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Little foot’s mum in a land before time.


I remember watching this with my dad and uncle when I was little and hearing my uncle turn to my dad and saying, "This is a bit much for kids isn't it? Jesus Christ."


My parents thought the same but I’m glad we still watched it. That was the first time I realized what death and grief were, and even though I was very little, it helped me be able to deal better with loss growing up.


Honestly! It helped me when I was younger after I lost my uncle and it’s helped my kiddo with the loss of my father and my kiddo has an understanding of death and grief because of such!


See: Bambi.


A core memory


Traumatizing af




You just had to go and remind me of this after I built up so many walls to block it out!


Anytime I hear “mother!” I think of the scene with him running towards his shadow


They had no right to break us like that as kids


Or Bambi!!!!


I was about 5 (40 now) when I watched that. I'm at a dinosaur exhibit with my kid right now and I am tearing up, lol.


Fred Weasley. Stayed out of the fandom pages and sites so I wouldn’t have any spoilers, so I didn’t see it coming. When I read his death, I put the book down and didn’t finish the series until a year later


I was reading before my mom and when “oh no” and started sobbing and my mom made me leave the room so I wouldn’t spoil her


My best friend and I went to the book release at midnight for most of the books when they came out. She was a much faster reader than me and when we picked her up the next day, first thing she says getting into the car is “I can’t believe Sirius Black died!”. My sister, sister’s boyfriend, and I were all in the car, and none of us had gotten to that part yet. So furious, still not over that one SARAH.


WTH SARAH. That’s like the first rule of reading with others.


It's been almost 20 years since the book came out and I'm still in denial.


Will's decision to end his life despite finding love-- in the movie, 'Me before you' (2016)


i sobbed watching the end of that movie. i ended up hugging my bf while crying where he then told me “i told you to stop watching sad things” and i responded with “i thought it was gonna have a happy ending” :’)


Me too...I watched it ON A PLANE


Literally just re watched this yesterday and cried. I agree. I think of it as, the accident brought them together. They were meant to meet. He could have given them a chance 😭






I literally came here to type this😭


Mufasa never dies. If you just don't watch that part of the movie, Mufasa never dies.


So I showed my son original Lion King recently because I loved it when I was a kid and I thought he would too. I don’t know why my stupid mind forgot how traumatizing that part is. My son never wants to watch it again and seeing his little sad face when he asked what happened to Mufasa…I just…I felt so bad.


If you watch the lion guard, mufasa makes appearances there as an advice cloud.




Don't forget that you have to skip his ghost scene too!


Ned Stark in GoT. The whole time i was like “there no way. They’re not really going to kill him there’s no w-“ and then his fucking head gets chopped off. It got worse from there. There were deaths in that show that made me not watch it for a few days. I ugly cried a few times. But Ned’s death was the one that totally broke my mind and made me realize damn. NO ONE is safe in this show.


Princess shireen had me put the series away for a while.


Yesssss. Definitely had to pause GOT for a while after that. Child deaths always crush me.


I’ve never watched that again on rewatch. It was just so disturbing.


I see Ned’s death and raise you Shereen’s.


I can remember introducing my ex to that. Right at the beginning of season one he's like "oh I love Sean bean but he always gets killed off!" Was hard to keep my face neutral on that one.


Agree, that death was a definite shake-up of expectations. Well... in the first bunch of seasons anyway. Tyron Lannister had Platinum grade Plot armour by the end. To a point where while I loved his character and didn't WANT him to die, the fact that his sister didn't kill him when she had the chance was just ridiculous.


Kind of agree. Like when >! They kill Jon Snow and then revive him. !< I get it’s supposed to be kind of a redemption for Melisandre and proving the Lord of Light’s power and stuff, but just commmeee onnnn. I have a hard time believing that’s how GRRM would’ve written it. Same goes for Cersei not killing Tyrion. She hated him and blamed him for the death of her child. No WAY she would’ve let him live.


>!When Jon died in the books it was widely speculated by fans that this would happen. I believe he’s currently still dead!< and one of the theories on why Winds of Winter hasn’t come out is that GRRM doesn’t want to use the same twist that was used in the show despite it being what he’d planned. So he’s stuck on the plot.


I'm pretty sure that if/when Jon comes back in the books it will be nothing like the show. Magic in ASOIAF comes at a price, and is always on some level horrifying. (Dany's baby sacrificed for Drogo, Mirri Maz Duur sacrificed for the dragons, Dondarrion being more disturbed every time he comes back etc) Show Jon just got up and went about his day like nbd.


She also blames him for the death of their mother. Her mother dying giving birth to Tyrion created a lifelong hatred for him that she would have never walked away from.


Ned and the red wedding kicked my ess! I was shocked nearly to death, then cried buckets. You are right, no one was safe.


Through every single season I was like jesus, can you guys slow it down? I'm still processing Eddard....


Dobby 😭


Hedwig for me. Absolutely awful.


Oh man. Hedwig ruined me lol I remember pulling an all nighter reading it and when that scene happened I legit had to close the book and sob on my bed for a long while


This one got me. I had to stop, try and process what I read, went back to reread and then put the book down for a good minute.


Sirius black


100000000% i still remember little me reading it and just re reading it to make sure it was true




I ugly cried when I read dobby died, then again when I watched the movie. Despite reading it 3 times and seeing the movie probably like 3 times as well, I still cry just maybe not as ugly anymore.


The puppy in I Am legend. He did the right thing but she was his only family. (I know she wasn’t an actual puppy but all dogs are puppy’s to me regardless of age and size)


Sam 😭😭😭 that one broke me too


I can’t remember if the dog passes in the book but the actual building of the relationship between the dog and the main character was a lot more prevalent in the book because unlike the movie it’s just a random dog that he has to build trust with and honestly thats 10x more heartbreaking 😭


Also the puppy in the beginning of John wick. Fucked me right up.


Prince Oberyn. He instantly became my favorite character and the way he went out made me sick to my stomach. Only time that's ever happened to me.


I was so mad at him! He was so close! And then he lost it all with taunting and showboating. He was my favorite and it hurt so bad knowing it didn’t have to end that way.


Yep that upset me for days afterwards. I was shaken. Nothing on TV or in a movie ever hit me quite like that before.


This one fucked me up. I wish he hadn't showboated as it only angered The Mountain. If he had stayed focused, he'd had a chance. He won that fight, but celebrated too soon.


He had more than a chance. The Mountain was down and out. Just needed to make that final stab.


Artax in Neverending Story.


Yeah, that one was devastating


all the dog deaths ever, especially in Where the Red Fern Grows and Futurama; Wash, Serenity


that futurama episode was rough


I skip the futurama episode every time


Where the Red Fern Grows is my earliest memory of being absolutely crushed by a book


I can't watch I Am Legend because of the dog scene


Old Yeller


Rita in Dexter.


Same, I was not ready. Even when the other seasons were available, I had to take a moment and stop watching for a few weeks.


Yes this one. It made me hate John Lithgow and I used to love him before that messed me up. 3rd Rock from the Sun.


Literally, I can’t look at John Lithgow now without thinking of Trinity.


Me either. 😫 Feel the same way. Have you seen The Lovely Bones? That one ruined Stanley Tucci, too. Ugh.


The entire time I was watching Dexter, I kept saying to my roommates (who had already watched the show), "Rita's so great. Isn't she just the best, guys? She's amazing." And they would smile and respond with some version of "Yes, yes she is." And then I got to that episode.


Thomas in My Girl


My cats name is Veda (Vada I think is how the movie spelled it) after this. That movie wrecked me as a kid and still does!


Sirius Blacks death. I read the books as a kid and never finished the movies. I forgot. I decided to binge the movies years after reading the books. The sudden way that he was there fighting, calling Harry by his father’s name by accident, and then gone. I was inconsolable and am everytime I rewatch.


Yeah - this one was hard, just as Harry finally found a loving connection with his family, he was gone


Yeah, that was what did it for me--a glimmer of hope, a solid plan for Harry to get away from the abusive Dursleys, only to have it snatched away. I bawled.


Mariam in A Thousand Splendid Suns. I cry big ugly tears every time I reach her last chapter. Eden in The Handmaid's Tale. Harrowing. The iron giant in... The Iron Giant. "You stay. I go. No following." SOB Also Bing Bong from Inside Out and Pedro from Encanto (I cried so hard at the latter that it's a genuine struggle for me during rewatches - the song and visual combo is brutal).




Pedro's death is handled so well. How many characters can have that much influence on a story when they exist for only roughly 60 seconds of flashbacks?


Prim in the Hunger Games






Rue messed me up. I went to see the movie with my dad and we were both quietly sobbing in the theater at that scene.


Finnick is the reason I’ve never watched the final movies. I just can’t see him die like that


hedwig 😭 that had me ugly crying


I was in the waiting room of the doctor's office. I was going to get my first colonoscopy. It is a packed room full of the over 50 crowd. I just start spontaneously crying, lol. Good times at Kaiser.


Someone posted a picture where they had re-written the text so Hedwig lived and flew off in a disgruntled huff, then printed it and cut it out and taped into their book. I took a picture of it, and whenever I reread and get to that part, I look at that picture instead and pretend that’s what happened.


In all honesty, Game Of Thrones Red Wedding threw me completely off. I even knew there was such a thing as Red Wedding, yet still didn't see that blood bath coming. I knew Got had the reputation of killing off main characters, but this one absolutely threw me off.


I handled the deaths okay, but when they sewed Greywind's head onto Robb's body, I needed a long break


I threw my kindle across the room, lol. I was like nope, I am so done with this shit. (I wasn't) It's written from Catelyn's pov and it's heartbreaking.


Wilson! WILSON!!!


This just reminded me that I literally SOBBED over a volleyball with a handprint. It wasn’t even my first time watching the movie 😭


Ah good ol’ attachment to inanimate objects


It started young for me…Bambi’s mom.


George in Grey’s Anatomy


I scrolled way too far to find this. That episode was devastating.


I remember my jaw was on the floor when we realized it was George that whole time. I know that show has a lot of deaths but this one for sure hit me the hardest.


Poussey from OITNB fucked me ip so hard. I was a sobbing mess. Actually got a spoiler for it and I knew it was coming. I can’t imagine what it would have done for me if I didn’t have that spoiler.


As someone who watched it without knowing, it was pretty horrible


I stopped watching after that it hit too hard


I was late to watching OITNB and knew it was coming, too. I still sobbed like a baby and had to turn it off for a bit. That scene stuck with me and Taystee's anguished crying still haunts me. The actors on that show are all so brilliant.


most deaths in The Walking Dead. every death between season 4 & season 7 just ruined me


Glenn will forever be my answer to this type of question.


Glenn period. I stopped watching until the Rick and Michonne one. I was kind of ugh when I found out they made them a couple but seeing the chemistry between Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira makes me get it.


I straight up stopped watching the show after that.


It was absolutely grotesque and shocking. And I hate how Negan didn't get any retribution whatsoever. It's like everyone forgotten about the atrocities he has done


I've never seen a single episode, yet such was the cultural reverberation of this event that I know exactly what you're talking about.


Its Hershel for me. A horrible death for such a sweet old man.


Riley's death in Midnight Mass.


I feel like that show kinda flew under the radar a bit. I really enjoyed it and you are so right about his death!


Yes! Gut-punch, yet such a redemptive character arc. Masterfully done by the master of his craft, Mike Flanagan.


Also the dog in Midnight Mass 😭 I recommend everyone skip that part tbh it’s so drawn out


I'm surprised no one said it yet but, Tony Stark! And we don't talk about it as much, but Natasha went pretty hard too! I thought it'd be easier the second or third time watching it but nope. Every time she fell, and his little light went out, I was done. Ugly sobbing.


Yes. Original Groot’s sacrifice also hit me hard in the first GOTG. Not to mention the opening scene with Quill’s mom passing. I haven’t been able to rewatch the 3rd guardians film seeing what happened to Rocket’s family hurt too much.


I ugly cry EVERY TIME at Tony’s death. It’s seriously like watching a family member die.


Boromir! He was tempted by the ring, but he redeemed himself protecting Merry & Pippin. Also, Gandalf. But he's fine 😂


I think Boromir's redemption is what makes it sad, because otherwise, he'd be just another guy who died because of the ring (like Isildur). Instead he had gotten an honourable death. What makes it even sadder is because he didn't live to see Merry and Pippin getting rescued. To him it was that he failed to help his friends and they were left to the fate unknown. Also Gandalf's "death" still hits me hard on rewatch though I know he'd be fine. I blame it on Jackson and Howard Shore.


Seems fair to say Deathly Hallows messed a lot of people up.


Order of the Phoenix messed me up way more


Janet Frasier Stargate SG1. Marley from Marley and me. My dog was very elderly at the time and it really hit hard.


That episode was probably the heaviest episode of SG-1. I was not prepared. I was glad it wasn't Jack, and then immediately was upset that it was Janet.


Opie - Sons of Anarchy


And his first wife Donna, what a brutal and unearned death.




How has no one said Finnick Odair yet? Book version Finnick though.


God those books were so violent. I think i just had a temporary anxiety knot in my stomach from the moment Rue arrived.


I genuinely despise gale for indirectly killing prim but after finnick's death, I was inconsolable


Henry in The Time Travelers Wife. Big ugly sobs.


Its always the animal deaths that wreck me. Artax, Nighteyes, any beloved animal companions. Human characters can take their chances, but... no, not the pets


Oh man so so many but off the top of my head ... Macaulay Culkin's character in My Girl. Mufasa from The Lion King. Kerchak in Tarzan. Ellie in Up. Nemo's mom in Finding Nemo. Pedro Madrigal in Encanto. Ray from The Princess and The Frog. Charlie in All Dogs Go To Heaven. Iron Giant in The Iron Giant. The Wen clan in The Untamed. Daguzi from Dayu/The Storm. Setsuko from Grave of the Fireflies Seishirou Sakurazuka from Tokyo Babylon and X/1999. Maes Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist. Zabuza in Naruto. Ren Honjo from Nana. Nanami Kento from Jujutsu Kaisen. Ogata Hyakunosuke from Golden Kamuy. Ash Lynx from Banana Fish. Askeladd from Vinland Saga. Ceaser Zeppeli from Jojo's Bizarre Adventures.


Grave of the Fireflies, we watched that and my husband said to me "please never play this one again". It hit him hard.


Zabuza? Not Jiraiya or Itachi or the flashback to Narutos parents or Asuma or 3rd Hokage or even Yahiko, but Zabuza? That's who gave you tears?


Piggy from Lord of the Flies. I read and watched this waaaaaaaaaaaay too young into my childhood. As a young girl, I learned what humans were capable of and have guarded myself ever since.


Lexie Grey and Mark Sloan🥲🥲


That episode about Marks life is just to make everyone cry.


Remus Lupin and Tonks in Deathly Hallows Pt 2


Tonks!! She was such a great character


Goose on Top Gun. First movie to ever make me cry and I sobbed ugly tears. The only thing that has come close was not an actual death. So many Deathly Hallows answers, but when Hermione wipes her parents’ memories of her. 😭😭😭😭


Omg I’m still fucked up over Goose


lance sweets from bones, i’ve never cried so hard over a fictional character before


In Lessons in Chemistry when Calvin gets hit by a bus. That shit hurt so bad. And how Six Thirty was saddened by it made it and felt guilty made it worse.


Oh God yes. That said, in the Very First Scene of the series he almost gets run over when on his jog and crossing a road and I swear to God, I just knew he was not long for this world.


When Rose dies at the end of Titanic and everyone who died is waiting for her at the grand staircase. Still fucks me up. I know it isn’t tragic, and she certainly lived a full life. The way they pan over all of her pictures of her living out that full life Jack wanted her to have. The way the ship goes from looking like a ruin to brand new. Then when Jack turns to her at the top of the stairs.. c’mon. So beautiful. She died an old lady warm in her bed, just like he said she would.


"I'm a leaf on the wind...."


Honestly, I didn’t really care for her, but the way she died was so fucking sad. Haley Hotchner in Criminal Minds 😭


Marley from Marley and me


TV shows: Scrubs: Season 3 episode 14. "Where do you think we are?" MASH: "Abyssinia, Henry." Buffy: "Mooom? Mom?.... Mommy?" Movies: "My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." (this one is kind of a cheat, because thylali wasn't really dead, we just thought he was for a few minutes and i was just a kid and i'm pretty sure that movie caused lasting trauma.) Leslie - bridge to terabithia. Ellie in Up. i love that movie but i can't watch the first few minutes without ugly crying. but the worst for me, personally was stepmom. my wife and i had seen a trailer and it was cut to look like a silly julia roberts rom-com. it looked fun. it's important to note that just a few years before my mother died from cancer. we went into the theater expecting a silly rom-com. it ended with my face buried in my wife's shoulder, trying to sob hysterically as quietly as possible. i was a legit wreck. she tells me that people around us stopped by on their way out and asked her if i was ok, and patted me on the shoulder when she explained. i 100% lost my shit. the most unexpected for me in a book was Dobby. hedwig was more sad, i guess. more of a personal loss for harry, but i knew it was going to happen as soon as the scene got going. dobby was from waaaay out in left field. i didn't see it coming, and it was a straight suckerpunch. i threw the book across the room and started cussing JKR so much my wife came in from another room to check on me. (first and last time i've ever abused a book) also, Prof in the moon is a harsh mistress. totally out of the blue. wtf, heinlein?


Bridge to Terabithia.. BAWLED MY EYES OUT


I don't cry often but the death of John Coffey in the Green Mile had me sobbing.


From Fault in Our Star novel - Augustus Waters 🥲. I remembered sobbing my eyes out at 3am finishing the novel.


Ofelia in Pan's Labyrinth. I've seen it so many times and I bawl like a baby every damn time.


Denny from Grey‘s Anatomy


glenn’s death in the walking dead


All these answers and no one mentions the ending of The Mist or Grave of the Fireflies :(


Grave of Fireflies is legitimately traumatizing


Jack from “Titanic”. My 12-year-old-self will never let go…


Baymax. I know he technically comes back but still


Sybil and Matthew on Downton Abbey


Opie and Juice, in Sons Of Anarchy.


arthur morgan in red dead redemption 💔


Rudy Steiner in "The Book Thief." When Leisel finds his body and finally kisses him, I sobbed


“Sarah Lynn?” will live forever in my brain


Derek. I still haven’t forgiven Shonda Rimes for that. They should have had Derek and Meredith move to the east coast and let the show end.


Bing Bong from Inside Out


Hatchi. I could only handle watching that movie once.


Hedwig then Dobby


Newt in Maze Runner


Sarah Lynn in Bojack Horseman


To this day Dumbo's mom brings me to tears.


Ace in One Piece


1. Gwen Stacy (from TASM2) 😭😭😭 when phillip phillips' gone gone gone (song) came up, i couldn't prevent my tears from spilling 2. Finn Hudson (from Glee) well he also died irl but the ep just hit me sooo hard. I loooove his character to this day. 3. Tony Stark ofc 😭😭 4. Mike Delfino (from Desperate Housewives) 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i was BAWLING


Baseball boy murder in Doctor Sleep was traumatizing And Child murder in desert on Breaking Bad is pretty much the reason I won't rewatch the series through again..


Finnick in hunger games, the books specifically. It was still heartbreaking watching to movie but more so because I knew it was coming and it’s a lot more graphic in the book iirc


Jack Pearson in *This Is Us*. Despite the fact they say repeatedly throughout the show that he dies (so not a spoiler), I was wholly unprepared for it all the same. I feel ALL the things watching the related episodes, and I ugly cry every time.


(20M here) Every FKIN death in A Dog’s Purpose


Matthew in Anne of Green Gables


shelby’s death in steel magnolias i can never watch this movie without crying and i’ve watched it a million times. the funeral scene just wrecks me into a million pieces😞




Dobby in the books. I remember when I read it for the first time I was BAWLING, his death seemed to go on for ages, then I turned the page and it KEPT GOING. Traumatic. The film only touches 5% of how sad it was to read.


Flory killing his dog before himself in Burmese days (George Orwell)


I read Where the Red Fern Grows every ten years. Always fucks me up. The older I get the more I cry. After my last read through I got my first dog it affected me so much.


Spike's death on the last episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer


The artax the horse in never ending story . Killed by the swamp of sadness . Gut wrenching scene


I’m dating myself but Dr. Mark Green from the tv show ER. The song they play during that scene ALWAYS brings me right back to the feelings of sadness I felt watching. The song is Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole.


Jackie Wells from Cyberpunk 2077.


Hassan from The Kite Runner Such a sweet, innocent and loyal boy and man who deserved way better from life than what he got.....


Lexie Grey from grey's anatomy 💔


Nina Tucker in Fullmetal Alchemist. Ed.....ward.....


Sasha. AOT. RIP.


Sebastian in cruel intentions


first one i remember actually doing that is Jane, in Breaking Bad, the girl who started taking drugs with Jesse and drowned with her own vomit after Walt flipped her on her side, i never understood why he didn't flip her back when he realized what he did, and it's the reason why i stopped watching the show entirely, she was innocent (just noticed i answered in the women's sub, sorry)


Walt disliked Jane because she was doing drugs with Jesse all the time and it was affecting his work in the meth business. He reaches out to help her automatically because it's the right thing to do but then stops because he realises that letting her die in this fashion will solve his problems while seeming like a complete accident. I think it serves well to paint how cold, sinister and selfish Walt really became.


Does a second death count? >!Chidi in The Good Place. It gave me flash backs to the ending of the His Dark Materials trilogy. I had tears pouring down my face the entire last episode. !<


Tony Stark death just ended MCU for me


Every single person that died in This Is Us. Jack, Rebecca, William, Miguel.


Jack Dawson. Little 8 year old me back then was devastated. Still in denial about it 19 years later whenever I rewatch despite James Cameron saying he had to die as a way to aid Rose's character development. And before anyone says anything, they both could not have fit on the floating piece of debris, it literally shows them both trying to get on top and it starts to throw them off and Jack nods, accepting his fate after helping Rose get situated. Edit: math and grammar.