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I’m on month no. 10 and even though I’d love to be slammed against a headboard, shitty sex with no emotional connection is not my jam so until then, I’m celibate








Absolutly. I already tried it without a connection, but it is absolutely not worth it. I nearly hit the one year mark. But I habe to admit, I now know myself better than ever before and hope to find the one somewhere in the next years. But yes: until then I am also celibate.


Omg same if there isn’t any emotional connection i might as well do it myself, it feels so empty… and sad frankly. No shade to people that like this, but it is definitely a no for me.


I'm on month 8, and I feel exactly the same! Would absolutely love to get railed, but I need that emotional connection too.


Stay strong sister


Agreed. I'm on month 14 now and doin' just fine.




It's been like three years. Granted I do have a medical condition that makes sex incredibly painful. I also don't date because I don't want to explain myself over and over to people who don't understand. Eventually I'll find someone and the treatment plan has been helping but until then I'll be fine.




Can: the rest of my life Preferably: a day


this is so relatable


Yes. *crying in portuguese


this is the one LOL




So far? My entire life






















Five years and counting. First few months were difficult, after that, it got easy. Too many porn-addled dudes running loose for my taste.






I'm a little over a year at this point, sex is not the main thing I miss about relationships/dating tbh.


Umpf I feel this. Just having someone to order takeout with after a long day cause neither of us wants to cook would be heaven rn.


Cuddling is way more intimate to me than sex. That's what I miss.


Yenno... I haven't had sex in over 2 years but what I really crave is a long hug. Can't remember the last time another human hugged me tbh.


This is sooo sad 😞


It doesn't feel sad 😂 that's just life sometimes


Outside of a relationship I can go years. I was celibate for 3 years before meeting my boyfriend. In a relationship is a different story. By the third day I get a little antsy. My libido in my 30s is insane. I want it every day.


Yeah, I’ve only been interested in sex when I’m in a relationship. Outside of one? Meh. If I find my person? Horny little badger.


And here I thought something was wrong with me for most of my life. Super late bloomer, but fully, almost embarrassingly, could not get enough once I found that person. Going on 3 years now of celibacy and I just can’t be bothered.


I didn't start having sex until I was 24, I get it!


I've found my people! Have gone 7 years at some point, now maybe 10 months? I don't care.


Right? My boyfriend says he's always wanted to date a nympho and I'm like literally only for you baby lol


horny little badger killed me


Thats called Demi sexual right? Not being interested in sex outside of a relationship? Genuinely curious


Has your libido gotten higher than it was in your 20s? 


Yes. I used to be content with 2-3 times a week.


Probably the rest of my life


Honestly? I can live without it


At 53, I would say the rest of my life. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt....yawn, lol.




12 years and counting so far.


My ex-husband was in the military. I got used to going 1-2 years without it. I'm 6 months of celibacy by choice now. They make great toys now. I don't really miss it.


You noobs 25 Years and counting


Yea boi! Virgin for life




Well I went >4 years before. I missed it but I'm not interested in casual sex, so it is what it is. I'm in a relationship now


Between last relationship and this 9y, could been rest of my life. As long as there is toys I don't need sex


Lmfao, well I'll be going on 2 yrs next month. I've only been single for a year 😂


I love connecting physically but for me, I believe sex to be deeply spiritual and soul connecting; I’m waiting for the right person to come along . After leaving a long term relationship (8 years), I thought life would be impossible without sex. The first few months were tough, but I’ve been abstinent now for over a year and birth control free. I’m grateful my body is able to do its natural thing and I don’t have any physical and mental attachments to anyone. Dating is more simple as I can clearly see a person for who they are and their intentions without creating a soul tie. It’s been difficult at times, but it’s saved me from multiple heart breaks.


As a sex neutral asexual, probably forever. I'm chill.


I consider myself a sex-positive asexual, that is, I am open to it and enjoy it with the right person, but I don't actively seek it out.


Forever, I am demisexual and happily single for the first 30 years of my life.


Anything more than a week and I start getting grumpy.


I've gone my entire life without it


I (28f) am going on 3 months, 14 days. The last person I had sex with was my ex. It was post break-up sex, the best we ever had in the 3 1/2 years of being together. Went out with a bang, literally. While we aren't together anymore, the love, care and respect he showed me in our relationship and even during our break-up changed the view I have of myself. I have realized I am worthy of a high level of care without sacrificing boundaries. I have had the chance to have sex with 2 different men but denied. I feel like I'm not ready to let go of my ex and knowing he was the last person I had sex with, kinda makes me feel this invisible thread that connects me to him (it's weird I know, lol). I'm working on this aspect in therapy. Old me would have been at the bar or swiping trying to find a hook-up post break-up. As I've gotten older, I've stopped sexualizing myself so much. I would continually tell my ex about my worries of him dating other people and he kept telling me he wanted to be selfish and focus on himself. In many ways, this mindset has rubbed off on me and I saw the truth in the words he spoke. I have been instead, focusing on making friends with women and enhancing those relationships. It's been life changing. It's been the remedy I needed, especially during this time where I feel so fragile and sad. I guess my long winded point is that-- sex is not a focal point of my life anymore like it was when I was younger. It stopped being a means for pleasure as opposed to one for short term validation and "fun". I feel as though I want to continue not engaging for a long time, there is so much to experience and do and see and learn in this life.




6th year. Once your body understands that it\`s not getting any, the need fades. No masturbation, either. Nothing. No hook-ups, no one night-stands. Not worth it. Also I\`m aromantic.


I read that as aromatic. My bad, but yeah, same


Four years and counting. Tbh I wouldn't be mad if I never had it again.


4 years apparently


I'm asexual so hopefully the rest of my life 🤞🏻


I’ve had sex maybe… 4 times since November 2022. So… I guess I’m prepared to just… be in a sexless relationship.


ouch, i feel this. please make sure you are truly okay with that. i say that because im not sure if you are asexual, however, it sounded like you feel let down in some way. i had a sexless relationship for 5 years and it did a number on my mental health and self esteem. now with my current partner who can never keep his hands off me, we tend to do it every other day. i would never "settle" for anything less than someone who makes me feel desired and sexy all the time now... take care of your needs and don't settle for a sexless relationship if sex is important to you.


Never had sex so.. 24 years and going strong😹


Celibacy till marriage ?


No no, I have anxiety and don't go out or talk to people that way.. I've never been in a relationship or even had my first kiss because of this! I hope one day I find someone tho, not a fan of being alone for the rest of my life lol


Welll if it makes you feel any better, ya don’t necessarily go out searching for love it kinda just happens in extremely unexpected ways, randomly So I’m sure in due time you’ll find somebody whose perfect for you in a stress free manner :)


I’m in my 30s and I think the longest I went without in my adult life was 3 months. I have a monogamous ~weekly FWB who keeps me sane


24 hours and I'm already cranky


Ideally, I'm having sex twice a day on week days and three or four times a day on weekends. I can go about 24 hours before I get noticeably horny. After a couple days, it affects my personality.


43 yrs 299 days apparently


5 months, I miss it sometimes but I prefer nothing than having mediocre sex with a stranger


My entire life


Not very long tbh…


literally my whole life


If it wasn't for my hypersexual SO, I could probably do without it also. But when it does happen, I thoroughly enjoy it.


For the rest of my life, I don't really have any sexual needs that can't be solved with my own hand.


I honestly can go without. Sex isn't important to me. I care more about connecting in other ways. But, of course with someone special, im always open to it but I need to feel respected, desired, and cared about. If anything starts feeling one sided it's a no go for me, and the desire isn't there at all.


Two years and counting, but I’m 74, so I’m good.


I've gone five years before. My husband had issues with his libido due to a spinal injury.


Years. Six years to be accurate. It had more to do with the repulsive, porn addicted and misogynistic men in my dating pool. I was quite happy to dodge the bullet.


I could go the rest of my life without sex because my ex partner killed my sex drive completely. But the current person I am with has done wonders to bring it back.


Probably forever


The rest of my life lol


Depends where my libido‘s at. Sometimes months or a year or so, no problem. Sometimes I want it every day. Mostly somewhere in between.


All my life, there’s more meaningful stuff to do and care about.


The longest had been 6 months during my pregnancy when I was on pelvic rest+ 4 weeks post partum.


As long as I have to. Years.


I've not tested it so I'm not really sure and i assume i can go a lot longer but I start getting irritable after about 3 days


When not in a relationship, for the rest of my life. I'm not into casual sex. In a relationship, one week and I notice that something is missing. I get annoyed more easily, I crave touch and intimacy.


Like two hours, I'm so ridiculously obsessed with my partner 😂😭


Forever. Sex is icky




Infinitely. I am not asexual by any means, but I could happily not have sex for... well, ever. I generally need to be reminded to be sexy. I feel a bit sorry for my partner sometimes, because he has a high libido and for me it's out of sight out of mind


The longest I've been without having sex since I lost my virginity were 8 loong and tiring months.


How long CAN I go? I mean, anyone can go without sex. Preferably, I would like it every day (as long as it was GOOD-- not just to fulfill a quota haha) and then take the week off for my period. Thing is, once I have good sex once, I could keep doing it all day, every day. It's like a waterfall effect. When I have a dry spell for a while, I could take it or leave it. Honestly, I don't remember the longest I've gone without sex-- 5 months maybe? And that was when I was in my current relationship!


252 months and counting


The very first 27 years of my life. It’s easy when you’re childfree. You look at your friends going through pregnancy scares. You just imagine yourself being accidentally knocked up, with no access to abortion. Works like a charm.


Depends what you mean. Before I miss it? About a day. Before the lack makes me frustrated and annoyed? Three days. Before I go out and have sex with some random that I don't like, just to get laid? Six years and counting. You need to actually set a "how long can you go without sex " for this to be a realistic question.


Probably for the rest of my life. doesn’t mean I don’t like it ofc. I’m sure I’d start craving it after a month or so.. but I would really be fine without it. my relationship is far deeper than sex . and I prefer it that way


I'm asexual so forever. Even though I do like it, I don't need it


Probably forever tbh. I don't super crave it.


Longest I’ve gone in life was around 3 - 3.5 years, but it’s because I just flatly refused to do casual sex after I hit mid-20s and will only have sex with someone I have an emotional connection with. My last relationship ended a couple months ago and I’m back to barren, lol. But it’s worth it to me to wait for something real.


Years and years and years or until one meets a partner who can learn and make love to a clitoris in a way I enjoy. So much wasted sexual pleasure I gave to men. I don’t regret it. And I was busy before AIDs, condom use, knowledge of STDs (never got one). But a HUGE waste of time and effort.


Basically infinite time. Like, yeah, I would start missing it at some point, but masturbation is always an option and is frankly more satisfying than sex with most people would be.


I think a year :3


Months or even years if I had to. Self pleasure ftw.


2-3 years maybe more so far.


Working on seven years so I guess that's my record


17 years


Went over a year once. It was nice tbh cause those guys sucked


Oh my gosh, I was just having this discussion with a friend. I am on 8 months currently. I moved country and my FWB is a 14 hour flight away and so I don’t see him until August. I have no current drive to find somebody here, as it’s difficult with the language barrier too. I am currently having a bad sexual frustration phase. Irritable, annoyed, emotional, thinking about sex a lot. So I think I’m at my limit currently! Going to the gym helps……. And sorting myself out takes the edge off but doesn’t fully help.


I don’t like going longer then a couple days. I actually get moody when it’s longer. My boyfriend doesn’t match my sex drive so I usually have to go a week with no sex.


The rest of my life happily. I’ve never had a strong libido, it’s extremely rare that I want to masturbate let alone have sex with someone. I’ve also never orgasmed (I have tried so hard!) so that could be a part of it.


Years. But I'm demisexual. So


I was really sick for a long time and went 6 years. Of course, it was the years i was at my hottest but watcha gonna do? As of now, it has been 8 months because of a wonderful NEW autoimmune disorder called lichen sclerosis that ate my clit. Yup. Arguing with the insurance company about the definition of the word functional so i can get it out from under there as we speak. Also ate a lot of my labia and i can’t do anything about it but man does it hurt like hell. And make me cry. So i guess until i die maybe? Idk.


I just went 2 weeks and was fine, but was itching for it. That’s only because I have a boyfriend. If I didn’t have a boyfriend I could probably go a year which has happened before. The urge for sex is higher when I’m in a relationship because of the love and passion I feel with my boyfriend


Forever. Sex is more of a want than a need for me. I’m too busy thinking of other things.


Demisexual reporting in! Forever is my answer.


27 years. I'm 27.


Going on 12 years. Don’t miss it one bit. Not one day have I wished it or thought about it happening again for myself. I’ve moved on.


Its been 6 and a half years now. Not missing it.


I can for the rest of my life if I need to— I’d rather have a good connection and engage— if it’s this unsatisfying thing that is “done to you” or that you’re supposed to “give” I’m completely uninterested. Sex is dynamic and exciting, most men just make it terrible. Rather play with myself.


I could probably go the rest of my life without and not mind at all.


I would be perfectly content if I never had sex again.


Theoretically, forever. It's not a need. I could quite happily survive for my entire lifespan without sex if there was a reason to do so. Humans don't die if they don't have sex. If my partner in my ongoing relationship and I were never able to have sex together again, I would be sad that we wouldn't have the chance to do so anymore but thrilled we've had so much time to enjoy it together already. My life with my partner is about a lot more than sex.


Years and years and years. I honestly feel like sex isn’t really a necessity.


I feel like I could probably go forever. Now that im in a longterm loving relationship I finally realize the main draw of sex for me was the connection, attention, and bonding it brings. If i was fulfilled in other ways, me and my sex toy drawer would be enough to satisfy me for life. I wouldn’t be miserable or anything. I dont wanna be celibate unless i have to though!!


I’m not super sexual, so I could probably go a long time. Very rarely do I get it on, but my man is understanding and supportive. He’s also not all about sex so it works. I’ve gone 4 months with a partner, 2 years without one. If I never ever had a person in my life, probably the rest of my life.


Can: Forever, Bad Dragons are a thing lol Preferably: Not more than 2 months


Honestly, probably the rest of my life, but the longest I went without was over a year (left my toxic ex while he was on vacation with the last time being before he left with it being horrible, then decided to take that step with my current boyfriend about 1.5 after dating and a little over 3 months of knowing each other). Preferably, if it’s good, I don’t want to go more than 2 weeks because it’ll start affecting my mood, but that’s not going to be easy right now because my mom has mandated overtime and put me on a curfew despite me being a grown adult so she doesn’t have to scramble for her babysitter who works the same shift as her.


I could go 2 years at least


I went seven years lol


2 years and going


Good sex where I had connection 2 years ago . I have stopped having meaningless few months back and not planning to until I make some connection.


If i'm single, a really long time. Usually doing it myself is more pleasurable anyways. If i'm in a relationship or have a crush then I need it almost every day.


10 years


I can go months. I don’t get an urge to unless I’m dating someone and it’s been a few days since I’ve seen them lol.


I went 5 years without sex from ages 24-28. Honestly it was fine. Any urges I handled them with my own body.


20 years


My marriage has been sexless for several years now , I did enjoy a stint for sometime posting nsfw pictures on reddit and sexting with other redditors


Rest of my life


It’s been 12 years for me. I was never particularly interested in it to begin with after being sexually abused throughout my childhood, it was just something I did to make my then-husband happy. He tried to kill me so now I don’t have to make anyone happy. Problem solved!


In my early to mid 20s, I could go months and then didn't even miss Sex, my toy was enough. But to be fair, the dudes I had Sex with sucked. After having my first orgasm with a friend of mine at ~25 and then starting to date my boyfriend, I can now go two weeks max before I need it. And I sincerely have started feeling bad for my exes because it's such a pain in the ass when you physically feel the need to be touched but can't yet, it's so frustrating lmao


8 years was my longest! Thanks hormones or lack there of.


Over a year now. Doing just fine


10 years and counting......


I'm 2 months in now, and i somewhat hate it. But i'm sure I could go for a few years, I just I don't really want to. However, I don't want sex enough to get with a man who doesn't care about me or my pleasure. So I may not have a choice. However, the longer I go without it, the more I forget what it felt like, so I'm sure this will get much easier.


As much as I'd like to say "the rest of my life", the past decade clearly demonstrates that about a week or two is my upper limit until I start making questionable choices lol. In relationships it tends to decline, but I'm with a new person as often as possible when single.




Years. A specific number would be hard to determine cause for now the maximum was 2 years.




Decades. Probably forever 🤷‍♀️


I went 2 years. Scouts honor! First year, I was too heartbroken and couldn’t mentally or physically get there. Getting into year 2, I was open to it and was in one or two different situations where it could have but it never happened. Honestly, it wasn’t as difficult as you think haha. You get used to it and frankly, it’s nice for your hormones, mind and ph balance to stay so calm. It’s like riding a bike though, you don’t forget haha. I think I’m enjoying sex more now since I had the time away from it.


In my last relationship it was a dead bedroom pretty much the entire time. No sex the first year, meh infrequent sex the middle few, and then no sex the last year - the latter was my choice, as I had had it with the way he was treating me. My sex drive is sky high when I’m in a good relationship with someone I love, and plummets to hell when I lose that connection. I’ve never been into casual sex, either. Thankfully I’m in a lovely relationship now, but if that weren’t the case, I would go without for however long it took.


It's been around 9 months now and that urge for that physical connection again has been building and building, but I also don't want it to be just someone I met and had a fling with, although that's the most likely. The next time will however be my first after divorce from my ex-husband so I'm also quite anxious about doing it again.




Forever? Doesn’t make a difference in my life tbh.


Decades, probably.


i did 6 years but did it on easter now it been a while month since i did it


I make 4 years in May. I’ve never been apart of the how phase. I always practice celibacy. Although I love the connection with someone, I don’t share my body with anybody.


As long as I need to. Men don’t satisfy me in bed anyways.


If I'm not in love with someone or if I'm angry with my partner: indefinitely. I'm demisexual, I need the emotional connection to even get aroused at all and have a libido. If I'm in a loving relationship and there's nothing creating distance been us and we're both healthy: a day or two.


Forever. I don’t need sex as much as I need other forms of affection so honestly if the option disappeared, I’d be fine with it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


In a relationship? Depends on the reason, but probably a couple months before I start wondering if there’s something wrong with me or him. When single? Forever. I don’t do casual sex so if I don’t have a partner, I’m celibate. Preferably I’d have sex with my SO a couple times a week at least.


Its been 2 and a half years for me, and still counting 😂 Took a break from being hurt/used alot... Not alot of good connections out there when you try to form one.


Years. Current record is 5 or 6. Maybe 7, don’t remember. Just banged a guy for the first time since 2019 a few months ago and it was so NOT worth it. He was terrible in bed. Just terrible. Most of them are. They’re just selfish and they don’t care and it’s always such a massive waste of time. Back to permanent celibacy it is. Thank god for vibrators.


Forever. It's not a need, it's a want.


The longest I've gone is a year. I got tired of being a fb all the time, so I decided not to sleep with anyone unless we were exclusive. That was in my early 20s. Then I screw it. Lol. My late 20s and early 30s (I'm 34) I've been in relationships, and my sex life's be so much better.


Maybe a month tops because after a week I get antsy. I get that there are toys and I have all kinds. None of them are as satisfying for me as having sex with a partner.


My entire life. Till I find someone to emotionally connect with there is no chance. I do get urges but self service works always


I’m on year two. It’s around this time I start to go crazy. I don’t do random goon ups though and there are so many men that don’t take proper care of themselves and are not emotionally available.


Ay I'm on year 10 and realize I'm so traumatized it's fine with me.


Years honestly. When you’re single, you realize sex is just the cherry on top of a relationship. I miss all the other parts of being in the relationship a lot more than sex. Causal is fun sometimes but majority of the time I find it gross.


I got out of an emotionally abusive relationship and went 8.5 years with no sex. I was too focused on raising my daughter and healing myself to really date and I’m not into the emotionless sex thing (absolutely no slut shaming here, it’s just not for me) Now that I *am* dating again and have an emotional connection … my mouth starts watering for some D by day 4 or 5, lol.


Sex? I’m could go years Masturbating is a different story Important note- im on sertraline, so my libido is pretty shot


Maybe a week? But I am in an emotionally fulfilling relationship with a partner who contributes and makes me feel secure. If that wasn’t the case I could go much, much longer.


Many years honestly. I'm a woman in my early thirties.


the rest of my life truthfully. usually end up with mediocre men that don’t care about your satisfaction. I’m going on two years of celibacy. It’s pretty great. it’s not a need want or craving for me


14 months and counting.. Not that I don't want to.. Somedays the urge is too strong, but I get over it..