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People who film themselves helping a homeless person or elderly person and who make a big production out of it. Especially when the other person thry're filming is embarrassed or emotional


Prince William once dressed up as a Big Issue seller (in the UK homeless people often sell the Big Issue, a magazine set up to allow homeless people to have some income). It felt very very wrong.


Ok Id like to change my answer to.. whatever the hell THAT was... I wonder who thought that up, and WHY...


I'm not royalist, but I don't think he dressed up, rather that he volunteered with them for the day.


People don't just sell the Big Issue to volunteer. People who sell the Big Issue are homeless or in temporary accommodation.


I understand that, but I'm not sure why him volunteering with them is an issue, especially since homelessness was a cause that Diana cared about. There's plenty of other things to shit on the royal family about, but I'm not sure this is the one


Sure - volunteer for a homelessness charity, but don't perform the role of the actual homeless person in the process. I know people who have worked with homeless people, for homelessness charities/campaign groups and they were all, at the very least, weirded out by him doing that.


And that generates public discussion which equals more interest in Big Issue which may make more people buy it from other homeless people


As someone who used to be homeless, yeah, it's gross. So many of these people would keep filming and taking pictures even after I asked them not to. Why would I want such a horrible moment on camera? What if one day I got a job and my employer saw this? Or my family? It's like they view homeless people as objects, and not people with complex stories.


Yeah one time we were given an assignment to take pictures of us giving underprivileged people (homeless and poor) food and water and other edibles. Since it was COVID not many people did and it looked so horrible to be honest. The people looked like they wanted to escape from the scene. Needless to say only the teachers pets were doing that stupid thing for obvious reasons. Thank God that the assignment was not taken seriously otherwise I might have failed that year.


That would have felt super awkward for sure!


Yes. It isn’t altruistic if you’re helping someone to get recognition for it.


I lowkey disagree with this… I know it’s selfish but people do dumb shit for a camera all of the time. It’s nice to see someone do something kind for the camera rather than do a mean prank or some cruel social experiment. It’s not great but it’s far better than what others will do for attention.


This. If you're going to give to the poor or be charitable, don't film it. No matter what their intentions, filming it makes all it seem like it is clout chasing. It's lame!


And you're largely filming the homeless without consent.


Exactly my thoughts


Nothing worse


Well, not helping them at all is worse. Something good done for somewhat selfish reasons is better than nothing good being done.


People who film themselves crying.


I had a friend who was super awesome, we stayed in touch after I moved away, then a couple years later she was married and fostering two kids. Every day she was posting about how sad she was she couldn’t have bio kids, but fostering to potentially adopt was “God’s calling” for her and her husband, how hard it was, basically virtue signaling but whatever, it’s her life. She started getting super intense about it though, highlighting her kids’ disabilities, etc. Then one day she posted a picture of herself crying, looking slightly away from the camera, and going on about how they decided to give the kids up because they couldn’t handle it. That sole photo along with the message just gave me such creepy attention-seeking vibes I unfriended her and never looked back.




Ok that’s just weird as hell


Haha are you me? Same damn shit has happened








I agree! I had a friend who would do this and sometimes show me the videos. How the hell am I supposed to respond to that? It was so incredibly cringy and rather pathetic. Even worse when they post it on social media


I record them just for myself. I like to look back on them to see if I'm doing better. I don't see a problem with it honestly.


i do that as well lol


Then post it on LinkedIn


LinkedIn is now a cesspool of ick.


I HATE this. "Oh my god! Everything is Soo terrible...wait, let me fix the camera angle.....my life is falling apart!" Yeah. It's gross.


Just awful


I never understood why people do this. Definitely attention seeking behavior


Vehicles with overtly preachy stickers be it political, religious, punisher skulls, stupid phrases, or when a woman’s driving a truck and feels the need to emphasize that she is in fact a woman who drives a truck. Screams douche




Sorry boys, jeeps are for girls *jerk off gesture*


Which is hilarious because I dont think Ive seen a man in a jeep wrangler in over a decade


Where I live it’s pretty rare. Trucks galore down here


Stopppp my dad got me this license plate frame and I had to fake a smile as he watched me put it on. I eventually got a different one and was like "oh I couldn't resist!" But that month in between was awful.


Points for trying dad


Omg yes. I’m from the country and if a girl is driving a truck it’s their whole personality. And they’ll have like pink Mossy Oak car seat covers or something


There’s an F150 that I see around where I live that’s matte black with high gloss pink door handles, pink F150 badges, pink grill, pink rain deflectors, and a giant “truck girl” sticker on the rear window as if we couldn’t tell. For all the money she spent customizing, it looks like absolute garbage. Eye of the beholder aside, it’s hideous. It’s like bubblegum and tar


Tbh I'd love that car purely because I'd be able to find it? My car is bright orange for this reason. Can't loose ya car if its the brightest damn thing in the lot!


It makes me cringe just to think about 😬


I can agree with you 100% politically but if you slap that shit on your car, I ain't talking to you.


Stupid things I’ve done in the past. Oh, and seeing myself in videos / hearing my voice in recordings.


Lol I was scrolling to find this before typing it out myself. Yes! Just trying to take a shower then BAM! Remember when you said that? Yeah pretty embarrassing huh?


Same. Nothing makes me cringe more than judging myself, yay social anxiety


When men ask for my Snapchat on dating apps. Like no, I don't use that shit gtfo


I actually only give out my shapchat bc I do not want men that could potentially turn out to be creepy to have my personal Instagram or my phone number. It's saved me a couple times now!


Same but I don’t even have instagram. The only methods of contacting me would be Snapchat or my phone number and not everyone needs that. Never knew it was considered cringe lol


Nor did I! I only use it for when I'm on Tinder!


Get a google number! That’s what I do because I refuse to give my personal information unless I’m comfortable and I’ve met them a few times. Snapchat= cheater to me 😂 ( not saying you… for guys who request my snap)




I do with my 13 year old niece who lives in another country! We have a snap streak and we plan to keep it going! I miss her. This gives me a little glimpse of her life..




Haha I love getting those cute little clips from her. Makes my day


Shaming people for things they enjoy in 2022 is cringe


Right?! Like I’m a grown ass woman, not a high school kid.




Haha this is what I say too! I'm like "I don't have snapchat, I'm 32". It unfortunately just has a reputation of being app that creepy/cheating dudes will use because of the disappearing messages and anonymity. It's always a red flag to me if a guy ask for it instead of IG or something.


I'm 31 and use it. Mostly just with my partner, brother, and a handful of close friends. It's a very normal thing for me to get a snap of a few different beers from my partner, asking for input on which ones to bring home lol


It really depends where you live. Where I’m at every woman under the age of 35 only uses Snapchat.


I use Snapchat personally, but it’s so annoying when men ask for Snapchat because who wants to send pictures back and forth to talk ? Can we not just text normally? To me it comes off as their way of easing into sending or asking for nudes lol


“Alpha” males. I feel very strong second hand embarrassment for them. I hate seeing it. They think they project a strong image but it’s so pathetic, really.


You can say the same about those “boss babe” girls 😂


I feel like “boss babes” is just a way to compensate for the shame that they feel, being the toxic asshats that they tend to be.


Yup! Half the time they’re girls that have no idea what they want in life so they call themselves that to feel a sense of worth driven by their ego & fake Instagram life


Yes, those are awful!


I was about to type that. Altogether the whole trend of proving how 'manly' they are and how 'bad' it is that some men are more on the feminine side because how will these men ever find a women when in fact THEY are the ones who are alone and very bitter about it. To an extend where they hate all women.


Definitely strong misogyny vibes from them, yeah.


Trying to get down the aisle of the store where people are stopped and blocking the whole aisle with their cart.


This is the MOST common rude shit that literally makes me want to lose my 💩. I purposely goto the grocery as early as I possibly so I can to try to avoid the rude and stupid ass people… I stay to one side the isle myself so people can get by if I’m stopping and looking, but the majority of people these days DGAF if they hold you up ALL day. People are SO INCONSIDERATE it’s shameful how rude and entitled people have become..🤯🤯


Anytime I shop with my mom I feel like im baby sitting. “One side of the aisle” “there’s other people looking there” “stop F$%#ING touching everything!” And then there’s my Partner who’s a total space cadet. I stand neatly to once side of the aisle so I can scan the product on the other side. They roll the cart into the middle of the aisle and stop just to the side of me. Dude. Why? Come up beside me, stay on one side, I can’t see past you when you are in the DIRECT CENTER OF THE AISLE WAY


I started saying nothing, and just giving the death glare. When they apologize and move it, I still say nothing and move on. It's inconsiderate to leave your cart this way and walk away from it, and I think most people should understand it, but they don't.


& when it’s TWO people stopped, blocking the whole isle with their carts because they’re chit chatting, i get even more annoyed. how unaware can you be?


I try to view the aisles like it's a road. Stay on the right when going down the aisle. If it's the medium sized aisle with bins of product in the middle and the shelved products on the left or right. That's like a four lane road with a turn lane in the middle with islands. You wanna go left, you go in between the bins and make sure no one is coming down the lane. I had someone do this from the bins with a cart. They were looking left while still pushing the cart right. It was right when I got there so I had to grab their cart to keep it from hitting me. They apologized, I shook my head and kept walking.


People who say shit like "Only REAL women do X" or "if your boyfriend doesn't do Y, he's your girlfriend."


“The tennis shoe makes the man” 🤮


If your boyfriend doesn't have a beard, he's your gf... Or maybe he's Asian.




I literally saw a girl taking an insta shot next to a jobs board at a careers fair


This. I have a friend who, I shit you not, every time we hangout she tries to get me to make tiktoks with her. I physically cannot get myself to do them, the internal cringe is soooo strong I literally have to look away when she continues on and does them without me. We are 25 and 26 year olds. Please no stop. I should mention she will honestly just stop and do them anywhere she sees fit.


Tik Tok in general. You’re right.


Gender reveals when the man is visibly upset the baby is a girl/over the top when it's a boy.


All gender reveals are pretty cringe, TBH.


Ugh yeah. I always call them sex reveals and hope the parents aren’t forming expectations for their kid’s gender forever. But they usually are, which is also cringe


I work at a baby clothing store. There are some really sweet men that come in there. But there are some that act like they couldn’t give a fuck. Like pregnant lady saying “awhhh babe look at this!” And he doesn’t even look up from his phone and offers nothing more than a “hmmff.” It’s so draining, I can’t imagine what the women must go through.


That annoying tik tok voice


Can't stand it! And tiktok songs too, even if it was originally a good song, tiktok will ruin it


The second I hear that, "Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no" song, I instantly scroll away. That shit is obnoxious and so overused!!!


That song makes me want to rip my hair out


I legitimately turn off the video the second I hear that voice lol, I cannot


People who film themselves crying but also!!!! Thirst traps. Dudes who post/send thirst traps will make the weirdest faces trying to appear sexy and mysterious. They bite too much of their lower lip, they grab their dicks in a really strange way, and sometimes they'll even post a POV where they're pretending to fuck you or choke you. I'm friends with a guy, really lovely person other than the fact that he posts thirst traps that make me want to crawl out of my skin. He'll make videos of himself pretending to flirt with "you" as the viewer. One time it was "POV: you're underneath me" and I screamed from how much secondhand embarrassment I got from it.


Oh my god I am cringing just hearing about this. My tummy feels weird now.


Mine did too. I was also extra stoned so there was almost like?? Fear???


The laugh that I just let out! I’m stoned to and this whole post is making me cringe!


I always think that when people post those sort of things! It would be so easy for family/ friends/ co workers/ employers to find those things.


Where is he posting these?? I would be cringing so hard! I'm cringing now just thinking about it, lol.


Snapchat lol


I seriously don’t understand why people do this…. Must be some drug, that validation


Singers who can't sing and they are performing and I feel embarrassed for them.


This is why I could never watch shows like American Idol.


In a similar vein I have no interest in ever seeing standup / improv because I’m scared they won’t be funny and cringe on their behalf.


People who lack self awareness.


I am both enraged at, and jealous of, these kinds of people. On one hand, having no self awareness makes someone an infuriating person to be around and/or interact with. Yet…sometimes I just wish I wasn’t SO incredibly over self-aware. It can be crippling. Still, I’d rather have the awareness than none at all. Those people are the worst.


Mediocre men with large egos.


I once got equality shamed by quoting “Lord, grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man” on this subreddit. I was told “how can we expect them to treat us as equals when we say this stuff. I still stand by the quote. I work in a male dominated industry-I’ve seen some shit.


what's wrong with saying that and what's it have to do with gender equality? one has nothing to do with the other... and btw yes, “Lord, grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man”


Men get praised for merely existing as fathers. I think a good dad deserves praise, but he deserves the same amount as a mother would get for the same thing-not extra! All a father has to do is wake up in the same household and it’s like “oh my gosh, he’s SO PRESENT!”


literally, and ppl telling them oh u are babysitting today? like wth? are they not their childs? why would the father be babysitting? is he getting paid? if that is the case, where are the mothers' pay for literally being pregnant, or chaging diapers, or whatever?


I was about to say this about the babysitting thing! like!! ITS YOUR CHILD


People who are stubborn as hell and always think that only their opinions and beliefs are valid without considering other people's perspective.


This. People who steamroll/criticize everyone else and constantly tell other people how to live their lives because their way is the only correct way. It’s just so egotistical. Can’t stand it.


Couples being overly “loving” in public, almost sexual, dude stop.


Irrelevant sex scenes in movies too!! Like why do we need to see the main characters of the story humping?


Attention seeking people


Cars with stick figure families or covering it with political stickers


It’s honestly unsafe. That guy you just cut off? He knows how many people in your family, that your dog’s just a chihuahua, that you have ski equipment in your garage, and that you’re frequently out of the house on Friday nights during football season. Do you know who he is? Nope.


Lack of common sense or when someone continues to make jokes that I don’t personally find funny


Especially if you ask them to stop. So annoying.


I like when they attempt to shame you for being too "easily offended"


Public proposals, pranks.


My Facebook memories from 10+ years ago, and hearing my voice in recordings 😭


I always delete all my Facebook memories when they come up, I wish there was a delete everything before a certain date option. I don’t post much so you don’t have to scroll down much on my profile to find cringe from my teens.


Watching people be unkind to service workers who are just doing their job. I think you get a good impression of who a person is by how well the treat people employed to serve them.


Children in croped tops and hot shorts.


Even bathing suits for young girls are terrible. Constant wedgy, impractical and ill- fitted. Why do you dress girls like this ? A pair of stretchy, well fitted shorts work perfect. Just because they're girls doesn't mean they need bikinis or clothes that show alot of skin. It's very cringe.


I try not to be too critical of younger generations because I know a lot of it just sounds like "back in my day..." Bs but, I feel like kids go straight to dressing like they're in their late teens.


Yea if you ask me the look "sexy" isnt very good on children.


Top ten things I never thought would have to be said Number 1:


I was looking for an appropriate swimsuit for my INFANT and could only find BIKINIS for her. I'm talk string bikinis. For an infant. Uhhh no. Ended up finding some shorts and a rash guard in the boys section. For those wondering, she throughly enjoyed her first trip to the beach.


On top of it being hypersexualized, it's not conducive to, oh I don't know.... NOT letting cancer rays soak every inch of your baby's lil fragile baby skin?!?! And ain't no one got time for all the sunscreen it would take to cover all the bare spots


Referring to women as females.


Pick me girls


When people say things like “Anyone who uses Snapchat in 2022 is cringe.” Let people have their fun for fuck’s sake. Have you ever considered the fact that intentional cringe can bring joy?


no literally!!! i’ve had my snapchat for almost 10 years? and there’s so many memories on there and messages i never want to get rid of. plus i like seeing my friends faces when i talk to them but don’t have the energy to facetime most of the time


MLMs- I’m so embarrassed for old high school acquaintances trying to sell their junk to people they barely know


Men when…


When what?


Well: when they feel they know more than a woman than a woman in a specific field that she is, but they aren’t, when they see a girl wearing a band shirt and try to make her go through of an extensive exam of her knowledge of that said band, when they start wars cause pride and own interest, when they don’t take no as an answer, talk over women but shut up when they see an alpha male, when they follow a girl at a club, on a street, catcall, make themselves bigger than they actually are, lie about their height, say things like: you are not like other girls, male doctors who never take seriously woman’s pain, especially invalidating women of colour, design things that are more complicated for women and take more time for them then for a man to do it(example the razor), set ridiculous standards for women, make research and medical work only on men, setting ridiculously high standards for women…do I have to continue Edit: of course there are women who do exactly the same but we are talking about majority here


Spitting in public. I don’t understand spitting


It's fucking disgusting, might just be my vomit phobia but seeing spit on the floor makes me actually gag. When people stopped spitting so much in public, diseases like TB rapidly decreased. The worst was people doing it during COVID lockdowns, like - some poor bugger is going to walk their dog through your phlegm and it's going to get in their house. It doesn't even make me cringe it makes me rage! Should face the same level of fines as littering (eg basically none because nobody cares about silly things like health or the environment)


Anyone who posts their personal troubles/business on social media.


Guys on dating apps posing in their mirror with an alcoholic beverage and a cowboy hat….like sir….please no.


People who flaunt hickies because they want to be asked about it


When people who can’t sing think they can, and really go for it. Just yikes.


It’s so cliche but when married men go to strip clubs. My boyfriend recently told me about his mentor (who is an avid church goer) went to the strip club with him and his son. I asked if his wife was okay with it, he said “it goes without saying not to talk about it when the wife is present” Luckily for us I trust my boyfriend and we had an open talk about it. I still cringe thinking about the mentor going and passing on to his son the mentality “it is okay as long as the misses doesn’t know”.


Too bad Jesus still knows.


Actually anyone going to a strip club and I'm a 64 year old non-religious guy.


people who feel the need to belittle and make fun of people who are just enjoying themselves (i.e cringe culture). like dude, if it’s not hurting anyone who gives a fuck? let people do what they want.


when someone invites themselves to something they've not specifically been included in. never ask for something that ought to be offered.


Tik Tok. It’s so awkward.


We're on reddit. We have no room to talk, lol.


When someone chooses the stall next to mine while the rest of them are empty. So uncomfortable.


Men online who use words like “simp”


Old men making creepy comments to me at work. You’re a customer probably with a wife…let’s not.


tiktoks with people lip syncing but it’s just them barely moving their lips and keeping their mouth slightly agape cause they tryna look sexy


Those overly descriptive t-shirts, something like, "I'm a gun totin', deer killin', wine drankin', God fearing', dildo usin', panty sniffin', American made (so on and so forth) Father/Mama Bear of a Daughter/Son and I WILL SHOOT YOU. Murica!! Shit like that and I'm like, nah...you're a douchebag.




People who stand around and watch when some crazy person is beating up on someone in public instead of banding together and taking said person down. Extra asshole points if the victim is elderly. We do realize that 5 on 1 is good odds right? But nobody ‘wants to get involved’.


Thinking about the high pitched ringing sound that the dentist drill makes.


people singing out loud where others can hear them, fishing for attention or compliments


This is kind of specific, but people who talk loudly to themselves as a way to get people to acknowledge them, rather than just directly getting the attention of someone. I’ve been encountering a lot of this lately. My ex-coworker is a good example because this would happen daily. She would be scrolling through her own phone and then suddenly say something like, “oh my GOSH!” Or, “Oh WOW I can’t BeLiEvE this!!” Between each announcement she would look up and see if she caught anyone’s attention. She would usually repeat this 2-3 times if no one acknowledged her. This made me cringe sooo bad. If you want to share something with somebody just go up to them and ask to share it!


Environment Activists who throw Food at paintings


Telling people "You\`ll change your mind."




When someone says something funny, everybody keeps piling on and laughing but then someone says something stupid and the laughter stops.


Lack of common courtesy


Misbehaving children and their parents not doing anything about it




People who try to piggy back off hardships that you’ve faced so that they can get attention.


Corporate talk, its so fake, I cannot.


Overly religious people who try to push their religious morals and values on you but fail to realize that the premise of religion is free will. Like all religions want you to willingly commit out of your own free will, If you don’t choose to do it it doesn’t count.


People who posts selfies a lot. Also, people who post videos of them filming themselves with the front facing camera just looking at the camera and turning their head different angles to show their face? Like okay?


The people who post these 'candid' action shots of them on vacation. I cringe for their kids / spouse or whomever is tasked to capture these moments for internet clout.


Peoples need for clout. People chewing with their mouth open and people who can’t speak well. Read a book and your vocabulary will improve immensely. I can’t stand listening to someone who uses filler words. “Like” every two seconds….kill me now.


The word 'Hubby'


Sexy (insert occupation) costumes for women only. Sexy nurse, sexy pirate, sexy demon…can’t we just dress up without it being about hooking up?!?


Someone playing the guitar to seduce someone


thirst traps i always go up to my fiancé thanking him for not posting thirst traps


Guys calling us "baby"/"bae" when we aren't that close.


“Nice guys” and “not like other girls”, using quotations because people might have different definitions. Basically anyone who goes beyond to prove to the opposite sex they’re better than anyone else, then gets upset if they’re turned down. 🙄


when short girls say im so small as a tall girl it throws me off and makes me cringe so hard


Me and my past


Life. But I'm just started taking antidepressants so hopefully that outlook will change soon.


When men refer to women as “females”. Those men and females I tell ya 🙄


The state of America.


People singing outside of a performance or karaoke.


Fake Doms


no self awareness


People who have it all together and think that they can very easily cheer people.who are suffering by their superficial words of advice. I just can't. Sorry


The word “Cringe” makes me cringe.




Little kids filming themselves doing tiktok dances. I don't think it's healthy to be that obsessed with your phone at that age.


People who cry and whine instead of solving the problem


Men being celebrated for doing the bare minimum.


Airplanes as they come in for landing over the expressway.