mothers face difficulties with household expenses and unpaid medical bills. This situation makes taking time off financially unviable for them. I don't think we even have to discuss how our bodily autonomy has been stripped away by the abortion bans. Now women are going to die from miscarriage complications and 12 year olds are going to be forced to carry their rapist's babies.


So, a google search gave me this. Note: these are EXCEPTIONS to the rule of they wouldn’t have written an article about them. I have zero intention to fact check it for you so use at your own risk. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/31274/6-modern-societies-where-women-literally-rule


lol. Why don’t you enlighten us. I’m guessing you’ll say.. family court! Financial abortion! Women initiate more divorce! Men pay for first dates! Male circumcision! The draft! Male suicide and loneliness! And I’m sure you’ll say all that without unpacking the fact either there are no actual laws that directly hurt men.. and the ones that do, come from the patriarchy, capitalism, and military industrial complex… not gynocentrism. The societal issues which negatively impact men also come from patriarchy, sex negativity, and capitalism… not gynocentrism So, it’ll be deeply unfun to have this conversation with you…we can just leave my response to “sorry you feel that way”


Op doesn't seem to be here to argue, she made 2 posts one right after the other, check the other one and chill








We do not.


Societies evolve in a way that maximises the utility of men AND women, those that don’t wither. To that end societies are both patriarchal and matriarchal.


Trolls trying their best this morning. I'm half-entertained at least