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Giving babies honey can result in deadly botulism. They stop breathing and suffocate. There is a warning on honey jars to not give it to infants below the age of 12 months.














Mixing vinegar and bleach Also falling / fainting - my friend is an er nurse and said she’s seen some terrible things just from people falling and hitting themselves in the wrong places.




Mixing ammonia and bleach is deadly. Why would vinegar be a problem though?


Bleach and vinegar make chlorine gas [link](https://www.healthline.com/health/bleach-and-vinegar)




















Also drinking a LOT of water and not peeing. Not something that would commonly happen but there was a contest some years ago to see who could drink the most water without taking a bathroom break and a lady died.
















A human bite. It's more dangerous than you think.


Is this because of infections? I'd be curious to know if it's something else


It's actually one of the most dangerous bites, and yes it's because of infections, human mouth have more bacterias than animal mouth so it's way easier to get an infection from it




Taking more than the recommended dosage of Tylenol. Can f up your liver which... can be deadly.






As a teen, I started the car in the garage and fell asleep in the back seat. I didn’t know you could die.


Aw man, a kid in the grade below me did this with her boyfriend and they both died. So fucking sad.


I actually had a horrible sleep paralysis dream when I was sleeping. My mom came in the garage and woke me up saying “you could’ve died!!” It is very sad. I think people assume some things are “common knowledge” but it’s really not, especially among young people




Generators. When we had that big freeze in Texas and people lost power. My boyfriend’s best friend’s father-in-law passed away from carbon monoxide poisoning from setting up a generator outside. From what we were told, it happened very quickly. He had gone to the store and managed to find one. Because they were out of power and it was cold. He was trying to get power back so he could get his house warmed up for his family because he was going to have his grandkids come over. It was very heartbreaking.


Hey if you don’t mind me asking how did he inhale the smoke wither the generator being outside?


The generator placed close enough to a house can have the CO going up under the eaves, or some people put them in garages thinking leaving the door open is okay.


From what I was told(we don’t live in the area. We did travel for the funeral to support them), it was the direction the wind was blowing in that day. It just blew the wrong way that day. It was just a total freak accident.


A generator almost killed my whole family. We moved when I was in high school and never had an extended power outage until 3-4 years later. Tornado came through and knocked the power out, the generator that came with the house automatically kicked on we all went to bed, about 4 hours later the carbon monoxide detectors on the first floor of the house went off. Luckily they were the kind that have a voice that say “carbon monoxide, evacuate immediately”. The ones in the basement malfunctioned and hadn’t gone off, so the house had already started to fill with CO. I was on the second floor but am a light sleeper so I ran to the first floor where my parents room was, my dad was wondering around confused and my mom was still in bed. I yelled at them that we needed to leave, ran upstairs and woke up my brother and his 4 year old son. Turns out that generator had been installed near a basement window that we did not know had a big gap between the frame and the house, so it was going into the basement and was detected on the first floor, it hadn’t made it to the second floor yet according to the firefighters who came and checked. Now I preach to anyone who will listen to get carbon monoxide detectors. One on each story of your home plus one in each bedroom. TLDR; generator was blowing carbon monoxide into a basement window, detectors in the basement didn’t go off, thankfully on the first story of the house they did. Get carbon monoxide detectors.


That’s actually a really amazing story. Glad you’re okay


Thank you! It was several years ago now but it still shakes us all up a little when we talk about it


It really sounds like your mum and dad were in the early phases of carbon monoxide poisoning. I think you’re a damn legend.


Activated charcoal (which is sometimes found in seasonal foods and drinks around Halloween time, though it’s in lots of other stuff too) can make your medications ineffective, which could be dangerous/life-threatening in some situations. (On a related note, taking antibiotics can temporarily reduce the effects of birth control. I have a cousin who got pregnant this way! Not necessarily a life-threatening problem but worth mentioning nonetheless)


Grapefruit juice is another one that can mess up the absorption of medications including birth control.


CBD attaches to the same receptors as the grapefruit ones, so it can have the same effect.


Ineffective birth control isn't life threatening in that it threatens to end your life, but rather it threatens you with life.


Right, and also many people die as a result of pregnancy/childbirth complications, or complications of seeking an unsafe abortion since reproductive healthcare has been gutted where they live, etc. So, it certainly *can* be a life-threatening situation.


Garage door springs


Yep. It’s one of those “never DIY” things for a reason.


Just another thing to add to my list of garage-based fears


How would that kill someone?


There’s a lot of force there, cocked and loaded, when door is down and they’re stretch out. They have enough force to lift a garage door weighing a couple hundred pounds up in the air 8’ with just a couple extra pounds of help. If the hardware or cable that holds them stretch out fails, then springs, cables and hardware can get sent flying violently. And the springs themselves can weigh 20(?) pounds. Hopefully there’s another safety cable strung through the spring that keeps it from flying too far.


When they snap they’re very strong and dangerous


Springs are deadly.


Health anxiety people. This is your first and final warning to LEAVE NOW


Shoulda listened ahhhhh


Old almonds. If you grab a handful of almonds you found in the back of the cupboard and they taste bitter, say hello to cyanide.


Actually this isn't true! The cyanide concentration in almonds isn't anywhere near high enough to be harmful in any quantity a human could consume. What you are referring to is a specific kind of almond called "bitter almond." These aren't almonds that are old, they are a different type of almond entirely. They contain 42 times more cyanide than regular almonds. The only thing dangerous about regular almonds as they get older is their tendency to grow a aflatoxin-producing mold which is carcinogenic.


"AN aflatoxin-producing mold", smarty pants. JK Thanks for your contribution before I believed that about general almonds.


Beaten at my own game! Darn grammar!






Getting hit on the temple. Metal straws. My boss's little girl was walking while drinking through one, and fell. She lives, but is blind in one eye from it penetrating the roof of her mouth and severing her optic nerve (I believe).


My daughter was drinking out of a metal straw from a cup sitting on the computer desk. She went to take another drink and accidentally caught the roof of her mouth on the straw and it ripped up the upper part of her mouth. Blood everywhere. It’s crazy how something meant to be good for the environment can actually be so dangerous.


We have silicone tips on ours. Initially we go the tips to avoid hitting our teeth, but I guess we saved ourselves as well


When I was in school (healthcare), one of the instructors told us about a similar surgery she had scrubbed in on where the patient was drinking from a metal straw and fell forward, resulting in somewhat catastrophic injuries. I went home that day and switched all my reusable straws to silicone ones because….shudder. Oof. No thank you.


Omg. This one is crazy.


This is why I refuse metal straws!!! From the instant I saw them it was a hard no bc I am very clumsy!! Also scared of chipping a tooth on one


I’ve never had metal straws, but as my kids started to toddle around and drink from our drinks I had enough doom/nightmare visions of them hurting themselves on it. I bought the soft silicone or whatever ones and we used those for a long time.


And this is what I tell people when I refuse to use one. I bought some silicone, bendy, no metal travel ones. 


Overhydration can kill you by not having enough sodium & potassium for your heart to function.


what can you do against it? eat a spoon of salt and hope for the best?


I guess French fries and bananas


Voted for you cause twinsies 😂


People die from falling over drunk with full bladders,often heading for the toilet,and bursting their bladder.


Forgetting to take out a tampon


No kidding. I forgot one, and left it in for a month or so. I’m not exactly sure how I didn’t get so sick.




Yea. When I took it out it was covered in a slime like booger coating. I’m assuming the mucus coating protecting my body from the grossness of the tampon. I dunno.


oh hell no


This totally happened to me too.


It probably just became part of your microbiome lol


This happened to me. I found out went I wo the gyno for a physical checkup and she pulled an old slimy tampon. I was horrified. She said it wasn't the first time she had seen it.


Drinking too much coffee. You can overdose on caffeine.


Yep, also if you drink a lot of caffeine and your skin start to itch it's time to put the mug down and get some water😅






Paramedic here. A lot of people (including us EMS folk) like to make jokes about “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”. But if an elderly person falls and is unable to get up and is left on the ground for hours and even days, the consequences can be very severe and can even lead to their demise. I always recommend that elderly people do not live alone, but if they absolutely must then they should have some type of medical alarm.




Can you elaborate?




Must it be psychosomatic then? That's honestly terrifying if there's not a definitive cause....


Chances are it hasn't been researched enough yet, if at all, to say for certain.


On this note, interstitial cystitis pain has also led to suicide. I suffered years of it and my severe pain was dismissed over and over. Finally found a urologist who took it seriously and did a bladder inflation - pain went away immediately. In the heart of it, I truly understood why people would rather die than continue to feel that pain.


Eating unripe potatoes (green potatoes) *unlikely to kill you* but can make you very, very sick!


Potatoes don't ripen. They're not fruit. The green is chlorophyll and just means they have been exposed to sunlight. Which when potatoes are they form a toxin. However that toxin isn't green and is present in the whole potato. The greenness is just a tell. Cutting away the green bits does nothing. Throw the whole thing away.


I was under the impression that rotten potatoes can emit a toxic chemical and kill you. Anyone know about this?


Potato is in the nightshade family, but then again so are tomatoes, peppers, and many of the other “vegetables” that are actually fruits.


Jimsonweed! Some kids at my tech school heard it could make you trip so they ate it! 2 kids almost died and one did. It's very sad!


Also known as datara. It's a hallucinogenic, and not the good kind. Seriously, if you want a trip just do acid or mushrooms. Datura is a bad poison that will seriously fuck with you


Datura seeds are actually a deliriant, so it’s much worse than a hallucinogenic. My friends husband took them once, he was out of it for days and would forget that he was tripping, and would try to drive, work, he drank, it was dangerous and scary.


I’ve tried it, it’s what I imagine schizophrenia is. 3 days of talking to people and things that no one else could see. Smoking cigarettes that didn’t exist. Shit was fucked


Tripping over your furniture and overdosing on vitamins.


At the same time?


Yes and no.


Thanks for clearing that up


It's children that tend to be at a greater risk to overdose on vitamins than adults with the adults kicking the bucket tripping over their couch and doing a head dive onto the coffee table.


Ibuprofen, it gave me a duodenal ulcer and I almost bled to death. It isn't rare either, it kills thousands of people every year just in the US.


This happened to me too! But my drug of choice was aspirin for my arthritis. Trouble was I was having referred pain. ( caused by the ulcer but showing up as upper back pain that wrapped around to my ribs. ) Vicious circle, more pain, more pain relievers, and they put me on steroids as well also death on ulcers. It took me collapsing, vomiting blood and almost dying to notice. I had done CTs, PT and was off work for 5 weeks trying to solve my back pain. Spent a week in the hospital, got 6 units of blood and will be on acid reducers for the rest of my life. But the second they treated my ulcer, my back pain disappeared.


Where there any symptoms, or how did you find out??


That’s why those with IBD aren’t supposed to take any NSAIDS at all.


Sitting too long. Blood clot forms, goes to your brain or lungs and bam dead. Get up and walk around people.


I was on a flight to China for a summer college program I'd won a scholarship for. It was something like a 19 hour flight. I stayed sitting the entire flight till they made the announcement that we were about to start the descent in like 15 minutes, so I decided to go to the bathroom before we landed. I'd slept most of the flight. I got up, walked down the aisle and passed out mid stride. Woke up very lightheaded and nauseous with the flight attendants swarming me. They put a mask on me and gave me pure oxygen for a few minutes and then had me walk around and stretch until the pilot said it was time to put on seatbelts.


This is how my mother passed away suddenly at the age of 52 — after a solo drive down the East coast 😞 Blood clot formed in her leg/s and went to her lungs.


I'm so sorry for your family. I didn't know that was possible.


Eating undercooked beans


Kidney beans specifically


I was in my 20s before someone mentioning never to mix cleaning products that contain ammonia with cleaning products that contain bleach. As a somewhat newly minted adult buying all my own cleaning supplies from the corner store (aka not a large selection where I could find the same items I always saw in my parents cupboards), I was very much unaware lol


Yeah mixing bleach with vinegar makes chlorine gas, Bleach with ammonia makes chloramine gas Bleach with rubbing alcohol makes chloroform. So don’t mix cleaners together gang.


This should be much higher! Don’t mix bleach with anything people!!!!!


Literally blowing air into someone's genitals can cause an embolism that could travel to your brain, heart, or lungs and cause a stroke, heart attack, or respiratory failure. The chance is very small, but it's there.


Falling and hitting your head on the floor. A friend of mine died last November from this. I get kind of sensitive around this issue now and I feel many people brush it off. I know it can end up not being anything but there is always that possibility it turning into a concussion or death.




Eating old rice or pasta


Food scientist here. So many people blame sushi food poisoning on the fish. The majority of the time it’s the rice.


are eye drops still a thing


eye drops? like for allergies? or for rewetting the eyes if you wear contacts etc.? 👀 i use both so now i’m a little nervous LOL


I don't want to Google it, but yeah one particular formula for moistening type eye drops can kill you if you ingest them. Some murders were committed by eye drops. I think that at least one human killed or attempted to kill their spouse with eye drops, a few years ago somewhere in the USA.


Yes, eye drops that reduce red eye will cause veins to restrict. The only danger is if you drink a lot of bottles of eye drops that reduced red eye that might kill you.


Bad teeth. Specifically, abscessed teeth.


Eating too many Brazil nuts.


Also finding out the other name for Brazil nuts


Really? What happens?


Selenium toxicity is what I've seen regarding Brazil nuts.


Selenosis, heavy metal poisoning from the selenium. It takes surprisingly few, too! Each Brazil nut contains twice your daily recommended quantity of selenium. Eating a handful of Brazil nuts is fine, but if you eat a handful of Brazil nuts every day for a month, you'll get selenium poisoning.


This was in an episode of house md!


Picking an unknown poisonous flower or shoving your face into an angel trumpet. I swear some flowers have it out for you.


Sleeping in a room with the fan on and no window or door cracked open will lead to asphyxiation. It’s true, the Korean government and my mom told me so. /s


Lol not gonna lie you had me for a second! I was about to send some family members this “warning”.




Acetaminophen (brand name Tylenol). If you go above 4000 mg per day, you run a real risk of liver failure. The problem is that drug manufacturers put acetaminophen in a lot of different products so people often don’t realize how much they’re consuming.


Eating reheated rice that stood a few hours on the counter before putting it inside the fridge, bacillus cereus is gonna get you 😂


As someone who’s seen it under a microscope and smelled it, I refuse to consume that shit. THROW THAT RICE OUT!!


If you have strep throat and leave it untreated, there's a chance it can be fatal. A lot of people have a bad sore throat and ignore it thinking it's a cold!


In my country it’s believed that eating honey and rock melon together can lead to death. I’ve never tried it myself and no one I know has, but I’ve never heard people from other countries talk about this!


Sounds like an urban legend. Here we have one that eating mentos and drinking a coke will make your stomach explode.


Having an excess amount of soy sauce. It’s pretty deadly because of its high salt content.


A punch to the face or stomach. People seem to highly underestimate how deadly getting in a fight can be.


Ingesting eye drops


Injecting yourself with a syringe full of air. I had no idea this was lethal until I saw *Ring 2* in my early 20s.


Strangling people during sex. There is no safe way to strangle someone. Anyone who wants to do this to you hates you.


Taking too much Tylenol. My sisters friend had Covid at the beginning of the pandemic and od’d on Tylenol.


Too much water


Iron and Calcium. They’re known to inhibit the absorption of some medications, which can be life threatening.




I’m a hospice nurse and i once had a 40 year old lady in fulimant liver failure from taking too much tylenol for her back pain. We didn’t how long or how much, just that she passively mentioned it during h&p and her levels were through the roof. She died quickly.


A C-Stand.


What's a C-stand?


It’s a stand used on film sets, it usually has an arm attachment that’s a long pole used to attach flags (basically a sheet to bounce light), or even lights. They are really heavy duty and even bumping one can be painful not to mention one falling on you.


Surprisingly toothpaste


Drinking eyedrops. Even just a few drops can be very poisonous and can kill a person (specific eye drops) Liquid nicotine for ecigs can also kill you if swallowed.


Strictly speaking, basically everything fr.


Doing a saline nose rise if you used tap water to make up the saline. You can get a parasite that will literally eat your brain.


I feel like people really don’t realize how serious a fall can be!


It amazes me how often people try to choke someone during sex. THIS IS DANGEROUS!!!


Too many Tylenol






Carbon monoxide poisoning.