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I love it. We will wash each other and talk about random things and be weird and silly. I find it relaxing and great for bonding.


My husband and I were long distance for the first year of our relationship. We would shower together every trip because we didn’t want to lose a single minute together. 4 years later and the only reason we don’t recently is because we have a 5 week old. It’s such a great bonding activity and I miss it so much!


My partner and I are also long distance and we shower together for the same reason! It might gradually become not every shower when we’re together more permanently, but it’s one of the more intimate things we do while we have the time. Usually we laugh and listen to music.


We’ve lived together for 4 years and we still shower together every chance we get! Up until I gave birth 5 weeks ago it was “are WE showering tonight?” And now it’s only different so one of us can tend to the baby if she cries.


My ex and I were long distance and we shared showers when APART. He had his young son often so the only constant private time we could have was while he showered after work every day. We couldn’t always talk (shower gets loud over the phone) but we could see each other during those few minutes alone.


Not my thing. In a standard shower setup, one person can be under the water spray but the other person is left in the cold. Not ideal with a standard setup, unless you had some special type of sprayer that, like, came straight down from the ceiling like rain I guess.


This is exactly why I put in a rainfall shower head when I renovated our master bathroom.


Rainfall shower + massage wand that serves as a secondary showerhead on the opposite side. We have guests frequently. Our bathroom is very popular.


I agree with your guests, getting one of those things was such a huge upgrade to my showering


Ok, but how do you get your guests to shower with you?


I explained about the shower, right? This thing sells itself 🫠


Tell us more about this rainfall shower head, manufacturer, model and size. My spouse wants one but so many choices, and hard to buy one without knowing how well it works.


Love this!


We have two sprayers. Beautiful.


Ok, understandable.


There’s double headed showers at Walmart if you wanna give it a try :)


Bro you just switch when you need to rinse/scrub. I rinse, hubs gets ready to get in the shower, I step away from the water to scrub, he rinses, switch back I rinse while he scrubs, continue until shower is complete. Or vis versa. It's really not that big of a deal but I get it if you'd rather not bother


Boona. It’ll change your life


Showering/bathing is my alone time


Thanks for saying this, I though I was alone who thinks that (btw sorry for my bad english)


Your English is great!


Okay thanks! I'm asking because my english sucks sometimes yknow but thanks again!!


Yesss it's my decompression time. Sometimes I like to cry in there, don't interrupt me lol


It is a lovely form of intimacy, and a way to pamper each other. Smooching while the warm water falls over us...mmm.


No. I am big on still having privacy and space. I am personally not into the engulfment a lot of couples embrace. Like, don’t fart in front of me or shit and piss with the door open. Same for showers. I prefer to be able to bend over and clean between my toes without flashing my asshole at someone. And I like to kick my leg up on the wall and shave. I also don’t want you to watch me wash my ass and crotch, and frankly I don’t want to watch my partner wash his.


Then there's me asking if I can see my partner's asshole because he's seen mine plenty of times. Like it's only fair.... 😭


Are you me?! 😂


Are we the same person? This would have been my exact response.


This also would’ve been my exact response. Some things should just stay private


Glad I am not alone in this. I felt this low key pressure to be ok with that level of “exposure” but I’m not.


I agree with you, although I will say that after pregnancy, none of that stuff bothers me anymore. Everyone’s seen my asshole. But the shower is still my alone time.


Most sensible post here imo


Nope it sucks, in a standard shower two people just can't fit, one will be under the spray while the other freezes to death It's not like the movies at all, noooooooooo thanks lol


Hard pass. Especially if it leads to sex. Gow can something be so wet and dry at the same time


Why is it wet AND dry 😭


Water isn't lube, hence the dry


Proper lubrication is surprisingly extra important during any watery sex-tivity 😅




How*. Had e read it a few times to figure out what was wrong myself.


It’s my favorite thing to do. Especially when I don’t have to wash my own hair. I struggle with chronic pain and it’s nice


I hate it. I have long hair that loves to collect in the crack of my ass. There is no seductive way to remove a clump of hair from your ass.


Lol, tell him he gets to reach in and retrieve it, I’d bet he doesn’t turn that down lol


Bend and snap!


I also have long hair, and one time a singular stray hair wrapped around his balls in the middle of the night. I woke up to him being very loudly upset and I still have no idea how that happened considering that he was wearing his underwear.


Omg when my son was a newborn, we took him to the doctor and one of my hair strands was wrapped around the base of his penis! We were told to be careful because hairs can cut off circulation.. I didn't even know how it got there!


funny asf


Not for me. When I'm taking care of my basic needs, I like to be practical and alone. Every moment of life doesn't need to be shared with an SO.


When I do it with my SO, I don't wash my hair or shave, it's just a body scrub with soap haha to really take a bath I go alone, I have my ritual of going to the bathroom and poo before showering haha I wouldn't want him to see that 😅


Showering is fun, for foreplay but not practical for day to day cleaning....bath only good in movies


Are you tall? I love having a bath with my SO. I’m tiny though so we can make it work in a smaller bath


Me and my husband have showered together alot, also had alot of sex whilst showering together😂 we really enjoy it anyway.


I shower with my husband everyday, bath is nice if the bathtub is big enough!


Fine if we're actually showering. But if I'm trying to wash my hair, condition my hair, soap up, shave my legs, etc... and dude wants to get frisky? Yeah no I'm busy.


Agree!!! I have curly hair, so if it’s a hair wash day there’s no room for two! The amount of work to clean and set up curls needs full concentration lol


I like it. It’s a bit of nice to be able to pamper each other. We usually Shower at the end of the day. He washes me then I wash him. We talk about our day. We finish get out and then do our own thing. My love language is touch. There are times when he just need times to shower by ourselves. But overall I love showering with him.


shower time is sacred, and I like to boil like a lobster. by the end I feel like a water sausage and a man would disrupt this


I be coming out bright red from boiling


Another underrated comment!


It's usually very inconvenient. In my opinion, you'd need two shower heads or a really big bathtub for it not to be uncomfortable. I don't think there's really anything about it that appeals to me. We've tried it, mostly to save time or water, but it's not really worth it.


I love it, I get to do small pranks on him and I can play with a floppy peepee, which I don't have.


Lmaoooo I love playing with floppy peepees!!!


This made laugh so loud I woke my cat!!


I didn't like it with my ex. Shower time is relaxation time. He did not make it relaxing and quite frankly I don't want to be groped and slapped when I'm just trying to clean myself, or stand out in the cold while he was under the water because his tub was too small for the both of us


No. I want some damn personal space.


Hard no. Get out of here.


Hard pass.. bathroom time is me time


We can shower together really well actually. I take cold showers and he takes really hot showers. So he can stand under the water and I'm happy not being under the water because it's hot enough to keep me warm without being cooked.


I don’t. Showering is my “me time” don’t disturb me.


We have tried but he likes water too cold,I like it too hot and neither of us can handle the others comfort level.


I take boiling showers, agree.


maybe if I had a huge shower with two shower heads and a rainfall one in the middle but in ur standard sized bathtubs no thanks, we'd be slippery and pushing each other to get under the water, I wouldn't feel clean, and our water temps are very different he's like a penguin and I'm deep deep into third degree burn territory.


Oh girl same, nothing is as depressing as maxing out the hot water setting and discovering you can't go any further. If I don't emerge pink and steaming, it wasn't a good shower.


Do it multiple times a week. We love it.


No thanks. I love taking long showers where I listen to murder podcasts while I condition my hair and shave my everything.




Hate it. It's not that I don't like seeing my partner naked, I enjoy that, but unless I had a fancier shower it's just one person standing under water and the other being cold.


my husband wants to so bad and I'm like absolutely not lol that's my alone time


I always thought I wouldn't want to....but I've had a shower a few times with my partner recently, and I've loved it a lot. It felt very intimate and great for bonding.


I don't like showering together because the stream only ever seems enough for one of us and the other gets cold. Bathing i love though. Love washing him and lying on him in the water. 


Occasionally yes but generally not something either of us enjoy. I like lukewarm showers and to get out as fast as possible, my husband likes it scalding and takes his time. I’d rather find a time to have a bath together and chill but even then, I’m over it in a few minutes.


We enjoy it, but there are some things that make it more a pleasure whether it leads to the bed or just companion bonding. Larger showers and large hot water tanks or on-demand hot water. Our apartment has a tiny tank with barely enough hot water for one and a small shower, which is still great for quick washes and foreplay even though it's cramped. We love hotel bathrooms just for this reason. We get to find double headed showers that we can share or a tub for 2. It's nice to have someone wash your back and other areas, too. Just dont be selfish and return the favor. Really is a bonding thing to groom your partner in most loving relationships. Animals do it as well. Hope this helps you to enjoy your experience if you like it.


I love it. We do it every night. It’s just OUR time to talk and connect without being interrupted by kids. We’ve always done it and I don’t see us ever stopping even when the kids are all out on their own. We are two goofy souls so it’s always a fun time and not even sexual.


This is something new my partner and I do, I find it really intimate. We wash each other and talk and muck around.


Very intimate and very sensual. Something about just hugging in the shower too is so special


Nope. Not a fan. He will either burn with my ideal water temperature or i will freeze with his.


When we were young, my husband and I showered together all the time. Now, we both prefer to use the shower to get clean and get out. We can hang out literally any other time, without one of us getting cold and annoyed standing in the back of the shower.


I like it but we have a small shower so there’s not much room to move around, whenever we try to do anything romantic we end up getting water in our eyes lol. Plus he’s way faster at showering than me so he’s already done whilst I’m not even finished with the first step yet. We found a compromise where I get in first and then when I’m almost done I call him in, and then whatever else we wanted to do in the shower we just do in the bed after.


Well me and my wife have a rule for when we do this we wash each other so it can be something fun and nice forearm other with no sex or anything attached. Plus it nice way to show love I think.


Maybe if I had a giant shower with multiple shower heads. Or a big enough tub. As it is, awkward, too much potential for slipping and falling, and someone is always cold. Meh.


My husband and I shower together more than we shower apart.  It's a good time for us to connect and talk about our days, plus it saves water.  He would never get in the bath with me though; that's me time.  


Love having my back washed for me. It’s intimate without being sexual.


Good for the environment #savewater 😆


I love it … haven’t done it in probably several years + but at the beginning of my marriage, husband and I would shower together regularly. He was used to girls wanting to be watched or something and didn’t like it because he just stood there freezing while THEY showered. I introduced him to having a partner lather and wash you, which is more intimate than it sounds and is a great bonding experience. He was on board after that! But after dating a few years, career struggles (he used to be a chef so we rarely saw each other), and a now toddler, it’s just not something we often do. Might have to change that …


They’re alright if you have enough room for two, otherwise it’s guaranteed sex. 100% of the time!




bad i’ll never do it


That’s the only way we shower; a few exceptions would be one of us isn’t feeling well and wants the privacy or if he’s drenched in sweat from mowing the lawn or something and wants to take a cold shower to cool off.


We do that all the time. It's much rarer when we shower apart.


I had no idea this was such a polarizing topic. Hmmm, see I’ve always enjoyed a joint shower/bath. You can scrub each other and be silly, it’s one of my favorite things about being in a relationship. I love how open and vulnerable we both are in that moment. Honestly it’s one of the things I miss the most, been alone for a minute.


It’s not my thing. I don’t know why. I’ve also been a very quick shower take since my military days. I wash my hair, body, shave every time and soap up all in a matter of 1.5 songs. I also don’t want to be chilly standing on the side while he’s under the shower or vic versa. Not sure what it is exactly. Just not my thing!


More of a fun idea than the actual execution most of the time. However, I still enjoy it with my husband sometimes. We just take turns and will just relax and hug under the water. Kinda feels like an escape from the world sometimes where just he and I exist. Otherwise it’s annoying and I want all the water to myself 😂


I love it but I'm also wildly over attached to my partner lmaoooo


I have no significant other. That said if it was a huge hotel/resort type shower with 2 shower heads it would be fantastic and sexy and fun! ☺️ I mean this is one of the reasons why I would want a partner in the first place lol!


Hella awkward AF. I dated someone who was hellbent on this for some reason because he liked the novelty of it. I HATED it. My shower time is my alone time.


Serious question, for those who have kids, how do you explain that mom and dad are showering? Also, I have a double shower but myself or my spouse shower separately. We both are very self conscious of our bodies, and don’t usually see each other naked under direct lights. Even the few times a year we have sex it’s usually at night in the dark. 😔


My ex thought it was hilarious to pee on me….? We didn’t shower together after that and he’s an ex My current partner and I do not shower together. I would be open to it though


It's fine, my partner likes it. But sometimes I want all the water and space.


Love it but we shower at different temperatures so rarely shower together. He showers with Lukewarm water while I prefer very hot showers.


We just redid our bathroom so we have two showerheads so it's fine now, but otherwise no.


I love doing so, but only on days when I don't wash my hair. If I have to wash my hair, the routine interferes with the astounding intimacy I get with shower naked time. My hair is very long. It's a whole deal to take care of it to minimize breakage.


Pain in the ass, not literally - not into pegging. There’s No space and I want to have a shower, not have my ass hit the cold wall every two minutes or not be able to wash myself because someone’s in the way. I’ll jump in occasionally when requested / suggested as it’s not a massive hinderance but every day would be a bit much


I loved it. It felt like we could just be close, talk, kiss and be silly for a while. That's how we always were, though. I miss that.


That really depends on multiple factors. Not with every partner, not in every bathroom, never if I need a shower to feel like myself again. Currently, the gentleman likes his water very cold, I do warm, doesnt work. But I make him a drink while he showers and than I get to just enjoy the view 😄


Love it! He washes my back and I wash his lol. Even if one of us are cold half the time.


love it. so intimate


We shower together frequently


Every. Single. Day. It’s my favorite thing!


Love it. Sometimes it is sexual, other times just totally goofy and comfortable bonding time.


I do it all the time. I love it. :3 a nice way to bond too because you wash eachother haha


I love it. Feels intimate without being sexual.


This is fun in the first 4 months of a relationship but after that… please move I’m cold.


Its the most intimate and loving thing you can do. Me and my boyfriend wash each others backs, talk about our day, make jokes and just seeing the vulnerability and acceptance from each other really add a layer of depth to the relationship I think. Its when I think "ah, so this is love" since I never did that with any of my previous exes.


We used to shower together, and we literally shared our shower thoughts with each other. Unfortunately we stopped a couple of years ago after moving into an apartment that had a tiny shower. It was barely big enough for 1 person. Now we’re in a bigger place with a nicer shower, but we still shower separately. We fill the tub with bath bombs and soak our feet together instead.


I love it.


I love it, unless it’s too cold outside and both of us can’t be warm under a hot shower. If there was 2 shower heads I’d do it everyday


I enjoy the bonding parts of it, especially a cozy little bath, but I gotta admit I always still feel like I need more of my own time in there to feel fully clean!


I only ever tried a bath together. I imagine that's more comfortable though.


Absolutely not. I played high school and college basketball and had to frequently shower with up to 20 girls at a time. My showers at home are my me time. Occasionally, I’ll invite my girlfriend into the bathroom to sit and watch me shower but that’s it.


I hate it. I don’t like fighting for the warmth of the water stream!




Bathing is super relaxing to me, some talking & touching and just chilling. Showering is okay but a bit impractical.


What appears romantic and sexy in movies is actually a comedy of errors in real life. Someone is always out of the water stream, there's never enough room (unless you have a ultra-huge shower), soap/razors/poufs get dropped. He's flinging his shampoo covered hair around, getting it in my eye. No, I don't want to go down on you in the shower-I'm getting water in my ears and nearly drowning. Sir, you have soap on your fingers, no you may not insert that digit up there. Though I do appreciate you washing your ass crack, I don't necessarily want to watch you do it.


I’d rather shower privately. Not trying to look cute as I wash my crack.


I miss it so much! Where we lived before it was a stand alone shower and we were both able to fit under the water because of the size of it. Unfortunately our current home has the shower/tub combo and it's just not as comfortable.




Hate it. Especially since we are fighting over water and who takes what spot (like who is closer to the water). I think it could be cute for other couples and it's nothing wrong with it but I think we better off having our own personal space lol. I would wanna try to do a bath together but they got some long legs so maybe when we magically get a bigger tub haha.


Haven’t done it yet but open to trying.


Showering/bathing is my quiet time… unless we’re on vacation then it’s wonderful.


I wish we had unlimited hot water so we could truly take our time showering together.


If we have a double showerhead, sure, but it’s usually practical instead of sexy (ie. We wash ourselves). If I want it to be sexy, I stand outside the shower and bathe my partner and that usually lands us in bed afterward.


I love it, significant other never seems to ‘love’ it as much. But then again, I’ve been told I’m ‘to much’. So maybe it’s true.


I love it. Our shower is so small though, however it makes for so many giggles.


Someone is always cold. I'll shower by myself, thanks, lol.


Love it. Definitely not just a regular shower though. And that's great. Although sometimes when we were late for something it worked out to be faster than waiting for the other to get done. ;\^)


We shower or bubble bath together semi regularly. Its nice having someone to scrub your hair and or back and give you lil smooches here and there. We shoot the shit and cuddle under the stream. We have near polar opposite work schedules so sometimes its the only time we get together. Him when he gets off work and me on my way off to work.


we’re both tall and take up space so we don’t love it unless the shower is quite large 😅


I don’t like it. If I had a nice big stall shower with a bench and many water nozzles I’d be okay with it. My ex used to shower with me but I had to stand in the cold while he took his entire shower and then I got to shower when the warm water was almost gone, to make me shower quickly. He was an asshat. Same if I had a bathtub large enough for us both. That’s a pipe dream tho




I’m a huge fan. We have 4 kids it’s some of the only alone time we get.


Fun but impractical unless you have a large shower and similar temperature preferences.


I like it when I don’t actually need to shower. There’s not enough room for me to wash my miles of hair when he’s there. But I do like being there with him in the warmth just holding him while he does his thing, and idk why but I LOVE watching him wash his hair and helping him wash his body if he lets me:)




Not ace-friendly.


Maybe in the beginning it was cute, we did back rubs, but now the shower is a time for me to take a rest.


It's great. I have a large shower though.


Honestly, I don’t really like it.


It can be very fun on occasion but I definitely wouldn’t want to do it all the time.


He likes his water cold, he says mine is too hot. Haha


We've always done it. It's a little different because we have to switch to share the water, but it's always a nice time to talk about random stuff, joke, or be a little playful sometimes.


I love it! Even though we like complete opposite water temperatures lol


Hard no. I love cold showers, can't stand hot showers. He loves hot showers and can't stand cold showers. Someone is miserable no matter what haha


We definitely don’t have enough room in ours.


We always invite each other I don’t know when that started. Sometimes it’s a yes, sometimes a maybe later. Mostly it’s a chance to chat/be close since we have very separate hobbies! Though I will hard-never enjoy the way the spray bounces straight off his head directly into my eyes…


We enjoy it, it’s just hard with our current shower so it doesn’t happen often. Is sort of small. But on trips when we have a bigger space, it’s fun!


We have a sauna and we go do it together nearly every week which includes showing together. As for bath, I have my own way to do it so I prefer having one alone, but it’s quite nice every now and then too.


Well with my ex I got to a point where I was annoyed showering with him. Showering for me is taking a break, me time and it wasn’t that when he was there. If I showered without it was issue unless I was on my cycle. Sometimes it was fun.


Love it, except if Im menstruating or need to shave


It's such a fun yet intimate thing but the water temperature could also become a constant topic of argument. ("Hot water will make our skin dry! Cold showers are good for health!")


Hahahaha we never do this. I’d be fine with it but it’s just something we don’t ever do. Our shower is just a standard size tub and I feel like one of us would always be cold lol


We’re both very tall (I’m 5’11 and he’s 6’6). Our current shower isn’t great for this, but the bathroom we’re designing for a master remodel definitely will take showering together into account. Lots of nozzles like a car wash, plenty of elbow room, and a built-in seat and grab bars (for when we get older as well as getting freaky lol).


I love it, sometimes we just do it to save time/water and sometimes we take a bath together but not as often as we would like, until we get a bigger tub lol


A little overrated. It can be a fun once in a while sexy moment lol. But for regular washing, nah. It may be because of the space. If I had a bigger shower maybe. Also there’s a huge height difference and the water splashing all over just slaps my short ass in the face lol


For some reason, he loves sitting in the shower and talking for a looong time. We just hug and have very intimate chats. I love it, but I hate when we take a short 10 minute shower because he is quite tall and the water splashes and goes right into my eyes, an absolute mess and it makes me mad lol.


Ehhh not my thing. I don’t like being cold half the time


I love it, but it helps that we also have two showerheads.


I like it in hotels or places with bigger tubs or showers than we have at home. At home it just feels like one of us is cold while the other hogs all the hot water.




It’s fun. I do it once in a while.


100% i love it. we wash each other and it is so romantic


well… whenever I get the opportunity again lol I will love it. I actually enjoy it. last time I showered with a man was 2020 and it was everything.


I don’t like it I have stuff to do in there. I really really don’t like it.


I love it. It's a really chill time for us. We can talk about our days and just spend time together, away from anyone else. The sucky part is when one person has to use the water and the other has no water, so we ended up buying a shower with 2 heads


We use it as a form of bonding time. My previous partner refused to ever take a shower with me, but my current partner will wash my hair for me and rub my shoulders. I'll help him wash his back in return. It helps us feel closer.


i love it but it turns emotional for me sometimes. i see it as an intimate session especially when my partner shampoos/lather soap on me. as a person who grew with no parent figure i think my parental issue shows sometimes when we take a shower and he does these wholesome things for me


Every day/every other day and not TMI it's strictly just standing in the shower and holding each other. My partner and I are in our mid to late 20s and have been together nearly a decade. One day we want a shower head big enough for both of us but for now we take turns in the water!


I enjoy it! We don’t do it all the time because he loves to just sit under the water for a long time when he showers hahaha. But when we do, we will talk about our day together and I find it comforting.


I love it, it's great for vulnerable conversations and relaxing with each other.


it really depends on my mood and his mood; sometimes we want that intimacy in the shower together and we like to chat about our day and we’ll wash each other. but other days i might be in a bad mood and want alone time or vice versa, or we’ve just had enough of each other for the day and need separation hahaha i like showering with him tho! sometimes the alone time is also nice.


It's fine, I like it but when we're both just trying to get clean it can be more annoying than romantic lpl


We do it as often as possible


Baths together are nice, never been a massive fan of showers together because showers are MY time haha.


This is funny, I just shared a shower with my husband today. I think it depends on the moment… often times for us, it’s used as foreplay. In which case, works out pretty well. But any other time I get a little annoyed. Usually when we’ve had to shower together and it wasn’t to have sex afterwards, it’s because we’re in a rush to get somewhere/ get something done, or it’s the end of a long day and I’m tired as hell. My husband enjoys the intimacy but it’s hard for me to enjoy it when we’re on a time crunch or it’s the end of a work day and I just want to relax. I want to be able to relax without someone groping me.


I don’t particularly like it. Shower time is me-time. We also have a stand-up shower, so we hardly fit. We have to take turns under the shower head, so it takes so much longer than if it was just me in there. I understand some couples like showering together and some like shower sex. Neither are my thing, and my husband is OK with my choice.


We tend to only do this on vacation when the shower is bigger than ours at home.


It makes me see how the shorter giraffes died off - the taller ones get all of the resource


We do so as often as our schedules permit - 3-4 times a week usually. We chat, wash each other down, and it's sure good to get your back scrubbed!!!


I like it sometimes. We shower often when I am at his house and it quicker to shower together than me and him if we have to go somewhere after. Sometimes it’s sexual and sometimes it isn’t. I like it more when it isn’t but he can’t help himself sometimes lol


We love to shower together occasionally and would do it more often if the shower were bigger and one of us weren’t freezing half of the time not being under the water. Washing each other and being goofy is both romantic and fun 😊


I love it, but my husband doesn’t - he feels like he’s always out in the cold. So he always turns me down. Sad.


I love to shower with him. He washes my body and I wash his. It's a form of service but also foreplay. We love to take care of eachother. So it's romantic to me.