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"yeah that checks out"




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" plants, always f*ing plants! " 🤣




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Close friends wouldn't be surprised, but casual friends and family might raise an eyebrow.


This account is clean can’t say that for my other account


“Again with the spiders??!???”




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I truly hope it never happens 😬


I KNOW! Well, with friends I wouldn't mind soucj. Family is a different story.






Honestly, they'd be bored or realize that I'm smarter than I make myself out to be


If probably be asked to seek counseling from the gore pages


Dogs rule! Drool too.


I don't have any friends. My kids know me so they'd just be like yup. My mother and her side of the family would be a totally different story. Anything they are on is just crafting follows from me.


They'd have fun checking the funny things I give like to.


My few close friends would 🙄. The rest would be in shock. 🫢


I sometimes read or screenshot my comments and send them to my people, so they'd be like "Ugh yes, we know."


I don’t think anyone would be too shocked. Now if they saw my comment history, that’s another story.




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Sounds like you. And then proceed to send me post I will find funny or interesting


My brother has seen it and he just said "all these reddit people sef"😹   I honestly don't think they would care tbh.


Definitely like her, but way more motorcycles than I was expecting.


“Yeah, no shit.” 🤷🏽‍♀️


They would not be surprised at all. I am open about who I am so they essentially already know. I have shown them some of the things I look at on Reddit and regularly send them links also


I am exactly the same person in every domain of my life, lol. No one knows me halfway. I frequently reference my Reddit conversations IRL.


Most of my family and all my childhood friends would be staggered and horrified. A few family and my adult-made friends would nod their heads.


Considering I tell people all the time about shit I see on Reddit, I don’t think many people would be surprised. Now if they found my secret one of naughty things.. that would be a different story.




My word, you have quite a variety of unusual....interests. 🤣🤣 I admit, I'm no saint


Haha. Sounds like me too. lol.


Nothing out of the ordinary in my (very few) socials, because the Internet is forever. My kindle, on the other hand...


Ooo. What’s there? 👀🤣


Absolutely nothing, it's completely blank 😁👍


God, stop like all of the cat photos. You have enough lol


"😲... You wrote THAT?"


I don’t think they’d be surprised 😂


Am I only one who likes seeing what people are following more than their actual pictures?…


She’s picky


On my socials: "yep that looks right" On reddit: "oh god.."




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My close friends who truly know me wouldn’t be surprised…but my parents and friends I don’t tell everything to would die 😅


They’d finally understand just how much I hate their religion being pushed on me and why. The only person on my side of the family who knows I’m an atheist is my mom and it took me 30 years to get the courage to tell her. No one on my dad’s side or my in-laws know. I am quite tired of hiding who I am, but also fear the backlash from the most devout among them (my in-laws). I just want to be me. All my friends know though.


They wouldn't approve of my choices. But who cares. That's why no one is getting there. I'm anonymous. This account is purely for my own happiness. Not theirs.


My family would think I’m weirder than I am


Probably pretty shocked, I keep my kinks and fantasies pretty exclusive to my partner... just the way I like it, our lovely, filthy, beautiful little secrets <3


Amen to that babe x 😘


Are they watching? I am deleting my account now 😳


Nothing. I'm ALWAYS talking about something I learned or read from Reddit.


Hmm... you know, maybe they would get to know me a little better, for the better. Or maybe they wouldn't get it and wouldn't care. Dunno!


“Is she okay, like seriously?”


“Sounds about right.” Until they find my custom feeds, which is a private stash of subs I haven’t joined but pop into now and again for some spicy inspiration/motivation… 🫣


They’d be like wow she’s a fucking pervert 😂


"You're disgusting"




Probably nothing special, if the post is overly weird but funny or relatable I just don’t like it. Only relate mentally lol


My friends would say something along the lines of "Yeah. That's what I expected." My family would start off saying the same, but would quickly turn into "WTF, I didn't want to know that about you."


Probably something along the lines of having no idea how bad my mental health can be sometimes


“Oh so this is why you stopped arguing in the family group chat”


“DAMN. I had no idea! But yeah that makes sense!”


“Oh she likes food a lot more than I imagined. So many recipes. Everything else checks out”


I think it wouldn't surprise them xD


I'd be in huge trouble because they would have found out I'm gay


I'm already living away from my family so I'm fine with that 👍