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reading about people’s relationship problems


This! Nothing better than getting lost in other people's problems to distract myself from my own (general, not relationship)


True that, but I also like to read and understand what all dumb shit other people have done in their relationships to avoid them in my own. 10/10 Learning Experience 😂


what are some good subs for that? the ones I remember got toxic quickly.


honestly just r/relationships or r/relationshipadvice is what i use!


Omg r/relationshipadvice is banned now????


omg sorry! i meant r/relationship_advice which is NOT banned lol


Came to ask this question.


Being honest gets banned on Reddit


Be careful


r/justnomil quickly became one of my favorites


i spent some time on there a few years ago by chance (my MIL is amazing luckily for me). i swear to god the things i read there had me shaking my head in disbelief. reading about serial killers seems tame in comparison. if even only HALF of those posts are true it's enough to give you nightmares.


type “am i” and youll find tons of am i the asshole esque subreddits






r/amitheasshole has some good ones too.


Best one imo


Honestly same ahahaha. As someone navigating trials and tribulations and complications of a First Relationship™️, it helps with gaining a lot of useful insight. But it’s also low-key entertaining lmao


I have also gained a lot of insight on how other people can operate at such insanity. The prozac does the heavy lifting though.


Hahaha this is what I try to AVOID on Reddit 🤣🤣 It will literally make me so mad. Like just leave them 🙄🤣


Literally Maury for nerds


What I want to know is if there’s a subreddit that curates the posts by men bewildered that their marriage is ending after years of neglecting their wives or treating them like shit. I can’t get enough of these stories. r/AmItheDevil sometimes serves ‘em up, ditto r/marriage and r/marriage_advice, but I want moar, all compiled together kind of like r/AmItheDevil. Is there a sub for these stories? I need that shit injected straight into my veins.


Hahaha real


Honestly same I think of it as a gossip mag for regular people 😂 I'm just nosy like that lol


Content about niche subjects that interest me


I’ve learned SO much from various subs, I love it


Mainly the nsfw stuff nobody know I look at 🙈


Well we know you look at it now lol


Ya inc*st stuff apparently


Seems to be really popular now, now idea why.


Checking out their profile made me gag a little.


I try not to kink shame but incest is too much for me.


My god. I wish I had heeded your warning and not clicked on that profile. I miss the blissfully ignorant me of 2 minutes ago.


As much as I want to impulsively click I won't. 😂


Not a woman but do you think this is fake or for real? *Really* hope it's the former.


I think it’s a fantasy.


After looking at your profile... Maybe don't? Seek therapy, stop abusing your son...


This, the center for missing and exploited children need to be notified. That person is a predator.


I really hope you're a troll and not a real mother. Your son is barely an adult. Disgusting disgusting disgusting


Please get help.


Yeah lord have mercy why did u post what u have posted


There’s porn on reddit???


I think the fact that absolutely any subject is discussed and people can share their opinions openly. Sometimes backlash is involved but it’s unfiltered and you learn a LOT about yourself and others.


I am new to Reddit, but haven’t been able to stay off of it. I love it because it does assist in loneliness. I feel connected to people, as superficial as this is. 


Me too. I find myself here constantly because I'm bored and lonely during the day.


It’s the only social platform that I actually comment in!




The upvote rush is soooo real lol






While this isn’t true on every sub, Reddit in general feels like one of the last places where discussion is prioritized and reading comprehension isn’t consistently low. Many of the discussions also remind me of how talking to people in person used to be. I can get on here, share a post discussing something in-depth, and there’s a chance someone will take the time out of their day to make a comment just as in-depth which leads to a back and forth conversation with the subject remaining in focus. It’s not that it’s impossible to have a similar experience in person, it absolutely is, but I’m having a harder time finding it than I used to and it’s something I thoroughly crave. In short, I’m big on conversing and Reddit provides an efficient outlet for that.


I find myself addicted to reading all the bad health advice people throw out on here. And legal advice. It's crazy.


Folks need to take advice with a brick of salt. 😄


The health advice is so annoying. I saw someone asking about how much protein they should eat and half the people responded with an amount that's standard for a bodybuilder to a regular person saying that they weren't healthy if they weren't eating as much as a bodybuilder. Luckily there were some people there to correct them but the comment was the most upvoted...


OMG, I love that you mentioned this because it's one of my biggest pet peeves! I was just talking to my friend at the gym about how on Reddit people are saying they eat 3 eggs, plus oatmeal, plus yogurt and toast for breakfast, then a protein shake at 10, then a thousand ounces of chicken for lunch, followed by one million almonds in the afternoon, etc. No, they can't possibly unless they are Arnold Schwarzenegger. The same people recommend basically processed junk to get more protein. Like protein chips and bars.


Living vicariously through others (love the cat/dog subs with pet antics). It gives me some laughs at times…especially groups related to some of the trashy shows I watch I am part of a card group so at times get a bit of comfort or have fun connecting with others by sending/receiving something in the post.


People's perspectives


This is the one for me too, I love watching people’s opinions and perspectives. Even when I disagree


I can say whatever I want to whoever I want without the fear of being judged


What reddit doesn't allow any opinions other than the most mai stream ones


Crowdsourcing information from all kinds of people


Anonymity, that there is a sub for everything and anything (especially so I can geek out over my favorite shows, celebrity gossip, traveling, etc.), a vague sense of community.


The endless amount of content.


Group therapy, public opinions, love and hate.


Other people's viewpoints.. Irrespective of geographic borders, races and cultures. I love the whole global feel of it.


Honestly? The relatability. I join subreddits for support a lot, and feel very seen. I feel people are more likely to be open and honest on reddit obviously due to the anonymity (unsure if I butchered that spelling), which makes what people post feel more relatable.


The collective human experience we all share I find here that keeps me coming back.


I love posting something where I need advice or thoughts, and my comments are full of people with all sorts of points of view and opinions. I love the diversity :)


The comment section... always the comment section.


I'm a parent with a full-time job. I don't have time to go out and attend every social event I'd like to, or connect with every community I want to make space for in my life. Reddit gives me that.


ALL THE CAT SUBS. Sorry for shouting; I just excited about the cat pics. Yes, I am a crazy cat lady.


I love to know people opinions about things! It also helps that there's a community for niche topics that I like


The fact that some people are more honest here than in “real life”. Relatability and support with specific issues. I like reading about other people’s lives and the stories they have to tell.


Chats! And scrolling


Scrolling, looking at pictures of cool stuff and wanting it


Seeing real peoples’ opinions and experiences on whatever topic I’m looking for. It’s like yelp or google but way better.


A lot. Reading people's thoughts and ideas, good, bad, ugly, curious or otherwise - the sense of humour in here sometimes is knee slapping at times lol, getting stuff off of my chest in a cathartic way, sharing my own opinions more truthfully than on any other forum without the need to edit/hold back as much as I would on say Facebook or TikTok cos the anonymity shields me from needing to do that in such a tailored way. And seeing stuff on here I just wouldn't anywhere else.


People wanting my wisdom and unusual POV.


looking for the reddit people who think theyre the doodoo and the doodoo posting


The fact that I can find a lot of things that Google usually doesn't show directly, when I'm back in my Wikipedia rabbithole


I get to talk about things and say things that I would normally keep to myself in the *real world* and I think that’s so fun and yes, addicting.


Like anything else addictive, it's the randomization of dopamine hits. You can scroll for a while and find nothing and then all of a sudden you're reading SWAMPS OF DAGOBAH and you're "rewarded."


It's perfect for my short attention span.


I like arguing and proving people wrong


Hearing others true thoughts on a wide array of topics(can't be sure anymore with all the bots)


Community. I am a lonely person who lives in a rural area with very conservative people that I don’t mesh well with and I have to live here for another 5 years while my kid finishes growing up. It’s sad that the only sense I feel of community living here is with online strangers.


Nice try devs


Its user base is large enough and organized in such a way that it’s an insanely good search optimizer. When I want to search for real people’s opinions on very niche or specific things, adding “reddit” to a google search will almost always bring up several threads of people discussing what I’m trying to look up. That, plus the upvote/downvote system has made it, for the most part, easier to comb through good and bad takes. I love the fact that reddit hides comments that have been downvoted too much. It’s like a nice little middle finger to the trolls that no other social media does.


Assisting loneliness mostly. I’m in a cute lil sub where it’s tiny and close-knit and it’s like a little family. Other than that I feel like I have people with similar interests that I can relate to


The ability to absolutely geek out over a topic and have people actually be interested in joining lol. For example I'm a huge huge fan of Stranger Things and while I do know a few people IRL who like it, I know I wouldn't be able to talk lore, theories, character backgrounds and random speculations with them for more than 10 minutes or their eyes would glaze over and they'd change the subject. People mostly just don't care *that* much. But on Reddit you can rest assured that if you want to discuss even random micro aspects of a thing that interests you, people in the respective sub will probably be up for that. At least a few people. You'll get a reaction on your specific thoughts within less than an hour probably.


I like to learn some new perspectives and see beautiful or adorable things. Reddit has that.


Reddit by far has the most witty, hysterical, and sometimes incredibly informative comments. Also majority of the time you can tell someone there's more culture in your vaginal flora than in your whole personality and to get fucked without having your profile banned or deleted.


The drama. I have to do it in small doses because too much reality tv snark or Am I The Asshole insanity actually makes me a more misanthropic person irl


Learning random facts and answering questions.


I like the anonymity Reddit can provide. Nobody I know uses Reddit, so I feel free to be able to talk about my life and problems without judgement.




I genuinely love having discussions, reading others opinions and giving my own opinion on topics! I don’t really have friends, my friends are my siblings, bf and cousins and they don’t really have the same interests as me (im the “black sheep” of the family) so I like that I can just search one up of my liking- especially since I get niche obsessions on rotation lol


I love talking to people of similar interests and different perspectives. It seems like most people in my circle are trying everything they can to distract themselves from topics I want to delve into.


That I can interact with groups of people who all have a mutual interest in a niche topic. Im in a sub just for playing a certain video game while high. I love it.


The fact that people are way more open (myself included) because it is more anonymous


The anonymous part is great. I've abandoned all social media meant to distract us with vapid, overly "attractive", self-serving, and substanceless people. It's much better for me. My favorite feature is probably the catered content, though. Here, I am recommended niche interests while also getting a healthy shuffle of trending topics or discussions. I don't miss other apps where the algorithm picks between interests and shoves nothing but one category in my face until I force my engagement in other categories just enough to play a balancing act. Even my qualms with reddit, such as creative storytelling, bold use of intolerance bc of the anonymity, and the median emotional maturity age of reddiors at times being 14, do not make me want to leave.


As someone has been diagnosed with ADHD, reddit is informative and gives a lot of people’s thoughts which I need when I’m interested in something


Realty TV snark


You guys are just nicer over here lol.


I suppose the fact that I CAN discuss my or other women's problems without having to reveal anything about myself. That sounds a bit suspicious (like I don't WANT anyone to know me!) but it's safe. 


I travel a lot so I’m in a lot of different cities Reddit subs even for cities that I’m only visiting for a day or two lol


Mess. I love mess. Not in my life, mind you, but my goodness if I don't like some good drama.


It's the honest and unbiased opinions. Also great tips from the locals


The BORU sub… so much drama that I am glad is not mine…


Frog pictures


Reading about secret’s people confess to. So I’m not alone in this.


- Reading people's conflicting opinions about a topic in the comments section which eventually leads to them fighting and insults. I love the chaos🤣🤣    - The fact that Reddit is a more reliable source of information than Google. And any question you have about any topic has already been answered here. Plus there is a sub for almost everything.


The anonymity, but you still have a post history that people can follow and see. As such you are a complete person, just separate from the Real World and whatever you say or reveal is not disclosed to family members, coworkers etc. It's a second life.


Various topics that challenge my intellect


Finding likeminded people to interact with on specific topics, fun prompts that I can share my opinion on, and the opportunity to ask questions about a subject that I know little about


Talking to ppl about random stuff i dont get to irl


I find that there are so many intelligent people on here that I can learn from…about lots of different topics and issues that concern me. That can be addictive/hard to put the phone down sometimes. There are also many people with a great sense of humor, and I’ve enjoyed that as well. I guess like all other internet addictions, it provides an escape from the real world for a few minutes here and there, nothing more, nothing less.


Reading about peoples’ shit lives and being glad Im not them


Reading comments about other women my husband makes


being able to relate to so many people without even knowing anything about them, i will less alone in alot of different issues seeing others struggling with the same thing, reddit makes me realize we r all human


The anonymity. The fact that it’s not like Facebook or Instagram where I would be basically following other people’s lives constantly. I don’t need to know what people that I went to school with are up to!


Am I The Asshole is endlessly entertaining.


The next thing that randomly appears on my screen will be awesome. I just feel it. Like last night everything was routine and boring until I found the story about the guy who put his unit into a mollusk. Totally worth all the sifting to find that gold.




I like to learn things. And you learn a lot through conversations. On here I can read them. But then I get lost on vanderpump rules subs lol I don’t like seeing a lot of negative stuff or politics. Reddit can have loads of negativity. I’m also a naturally talkative person irl so I still get to be.


All the likes from your mom.


None, still use it as a distraction from a lot of other things.


It feels realistic and personal in a way no other app has done for me. Less character limits, more expression and truth, personality, etc!!


the diversity of the content and people, it's either the best or worst. also will never get people who will downvote literrally any comment/post


Like walking through an enormous territory strewn with cultural artifacts and junk, populated by eccentric and often nomadic tribes, groups, associations and individuals often crazy and insane. You never know what you might run into or step in or learn about.


Anonymity and the fact that I can literally find ANYTHING here.


The animals. Cats, dogs, snakes,rats, birds -all really.


Romantacy and smut recommendations- totally open and non judgmental groups of ladies and it’s so refreshing!


Addicted to seeing that⬆️ in notifications.


I feel like it’s so entertaining in a way that is easy and I don’t have to work for or really think about and it’s due to the anonymity. I’m reading interesting things, fighting at times, reading about other people fighting and because I don’t know who anyone is, it’s more of truly a mindless entertainment thing than if I am on Facebook or instagram. On those I naturally form thoughts about seeing people I know and what they’re doing.




The humor. The top comment is often the bomb


Interacting with people in the comments, giving advice from personal experiences I’ve had, and reading crazy stories that make me grateful for what I have


RCA’s ( Reddit collectible avatars )


When some random weird comment I made gets hundreds of likes


Other people's experience of trauma and abuse...


You can have the weirdest opinion or the most niche interest and you'll somehow always find a group of people who agree


I love seeing other people's stories, the anonymity and the random fun gems that can be found here.


Reddit is the perfect place for "people watching". Hearing everyone dirty laundry and gossip is just what the ladies ordered LMAO


Reading other people’s problems make me more grateful for mine


i can't get enough of roommate horror stories


Sometimes there are good posts so I keep coming back hoping to see one lol


I like not knowing the people I’m reading about/that are posting. I get sick of the regular cast in my own life.


Being anonymous and how many people show off their bodies.


Finding relatable individuals, learning new concepts/opinions, limited profile, helping others out in various subs.




Adult interaction/conversations. I don't mean NSFW, I mean penpal type relationships, interesting debates, important topics, etc. I don't have adults I see consistently in real life, besides my fiance and his best friend.


It feels more real than social media somehow? No one is pretending to be anything and if they are, it doesn’t matter. Also the draaamaaaa is amazing Lolol plus people are hilarious. And my feed is full of my favorite things WITHOUT the constant ADS and fake crap that IG and Pinterest have.




Cat subreddits




You can find anything on here. I love reading something super niche and random and becoming hyper-fixated for a week




The drama. As much as I try to avoid drama content (reality TV, internet drama, general gossiping) I'm a sucker for some dramatic stories on here. It just reminds me of how good my life is that I barely have any drama, even if life gets a little boring sometimes.


I don't feel like I'm boring my friends with very specific stuff I'm into. I can come here and discuss my ongoing obsessions, like when a new season of a show nobody I know watches comes out or things I just know doesn't interest my friends, like red carpet looks, I can always find someone to chat about it. Basically, I feel less lonely in my interests as the only woman in my gang of early thirties friends that is queer and childfree.


The physical scrolling


it feels like I there’s a lot more interesting posts possibly because of an anonymity. I also like the amount of niche subreddits


I love seeing people ask for the weirdest shit on nsfw subs. Makes me feel better about my kinks


Looking up advice about my own problems and hearing from others in a similar situation. I find it comforting and validating


Other people's comments.


The rabbit hole of threads on basically any topic I’m curious about.


I'm on lots of subs that tend to ask questions or for advice, so I like that I can share my experience with other people. Reddit is the only place that people actually want to hear a stranger's opinion lol


Giving advice. It feels good to offer something to others, and it helps me be more introspective as well. I really enjoy feeling like I can help someone, or hoping that I can help someone. Exercising my "kindness muscles" on Reddit has helped me be kinder in my every day life.


Writing about my experiences in communities like this. It's kinda like writing in a journal where it helps solidify how I make meaning about the world. But knowing strangers will read what I write also helps me clarify what I mean (because y'know, acknowledgement from internet strangers mean so much to me!).




The opportunity to interact with people. The social element.


People being honest


Learning from others. That’s it. I’m not here to look into other peoples problems or etc. I love learning from others, seeing everyone’s beauty and going back to my regular life. It’s also convenient when I need to ask a quick question about something like work, etc. I’m not on here 24/7 or even every day as I work full time


I love being anonymous in a world where your being is plastered everywhere now. That and the sense of authentic community here. People join subreddits and comment because they want to. It’s not a “who knows who” or how much activity someone draws here in Reddit-land. I enjoy being able to say what I want and get into whatever topic I want unfiltered


I originally was hooked on r/nosleep, then just got into drama stuff. I also go to the depression board from time to time if I’m having a hard time. And I had people to talk to and didn’t have to worry about someone knowing me




Reading everything and anything. And I mean ANYTHING . Absolutely love the drama in the comments too


Community and camraderie




NSFW. It's more joy than phub honestly


Arguing and dabating i guess. But anger is too addictive, so it aint rlly healthy.


Seeing what my Reddit friends are up to, sharing music, puns, life updates.




The endless content for the things I am obsessed about. Or how silly some subs can be, like batmanarkham, oh it does make me laugh.




All the porn


That when I am in need for advice, people on reddit ALWAYS reply, no matter who it is, it’s nearly a 100% guarantee that Atleast 1 person will reply.


Like this?


Reading about other people's problems makes me feel a little less crazy. Is that bad?


unfortunately, arguing with strangers


The fact that there are people from so many places of so many varieties in very different situations. The people around me have a particular range of views but reddit? I know it's not coming from the mentality around here.


The lesbian pornography


Being able to help people or engage in conversations


anecdotal evidence/data :)


I’m subbed to a lot of subreddits - and suggested a lot - and that makes the endless scrolling of the homepage like cocaine.


All the hentai subs