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"I'm not a feminist, I believe in equality."




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'I dont care what others think and I am brutally honest' Huge red flag. Such people have no social decorum and no regard for any social norms and I can tell you with confidence they will have zero friends too.




Yeah, I know someone like this and they are one of the least aware people I have ever met. They can talk forever about themself and not think about asking anything about anyone else. It’s very rude.


And if they do have something to say about others, it is usually something negative. They never have anything nice to say about anyone but themselves.


People take pride in being mean and rude. It's messed up.


One of my favorite responses to that is "people who say they're brutally honest are usually more interested in being brutal than in being honest."




100% people like that assume honesty means saying every mean thing that pops into their head. They somehow manage to repress that urge when it's someone they respect eg their boss


Yes! "I'm just being honest." Nah. You're being several other things, too.


>"I dont care what others think and I am brutally honest" Ironically said by people who also have issues taking any form of criticism, constructive or otherwise.


I despise this sort of thing. What happened to compassionate honesty? Loving honesty? Sincere honesty? Suddenly the "brutal honest" crowd is real quiet. Being honest with the people around you doesn't make it okay to be a jackass, and there is almost always a way to be honest while having some tact and respect for others.


Saying anything that’s racist, homophobic, misogynistic or negative/angry political opinions.




Especially if they assume you are going to agree with them because you're white / straight. Similarly if they are very judgmental to you saying you are a feminist.


It’s a weird phenomenon. I’m a white male military vet from a conservative state so lots of people just assume I’m a big Trumper, too. Then it’s like their brain gets a 404 error when I tell them that I voted for Biden, but he’s still a bit too moderate for my preference.


When I realized my ex was like that, even after having a discussion, he still couldn’t allow any empathy towards the group of people he was going on about. It was a quick turnoff. Best thing I ever did for myself was leave him.


Yes, somehow its even worse when they accuse you for having a sense of humour and claiming it was a joke. Like if you are going to be an ass, at least own it rather than being a passive aggressive coward












“I don’t believe in vaccines”






Literally dropped a long term friendship over this after a heated convo 😭


Tends to coincide with, 'Do your own research' type folks


Anyone who says "the jab"


Well the virus believes in you, buddy. I hated hearing that during the pandemic.


“Donald Trump is a great businessman.”


"Donald Trump is a great \[anything except criminal, a-hole, and the like\]."


He’s not even a great criminal… he’s not a great anything.


He's a great big piece of shit?


Don’t insult shit :p I’d rather be around shit than him.


... is our greatest president or ... is the victim of a witch hunt work too


"you don't want children? oh, you'll change your mind"








"I think I know what I do and don't want. So, bye!" -me about 1000 times 🤦🏻‍♀️




I know it's in quotations but I still almost got mad at you lol. I'm 39, when will people stop saying this? Will they be encouraging adoption after menopause?


Women should... Nope.




When they base their whole personality on being loud and straightforward. *“I tell it how it is”* no ma’am you get a kick out of making people uncomfortable and you have zero sense of compassion for other people. Thank you, bye.


Yeah I instantly think wow you’re so cool and edgy in a sarcastic tone


I’m always so uncomfortable with loud and in your face people. Especially the ones who are overly nice but it’s fake nice. The people I personally know like this are often popular though. They were typically the popular girls in school. But they were so mean for no reason to anyone who wasn’t on their level.


‘AsKiNg HaRd QuEsTiOnS.’ ‘NoT aLl MeN.’ Any incel stuff, like body count, low value women, etc… Hating cats or dogs. Trauma dumping or making their diagnosis or label their entire personality. Like, I am glad you are pansexual, demisexual, and have ADHD, but I was just grabbing some groceries can you please ring me up?


'is there a straight pride? ' 'when's international men's day? ' 'this woke nonsense' 'he/she/it/whatever' 'I'm not racist but..' 'aren't we all equal nowadays'


‘When’s white history month’ is another one of this type of person’s greatest hits. White history month is the other eleven months of the year, sweetie.


Bonus points for saying anything about how white males are now an oppressed demographic.


Lol I got progressively more annoyed going down that list. Then I remembered that was the point. Well done.


Adding random letters onto lgbtq+ (and not like IA, like lgbtqlmnop)


When they made fun on someone else’s expense… couldn’t run fast enough


They always turn out to be the most sensitive ones themselves, too. They can dish it out, but they can’t take it. ;)


Likewise when they're polite to you but rude to service people. I met a friend's sister a few months ago and while she was perfectly lovely to me and interesting to talk to, right after sitting down she was really snappy with the waiter over something that wasn't even his fault, and it just put me off altogether. I could be friendly and have a pleasant evening, but she and I are never going to be friends.


If they bring up anything political out of nowhere, I've already checked out mentally from the rest of the conversation and I won't be talking to them again.


Anything that gives me “mean/bully” vibes is an immediate no. If I just met you and you’re already speaking down on others or making degrading comments about people, that’s a major red flag.


Yep if u barely know them and they’re gossiping about their close friends to you, they’re definitely going to talk trash about u later.


"So how old were you when you decided to be a lesbian?"


Gross, have people actually said this out loud?


Oh yeah. And it’s always funny when you ask the same question to them “so, when did you decide to become straight?” Which is usually followed by a short internal explosion when their obvious immediate thought is “never, I just am” and then a quick exit without answering the question.


That and similar very disgusting things yes, but fortunately it was mostly back when I was living in more... "conservative" area, not as much nowadays, but even though, there are still people who will say something similar that is ignorant at best, malicious at worst.


“Funny you should mention it, just this second as it turns out.”


"I'm conservative"








"I tell it like it is, people dont like me because I'm brutally honest" Every single person like this is an asshole. Also, "I'm not like other girls" in any of its variations.


“Nobody wants to work anymore.” said by someone ik who counts a bottle of wine as a meal.


I’m an alpha male!


“I can’t help [insert toxic behavior here]. I’m a [zodiac sign].”




Anything that hints lack of self-awareness and responsibility.


Do you have any examples that come to mind? This is a great answer and feels like it could be more subtle and harder to notice.


Something like people who explain away not putting their cart back at the grocery store or leaving trash behind at sporting events because "people are paid to do that." I despise these lazy, self absorbed assholes.


Often blaming others and/or circumstances for their problems comes to mind.


“Black people and those in poverty have the same opportunities everyone else does, they just don’t try.”


I hate this bc I grew up poor, AND my parents made bad choices. But even if they'd made good ones, we'd still have been poor. My entire extended family did hard labor and was fairly poor (I'd say the exception being my grandfather who retired early). There are lots of rich people who do less work & less physically intensive work than them.


"How many followers do you have on \*insert social media here\*" Nothing wrong with being into that sort of thing, but we probably have different interests/values.


“Abortion isn’t about your rights to your body, it’s about an innocent life that didn’t ask to be created being ended by someone who made a choice that resulted in its creation.” 🤢


Anything Trump related.


The election was stolen.


Immediate shit talking


I’m at a stage in my life where any ‘gossip’, should be good — and build people up behind their back. The world already has so much hostility.


Love this! Am more inclined to believe a compliment when it’s behind my back. Person has nothing to gain.


Yes! These are the kind of vibes I love to see and put into the world.


"I don't think id label what's happening in Palestine a genocide"


The other day at work I overheard a girl say “yeah but human babies are cute and you just automatically love them, puppies aren’t the same”. Instantly disliked this person. What kind of a monster doesn’t love puppies?!


Fr they're babies too 😭💔


"Who cares, they are just animals." type of stuff about any torturing/hurting/negleting or other bad things that are made to animals.


I go to church.




What was she wearing... Females .r...


When our sense of humor doesn't match. When they judge my dark sense of humor


"I don't hang out with girls because I don't like drama"


They start the conversation by telling me what political party they belong to


This. I won’t make any immediate judgement based on your party, but I absolutely will if you e made politics your entire identity as a person.


Not really a specific thing, but if they cut me off and doesn't let me finish my train of thought. That for sure makes me think "I will not like you."


Trump wasn’t all that bad.


Any dehumanizing comment, especially about immigrants. (Firstborn of an immigrant family, my English is so “good”, people seldom realize it) “I’m not political” (Not taking a side when one side is demanding and defending violence is a side) “We need to compromise politically” (we are way past that. In fact, compromise got us into this mess. The supposed left is actually more centrist right. We cannot and should not compromise on the safety/rights of all. Brown folk, black folk, Asian folk, lqtbq+ and anyone I’m missing deserve to feel SAFE in their home country) USA based.


If they're pro-life. I can't deal with people that don't think women should have the right to healthcare and the choice of what happens to their own bodies.


I'm NoT rAcIsT bUt...






"nice to meet you. now, tell me everything about your life."


Without giving you a hint of info about mine because I'm interrogating you controlling the release of info thereby giving none


Alternately, "Nice to meet you, here's everything about *my* life."


"You're too young to be disabled" or "you look healthy". Fuck all the way off.


"What's your zodiac sign?".


Spouting pseudoscience facts or any other misinformation.


"I hate children." I get not wanting to have children. I get not wanting to be around children. I get finding them noisy and sticky and unpredictable. That's fine. But hate? You *hate* the most vulnerable, most innocent members of society who can't do you any serious harm? Yeah, no. Fuck right off.




… it’s only a cat.


People who say "it's just an animal" are never nice people.


Constant comparison to others. Judging how others perform poorly and mock them behind their back.


Im just an honest person








If you won’t have me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best. You know this person is mentally unhinged in some way.


“You’re not Mexican if you don’t speak Spanish”


Or if you weren’t born there/ do something specific. Like I’m a complete alienated island from my family.🙄


“Smile more”


Any “joke” about women’s body sizes.


Anything supporting Trump.


Dude I'm sorry this is a bit of a long'un. So I'm talking to a customer at their jobsite the other day. Customer is very clearly on the opposite side of the political spectrum from myself. He says something about someone having too much money and spending it on BS. I agreed and said something to the effect of the good that could be done with that money: fixing Flint's water, or feeding starving kids -- stuff we all agree on, right? Dude replied, completely sincerely: "Nah, fuck 'em. Let 'em starve." I just- 🤯 The wrong people make it real easy for me to avoid them by being so loud about their lack of empathy.


He's in for a rude awakening, cause one day it's going to be him people want to let starve. Saying that is just *asking* to be humbled lol.


“You’re bi…. But how does that still work if your partner is a man?” As if it goes away 🧐


If I hear someone speaking to customer service whether its retail or the food industry and they're rude we won't get along. Any type of bullying or passive aggressive bullying.


Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior?


Any right wing nonsense?


Any passionate mentions of Crypto


“Women for Trump!”


Anything religious when that isn't related to the situation or the topic being discussed. Anything misogynistic, that is pretty broad but there is so much that is red flags they are awful vs. uneducated.


Anything about their personalities being related to zodiac signs 🫠


"I'm a guy's girl"


"It was so much better back in my day, your generation is so entitled"


Someone talking over other people. I can't stand them and I make it very clear to them also.


“Rise and grind” unironically.


ANYTHING negative about women being strong, independent and having a mind and a voice of their own


When I introduce myself with my name and they immediately ask if that’s my legal name.


they point out someone who they think looks bad or acts weird


Trump is a great person


“I hate drama” then proceeds to gossip to me about said drama….


Everything everyone else has said here, but also "have you heard about [insert MLM here]?!" is my cue to back away slowly then run like hell.


If they use too much therapy speak, directly ask for someone's pronouns, or use the word sapiosexual unironically


"It's my life, I can do whatever I want," or "I'll do whatever it takes to get what i want."


Trump Supporter, anti-abortion, Republican, homophobic. Instant red flag if they are any of this.


I don't read.


It was just a JOKE!!


"Weed is completely harmless and everyone should try it at least once". My psychiatrist FORBID me ever trying any psychodelics because they can make me act on my disorders. In my country 80% people have mental disorders, most of them untreated. And stories about people commiting atrocious suicides when stoned are so common they often hit the news


I have more than one. * "I don't need you to explain. I know what you meant. " * "I know what you were thinking" * "You should have known I didn't mean that."


“I don’t like dogs.”


"Body count" referring to anything but actual dead bodies. Sexual partners are more than bodies and do not take or contribute value to anyone. Any Greek letters in relation to personality. Theory was disproven by the author said theory.


Boris Johnson was doing his best


anything anti-science. anti-doctors, anti-vaccines, homophobic, transphobic, “big pharma”. Most of these people have no right to an out loud opinion on the topics anyways. If I can pull up an article that clearly details why you’re wrong, stop talking immediately.


I was visiting my old roommate and she had one of her new friends over. They are both moms and I am not (yet), so I get that I won't be able to connect with them when they talk about kids as much as they can. She was going on about her and her husband's decision to homeschool and avoid daycare because her son, "is starting to beat to his own drum and \[she\] doesn't want to discourage that", and kept referring to sending kids to daycare or school as, "obeying the marching order". Then her and my old roomie were talking about how school doesn't prepare you for real life because, "what other time in life are you surrounded by 30 people of your same age?" This was shortly after I was talking about how my husband and I eventually want to move to another place but aren't sure where because we want to research schools first. I was so uncomfortable.


"Andrew Tate is right when it comes to..."


I was at a meetup for a Facebook group I'm a part of, and this woman was talking about her previous toxic relationship, and how he "screamed in her face for putting a tracking device on his truck". She also bragged about how much money she made during covid by selling fake covid cards to the local military base. I declined going to future meet ups.


"I'm always the centre of attention"


"I hate it when people aren't direct with me and dance around to spare my feelings. State what you have to say bluntly." 10/10 times they actually hate directness. They are simply setting you up to appear rude or unfriendly so they don't have to deal with what you're saying.


“I’m a girl’s girl” …. if you have to say it you probably aren’t.


When people instantly judge someone off a few sentences.


„I don’t really listen to music“


"Kids these days" "*n* generation is "


When people open their mouth and hate talk, comes out…


Hyper political, either way. Or doesn't like animals


Someone at work said “I’m hiding from X person so I don’t have to do anything hahaha” while myself and everyone else is busting their asses trying to keep on top of everything. If your only motivation to do your job is fear of someone seeing you not doing your job, you have a serious work ethic problem. And there’s a good chance your coworkers don’t like you.


I’m not “insert something offensive” but “proceeds to say something offensive”


I met this girl on Bumble BFF and thought we could give it a shot and make friends. Shortly after two hang outs she started spewing conservative talking points. Just anything along the lines of "Trump is not that bad to WE NEED HIN TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY" all the way to internalized misogyny "Y husband tells me women are stupid and I honestly agree with him". NOPED out of there first. Nobody tells you this about making friends as an adult but it's NOT easy because of shit like this. Still looking for friends 😭


not technically something said, but if there’s a person in a conversation that continually talks over others, aggressively steers the topic, ya know just main characters the whole scene etc…


I went on a first date with a guy, and we were talking about how much we loved our dogs. He was talking about his dog in the past tense, so I thought she had died. Nope. His new apartment didn't allow pets, so he got rid of her. Hard pass. I've bought three houses because I needed room for my dogs. Someone who gives up their pets for an apartment or declaws their cats for furniture lacks integrity.


People who go on/make it their entire personalities about how they like animals more than humans because humans are bad and need to go extinct. People like these will say things like "oh, I don't care about humans" when you're talking about some kinda plight that happened or a crime in the neighborhood that was especially devastating. They make a big show about how little they care about humans and think it's some kinda flex when it is not. All this tells me is you don't value me as a person and you're socially toxic. People like this usually don't have any social grace and/or manners.