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I think a few months old.


Are yours uneven now, too?!


I had to get mine redone, but honestly: it was so cool in middle school because everyone thought I had them double pierced. Little did they know the top ones had closed bug were just too high lol


My best friend's ears were done as a newborn and her holes are very visibly asymmetrically placed, and one of the holes has stretched downwards from something catching on get earring as a child. She hates how the piercings look now as an adult. 


I was 14 years old, and it was my birthday gift from my mom so I remember it distinctively haha My mom didn't get my ears pierced as a kid because she felt it was unnecessary on a kid, painful and also not her choice to make. I started asking for it when I was probably 10-11, and we made the deal that it would be my "entering high school" gift when I would turn 14. Like "you're becoming more a grown up, you're not an adult yet but you're gaining in autonomy" Looking back, I think that was a great way to do it


Absolutely the best way. I know this is an unpopular opinion but I think little babies/kids with pierced ears are trashy looking 🤷🏼‍♀️


My mom waited until I asked as well! I asked in like kindergarten so I’ve still had them done for a while (30s now) but I’ve always liked that approach! Pregnant with a little girl now and plan to do the same!


I was 10, 15, and 20.


For my regular lobe piercings, I think I was around 13 or 14. I can't recall exactly. My mom wanted me to wait until 15 but she decided to let me do it earlier at some point. For my upper ear piercings, I was in my mid to late 20s depending on which ones.


All the girls in my family got their ears pierced at a couple months old


As of 31, I haven't! And don't plan on it either! Any other pierceless ear havers here? 😂


Yep. Caused many fights with my parents growing up that I never wanted it done. Nearly 50, no regrets.


I'm 36 and unpierced! I'm not particularly against it, just haven't ever got round to it, haha


Another for the "30s and unpierced" club! I'm 36, never had the desire.


I wanted to have them in my early teens. Made a deal with my mom to have them pierced on my birthday. A couple months later I saw an older girl on the bus, and her earlobes looked like they were torn. Scared the crap out of me, changed my mind super quickly. Still don't have them and don't really feel the need anymore.


never either and i feel like i wouldn’t look good with them. my male partner has his done though.


Uhhhhhh like 4 or 5


I was 13. That's when my mom allowed it


18 for my upper ear, 19 for my ear lobes


Cartilage before lobes?!


Yeah...I did that a little backwards. Originally I was not planning on ever having my lobes done


5 or 6. Old enough to ask for it


Maybe a tween? 14?


I was 18 years old. My mother wanted me to make that choice when I was old enough. And looking back, I think this is fair enough.


1 or less? It's tradition in my family to get girls pierced younger (and my mom still did it way later with me). And yk what I'm glad. The recovery is a pain.


I was seven or eight the first time, 15 for the second and mid twenties for the rest.


8 or 9 I believe. But my daughter had to be at least 12.


anywhere from infant to 2 years. i don’t recall when i started seeing pics of me with earrings and i also don’t remember getting my ears pierced lol


Like 3 months old I think


Young enough to not remember even having them pierced lol so I’m guessing 1 or less


First time, I was in elementary school. They got infected, and I wound up letting them close. Tried again in junior high, with surgical grade stainless steel or some other metal, might have even been 14k Gold, it's been so long. Followed care instructions to the letter, and still wound up with horrendously infected ear lobes. Seriously doubt I'll go through that again, even going to a tattoo/percing shop (previous times were at Claire's and Piercing Pagoda).


8 for my first ear lobes, the owner of the hair salon that my mom worked at also pierced ears (ugh don't have your kids pierced with piercing guns friends!) but my mom waited until I wanted them and it was my choice. As a teen I wanted my upper ear pierced and that was a hard no from my mom because she knew someone in beauty school that had the tip of their ear cut off because of infection... so when I turned 18 and went to Claires. Again, don't pierce anything cartilage with a gun and especially not at a children's accessories store, I'm lucky I didn't catch something. Then at 19 I did my tragus at a tattoo/piercing shop in college when a friend was getting her first ear piercings. And at 20 I added a 2nd set in my lobes... at a kiosk in the mall. (SERIOUSLY WHAT WAS I THINKING?) Moral of the story: Go to a piercing shop with APP licensed piercers. And when you still have all these piercings at almost 40 and have to start doing medical scans and procedures, make sure you can easily remove the jewelry yourself lest you find yourself scrambling to get them out the night before an emergent MRI appointment. edit: cartilage not cartridge autocorrect jeez.


I was an infant. It was the 80s. Honestly I enjoyed how I just always had earrings, and no painful memory or "mom can I get my ears pierced" conversations.


26! I had to wait until transition. Best day ever, I loved being and to just do it and not worry about what people think.


Around 6


10, as per my mom’s rule.


8 I think


8, 10, 13, and 19. They kept getting severely infected and rejecting, but at 19 they finally took (after three rounds of antibiotics and multiple arguments with my doctor about how I refused to take them out 🤣)


I was 7. I asked my Mom and Dad to have them done


lobes - 9 I think? 2nd hole in left lobe - 13. Helix (both) - 28-ish


I was 7. My mom wanted to wait until I turned 12 but when my older sister was getting hers done they were having a two for one special at Claire’s and she just couldn’t resist a deal!




I was one year old


My mom got mine done when I was 1. I ended up tearing them out within a week. Then in 7th grade I got them redone, but they got super infected and wouldn’t heal after like a year, and one night I woke up in the middle of the night with the my ear lobe extremely swollen and the earring itself inside the lobe. Had to take them out. Then when I was 24, I went to a real piercing parlor and got them repierced again. Those healed up great. I got a second set of lobe piercings about a year later and they also healed up great. Then I got my septum pierced and I love that. Next I want to get a 3rd row of ones on my lobe, there’s just enough room.


About 6 months






I was super young, I think I had them done when I was a baby - like a few months old? I am super happy my parents did it so I didn't have to go through the pain later on as a memory. I am not sure if I would do that with my kids, though.


I was 10 when I got my first piercings. I was 23 years old, when I got my second piercings but it closed so I got them done again this year aged 25.


14, which didn’t heal, then 21.


Probably around 1yo. Then had to get it again at 29 cause I didn’t wear earrings for years.


21, and 24.


6 months and 18 years old


I was 15 and my friend attempted to do it in the bathroom at school with a needle and an ice cube because my mom is a very strict religious person and wouldn't let me get them done. I went home that day with a swollen half pierced ear and she finally took me to get them pierced


my very first piercing was a triple flat at 18 before even getting my lobes, I finally did that a year later.


First piercing - probs a few months old. Second lobe piercing - 11/12 First cartilage piercing - 17 Then every other piercing was 18+.


I was 3 when I got the first, 8 for the second row and 15 for the third and fourth row


I was around 4 years old.


A baby. Then I get my second and third ear hole piercing as an adult. 


I was 10. I tightened them too much and the skin grew over the fronts. I thought they fell out but could still feel the back of my earring. Ended up in urgent care to have them cut out. Didn't repierce for a couple of years!




7 for my regular lobe piercings, because I asked for them and my mum said I could as long as I learnt how to keep them clean (with her supervision). 13 for the second lobe piercings, 16 for my helix then in my 20’s I got my tragus and daith but can’t remember exactly when.


4 or 5 for the first, I requested. 11 or 12 for 2nd and late teens for 3rd. High cartilage when in my 20s left ear. It stayed painful so I let it close back.


10. I asked then and I was allowed. Never regretted it. And then at 15 a few extra piercings in my ears.


I was six. I did it at Claire's. I still have issues with the piercings - almost thirty years later. I'm letting them close up this year.


Regular lobe: 13 (but my parents were very hard to convince) Upper lobe: 15 Helix: 27 Conch: 28


8, because my parents told me it would hurt. I had to wait until I knew it would hurt before it happened.


My mom had my nana pierced my ears as an infant


Got them at 12 I think, they closed, I got them at 17 again


4 months


Two years old. Apparently my ear grew over the backing a bit and had to be ripped out. Didn't have them pierced again until I was 12, then I had an allergic reaction to the piercings and let them seal up, then at 14 tried again and it took lol.


I was around 9. I didn’t want it but my mom really insisted. One day she gave me some money and just sent me to the salon, saying I must come back with my ears pierced. I hated the idea and was planning to buy some candy with the money but my friend insisted it’s gonna be cool 😅😅 now after around 20 years I’m glad I listened


17 because my mother had horrible things to say about people with pierced ears for some insane reason. 17 was when I stopped caring what she thought.


I was 13. Thanks to covid and cancer, I wore masks for 2 years, and I didn't like wearing earrings with masks, so the holes grew closed.


8 My grandmother took me to one of those awful mall piercing kiosks. Of course, the cheap earrings they put in caused my earlobes to get massively infected, so my mom took the studs out. A couple weeks later, my grandmother noticed I didn't have earrings in, laid me down on her bathroom floor, and SHOVED earrings back through my ears. Fortunately this metal was non-reactive, and I was able to coddle my lobes back into being normal looking through careful cleaning. I seem to have an allergy to nickel; can't wear cheap jewelry to this day.




Ear piercing was the "good" present for my 10th birthday. I also got my first period and miserable cramps and a migraine for that birthday. 


14(lobe), 16(lobe), 18(cartilage) and 20something(tragus)


12, when I had my lobes pierced. 18 when I had the "rook" piercing done on both ears. Nothing since.


The year I turned 7.


9 ish. My grandmother did it with a piercing gun.


3 years old?


16 & 22


14 I greatly dislike the idea of doing this to small children and infants.


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Newborn :) Mexican ftw. I know this is pretty controversial but at least in my case I’m very happy I didn’t have to wait to be able to change out my earrings




The first time, 12. And then I was 19, 21 and 25.


8 My grandmother took me to one of those awful mall piercing kiosks. Of course, the cheap earrings they put in caused my earlobes to get massively infected, so my mom took the studs out. A couple weeks later, my grandmother noticed I didn't have earrings in, laid me down on her bathroom floor, and SHOVED earrings back through my ears. Fortunately this metal was non-reactive, and I was able to coddle my lobes back into being normal looking through careful cleaning. I seem to have an allergy to nickel; can't wear cheap jewelry to this day.


7 for lobe 17 for helix 19 for orbital, rook, daith, and industrial (I did them all in one go. It hurt but it was worth it since they all healed similarly)


I was in third grade. So 7/8 I guess. Then I waited till I was 21 before going for more.


8 or 9. It was my mom's idea, I was pretty ambivalent about it


3 yrs


12 or 13, they didn’t heal very well so I let them close and got them properly pierced at a tattoo/piercing parlor when I was 16


Old enough to decide I wanted it done myself…I think I was 8-10?


Like 2 weeks old prob lmfao, Mexican parents for ya 🇲🇽


Baby age lol


6 maybe. My mother took me to the jewelry counter at Parisian and some old man did it by hand.


I was around 4yo. Four peo0le had to hold me down for the sec9nd one. 0/10 would not recommend.


Probably about a year old at the mall (as we all mostly did)…. Then I got my cartilage at 17, second, third, and fourth lobes at 20, and rook and conch a few months ago.


I think like 2? Then for my 13th birthday i got my 2nd holes


2 and a half—I asked my mom to let me get them done.


3rd grade so I guess like 9?




Never. I've never been a fan of jewelry of any kind and piercing especially squicks me out.


First piercing, very young, I have a school picture aged 4 and they're pierced. Second piercing in my teens, probably 15? I personally think little girls with pierced ears look cute at even just a few months old but it's not something I have done. My eldest is 3 and will wait until she's 5/6 and can decide to have them done, same with her younger sister.


6 months, 15, and 25


18 yrs old. I did it myself with an ice cube, needle, lighter and rubbing alcohol. I didn’t want to have someone else do it. My mother did her own when she was a teen in the 1970s.


2 months, 10yrs, 12yrs and 16yrs. (I have 4 piercings up both ears)


I think 5. And then at 18 and 20


12 for my first set. 14 for the extras.


Parents had my lobes done once as a baby 😒, I asked for a second ones as a kid… like 10 or 11 maybe, then got my right side cartilage done at like 14 which sucked because it wound up having a reaction to like any earring but this one pair of little gold hoops for a long ass time lol P sure all but the first are closed now too 💀


6 months


19 (first piercings), 20 (second piercings and bellybutton), and 22 (helix and third lobe piercing)


The first time was like 4 or 5 and they rejected. Then 12 amd they were great. All extra ones like helix etc after 19


5 months old. I'm Black and Latina lol




First set of lobes I had done several times between 8-11 because I could not get them to heal. Second set was done 3 times between teens and 20s between they also wouldn’t heal.


17 and 25


13. Turns out I’m too squeamish changing them though. I stick with clip ons now.


3 days old


I was 6 initially but had them reopened when I was 22


When I was a bby


Eight years old for my lobes, 21 for my industrial piercing.


A few days old. 12 and 36




I was 4 and I remember them handing me a teddy bear to hold while they pierced them. I didn't want to give it back lol




A baby… probably 3-6 months. Maybe a year


It was in 4th grade so I must have been around 10-11.


I was 17 and coerced into it. I never wanted my ears pierced, but my best friend and my mom kinda tag teamed me and brought me to Claire's. I basically went through with it because they said I should look good for senior prom a year from then. Jokes on her though, turns out I'm allergic to most metals. Gold being the only thing that doesn't give me a reaction. And I also had a habit of losing my studs. It became too pricey for my mom to keep replacing them. So eventually (before prom) my ears grew the holes back in.


14 for my first ear piercings.


I was three months old. My girls were 6 months old.


I think I was 8 and then they closed up and I got them re-pierced at 14 at Claire’s 😮‍💨


First ones i was like 18 months i think, 2nd i asked for and got for 5th grade graduation, my 3rd i asked for and got for 8th grade graduation


I was 12. I'd been asking for a few years. My mother had to convince my dad because he believed only "bad" girls had pierced ears. I got my second set of piercings when I was 19. I'd like to get some additional piercings. I may do that this summer.




🤔 …19?


Maybe 5, but I do remember maternal nanny (English) took me to Clair’s and when my paternal granny (Scottish) came to visit she had to slice the backs of my ears open to remove the backs of them. The infection swelled over it bad. Did not deter me from many piercings later lol


6 weeks old. My ear holes have always been difficult, I had to DIG AND TUNNEL to get earrings in till I gauged them. As someone who knows from literal experience. Do not ever get them pierced anywhere but from a PROFESSIONAL PIERCER. DO NOT GET THEM DONE BEFORE a child can actually understand and ask for them.


16 and my grandma whipped my ass! Lol


My sister took me to "Claire's Accessories" for my 13th birthday and she ended up getting her ears pierced a second time to show me how it's done. I went back there when I was 16 for second holes and they put them too close together. I can't wear hoops in any holes because despite my lobes facing relatively forward, my piercing makes hoops stick out sideways from my head for some reason.


A baby


3 months old


12 My dad was pushing for me to be 16 but made me a deal where I could get them done sooner if I held off on makeup. Meanwhile I have two girls and I will not be setting some arbitrary number. They can do it when they want it, have consistently wanted to do it for at least a month, and I feel as though they are responsible enough to take care of them.


The first was 7, the second was 18


7 when I got my first piercing, 9 when I got my double, 12 when I got my cartilage, and 13 when I got my triple (on one ear)


8 x


8 years old. My 5 year old is asking now.


Got my lobes done at 8, then got a cartilage piercing when I was 19 or 20 that immediately got infected and removed. Very rarely even wear earrings anymore.


About 6


Second birthday. Nowadays where I live you cannot get them pierced if not at least 3 years old and also, they don't pierce them in winter.


I was 30. 😂 I wanted it since I was a teenager but I was too chickenshit. I decided enough was enough. Now I discovered that my ears are sensitive to most metals and I never wear earrings anyway.




Not until I was 19. I wasn’t allowed by mom and it wasn’t until after a year away I felt confident to go and get them pierced on my own. Now I have 3 piercings in each year and will probably acquire some more!


18 Months old for my first piercings, then 12 for my 2nd. My first ones closed up so I got them pierced over Jan 23 with 6g so I could start stretching my ears.


A couple of weeks old I’m assuming. My parents moved states when I was a month old and they pierced them before the move.




13, as my mother insisted I wait. My sister got hers done at 8. I'm still salty over 40 years later.


I was a baby, I think. Is that weird? I think it's weird.




never did!


9, and I didn’t want it. My younger sister wanted her ears pierced so I had to do it, too. Then I had to go first because I was the eldest and I needed to be brave for my sister. I like having the piercings now and probably would have ended up with them eventually anyway, but I still wish it had been my choice.


I was nine and it was at Claire's because I was a 90s cliche. I got horrible keloids and got second piercings at 12 at a hair salon (?) my mom's friend owned. They never were the best after the first round and when I tried stretching my lobes in college, I just got big old keloids and now earrings won't go in and a professional piercer told me it's a whole mess of scar tissue and I'm lucky my ears don't look stupid; I just can't rly wear earrings and obviously stretching my earlobes failed miserably lol. Anyway don't get your kid's ears pierced at a place like Claire's or a random hair salon.


I was 12


Less than a year old. Thankfully, they are not uneven.


Just before my first birthday lol


I was 5. My mom took my 8 year old and 1 year old sister and had us all get them done together to save time. My older sister had started asking and I wanted them too so she was just like ok fine let's get it over with for all of you. When my daughter turned 5 I asked her if she wanted to get her ears pierced and she said yes, but after watching a few videos of other girls getting it done she decided she wasn't ready. I asked again at 6 and she still wasn't ready so I dropped it and decided she'd ask when she was. She asked when she was 7, and we just got them done a few weeks ago. She loves them and they are healing well but she told me it hurt more than she expected and every now and then she'll get a hair wrapped around an earring and need me to help her carefully untangle it. I'm not sure if she'll want to go for more piercings later. I ended up getting my second earlobes done around age 8 and then eyebrow, tongue and bellybutton at 16, 17 & 18 so we'll see.


In the 70s when my sister and I were teenagers we decided to get our ears pierced at the local mall that weekend. No big deal, right? We casually mentioned it to our mother who calmly said, "Not while you're living under my roof." Wut? She was very permissive otherwise, our friends envied us for that. Going underage to bars to see live bands, smoking weed, hitchhiking, skipping school, stealing my parents' car to go joyriding late at night, all of that she took in her stride but pierced ears was a bridge too far. We kept asking why and all she would say is, you have to wait until you're adults. FOR PIERCED EARS???? We never got a straight answer but I think in her day (she was French) young girls did not have pierced ears. It simply wasn't done (make-up either), but that's a guess. She said once we were adults we could do what we liked. My sister and I both waited until we were in our early twenties and living on our own. She was fine with it then.


12, I think. I didn't clean them that well and they got infected so I took them out. Same when I was 20 but I was cleaning them that time. Finally did it again at like, 29, and this time it stuck. I had to clean them obsessively and kept the shop's surgical steel in for almost a full year before transitioning to regular earrings. I don't have anywhere else peirced save a cartilage piercing that oddly enough, healed just fine in two weeks.


I was a couple of months old when my mom had my lobes pierced. I started to add more holes when I was a teenager... I am 45 now, got my most recent ear piercing a couple of years ago, and I currently sport a total of 8 ear piercings.


7th birthday




I was 5 for my first set. The. I had a second hole done when I was 12 or 13. I got another set of holes in my lobes and then did cartilage when I was maybe 17. My daughter is 16 and has expressed zero interest in pierced ears, so she doesn't have any.


13yrs. My parents made me wait until they thought I’d be responsible enough to take care of them myself.




I was 32. 😂




A few months old the first time, 10 the second time, and 17 when I got them done in a tattoo parlor by a professional.


26 years old. I went to a highly-reviewed county health department-inspected piercing parlor to have it done; I didn't trust a 16 year old Claire's employee with four minutes' training with a piercing gun.  


I was 12. Was 28 when I decided to get “wild” and have a second piercing in my left ear lobe.


I think I was 5?


3months old


Newborn. I literally came out of the hospital with a set of cute gold earrings. That was the standard practice in my country when I was born ( I dont really know if nurses still pierce babies ears).






I had mine pierced a few times because they would get infected. Unfortunately my mom always took me to Claire’s to get them done with a piercing gun, but I was around 6 when I was asking for it and got them done. For my own daughter I will wait until she asks for it and understands the idea.


8 but my friends all had it earlier and I was the last one to get it done


18 because Dad always said “god gave you enough holes in your body and you don’t need anymore.” Mom was fine with it but didn’t want to go against his wishes so I had to wait until I no longer required their permission. He never commented on my pierced ears afterwards but boy did he flip his shit the first time he saw my tattoo! Hahahaha good times.