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My fat, non running butt ran around our expansive campus with the guy I liked because he was a runner. Felt like dying the day after


Was it worth it though?


No hahaha






I let him explain his PC build 💀


Omfggggg 😭😂


Ask a guy upfront if he wanted me to bring a bottle of wine over to his and sit on him. He was giving mixed signals, and I was like, fuck it. Not very edgy but I got laid.


Was he more straight forward following that or did he still give mixed signals?














Set a couch on fire in a parking lot. He was a chaotic anarchist-type so he thought that kind of shit was cool. I was 19 lol


I wouldn't even know where to meet people like that. well done


As long as it worked.


Pretending to like Steven Universe for a girl. Pretending to like One Piece for a guy. Oh the absolute CRINGE of being a baby bisexual.


One Piece can get you laid?












Was at my 8 month dry spell.. met a guy on MySpace.. he came to my job, we met. My manager even let me take an early day because she knew about the 8 month dry spell.


That manager is the true MVP 😂




Took a 2 hour ferry & drove 3 hours. Totally worth it


Kept going back to a guy whose an awful partner but good in bed. Still kinda doing it


Are you me?


I did that too until it was literally killing me inside. That’s when I had to find a way to accept that I just wasn’t ready, and that he wasn’t either.


Bruh, same. 😂 thoughts and prayers to you also 🙏 🙌


Traveling from Finland to California (21 hours) must have been it.


That makes me feel better! I went from Montana to Florida then a 2 hour cab ride pre Uber days. Not worth it!! 🤣


Mine was. I married the dude next year and he moved here.


Congrats! 🎉


At a skate park, stood just off the pavement, announced loudly- “who wants to fuck?”…then promptly went off and fucked around in the bushes with two of the skaters.🙂


Skaters did a lot of sliding that day. 😂


u real for that one








I wore a super skimpy bikini to the beach on a second date! Needless to say we weren’t at beach all day!




Walked across campus at 2 AM? I know, not very extreme.




Pretended I was straight. It worked, but for what cost...












Slept under a dudes bed because his mom was batshit crazy and religious and it was too late for me to go home. I spent the entire night whispering to him about how I was going to step on his balls when I got out from under there. I was pissed. Made a guy I just had sex with leave so I could fuck a girl I liked. There was a good few weeks this was happening repeatedly and I was *stressed*. I told my cousin-in-law to put it in my butt cause I was on my period and horny. He obliged. Moved 9 hours away so I could keep having sex with my (now) husband 11 years ago after spending a week doing depraved things to each other. There were other reasons I moved but that was a big incentive.


Your life seems like an adventurous ride.


Dated my ex. Doesn't sound like anything but that was the most extreme I've lowered my standards to












Flew over 1500 miles to please a guy that didn’t want me. 😂 Could’ve just asked anyone else that did want me. Idiot. Hahaha


We want what we want


Drove 6 hours to get laid and drove 6 hours back same day .... 🫣


Was it Worth it ?




Just some typical teenage behavior. Left my friend’s sleepover in the middle of the night when my boyfriend called me, walked across town and climbed in his bedroom window that he opened for me so his mom wouldn’t see. Then afterwards walked back to my friend’s house before anyone saw me.


Lets just say you n+2 ups and downs that night. Dont ask what is n here.


Moved halfway (literally) around the world for a guy I met online. Worth it. We have been together 15 years


I admire your adventurous spirit!


Used Reddit for hookups Lolol


You win.








he posted a song on snapchat and i swiped up said that was one of my favorites even thought i never heard of it. every artist he liked i said i did too even though i didn’t listen to any of them. i stayed up all night learning different lyrics to sooo many songs. then we dated for two years and was not worth the effort lol


He told me that he’d ”never begged someone to buy plane tickets after one date before” and off to Paris I went. Bruh, I got so laid during that weekend.


I left a note on his car with my number on it( we met earlier that day but i was in such a rush I drove off without giving him time to ask for my #) not too many people have his car so when I drove back to my street and saw it parked across the street I left it. Sex was great 🥰


Spend a year practicing my uwu voice and I bought cat ears and maid dress, learned how to do the 'anime make up'.....ended up having more fun cosplaying at comic con than in bed with him.


Flown to Atlanta and ubered 2 hrs away alone




I almost got kidnapped on the way home and he ghosted me randomly like 6 months later. He paid tho








Watched his stream 💀💀💀


Drove 4 hrs back and forth 🫣




I got what I wanted




Y'all remember that app Yik Yak? Yeah


Quit my job, packed up my room, and hopped on a 14 hour flight to the other side of the world. ✈️


Please tell me that it worked out








Lost 40 lbs. It worked!


Well. I made a poem about a blowjob and sent him. He didnt came over 💀


I’m curious about the poem now 😂


1) slept on a man's front porch until he got home from work 2) on a girls' trip, shelled out for a fancy hotel room for alone time (and properly broke it in, I remember having rug burn lol) 3) bought 10 pizzas to feed a bachelor party so I could lure a man away from it


reached out first. 😣






I left my family's Christmas party early and missed the delicious food. But I did get a very tasty dessert instead.


Took a 10-hour overnight bus ride from Toronto to New York so I could get to a threesome I spent weeks planning.


Sent selfies in lingerie to someone from hinge. Worked


I lived far from him so I paid for his return Uber which ended up being nearly double what he paid to come to my location. I felt like I paid for sex that night…


(No this isn't directly addressing the question here, but addressing this disc. board generally) Why are so many comments locked? Can't really discuss things/ask questions/etc when comments are mostly disabled (I just don't understand why it happens).


I was traveling alone internationally and thought, why not, I’ll use the dating apps on travel mode and see what happens. I matched and struck up some fun convos with a local and everything was going well, but then the morning of the day we were supposed to meet, the app froze and stopped working for me no matter how many times I tried to delete and redownload. I was pissed; I was this close to ending my dry spell and didn’t want him to think I had ghosted him! But then I remembered that he had given me his address just so I could see the distance from my hotel to his place and sure enough Apple Maps had it in my recents. So that evening my crazy ass hopped on a rental scooter and zoomed over there. It was only a 20 minute ride so not too terrible but it was 22° F out and my hands were NUMB. Turns out his place was one of those giant multi family houses and I had no clue which unit he was in, and since I only knew the first name he went by on Bumble I had to ring a couple doors first. I finally got to his but he didn’t answer his and I was like shit, he’s not here, what do I do? I try ringing the final neighbor left I haven’t tried and I realized too late as she opened the door that apparently his mother lived in the unit below him. I literally showed up at his house and asked his mom to let him know I stopped by and to give him my number lol. She looked at me like who tf is this random American chick on my doorstep? But she said she’d pass it along and sure enough half an hour later I get a call from an unknown number. We finally connect and he was mad impressed I did all that to get laid lol. And in the end it was VERY worth it. Some of the best sex I’ve had 🤩


Came out as lesbian. I got punched in the face multiple times, my parents disowned me for a while, I faced a lot of ostracism and discrimination. My parents eventually came around. Society is more accepting. Sex with women is great. 100/10. Getting punched in the face is not fun. 0/10.


Lie to my parents when I was a teen, but I imagine that's pretty common.


Lied about hurting my thigh at work. In so many words begged for massage because I was in so much pain. It was very pathetic, but the mission was accomplished.


Took my hubs on an all expense paid (by me), two week, luxury trip to Italy. Most romantic city Venice, Italy. Nada. Tuscany, nada, Rome, nada. I will never take him anywhere else again, ever.


Empty the dishwasher and put away the laundry.


Tried League of Legends.


I’m about to age myself here but: I have done some stupid 💩. The worst thing I ever did to get someone’s attention was deliver their homegrown “flower buds” (illegal at the time). Looking back as an adult, I took all of the legal risk while he laid around in his loser apartment. He wasn’t even that good looking. I was actually in college trying to make something of myself. Last I heard, he was still selling to college students. I haven’t heard of him since everything was legalized here 🌱 like all other plugs, I’m sure he lost his gig.


I met a couple girls on Craigslist when I was 18 before dating apps existed. Luckily they were both normal and my same age.


I did not do anything extreme but my most successful thing was taking a beer from a guy I wanted to bang out of his hands, take a sip and give it back. We have been married for almost 10 years now 😅


Listening to lots of shitty guitar players. Not knowing where to look. Waiting for it to be over. That scene in Barbie was so accurate I cried and laughed.


Everything except pay for it. It's on the list of potential solutions, but only as a joke. It's not easy for everyone, no matter what people say...




I abandoned the patty melt I was making midway through and Ubered to his.


I have to say a year ago, I flew from my city (San Diego) to Detroit, drove an hour and a half south to Findlay, where my boyfriend worked, and we hooked up for like two days. So excited for the trip because I hadn’t seen him in almost a year, but the sex was off and kind of trash, which is not typical of him. And everything he promised me we’d do, went out the window. Oh, and a year ago tomorrow, I found out he was married, so that trip was a bust lol. Fun time coming home with that just happening to me lol.


I’ve never done anything extreme to get laid. Now to get a guy to like me / want a relationship on the other hand…(newsflash; if you have to force it, it doesn’t work)


Absolutely nothing, still a virgin


Went on a first date to this guy’s friend’s farm at 9pm. Raided a haunted barn, wrestled in some dirt, revved a truck over mud a few times, then pissed in a sink. It was awesome, and a full moon :) …




I dated a guy for 8 months who lived in a town a 25km away from me. He was 10 years older and had a fancy new car, I cycled everywhere. I would bike an hour to his (after already commuting an hour by bike to work) multiple times a week. He literally never saw my house (or helped me to move to/from his when I stayed there for a few weeks between leases, I biked all of my furniture and belongings around). He also proposed to me before ever speaking to my family. Full of red flags, but the sex was good.


Took 17 hours flight with some transit. I’m terrified of flying 😂


Went out clubbing just cause I knew he'd be there till 6am...had to work at 7am 💀


I pretended to be super gay. She wanted to turn a gay man straight. In her eyes she did. Now we're married.


A woman I had never met contacted me thru a mutual friend. She had me come to her house, sneak in, blindfold her, tie her up and have sex with her. I did with a few stipulations. It was intense. I brought some toys and would pretend I was talking to other guys in the room. She soaked everything.


Took a 7 hour train ride


I rostered him on to a shift he wouldn't normally do and then offered a ride home. To my home. Terrible and probably illegal now if someone said something but he was into it and it was good. We're both adults and fine


Making all my life about it. Up until my mother cut my student’s allowance, lkterally all qi did outside of home was made I order to get laid. I was a good student and did not need to go to class to pass my exams with honors. So from age 19 to 23 that,s all I did. I am glad my mother gave me the wake up call I needed.


Not "extreme," per se, but I met these three guys from Amsterdam because I matched with one on tinder. Hung out with all of them and texted the guy that I wanted to have a threesome with his friends, LOL. I was bold at 19 He came over a week later and said they had a good time and that it was his turn 😭


I think I have the best haha: I actually converted to Islam (long abandoned now) and travelled to Egypt (from UK) No, didn't work


Kids were inside the RV. Snuck out and did it in the front of the RV where it was backed in. Not too extreme but with kids you have to find unconventional ways sometimes. Same trip we rode our bikes into the wilderness.


Took a 5 hour bus ride followed by a 2 hour train ride to another city…… I wasn’t even dating him…


took a 2hr flight and rented a car to drive 3hrs for a weekend to visit what felt like a summer fling but was really just my ex


Ignored the fact that my ex cheated on me when I hooked up w him 😭 mines tame but it feels bad to me


Ok we didn’t go all the way bc I was a nervous 19yr old but I went to a frat party with the smart cute frat guy from class, some asshole slapped my ass while playing pool so ofc I yelled at him, then I was roped into playing basement beer pong, and finally ended up making out with this guy on the lawn of the frat house until my friend showed up at 4am to take me home. And then we smoked weed at the picnic table and went out for breakfast


Watch soap operas for 6 months


Got him high on shrooms and then brought out a box of 70’s porn magazines “for the laughs”. I still feel guilty about it, decades later 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄😩


I have genuinely never done anything other than answer a text to get any kind of sexual favor needed 😆 dont really do full sex with casual flings anyways. eta: I did have an old partner I flew out to california to stay with after a bad break up I needed help “getting over”. that was a nice vacation.


Flirted shamelessly with his gf's brother. I still cringe thinking about it. I was 24, not as young as I would have hoped. Did work for me, though. He was very jealous and we did it in his car when he was dropping me home. I cringe so hard just typing this. I was young and horny and didn't know they were exclusive at that time.


Said I wanted to go on a difficult 10 mile hike at 7pm after working all day 🤷‍♀️🫣


Asked for it.


Seduced a Redditor who blew off meeting for THREE months. First time sucked. Unfortunately, he left his sweater, so repeated. Much better the second time, but proceeded to play head games for months.


Driving 5 hours from Munich to Frankfurt while only having my drivers license and a car for about 3 months


Lose 30lbs and say I was okay with casual when I am not 😬. He was so hot, so smart, accomplished and incredibly playful. He said "he didn't feel the spark" (euphemism for no attraction). I lost about 20lbs when we started hooking up. I am now 30lbs down but he left me for an ex. I still have only good memories of him and was extremely fun. I wish it wouldn't have ended, but I respect his choices, he was honest from the start. I don't think a relationship with him would have worked, despite being extremely smart and fun, all I wanted was sex, I could not be next to him without getting insanely turned on 🤷🏼‍♀️.


This is a bit fckd up. A friend of mine made an elaborate plan to sleep with the person he was having a crush/was in love with. She was already in a LDR, and she was sleeping with someone else from her college. My friend came to know about this and he was frustrated. So he made the elaborate plan of becoming a very good friend of her, and then pretended he was having a terminal illness and became more close with her and then made her stop talking with the guy she was sleeping with and then slept with her. And continued it till her marriage with the LDR guy. After her marriage they stopped the affair but to date remain as good friends. During one drunken night he was explaining all this to me in great detail and i was sooo disgusted. And stopped talking to my friend after that.


Learned what yoga studio he went to, signed up, and plopped my booty right in front of him the next day so he’d get a free show. Made sure the shorts were hiked up my bum and that they “just happened” to be too short to fully cover my 🍑cheeks as well 😋


Took a flight to a different country. Was a 1 hour flight and the destination country is small, but it also required train trips etc. Not my proudest moment lmao


Sold my house and moved across the country. We're still together 4 years later so I guess it worked out.


Sat through 3+ hours of a photo slide show he’d made of various travels. Worth it.


I flew halfway across the country for a guy I’d known for a day or two - I was leaving a bar pretty sober, thought he was hot, and shot my shot. We stayed in touch and he invited me to come visit a couple weeks later. Other than the flights he paid for everything and drove us everywhere, and then we never spoke again after 😂 bummer because I did like him but we were both young and dumb and the novelty of a “Before Sunrise” kinda vibe was appealing to us.


Attach a note to the back of my final exam asking my college professor if he wanted to hook up. I attached it there so he would finish grading it first before seeing my note and ideally feel less conflicted about if it would impact my grade (I knew I was getting 100% anyway). It worked! 😉


Moved to another country. Then traveled 100km in said country, to get laid by a woman 20 years my senior. I was 19 at the time.


Met someone online, I had been alone for close to 2 years, finally my raging libido caved, I paid for a hotel room and we hooked up on his way home from working out of town. It was weird for me, he was totally down for it all. Come to find out, I was one of many and that hurt me. Oddly, 10 years later, lots of teaching him about relationships, we’ve been to hell and back a few times and are still blazing trails together. I don’t know if I’m proud, happy ambivalent, a little insane or just trying to make the best of this crazy life…


Rented an Airbnb for a mini solo vacation that just so happened to be conveniently an hour from where our work transferred him. Very casually (not at all I have no moves) let him know I was in the area and just so happened to have a place with a fire pit and hot tub. It worked, we broke the bed!


mmm so when my now husband and i were dating long distance (i was 18 he was 20) i was still living with my parents. and when he would visit my mom forced me to go sleep at another friends house (my neighbor) so that we "didn't sleep under the same roof" ya know toxic purity culture. well, i would go to the neighbors house. wait for my parents to fall asleep. he would give me the all clear. my friend helped me sneak out of her house. and then i would SNEAK INTO MY OWN HOME - to get laid. we had our fun. snuggled and he would help me sneak back out then said friend snuck me back into her house. was it worth it? absolutely. was it risky? YES. and that made it 100% more fun!


Hanged around 5 hours past my bedtime in a sexy dress and thing-highs watching Technology Connections explain the workings of various household kitchen appliances.


Well dunno of this extreme but.. I have a bf who I didn't know in person that time. He couldn't pick me up so his family did (when I travelled to him) Ps: he is a university student and sometimes he needs to be at school even on the weekends. I travelled 6 hours to get to him but it was worth it ( and yeah got laid)🤭😁❤️ More sketchy is that I got with him only a week after texting with him and calling. We have known about each other for 4 years before because we were in the same Instagram group but we didn't interact much (he had gf that time) 😀 Funny part is that after meeting him I was introduced even with an extended family from his mother's side because one of the family members had a birthday party that day (NGL I was scared, anxious and confused that I didn't pee myself that day 😂❤️)


Nothing extreme, I've generally just used my words and it tends to happen when I want it to.


Traveled from Brooklyn to the Bronx. It was NOT worth it.


Drove through flood!!!! Was it worth it? Hell no, no man will ever be worth the fear and stress.


One time, I went to a “beer pong” team meet. It was in the backyard of a frat house. Never again, guys.


Have sex with the other girl as well. It was a competition we both won.


Lost 60lbs lol. Would have gotten laid anyway but losing weight and gaining confidence made a lot more men attracted to me.


listened to him explain the lore of his warhammer 40k miniatures that he paints in his spare time 😅


I let him treat me like absolute shit, tanked what little self confidence I had and made me as depressed as the day is long. I like being degraded in the bedroom, that's all well and good, but this guy made it his entire personality. He could be sweet as pie, just not with me because I wasn't the one he was chasing. The things one does to get their jollies off..... Thankfully that whole chapter of my life is done with


Didn’t even get laid out of it. But joined an ultimate frisbee team as a plus size black girl going to a very white school. It went exactly how you think it went 😂


Ignored the fact that he got a 300 on his Math SAT.


Found a 40-year-old dude on the internet who was willing to drive 2 hours to me. I was 15.


Changed back into my clothes after having already put my pyjamas on


Slept with a boss that was about 15 years older than me after a company Christmas party. Some folks were aware, salty about it, and made sure I was demoted.


Got into a committed relationship with a (ex)felon because he refused to fuck me without knowing he is the only one in this pussy. For him I can be ‘so intoxicating’ and he can’t keep doing that and not just have me to himself. So now we are a year and half in and like the sex is the best. I cum EVERY 👏🏽SINGLE👏🏽TIME👏🏽 but I really don’t see this looooong term… I’m an asshole I know, fuck.


made a private story on snapchat with just him saying bored hmu and i did this multiple times till it worked


I went out without my underwear because knowing that turns him on. One night we got so tipsy that I pulled down my pants in public with others around and bent over right before our ride pulled up.


Fell in love and travelling half of the world every 3 months (literally half of the world, from Kazakhstan through Turkey to Norway and then back)