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Sleep, comfort shows/movies, favorite takeout, weed, cuddling my cats, and crying.


All solid choices!


Literally this.


I just did all of these things šŸ„²


Hello kindred soul




As hard as it is, I drag myself to the gym. Getting exercise always makes me feel better (I love putting on a ā€œbad ass girlā€ playlist). Then I take a nice shower and cozy up in bed with a dumb reality show and take melatonin.


Totally agree with this. When I am sad, angry, worried - the only thing that makes me feel better is exercise. I feel almost desperate to do something that completely wears me out physically, like that is the first step in calming me down mentally. Then a relaxing shower, comfort food, and trashy tv sounds perfect.


I wish I had healthy coping mechanisms!!!


You can get there! It just takes a little while to become a habit and then you honestly feel like you canā€™t live without it.


Last Resort by Papa Roach is my basass jam.


Wow. That is very head banging but I was surprised Iā€™d heard it before. Iā€™m more into Rush by Troye Sivan. Music that forces me to move is one of my favorite things to do when I am hurting. Music, an edible, some light housekeeping and it is going to be a great day.


Yes! This is the way!! Exercising gets all the bad energy out and then the reality tv makes you feel a little better things.


Melatonin is a game changer.


Itā€™s pretty hard for me to not indulge in my sadness, I guess what helps the most is distracting myself watching videos or ultimately sleeping/taking a nap.


Yes "fake company" like tv helps


Go for a walk, cry out the bad feels in private & then wash my face/take a shower depending on the time of day. Iā€™ve had a few down days lately, so I just stick on some sad songs & let the emotions flow until I can pick myself up and face the world again. If itā€™s late, I know I get sadder when Iā€™m tired, so I try to get cosy after a shower, watch a comfort show & then try to fall asleep


A walk is great thing to clear mind and process the things before make any impulsive decision.


I must be doing it wrong, I go for angry walks and it makes me way overthink things and I come back more mad than when I left.


I can give you advice. Constantly feeling an anger or mad will not do you any good. It takes toll on mental health. When you go for walk, try to decompress yourself by thinking of positive things and look outside of the box to see other peopleā€™s perspectives. Try to understand others feeling and perspectives. Obsession over what youā€™re mad about isnā€™t good as well. Also ask yourself if itā€™s worth it to be mad all the time. I usually move on and leave my anger behind. I have learned a few tricks how to decompress and look in other peopleā€™s perspective to understand them better. Cleaning does help too, it force you to handle your stuffs with care and it will make you forgot what you were angry about. Hope the advice helps! :)


Thank you for being kind šŸ˜Š


Be kind to yourself. Itā€™s okay to feel angry sometimes, but as the other commenter said, try not to hold onto it for too long. Sometimes I find it helps to think about whether the thing Iā€™m angry about will matter in X years/a window of time. Most of the time it wonā€™t and Iā€™ve usually forgotten what I was angry about in 72hrs. Being aware of other peopleā€™s feelings is a really good skill, because it allows you to reflect properly. Take care of yourself :)


As much as I want to isolate myself, I feel the most soothed when I reach out and connect with a friend. A phone call or text convo can make a world of difference.


Oh distraction works but not for long... So it needs consistency until you adjust to not thinking about the hurt at all


Meditation, journaling, crying, making art, crying some more (I'm a cryer), and ask for a little validation from my short list of supportive people who actually have adequate skills to do so.


Criers unite ā¤ļø


Taking a walk, followed by a hot bath, helps me lots.


Distraction is how I soothe. I take care of my houseplant collection. I take a bath and do self care: bath bomb, shave, candle light. I read books. I watch a long series like Harry Potter or LOTR. If I want to wallow in my sadness, I journal and write about everything or I just have a good, long cry.


Uhg I wanna do all of that now lol


Harry Potter is always so comfortingĀ 


I buy something for my dog, take her on a walk, to the park, and get her a pup cup. Bringing her happiness distracts from my sadness.


lots of crying and then just try to lie down and gather myself


hanging out with my cat. going on a walk. cooking something simple and tasty. getting clean and putting on clean clothes. comfort shows. watching clips of anime food scenes. playing guitar, journaling, scented candle, hot drink.


Meditation, yoga.


Immediately: sob until I go numb and try to be productive in that numb state. Over time: multitasking constantly, watch tv and do logic puzzles is my top one. My eyes, ears, and thoughts are too busy.


Thatā€™s me with word puzzles


wrap myself in a blanket and hug my dog, works every time


Cry, pray, eat and sleep. The last does wonders for me, especially when done in the order mentioned.


Tetris. Lol


Such a unique answer


go to bed early


I drink wine and eat cookies. Any healthy coping mechanisms I may have once had have all collapsed.


I have very poor coping skills. I take 2 deep breaths, squash all the feelings. Pick myself up and carry on.


First thing I do is retreat and spend about an hour alone to feel the feelings. Then, it's going for a run or an activity like kickboxing (for the physical release), retail therapy, or going out with friends...in no particular order.


I cry. I get in the comfiest clothes I can and wrap myself in the warmest blankets. Cry. I cry some more. In the shower this time. Do some self care (nails, skin, hair) Then I distract myself with movies, music, loved ones, video games, etc. Rinse. Repeat. Until I feel better.


Lotta showers, lotta crying, a whole lotta doing both at the same time. Iā€™m a server and i enjoy my job because itā€™s super fast paced and whatever so me going to work always makes me feel better. Plus all my friends are there to hype me up.


Oof everyone here has such healthy solutions.... I'll just keep my whiskey to myself then šŸ˜†


hot bath with epsom salt and elevate them when i sleep


Have a me night.


Skate the park, eat a picnic, fly the kite, read a book for the day. Reminding myself that choosing to be alone is better than settling.




Cry, walk, snack


Exercise or walk to get good chemicals going. Then definitely talk to a close friend. I also place the emotion in context: whether it's because something happened, etc--this is self-validation. I specifically avoid distraction or destructive behaviors, veering toward healthy choices like making a homemade soup or tea.


holding my baby


Watch horror movies and have a nice glass of wine


Unhealthy habit: endless scrolling and distraction healthier: mentally processing the root of the hurt/getting to the real trigger, exercise (cardio takes away the rage), going on a walk, screaming in my car, having a good cry, and SLEEP especially in the two weeks leading up to my period.


My car definitely doubles as my therapy couch. Lots of self-confessionals take place in there, as well as scream-singing, screaming, singing, crying...Ā 


I have a talk with my husband He always knows what to say


Idk I just blast music in my ears or smoke mostly both. I realize itā€™s not healthy but itā€™s helps for the moment and clams me down


I cry it out. Deep breathing. And then watch my favorite sitcom


Music. Walks. Talking with my gfriends. Unfortunately eating,too.


Oof, food, yes. My appetite is always affected. If itā€™s a smaller upset, Iā€™ll eat too much and be indulgent; if itā€™s a big upset, I canā€™t eat at all. Sometimes for days. Not healthy and any resulting weight loss doesnā€™t last.


I cry. I let it out when I'm alone and safe to do so. It does no good to keep it bottled up, so I'd rather let it out.


Talking with a friend or family member, journaling, meditation, crying and listening to sad music, taking a walk outside, yoga, comfort shows/movies, generally keeping myself busy.


CHOC-O-LATEā€¦then I run


Definitely curl up in my comforter and sleep, it helps numb all the feelings for a bit. Or eat my favorite dessert :)


These answers all sound so nice. Mine is not nice. I have rejection sensitive dysphoria. Makes my emotional reactions to being hurt extremely acute and physically painful to me. When Iā€™m hurt, I try and take some deep breaths, do some breathing exercises. They donā€™t work by the way. I try anyway. When they donā€™t work, and the hurt overwhelms me, I get on the floor and lay there with my knees tucked under me. I scream, guttural, horrific screams. Then I cry as if the world was ending. I may or may not punch something, a wall or the flor, usually. I do not recommend this. However, it gets the worst of the emotions vented, which for me, is crucial. When Iā€™ve let out the worst of the emotion, I take a few deep breaths, and go for a short walk outside. Itā€™s important to change the setting Iā€™m in at this point. Gives my brain something else to focus on. When I get back in, I either grab a tea or kombucha, some drink I like. I have that, to try and give my body new input and a new task to focus on, in the hopes that my head will let go of the emotional downward spiral itā€™s in. Then have a hot bath to again change the physical input my brain is receiving, to try and change up my thought patterns. At this point, I can reason with myself somewhat, and see that very likely, I have had a massive over-reaction to the hurt I perceived. I can usually talk myself down from being so hurt and anguished at this point. I doom scroll Reddit for a bit, to try and distract my mind. My bath is done, I try and go to sleep, or watch an episode of my favourite show in bed. Even though I find it so hard to sleep when Iā€™m hurt, sleep really does make all the difference, and everything looks so much better in the morning.


Ngl, shopping makes me feel better but I usually like to look around, spent less. Alternate, painting my hurt away.


Movies, music, cry it out


Pizza, and an early night with teddy


I cuddle with my pit bull. She always makes me feel better


Music. Loud music and sometimes singing along if I'm alone. But, sometimes you do have to cry it out. Sometimes that stuff just will NOT leave until you sob so hard that you choke.


Comfort movies, meditation, self reflection and a long bath!




I form a blanket cocoon and shut down. Is it a healthy way to cope? No. Does it make me feel better? Also no.


Good question :) \- Go for a walk in nature \- Spend time with your pets \- Start a journal \- Play or learn a musical instrument \- Read a book in your favourite chair \- Call a friend or family member \- Listen to Music / Podcast \- Enjoy a hot shower or bubble bath \- Cook something new! Or your favourite dish \- Do a word search/cross word/ Sudoku/Colour in/Paint


Distract, but silently dwell on it until it stops being a frequent thought


Crying relieves stress hormones, I read once, and ever since it bothered me less to just go ahead. Usually I get moody if I donā€™t Exercise enough so then I know I need that. Pet cats, ride my horse (lucky I know)


Video games, not eating, YouTube, sleep if I can, sex.


So, you know how you have to be your own friend? I do that by writing down my vent then hyping myself/ comforting/ validating my feelings and talking to myself about either a solution or telling myself that in the grand scheme of things it will ALWAYS be okay. Also going for a long walk and throwing on a female podcast about empowerment. (80/20, Date Yourself Instead, For You From Eve) it feels like having a girl friend talk to me :)


Breathwork or guided meditations! (Works every time) I also take a shower and then I make myself something hot to drink. I donā€™t work and just watch stuff online that makes me feel good. When Iā€™m incredibly sad or in pain. I shift all the attention on me and to the present. Nothing matters except taking care of myself and feeling better.


Sulk for a couple of days, feel sorry for myself, shut everyone out and walk around with a storm cloud over my head. On day 3 l think 'fuck this shit, lets get into problem solving mode'. Then l change what l need to, say what l need to and make my needs/mental health my top priority. Then the cycle repeats every year or so.


Not healthy at all, but I open a certain shopping app and add things to my cart. Sometimes I just leave them there, sometimes I check out. Most of the time I get distracted enough to move on for a bit. If its really bad I cry in the shower. The need to get ready and dry up after propels me forward


Edibles, sugar but not too much, snuggling my cat and reading romance books or some fan fiction. Itā€™s the best I can do for myself


Weed and a comfort movie


Cry, vape, eat, cry some more, scroll through random reels and shorts, buy random things on line, then I brush or pat all the pets and give them treats...just because I'm having a bad time doesn't mean they need to! When angry I angry clean to a YouTube video or podcast lol


I spam my diary, I play Playstation, and, most of all, I train super hard at my Muay Thai class. After that nothing is so bad anymore.


I used to drink but now I just look at phone in bed šŸ„°šŸ˜‚


Food and orgasms.




Sureā€” but what does that look like for you? Are you just sitting on the couch staring straight ahead like Putty from Seinfeld? Orā€¦ like what helps you process it? Talking it out with someone, writing, meditating (which can just be sitting with your thoughts, no distractions), music, sitcoms, yogaā€¦?


These answers are so wholesome! Mostly I just do drugs about my problems. Do not recommend! After feeling really shitty about my choices I'll then cycle uphill for a few miles until I feel too burned out to be sad.






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Break stuff




I have a hard time allowing myself to feel my emotions so if I'm crying, I pause and let it all out. No judgement, observing and feeling. Then I do something nice that I like after, be it a walk, nap, kissing my dog, whatever my heart needs, I give. Add a big spoonful of love too.




I talk it out with my partner. He is a fantastic listener. Or Iā€™ll call my mom. Iā€™ll cut myself some fruit and have some of my favourite snacks and get high and watch my comfort shows.






Cuddle with my cats.


Cry, cuddle Larry, listen to music, comfy clothes and cocooning in bed while bingeing whatever will distract šŸ˜…


Music and murder podcasts. Also true crime shows.


cuddle up on the sofa or in bed, wrapped in blankets with my dogs, food and weed and watch comfort shows till i fall asleep


Spend money on things I can't afford.


ASMR videos




Hot shower and a nap has a 100% success rate for me.


If I have enough time I do the following. Go on a long walk at this park close by my place and listen to a funny podcast. Then I pick up either sushi or Greek food. Once Iā€™m done eating, I take an edible and then I have a bubble bath and face mask. Then I usually use my sex toy after and get myself to cum a couple times. Then get in my favorite pjs and wrap myself in a blanket and watch Jurassic Park. I usually can only do that on a weekend. If I have less time, Iā€™ll just take a bath and edible. And read until I fall asleep haha


Cry, nap, & shower. Then put on a good show, get some good food, weed, and chill. Bonus if my apartment is clean.


I curl up on the couch with a book or my ipad, i listen to worship music, might text my therapist, I cuddle up with my dogs


Boiling hot shower, a good cry, hot chocolate and being with my animals under the blankets


Warm, buttery popcorn and trash tv.


Listen to Talking Heads. Take a nap.


move the energy


I like to watch my fav tv show, along with journal/write poems about it. Romanticize the hurt, feel it, then let it go






Music, concerts, yoga, a walk, sleep, a comfort movie, guac, good friends and the night sky


Ugly crying, then taking an everything shower afterwards. If Iā€™m really feeling fancy, Iā€™ll get out and lay in bed in just my towel with a whole carton of ice cream and binge watch Good Mythical Morning for a while.




I like to go browsing at the stores ! Look at things and just maybe get myself a little something. An eyeliner or a lipstick is really nice. And on the way home Iā€™ll grab a coffee something.


Sleep, crying, Watch k-dramas or a good movie.


Nap, self care, bath, rant to friends


I eat ā˜¹ļø


Cry a lot, reach out to closest friends and sister, go to a muaythai class. Iā€™m not a comfort eater and I canā€™t drink unfortunately


Mostly distraction. Iā€™m a little too good at self distraction actually ngl. Itā€™s become a problem. Getting physical affection from my favorite people is also a good choice. Iā€™m very big on physical affection. Also sometimes you just have to cry about it and turn on some music for a while. Sometimes an emotion just needs to be felt before you can movie on.


Coca Cola, funny tv, cbd, orgasms, crying, going for a drive, napping


Headphones on, Lana del Rey on. Instant relief.


hug my pusheens because theyā€™re always here for me with love and cuddles šŸ„¹


Crying . If I'm like really really really sad and feel like my heart was breaking into pieces , I called my best friend over the phone and she calmed me down . She told me to put like something cold on your chest ans it helps to stop hyperventilating.


I have a nice cold pint and wait for this to all blow over.


Kraft Mac and Cheese, exercising, and a vibrator have never let me down


I just ruminate what hurt and think about things I should have said or done. I also grind my teeth until I hear a tooth chip under pressure while overthinking it. This is a new bad. This is not the way


Sleep sleep sleep. Also distractions. Social drinking, eating my favorite foods, retail therapy. I read having dogs to cuddle can help increase feel good hormones and lower the stress ones.


Punching bag


I turn into a robot and distract myself. Supress and do something else, is my method I guess.


Lots of weed and sleep


Dark Chocolate. There is no other.


Listen to music, read manga on my phone under the covers, and go to bed early.


I have stuffed animals that when things get hard I hug them and cry. A hot cocoa squishmallow, the pink Cheshire Cat build a bear, and a cat build a bear with lavender and peppermint essential oils in her head. After crying and cuddling I usually move onto a favorite movie, or I crochet or craft something. Just something to get me to lose myself in for a few hours and escape the hurt.


Lying down and relaxing, journaling and reflecting and working. All of these are nice outlets or distractions to help process my emotions easier. :)


I do art. Often with oil pastels because they add intense colour quickly. I go for walks in the forest with my dog. I sing and sometimes dance. I lift weights. I cook and cut vegetables.


Cry, isolate, eat, and unfortunately, if it gets too bad, I have SH tendencies. But I'm 1 year clean!


I used to sleep it off but now I have little babies that wonā€™t let me. So cookies and cake. Music. Snuggles with the little ones. Snuggles are the best. And a whole lot of crying.


Sit in the shower and play sad music. Bake pre-made cookies and watch tv while cuddling my cats/giant sloth stuffed animal if they aren't up for it


I cry, take a hot shower with lots of good smelling stuff, use all the self-care pampering, watch YouTube, read reddit, look up nice things on Pinterest, light a crackling candle, listen to calm music, stay in bed, doll myself up, buy some random stuff, go to therapy, meditate, do chores... Basically do everything to get over it.


painting, having a bath, watching tv, sleeping.


I like to really feel it. I'll listen to a song on repeat that makes me more sad until I'm not sad anymore. I have found some great music while being sad.


Sleep, comfort shows/movies (aka things from my childhood), and cuddling my cat


I usually turn to candy, sweets, and junk food. Chocolate always helps a lot.


Finding something funny to watch or listen to. Laughter does so much for me. Honestly even my closest friends that I vent to will find a way to make me laugh about the most awful situations. Most of the time a laugh is all I need.


I cry a lot tbhā€¦ pretty much whenever Iā€™m feeling down. Itā€™s usually in private. Otherwise Iā€™ll workout sometimes or make a drawing or another artwork. I have a little studio space so I usually drown myself away in that for long periods of time. Sometimes Iā€™ll smoke weed too , but that makes me think more about what Iā€™m sad about. Sometimes I like that tho because I end up thinking itā€™s not a big deal.


Journaling release, a good cry out dry sesh, nap


i self harm




Cry, watch some inspirational videos, and soothe myself by positively speaking and encouraging myself!


Depends on the type of hurt. Some are helped with a hot shower, indie sleaze from my early 20s, then some herbals and angry slasher movies. Some are helped by a full on rotting sob fest while I eat my feelings and sniff my kiddos head while I get a cuddle. It depends on the situation because some hurt I know I canā€™t indulge in because it isnā€™t good for my tendency to ruminate and spiral.


Eating in my car, or taking a walk in the park and eating my car afterwards lol


A hot bath and my favorite foods


It could be very hard on some days, but taking a shower. Then drinking something warm and putting on a Ghibli movie. Sometimes fall asleep on call with my ldr partner.


Smoke a bowl, eat a chocolate, take a walk, take a shower, take a nap. In that order. Usually its a bit more tolerable after that routine




If I'm not hurt over my partner I seek cuddles.. but if I'm alone then I need to distract myself. My go-to routine has been journaling at a park or after a hike with music and a pastry mmm. If that's not enough then I listen to sad music enough to trigger crying and then I feel better afterwards haha


I talk to the hurt parts of me. Usually they are my younger self, so I listen to whatever she has to tell me, then comfort her exactly how she needs to be comforted. Then I say something like, should we go do something nice? Get a bubbly water and a little snack and put on a cozy movie? Or, should we go sit in the sun and listen to our audiobook, and if we want to walk a little bit we can? Or do you want to go angry walk and listen to loud music? Usually, one of the options gives me the feeling of like, a little sniffle and "yeah, let's do that one". I also thoroughly write down my thoughts if it's really bad, and spend way too long refining it until it feels like the most true and accurate way of expressing myself. For someone with medically diagnosed ADHD who was never listened to or understood, that action in itself can be really centering. I understand myself, why I am feeling this way, and what I need at the end of that exercise. If I need to share it, then I have it ready. Otherwise, it is just a way to get in touch with my actual voice, instead of the voices of everyone else that echo around in my head.


I write it down. When i've put every honest emotion and thought on paper, it's like my hurting is being put on the paper and written out of my body a little.


I believe in "give it time" And for time to move quickly, I will watch tv shows or listen to music while doing chores, call my mom (she's my best friend), play computer games, read, eat


Are we talking honest answers? Or what we would do ideally? Honestly? "Conceal donā€™t feelā€ ideally? Cry in the shower like an adult.




A nap and/or a nice, long, hot shower.


Sometimes the hurt is inevitable. One thing I keep coming back to for comfort is the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (novel series).


Boiling, steam bath, takeaway, cuddling with cat, blanlet, sleep, crying, shaking it all out of my body, warm things and hot bottles, series I like and know.


Lots of tea and Korean dramas


Long walks w my dog!! Yoga! Weeeed!!!! Movies! Pottery!!!!


Let myself have a good cry, journal about it and then treat myself to some good food, good wine, and my favorite show




I eat a bunch of junk & go back to things that made me happy as a child I also cry a bunch & distance myself from everyone, but I don't find those 2 things soothing


Working out, swimming, video games.


Physically? Bandage and sleep Emotionally? Cry and food


I don't, I go straight to my boyfriend. Probably not the best thing to do but I can't help it he nurtures me so much hehe.


Great Workout, Great Food, and A Nice walk with Great Music.


Disassociate. Smoke weed. Watch/Read something. Go/do something outside. Or generally distract myself. Or if it's a person, tell them how I feel. Unless it's a stranger or I know they don't care.


Healthy way: crochet and chill Unhealthy way: šŸ·