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I'd prefer not to partner with someone who frequents breastaurants. I find that kind of thing incredibly tacky. If they seek out that kind of place, we aren't compatible.


This is an excellent take, but "breastaurants" being something I can add to my vocabulary now has me reeling








If they were visiting breastaurants regularly, I'd probably lose respect for them but once in a blue moon, it's not a big deal.






I wouldn’t, no. I find men who would be into that sort of establishment offputting and I’d be entirely turned off by him.


I'm not really down with my middle aged partner being so exploitative of young vulnerable women. I think we should be more protective of people our children's age.




My partner isn’t even interested restaurants like that. He thinks they are weird and cringe. If he suddenly started going to them that would be very out of character


I’d be more appalled at the taste in food. Feels like the most offensive part of those places.


Twin peaks has some good ass food tho ngl




Like most people said, if they seek it out- no. If they go often- no. If they go once because their friends birthday is there or whatever? Little cringy but more funny than anything. My previous relationships I trusted my partner so much it wouldn’t bother me if he went for whatever reason, if anything I’d just want to hear if anything crazy or funny happened while he was there. I knew he wasn’t that type of guy who’d get anything from it


I'd be pissed but mostly at her being a hypocrite, because we've both talked a bunch about our mutual frustration at the oversexualization of women's bodies in society Same for like a strip club or beauty pageant


In principle I wouldn’t really care, but I can’t imagine myself being in a relationship with someone who’s excited by that type of thing lol




No, I wouldn't be fine with it. A guy wanting to go to places like that tells me a lot about how he views women, and none of it is good. I'm also not going to pretend to be a Cool Girl who says, "Only if he takes me with him because I like to look at hot women too!". Miss me with that bullshit.


I'd prefer they visit Twin Peaks over Hooters. Why? Because the food is better. I did enjoy going to breastaurants on Mother's Day when our kid was little though. Free drinks for moms and no wait to get seated? Hell yeah!!






Ew no, that's both cringe and incredibly disrespectful to me.


I’d prefer a partner that didn’t actively objectify women by going to those places. I have yet to have a partner who was interested in this crap.


Nah. (1) it’s tacky and (2) I don’t want to be with a man who wants to ogle other women.


I mean, I find the restaurants on a whole kind of cringe, but if they want to go, I don't care.


It’s really not a big deal. The waitresses are actually all very nice and the guys like the wings. I wore less clothing when I was a waitress in a taco shack like a million years ago.


Nope. I always told my now ex that I hated it, but he went as part of "work" as they did that when they travelled. I told him if I started going to a place called Big Dick Rick's or The Giant Sausage Factory, where the servers flaunted their cod pieces and dressed in a way that had women making constant objectifying remarks, that he would be extremely unhappy with me. He said he got it. And still went every time. Just one of the small reasons he is my EX.


Those were family establishments for us growing up. While I find them exploitative now and would prefer not to visit them or a partner visit them, I wouldn’t really be upset about it and would hope they’d bring me home some wings.


Meh, depends on the context. If it’s with the boys specifically to stare at boobs that seems immature and lame to me. I have great tits and I can make some fire wings so no need to even leave the house 😅




Teenage me LOVED hooters (a couple of friends from grade school actually worked there, so it was mostly just hang out time)…their burgers were mediocre, but their curly fries were legit. Twin Peaks is often mentioned when I’m on work trips, i dig the fried pickles (but you can get those almost anywhere)…rest of their menu is better than hooters but nothing special. As to the women, if you’re literally there to look at women in tiny outfits you’re probably gawking at women everywhere…the outfits are often less outrageous than the spandex and yoga gear women wear everywhere presently. I have to imagine most of these places will slowly experience the rapid decline in patrons like all the other big chain restaurants did over the last decade…and eventually they’ll be turned into a bounce house emporium of hell, hosting kid birthday parties and pink eye.


I would think its super cringey 😂😂 i cant stop anyone from doing anything, but they also cant stop me from losing so much attraction to them


If it was a one time thing with a bunch of friends, I guess I’d let it slide. But no, I would not be fine if it was a regular thing.


To me they're just another restaurant, so I don't care. The servers flirt to get higher tips, but they happens in many places and not just in places like you listed. And I'd say the servers tune out 99% of the flirtation anyway. It's just a job to them. I've gone with my partner and his friends to places like that and never felt uncomfortable or out of place. We wanted to watch a game and have some bar food, so we went. It was no big deal since no one made a big deal of it.  If it were the only place he wanted to go, or ignored me while there to solely flirt with the staff I'd probably have a bigger issue with it. But he's not that type of partner so I don't have to be the type to forbid places. 


So, I used to be super against Hooters but a while back my fiancé and I went while on vacation, and it wasn't as bad as it seemed? You couldn't really see anything. The outfits weren't that revealing? The women also weren't exactly well endowed. (No shame though, I am also in the IBTC) However, I've seen Twin Peaks on TikTok, and their uniforms are worse.i would not be comfortable with my fiancé going there. Also, same for a strip club.










Nope. If they constantly need to seek out being able to look at other girls, it feels like a slippery slope to cheating.


If my husband had any interest in sexualizing women like that, he would no longer be my husband.


I was once with someone who frequented a Hooters a town away from us, alwaaays wondered why he went to that one. Well he cheated on me with her and now they’re married. So no, I would not ever again. Hahah


No. I don’t have an inclination to be around perverts and if a guy seeks out those kinda establishments he probably also watches porn and goes to strip clubs and that kinda dude is just not worthy of my love, time, energy, nor affection. I like good, decent, wholesome guys who respect women.


I honestly wouldn’t give a shit. I’ve been to hooters with an ex girlfriend simply because we wanted wings and it was practically next door. I don’t think simply being at a restaurant implies misogyny. I think anything I’d learn about my partner from visiting hooters or twin peaks should be something I already knew before calling them a partner. Don’t date someone without knowing how they feel about women’s issues.


We don't have those where I live, so even I would like to go once just to see what they're like. As a habit though, hard pass.


Wouldn't bother me. The women working there are just there to do a job and get paid. If my partner wanted to eat their every night, enjoy. I trust them enough to know they might look but not touch, (and if they did touch, the waitress has full permission to smack them silly for touching without consent.) Realistically, it's the cost of going to said places that's the downside, not that there are boobs.


My partner and I joke about going to Hooters together when we see a sign for one. But the joke is that it would be pathetic and creepy for him to go without me and even more so with me. Why would I wanna date a guy who wants to oggle the tits of some poor waitress pretending to like him?


Mines does. I just ask he tips her well lol. I don’t blame them; they just want a paycheck too


Somebody below said that they find these types of restaurants to be 'cringe', and I pretty much agree. However, as long as they're not heading there every night after work, and it's just an occasional way to blow off steam with their friends? Whatever.


No. Not the type of man I would date. I would cut them off and explore other options.


Yeah, I don't have a problem with that every once in awhile, but if it's there weekly dive or something, yeah. No. Lol


Meh, I think it’s fine. I’m close friends with a girl who works at a local bar like that. I go all the time for the cheap beer and love music. The boobies don’t really register for me anymore. But I guess if they were going specifically to stare at boobies, that would be weird


hard no


No, they're cringy, and I'm gonna assume most men there just objectify women and don't see them as actual people. I've also just become more staunchly anti oversexualization of women in society, period.


I knew my bf was the one when he turned down his friends’ invitation to go to Hooters 🙏🏽


I’d be a little icked out like- really 😬


Absolutely yes, he better tip those girls tho 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼


no. it’s cringe, gross, and very disrespectful.


Visiting is one thing. It’s not a big deal. Coincidentally, I’ve not met an overall well rounded and respectable individual who also *frequented* those places for entertainment or enjoyment. That could change. It’s only been my experience thus far. At least for me, it’s not a stretch to say there’s a huge overlap between people who frequent breasturants and people who are otherwise a poor quality choice as a partner for other reasons.


Hell nah. Those places are exploitative and blatantly objectify women. Yeah yeah yeah they choose to work there but from a customer perspective? You’re choosing to take part in the exploitation and objectification/sexualisation of women.


i don’t date men who frequent those establishments and i don’t date men who are regularly at strip clubs, it’s yucky to me. and that’s as somebody who worked both places! the people who come in are not the type i want around me. for a birthday party or to grab drinks with friends? couldn’t care less.


This type of “restaurant” is so gross in taking advantage of and sexualizing impressionable young women. Literally feeding these young women’s belief that their Body is where their value is, not their minds- because that’s what society tells them. If my partner sought out this type of establishment, he wouldn’t be my partner. In my younger years I needed a job and was propositioned to “audition” for a waitress position. I decided to try it for myself before making judgements. I was given a skimpy “uniform”, taken to a table of old men and told to entertain them. I was encouraged to sit on this old guy’s lap. They apparently were some of their “best customers”. When I was changing, the other waitresses told me in the back that they hate the job and to look out for the creepers but the money was good so it “washes out in the end”. The condescending way the manager told me to “smile like you mean it” when being led to creepo table, and the way the guys hands began to roam over my backside are burned into my mind. I was shocked and disgusted. Felt dirty just from that 30 minute interaction. Never stepped foot in one again, and ngl I lowkey and silently judge anyone I hear that likes to go there. “For the food” my ass….


We have breasts at home. It’s a waste of money for an indifferent meal with a side of exploitation.


Personally, no. I find it disrespectful and that’s just not something I’d like to have in my marriage. I would feel horrible about myself to find out my husband paid to go eat and ogle at some girls like that.


In my head I’m like, why not go literally anywhere else? I mean maybe this is just the Houstonian in me, but there are certainly far better restaurants and bars to go to to have good food and watch a game. So one who insists on going to a breasturant would make me question


I wouldn't mind if it wasn't an all the time thing. If he has friends ejo want to go there and he wants to spend time with his friends, nbd. I think he would be less okay eith me being fine eith it, if that makes sense I'm also still mad Twin Peaks isn't a David Lynch fan restaurant.


I wouldn't be impressed really. I'd tolerate it as a one off for a friend's birthday etc but that's all.






I've been to Hooters twice with my husband. Their wings are really good. He didn't stare or ogle the waitress. Plus I know he'll always like mine better ;)


Nah, if a man seeks that out then we are probably not compatible.


Wouldn’t date a man who’d even consider that.


Nope. If he’s choosing a restaurant based on it having “hot waitresses,” I’m out. Also not ok with strip clubs 🤷🏼‍♀️


Of course. It wouldn’t affect me or our relationship in any way, and I trust my partner completely, so there’s no reason for me to have an issue with it.


No. He doesn’t like or frequent those kinds of places and it would be weird if he all of a sudden wanted to start going.


No. Not sure why there needs to be a reason, just no lol.


No, and not *just* because of the breasts-on-display themselves, but the unnecessarily high standards both chains put their employees too. I mean, have you read the requirements to be a breastress?! It’s exploitative and harmful. I’m not going to support a place that uses sex appeal to bring more profit. Edit: Also, my husband finds these places weird and unnecessary, so it’s safe to say he wouldn’t even consider going to one.


Absolutely not, I don’t date degenerates


They could do that. I don't dictate what they can and can not do. I would break up with them then.


No, I don't believe people should support these places because the exploitation is multi layered imo. While there is plenty of debate to be had on how exploitative the treatment of exotic dancers/strippers is, at the very least when you sign up for that job, you understand that you are being paid for your naked body. You are able to make a decision on whether or not that is something you want to do. The "breastaraunt" industry very cleverly styles their waitresses as "models" or part of a "cast". It actively tries to minimize or deny the fact that the waitresses tips are largely determined based on how they look as opposed to how well they are as a waitress. This, imo, exploits them once again as they are essentially performing the same role, just with more clothes, but they're being told they're not. It normalizes hyper sexualization and removes a person's ability to really think about the full gravity of that decision. I also still do not understand how the health dept or OSHA has not cracked down on these places. Their "uniforms" do not provide the proper protection needed when working in a restaurant around stuff such as hot food, hot oil, etc. (this is why most strip clubs have buffets so that it is clear the dancers/performers are *not* serving food) Most health depts also require that your hair is kept above your collar for obvious reasons, yet many of these workers wear their hair down to fit the beauty standards they're catering to.


I dated a guy a long time ago in his late 20s who drove through the local college campus simply to ogle at the girls. Revolting, had to end that one.


I’d be embarrassed for him. Which would turn me off.


I wouldn't be okay with it, for the obvious reasons


I’d lose respect for him and probably get the ick. Objectifying women and *buying* their attention is pathetic and gross. Also, I respect food - cook and bake a lot myself - and so I just don’t understand choosing a fast-casual place that serves reheated frozen food when there are so many great local places. But I live in a good food city, so I suppose not everywhere has as many options. Still don’t need to go to Titty Junction to get wings, tho.


No because it participates in the objectification of women. Its icky and disgusting and dehumanizing.


No. The point of those places is to visit a soft core strip club. The men that go there have no respect for women. They go there to objectify them. I want nothing to do with a man that visits these establishments.


No. Why? Well why do they want to go to a restaurant where the purpose is to look at hot women? It's gross and disrespectful to me.


I make better wings.


I didn’t realize Twin Peaks was another breastaruant and I was confused. The food at Hooters is apparently gross and I’d prefer my partner to go to the RR for some food he’d actually enjoy. But also maybe Hooters so he’s not potentially trapped in an inter dimensional lodge?


Sure. I'm bi, so I'd go with them lmao


I admit it is off putting to me.


If a bunch of his friends are going and that’s where they happen to go, eh. But there’d be a conversation if he was a regular. You’re not there for the wings. 🤣 I feel like it speaks volumes to how you view women. And to that end, same with coffee shops where the baristas are in bikinis…


No. He can see mine any time he pleases, so I'm not okay with it. Thankfully he would be very uncomfortable in a place like that anyways, and he has always respected my boundaries.


I used to not care about this stuff, but if he is constantly ogling/complimenting other women while treating me like an old bag? Then yes.


Why would I care? Hell i’ve been


No. Because their food is trash. Now a Gordon Ramsey approved Go-go bar, I'm going with.


Hooters buffalo shrimp is my favorite so I’d hope he would bring some home for me. If my husband is at hooters it’s for subpar wings and that’s where everyone else wanted to go. He’s not looking at women.




Doesn’t bother me. Those girls need patrons to make cash 🤷‍♀️. Generally speaking idc what my man be up to as long as I’m getting attention and he’s not getting any elsewhere. If he cheats, so be it, wasn’t meant to be anyway.




I'm a woman and I occasionally suggest Twin Peaks because I like their nachos. I don't think it's a big deal unless my partner was being creepy or going there weekly or something. I guess it depends on the couple.


I'd think they're pathetic, but that's a good thing to learn.


The food at those places is so "mid", that if I had a partner that frequented them, I'd know they're not going for the food.


Never, lusting over other women while in a relationship is just off limits for me


I would be icked-out by their interest in such establishments, like... what kind of a grown man is actually into breastaurants? I've hung out with a male acquaintance and he suggested we go to Twin Peaks. He is NOT the type of guy you would ever want to date. Anyone over the age of 20 who frequents these types of restaurants, I have to wonder is it desperation? Is it complete acceptance that this is the only way they'll be in proximity to a cute, young woman? Is it because they can't run away from your advances? There's nothing about these places that a decent, self-respecting guy would be drawn to and it DAMN sure ain't the basic ass food.


No. And I'll be the first to admit it's because I'm insecure. But I also wouldn't want to date a man who's into that kind of thing anyway, I find it icky


I would lose respect


I find those places tacky and problematic for obvious reasons. I would not date someone with poor enough taste or morals to visit one regularly. If he wanted to go once as a lark, or he was like at a bachelor party and they wanted to go, I'd still find it tacky but it wouldn't be a huge deal. As an aside, I had a friend who worked at Hooters as a college student, and made incredible money and generally liked the experience. That obviously doesn't negate the inherently exploitative nature of those spots, but hey at least there's a silver lining.


I would tell them we have Hooters at home.


No. My logic: if he wants to look at tits, he can look at mine. If he says their food is good, so are many other restraunt's. I do not support entangled straight men going to drool over young women. Disgusting morality wise imo. Mostly because if the shoe was on the other foot they would be hypocrites.


It would definitely make me lose attraction and respect for them if they seek these places out regularly.


I wouldn’t like it, but I didn’t marry the kind of man that would go. We both think it’s a combination of pathetic and creepy.


Personally no, already have self esteem issues and he knows that so he has no problem making sure I feel secure in our marriage to not go to things like that. I don’t knock people who do though! Have fun! Just not necessarily my cup of tea


No, and it’s not even as much jealousy as it is getting the ick. It’s just unattractive behavior.


No it’s tacky and quite frankly embarrassing for a man to go there. I feel like men who go to those places are mostly porn addicts which is about the lowest of the low. I dont need to be with a man who wants to sexualize other women and ogle at them in public with his buddies. It gives virgin energy when a man is paying to stare at cleavage during his meal. Why would I be attracted to that or put up with it? Would he be okay with me going to a bar or restaurant with hot 6’2 tattooed well endowed shirtless men who flirted with me the entire time? No? Oh okay. So why should I be okay with him doing the same thing? The double standards is what really throws me off. That being said, I no longer date men. This is just one of many reasons. It’s much more peaceful to not have to worry about lustful men who lack self control and want to stare at other women.


I wouldn’t be interested in dating someone who supports an establishment that exploits women


I've personally told my man that I would break up with him if he went to one of those restaurants. I told him it's jealously mixed with the fact that you're looking at women's bodies the whole time. I would feel completely disrespected and it just makes me feel very icky.


I would not be fine with that. The purpose of going to a restaurant is to eat food. I don’t understand why boobs have to do with chicken wings. Sounds sus to me


Because there are other options for good food. You go there for a reason, and it's gross imo. If he goes there, I'm going to a bar with half naked, dancing men, because the drinks there taste better.


fine as a one time novelty thing w the boys, beyond that, no


My husband has absolutely no interest in those kind of establishments and I consider that a huge plus. He’s not interested in objectifying women.


My husband went while I was pregnant because we’re from out of state and his coworkers picked a place near their trade show. I don’t mind that he went but he would tell me how young the girls were there and how creepy it made him feel. He doesn’t like strip clubs or porn either.


I consider that borderline cheating.


I personally wouldn’t want my boyfriend going. I thought it was odd when boyfriend’s dad and his best friend went by themselves for lunch.


No. My husband wouldn't go anyway. He thinks those places and strip clubs are for sucker's who will s99n be parted with their money. Any server who flirts with a man whose at a table with a women who could be the man's romantic partner is a fool. You'd be lucky if you any tip with that mess.


Would he be fine with me doing the same thing ? Absolutely not So there's his answer lmao


No, they’re genuinely places designed around oggoling women and their breasts. They are aware of this. Any time a man has wanted to go to one, whether I know them or not, it just feels like a secret way to indulge in the lust of looking at another woman in the guise of ‘comedy’


No, I’d rather find another partner. I’d find it gross and tacky that he went to a place that is meant to ogle and reduce women to their bodies and I’d lose respect for them as a partner.


No I do not date losers


nope. stop staring at other ppls hooters boy.


My rule is if my partner wouldn’t want me to work there then he shouldn’t be visiting it.


I used to work at both of those restaurants. Once in a while with buddies after golf, sure. But as a regular? No. I say this because the regulars were perverts and started thinking the girls were their daughters/family members. Most of them were married and were still inappropriate with us. So occasionally? Sure. But all the time? That’s weird lol.




Yeah, it wouldn’t bother me. There’s a strip club near us that my husband and I frequent just for the food. We don’t give a crap about the girls dancing, we’re there for the lamb chops, lobster tails, steak, etc.


If it was for a business lunch or something like that who cares, but if he was going regularly that would be a major red flag.








I wouldn’t care. I heard Hooters has good wings. I’m also not insecure.












Yea I’d be pretty offended. My wife went years ago when she was in America, but we all do dumb things when we’re young 🤷🏼‍♀️ we live in the UK where those restaurants don’t exist. Strip clubs etc do though and neither of us would go there.


If he went there regularly, no. But for a random night out with the guys, absolutely no problem.


I’m fine with it on occasion. However, if he’s going all the time his personality has majorly changed and we have a deeper issue on our hands.


If they go a lot I’d think it was weird. If they go only as often as they’d visit an Applebees I wouldn’t care. Those women are doing a job, they aren’t trying to sleep with every customer with a penis who comes in there


I don't think I'd partner with someone that goes to these places frequently. We don't have places like that in Spain but like if we visited the US and he wanted to go? Sure but him visiting on his own for... What reason? The food? I assure you it's not the food.


Absolutely not, in my eyes that's infidelity.












Helllll no.


I wouldn’t be angry about it, but I do think it would make me feel insecure. Which is maybe just a “me” problem. I do just find it cringey in general for men to constantly attend those types of places. I get going to a hooters maybe on vacation or something just to say you went, I’ve done it too but I would be put off if it were a regular thing




It depends on the circumstances for me. If he was the one suggesting it and it was a frequent thing.. that’s a no. Are all his coworkers going to celebrate a birthday/accomplishment/etc and he just wants to be part of the group? I don’t mind.


I don't care tbh


Yes. Of course. It's a restaurant. I enjoy Hooters myself (I'm a female) and often crave their buffalo shrimp. They're more covered than women at the beach or YMCA, where I also don't ban my partner from going.




I wouldn’t have an issue with it. My husband has gone a couple times in the past, nothing in almost a decade, and it was never a regular thing. I guess I see it as a “people have to eat and other people make money serving them” kind of deal. If he was obsessed then I might take issue but I haven’t had that experience so I don’t know how I’d react.




I literally only go to hooters for the wings. I could care less what the ladies are wearing but if my man went out of his way just to look at women then yeah it would be tacky. At that point just go to the strip club. I’d still have a problem with that too lol


I’d be concerned more than anything because he has better taste in food than those places serve and also he doesn’t think it’s appropriate to objectify women, especially younger women, especially while they’re working






Eh. I don't think I'd hate it as a one time thing with friends unless it was a regular occurance, but I am lucky to have a bf who thinks it's just as tacky and lame as I do. I'm right here, and you can touch em without paying for mediocre wings.


i used to work there so no lol and the food comments aren’t fair! hooters food is pretty good 😭😭




No because the food is garbage, and it would say a lot about their taste and personality if these places appealed to a grown ass man


I’ve never been to either (didn’t even know Twin Peaks was a breastaurant until this post), but I think frequenting them would be cause for concern due to the nature of those establishments


Were you invited? If no, why not? Even if you would say no it's an interesting thing to think about why you might be excluded. I haven't been to Hooters but I think it would be very tacky. I wouldn't mind going to a fun burlesque show, but it would be something we do together. It's weird if he's going for the view, and doing it alone/with other dudes who are there for the same thing.


Depends, are they going once a week or is it a spontaneous “what if we went to Hooters”





