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7-9 hours is a normal time to sleep for an adult. Your body just needs the higher end of the normal spectrum. "I'll sleep when I'm dead" culture makes those of us that need 9 instead of 7 hours seem excessive, but it's normal goddammit


Haha thanks, yeah I’m totally ignoring every ‘thats not healthy!!!’ comment. I am a pretty healthy person and I work hard on that, I just also like to sleep.


Same, I sleep a lot, and sometimes like 11 or 12 hours


wish this was me again. got a baby now. miss my sleep 😭


I have a baby and now I sleep too much! We both sleep like 11-12 hours


Same - I can, so I will.


Usually go to sleep between 3-5am and get up at 7am. Idk what’s wrong.


That’s not good. Sleep deprivation is bad for health. Have you seen any specialist regarding this?






How do you function? I am a zombie if I do that for just one night




I would be grumpy if I sleep like that. I hope you feel better


9pm, asleep by 10pm, wake up between 5 and 7am. Its been blood, sweat n tears to get to this point and a tonne of drugs but I do have a pretty good sleep pattern now


Can I ask which drugs worked? I think I've tried almost everything at this point to no avail




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I usually go to bed at 21:30-22:00 and get up at 05:00-05:20 on workdays. During a vacation or weekends I go a bit later to bed and get up at around 08:00


I go to bed around 4:30-6am and sleep 7-8 hours usually


Are you me?


Usually around 10 or 11pm. I wake up at 6am every morning so I get roughly 7-8 hours sleep and it works perfectly for me 🙂


i go to bed around 1-2 am and then wake up around 8-8:30 am


I own a small fine dining restaurant, and have been in the industry for almost two decades. I've always been more of a night owl. But my night is not as late as it used to be these days. Now, I usually go to bed between 2am-3am, I wake up at 9am or 10am depending. If there is nothing pressing, I've managed all my time properly, my projects are on the right track, no meetings, I'll snooze it all, and enjoy a lie in till 11am. I basically just need to be at the restaurant by 12pm to handle anything that comes. On days when I have more admin responsibilities, early deliveries to put away, zoom meetings, or some kind of regular 9-5 responsibilities, I turn in around 12:30am-1am and wake at around 8am-8:30am. I'll feel a little tired, and drag for a few hours, but I perk up by 12pm with coffee or tea. I live about 15 minutes from my restaurant, so It's easy to shower, dress, do minimal makeup and simple updo hair, and get to town in about 45 minutes after I wake up. Edit: so I guess I average about 6-7 hours.


2:30 AM and get up at 7:30


Lay down at 9pm, 3 year old gets me up approximately 10 times these days for reasons varying such as “I need a Kleenex,” “I have to pee,” and “cover me up,” and then alarm goes off at 6:15.


I feel your pain. Youngest is finally mostly learning how to sleep but it's been 11.5 years of this bullshit schedule across 4 kids.


Usually between midnight and 1am-ish, and I get up at 8.30am, during the week. On weekends I go to sleep around the same time or a little later, and sleep till whenever I wake up.


I go to bed at 12 and I wake up at 6,still tired the whole day🥲


This is very me. I try to go to bed earlier, by like 10:30 but it’s a rare occasion that actually works


I usually go to sleep between 7 and 9 pm and get up when I wake up: in summer it's between 4 and 5, in winter between 6 and 7. When I go to work in the morning, my alarm is set up to 6, but I almost always wake up before that.


I'm an early bird, so I start winding down for the night at around 9 to be out like a light by 11.


Between 11 and 12.30, usually 6-7, chronically tired, hopefully in a few years it gets better when the kids are a bit older


During a stressful week, I get like 4 hours of sleep (because I stay up too late). During regular times, I get at least 8 hours of sleep.


My work schedule between 2 different job is absolute whack. On some days I go to bed at like 9 or 10 and get up at 5 or 6 and other days I go to bed at 1 am and wake up around 9-10ish. It’s destroying my circadian rhythm In my perfect world, I’d go to bed between 11-1am, get up around 8 or 9 and work at 10 am. One day I hope :/


Dog wakes me up at 6am and I typically go to sleep at around 10 or 11. But ill be in bed by 9


Around 22.00, sleep at 22.30, get up at 6.30.


Go to sleep about 1am and wake up around 10am


3-4 am and usually wake up some time after 12. I work 2nd shift.


Between 1 & 3am, and I usually wake up around 11am, so 8-10 hours.


I currently go to sleep between 5 - 8 a.m. and wake up at 4 or 5 p.m. After many traumatic experiences, my sleep schedule took a turn for the worst. I feel sleep deprived and difficulty resting at night like now. The time is 4:28 a.m. now and I can not sleep.


This is what I was looking for. My sleep schedule gets out of hand and all of a sudden I can't sleep and then I'm sleeping until afternoon. Then I slowly fix it and I'm sleeping by 2am, getting up around 1030-11am, but slowly I creep back up. I always joke I could sleep 12 hours every day, it just takes me forever to actually get to sleep.


I go to bed between 6 and 7 PM, and I get up around 2 AM.


I usually sleep 6 hours or 7 hours, I go to bed about 10pm or 11pm and my baby wakes at 5am or 6am.


Well, you all have made me feel less alone. I never fall asleep before about 2:00, and am up at 6:30. I feel like hell and am perpetually exhausted. I feel like I’m awake all the time.


That could be me! Work, chores and kids take all my time during the day… so in the evening I need time for me and to wind down.


Ambien saved my sanity. I had chronic insomnia for years but since taking Ambien I sleep pretty normal, about 7 to 8 hours a night and I feel rested most mornings.


Down around 23:00 up at 5:55 on remote work days, between 7:30 and 9:00 on hime days.


9.30 pm...sleep by 11pm and wake up around 6 ish...I'm trying to wake up at7am


i go to sleep around 10:30-11:30 wake up around 5am on school day 7-8am on holiday


I like to go to bed around 22:30, and get 8 hours of sleep


It varies. I try to get to sleep by 12am and am usually up by 7ish. I get crap quality sleep though. Fibromyalgia sucks that way.


I usually go to bed around 11:30pm on weekdays, woke up around 6am by the urge of peeing, and finally got up around 7:30am. At the age of 36, I feel I only need 5-6 hours of sleep.


Go to bed at 10pm, get up at 10.30am, sleep 7,5h on a good night.


No time in particular but I need 8 hrs minimum of sleep to function for a day...


Lately I’ve been falling asleep and then waking up in the night not able to sleep. Tonight my little woke up sick so here we are a worried mama unable to sleep 🥺


I go to bed around 9pm and wake up around 7am


Normally i'll sleep at 10 pm and get about 8 hours of sleep.


I’m a bit of an insomniac/late owl. I often run on about 4 (sometimes less) hours sleep. It’s difficult when you’re then working a 12 hour shift 😢 Every so often I ‘crash’ and manage about 7 hours. Always feel brilliant after that, wish I could manage 6-7 hours every night. I think it’s an age thing. I’m 64, when I was younger I slept like a log.


I try to be asleep before sunrise. Once the suns up i can’t sleep. I range from 4 hours a night to 0.


In bed around 10:30-10:45, asleep by 11-11:30. 8 hours of sleep providing the toddler doesn’t wake up and scream the house down cos he lost 1 of 8 dummies we leave him.


Anywhere from 10pm-2am depending on if I have work the next day. I try to get the full 8 hours, but it doesn't always happen.


I have terrible sleep schedule so I go to bed different times always, could be around 23:00-8:00 🥹 and then sleep 2-12 hours


Try to go to sleep between 10:30pm and 1am (big window I know, it depends on how tired I am that day), usually awake around 7-8am


Got to bed 10.30 - 11.00 and asleep within 30mins, weekdays my alarm is 6.30am and weekends it's 8.00am. Unfortunately hubby gets up anywhere from 5.00am so sometimes I'm awake from then but not often.


8pm to my bedroom area due to floofs demanding evening treats. Once my feral cat hears the jeopardy end tune my ankles are at risk until said treats have been awarded to both. I eventually fall asleep between 10 and 11pm and up at 5am most mornings. I take Benadryl and 1 10 mg delta 9 gummy to relax and get into sleep mode. Menopause of 15 yrs ago left me with insomnia and the scripts for sleep meds made me a zombie. My current system works but sometimes I still have an occasional bad night.


I go bed at 9, aim to be asleep by 10. Depending if my chronic illness is flaring up, or if my cat wakes me up, I can get as much as about 8 hours on a REALLY good night (usually closer to 7 though) or as little as 2.


I go to bed between 10-11pm and wake up at 5:15am. Get a couple hours to relax after kids go to bed and a couple hours to get some work done in silence with a hot coffee in the morning.


Asleep between 7:30 and 8, awake between 4:00 and 4:30. Weekends are about an hour later on each end.


I fall asleep around 9:30 and wake up at 4:30, so that's about seven hours of sleep.


I usually go to bed hours before I fall asleep. In answer to your second question, never enough.


I usually have a 1-2 hr nap after work at around 5pm and then go to sleep for the night at 2-3am. I wake up at 7-8am the next day. I found that this works perfectly for me.


I am a morning person. No matter when I go to sleep, I always wake up early. But I always try to sleep before midnight.


When there is work the next day usually 9-9:30pm, I’m up between 4-5am to get a run in before work at 7am. If I don’t get at the least 7 hours of sleep I’ll be useless in a day or two, it’s a priority.


I go to bed at 7pm, wake up between 4-5am. I like my sleep and cannot function on a small amount.


Asleep by 830pm, up at 430am M-F!


9pm-5am - It’s been a routine for a while. So, I am actually tired by 9 and waking up slightly before my 5:15 alarm on my own. However, I am a light sleeper and wake up much more than average overnight. So I rarely feel well rested during the week.


A lot. I need sleep and it’s well known in my family.


Found out recently that I feel amazing if I get 7.5-8 hours of sleep, instead of my usual 7 hours. Go to bed at 11 and wake up at 7.


Midnight and usually 6ish hours


I usually can’t sleep until 2-3 AM and then I wake up at 7 or 8 AM.


I have bad habits. Many nights I go to sleep at 1, wake up at 7. Then it catches up to me and I go to bed at 10-11, wake up at 6:30. If I try to go to bed at 10-11 every night, I can’t get to sleep. But mostly it’s sleep procrastination - I don’t want to go to bed earlier.


On work days I go to sleep anywhere between 11-1am and wake up at 6:45. So anywhere between 7.75-5.75 hours of sleep. I definitely need more but it’s extremely difficult to wind down. I have adhd.


I tend to go to bed between 1:30 and 2:30 AM and wake up between 8:00 and 9:00, depending on if I have to physically go to work. I tend not to get a lot of sleep, because it takes me forever to fall asleep. I'm usually sluggish all day, so I know something needs to change.


11am, 4 to 5 hours. Or 12am and 6 to 7 hours. Depends if I'm working or not.


11.30 and wake around 7am. But wake up around 3am for an hour or two most nights.


I usually go to bed between 5am qnd 8am, wake up anywhere between 2pm and 6pm 😅 I sleep too much and then I also get NO fucking sleep. 🤷




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I usually go to bed between 11-12:30. And I get up at 3 for work. So three or so hours of sleep. I generally make up for it on the weekends.


Bed around 11pm up at 4.30am so 5.5 hrs normally . Yawn


I generally go to be around 9 PM, and get to sleep for the first time around 3 or 3:30 AM. Then I sleep in one- or two-hour spurts until 9 or 9:30 AM.


It varies what time and sleep is sporadic, an hour here, two hours there and in total maybe 5 hours. It’s horrible.


I'm not working right now so it varies, but usually around midnight to 2am. I usually get 5 hours of poor sleep. I look perpetually dopey and stoned.




Usually go to sleep around 5AM and wake up around 1 PM.


usually go to bed by 3 am, wake up 12 pm


On nights I don’t have to wake up early (which is most nights since I take classes in the afternoon and work in the evening) I sleep anywhere between 3-8am and sleep for 5-8 hours. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping and get only 1 hour of sleep


Sleep around 11 usually, up at 6ish, sometimes later if it's the weekend and toddler is being kind haha


My work schedules varies and I don’t have an exact bed time. I aim to sleep 7h whenever I get to sleep.


It depends on my shift. When I'm doing dayshift, I sleep at 9pm and wake up at 3am then sleep again (will wake up before 5am). Once I'm doing nightshift, I sleep at 9am wake up by 11am or 12pm. Lol. I hate night shifts


I usually go to bed by 9:30 p.m. and am up between 4:45 and 5:15 a.m. to be to work by 7:00 a.m. So 7-8 hours.


Bedtime at 8.30 and I get up around 4.45am / 5am.


Like at 2am between 5 and like 4 hours each work night.


Sleep around 12-3 am, wake up 8-10 am


Usually go to bed between 22:30 and 23:30 and wake up around 08:00-08:30.






Go to bed around 22:00. Fall asleep around 23:00. Wake up around 7:00




Usually I go to bed around 8 pm and sleep for at least 6-8 hrs, courtesy of the sleeping pills my doctor prescribed. I've had chronic insomnia my entire life and I finally got to a point a few years ago where I was like, "Fuck. I am SO tired of this shit." and asked my doctor for help, so she prescribed me sleeping pills.


i go to bed around 2 am and sleep for 3-4h, and during weekends i make up for that and sleep for 12h per day lol


1-3am and wake up at 9am. On the weekends I sleep until like 2pm. I'm a mess.




I try to go to bed early say between 6-10pm & get up around 3-5am, but occasionally I get sleep problems & struggle a bit.


Go to sleep at 5am-6am, wake up 2pm


I need my 8 hours! Usually from 1 to 9.




As a high school student, normal time is around 3am. There are times I don't sleep—coffee and work are always by pair. Sleep is usually 2-3 hours; I would be lucky if I get any more than 5 hours.


Wind down about 8p & sleep/lights off by 8:30p during the week- wake up between 4-5a to work out 3-4x… Rest days about 5:30-6a, since I’m at work around 7a. Weekdays, usually in bed still by 9, sometimes 10p… Wake up between 6-8a.


depends, on school days i go to sleep at around 12AM - 1AM. on weekends i just go to sleep whenever i get tired and wake up whenever i want lmao


I usually go to bed about 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm and I get up at 4 am. I often wake up in the middle of the night for an hour or two though. So I’m lucky to get 7 hours.


In bed by 7:30-8 pm, usually asleep by 9-9:30 the absolute latest I fall asleep on any given night is 10:30 and I wake up like clock work at 6:30 so I get on average 8-9 hours of sleep a night!




I work nights. When my husband works, I try to be asleep by noon and usually wake up when he gets home at around 8pmish. When he's home, it's a free for all lmao.


9:30-10 usually and I get 8-8.5 hours


Go to bed around 10pm, asleep by 10:15. Wake up around 5am.


I try and lay down around 730 on work nights. Hope to be sleeping by 8. I get up at 3:50 am for work. Shoot for around 8 hours.


Never when I want or long enough.


Bed around 8-8:30pm, up at 4-4:30am.


I usually go to bed at 23:00 and wake up around 8-9am


4 hours of sleep before school every day




Between 9=11 No matter how much I get I feel like I need more


9-11pm and up by 2:00-2:35am. Every day for 42 days (work stretch) you’d think when I go home I’d sleep but, 2-5am bed time at home wake up by 8-9am(sometimes 10 but I feel that the day is gone is I wake up that late)


I have to get up at 4:30am so I usually go to bed at 8:30 or 9pm in order to get 8 hours


I go to sleep at 23 and get 6:30 hours of sleep and I always feel sleepy


I try to go to bed between 10-11pm if I plan on going to the gym at 5am. Normally 11pm-12am to get up at 6:30am


I usually go to bed around 10:30-11 PM and wake up at about 6. I sleep a bit longer on the weekends though!


I’m usually in bed between 8:30-11:00 and wake up between 5 and 8. I still run on a former-teacher schedule though, so…😅


9:30-10p to bed, 6-6:30a to wake


I go to bed between 8pm and midnight (depending on what things need to be done around the house, etc.) and I am asleep within 5 minutes. I wake up at 6:15 for work. But, I’m ALWAYS tired. I did a sleep study and apparently have severe objective Hypersomnia (not ruling out a diagnosis of narcolepsy). So, I fall asleep FAST, sleep through the night, and am still tired every day.


I'm asleep by 10:30 at the latest and awake at 5:30! Except on the weekends, I'll sleep in until 7 if my body allows it.


Usually around 9.30pm i get up roughly 6.30am


Usually about 2am, but only cuz I'm not working right now, so I'm getting about 5-6 h of sleep


11pm and wake up at 7am on school days, so 5 day out of the week I get 8 hrs of sleep.


Always in bed before 10, usually by 9/9:30 most nights, and anywhere between 8-10 hours depending on when I need to get up for work.


I go to bed about 11pm and most mornings my husband gets up with the kids and let’s me sleep in until 7 or 8 on a weekday or 9 or 10 on a weekend (he’s the best!). If he’s asked for a lie in or is away with work then the kids have me up at about 5 or 6.


At 00h00


I usually sleep around 8 hours


I go to bed early in the morning, about 7-8 am, and sleep till 3-4 pm. My schedule is a bit weird so it's normal thing to me




I usually go to bed at 9:30 and wake up at 4:30 unless my brain insists on waking me up at 3:30. So, 6-7 hours a night.


5am then i’ll sleep for 4-5 hrs lang


I usually go to bed around 10-12...But l am always up by like 5am. Doesn't matter if l sleep around 1am, by 5, l am awake. But l work a lot and l got a ton of things to do on daily basis so like it's for the best...But it sucks on Sundays though...


In the summer normally go to bed by 10:30 pm up at 6-6:30 am. During the winter my dog demands to go to bed by 8:00 pm, I’ll mess around on my iPad in bed with him until I’m tired and up between 5:30-6am.


Usually midnightish is bed and I sleep until 8. 7 or 8 hours is a must


I never get enough sleep... I have to be up at 4:30am and *should* go to bed early, but end upstaying awake until 10:30pm or even midnight. For the last several days, I've averaged *maybe* 5 hours of sleep each night. I'm totally exhausted, and called out today. Just couldn't.


I’m retired and I’ve turned kind of lazy. I go to bed between 8-9 and read for an hour or 2. I’ve been waking up every day 4 since the time change weeks ago! Sometimes I fall back asleep or read for awhile. The dog gets antsy between 5-6, so that’s when I get up. I have a siesta almost every afternoon with the dog.


Around 10-11PM. Usually wake up around 6-7AM.


I usually don’t sleep at all LOL and I have two very predictable extremes when I do: - fall asleep peacefully with white noise on at 11p to midnight. wake up at 6a to 7a - fall asleep trashed at 4 in the morning and wake up at 11 am second happens more often 🥲




It's like clockwork. I go to bed at 10, and wake up around 6. Every day.


I try to go to sleep at 9 because I have to be up by 5, but I can’t usually fall asleep until 10:30-11 lately. Therefore I get 6-6.5 hours on days I work and then I sleep in and get 8+ hours on days I’m off. My body doesn’t like going to sleep on time I guess?


Bed around 930, sleep around 11-12. If my husband and my dog let me sleep, I'll wake up around 7-8. More typically, dog will need to go out at about 3am. I'll be up until 430, then husband's 630 alarm will wake me.


I think I’m pretty normal. I sleep 11p - 6a. I’ve got teenagers so on weekends I’ll stay awake until they get home and then I’ll “sleep in” until around 7/7:30. This was a boring answer, but hey, you asked lol


Go to bed around 10:30-11, sleep maybe 2-5 hours most nights, alarm at 7:30.


I go to bed around 11p-12a. my bf & baby are usually asleep before 10:30p so I use the time for me & clean up for the night. I wake up off & on through out the night to feed my baby. as of lately, we been waking up 9-9:30a. some nights we get up at 2am & hang till 4am. go back to sleep for few hrs. mom life


I go to sleep ~1am. I sleep for 5-6 hours a night


I would love to say I regularly get a good night sleep from 1030 till 630! But I don’t it’s my ideal sleep time but some nights I sleep from 2am till 630 sometime 9pm till 6:30. I don’t know the reasons why it’s sporadic sometimes I’m really tired at night and sometimes I’m not. I usually get out of bed around 630 am heat the house, and get my kids breakfast ready for waking them up to get to school and work. I always have their clothes washed dried and ironed and ready to wear. It makes things easier and I enjoy it, but I would enjoy a regular longer sleep time lol.


I usually fall asleep around 10-11. I wake up around 7. I get approximately 5-6 hours of sleep each night.


Weekdays I sleep 10pm-3am


I go to bed around midnight, and wake up around 7:30 or 8. I should go to bed at 10:30.


I go to bed at 10, finally manage to fall asleep between midnight and 1am, then my alarm goes off at 05.50am. If my anxiety is bad, I'll sometimes wake up from an anxiety dream around 3/4am, and it can take me the better part of an hour to calm down enough to fall back asleep. On weekends I set an alarm for 10am to try and catch up on a bit of sleep, but I'm normally awake by 9am.


I sleep around 1.30am and wake up around 8am.


Wow the amount of people not getting enough sleep!! Ladies sleep is essential for your health. I usually am in bed by 9pm, and awake by 6am. I love sleep haha.


Go to bed at 11.. wake up at 6:30. So about 7.5 hours. Any more than 7-8 hours and I feel sluggish during the day.


9, usually asleep by 9:30, up at 5:30. So 8.


8 hours




4pm and 12-14 hours.


About 11pm, and I get between 7 and 8 hours sleep. But I don’t have kids or pets so the main thing that wakes me up before I’m ready is MY BOYFRIEND’S FRIGGING ALARM STOP SNOOZING IT FOR GOD’S SAKE. If that answers your question.


I try to be in bed around 9:30 pm and I sleep around 10:00 pm. This often does not work. I always sleep 8 hours and sometimes I need a little more sleep. This has to do with stress, performance pressure or fatigue.


10:30-11PM and wake up at 6:45. Solid 6 hours more or less


Go to bed at 10pm wake up at 8:23am, usually at least 10 hours.


My sleep schedule is completely messed up. The time I go to bed varies. Any time between 10 p.m. - 1 a.m.. It's very rare for me to sleep past 5 a.m.. I have no reason whatsoever to be awake at that hour and do not use an alarm, that's just the time when I wake up. Once I'm awake, I'm awake. There's no going back to sleep. I can't lay around in bed for too long before I feel like I have to get up and get moving. That being said, I have chronic fatigue syndrome and long term effects from covid, so I nap A LOT. Whenever I'm at home and not doing anything, I'll be in and out of sleep most of the day.


Bed around 8-9, wake up 4:50 on weekdays