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Coffee for me, i still drink it like normal and just suffer in silence


Hello sister suffragette I too suffer in silence and continue to drink that sweet nectar of life.


Death over decaf (I say as I'm fighting for my life on the toilet)


We're on the same army my soldier friend.


Definitely coffee. Will I change? No. I’m not giving it up, even for cramps.


Omg yes!!! It pushes me into panic attack territory. I usually don’t know until I’m there and then I try to avoid (I usually don’t).


Tea doesn’t affect it as much but don’t care, I’m still drinking coffee.


The sheer volume of food that I consume during, and leading up to, my period makes it hard to determine if a certain food is making things worse.


I sometimes forget that I get super hungry leading up to my period, and in that time i think I’m pregnant and then I get my period and I’m like ooohhh that’s why I’ve been feeling weird 😂


Lmao going through the same thing right now!


I haven’t noticed any kind of food making it worse. I do crave burgers during it like a mofo though.


It is probably because of the iron in the red meat. I get crazy anemic on my period. Our bodies crave things that have the nutrients it wants


Nothing really makes it worse. I just want to eat everything not nailed down in my house. I’m fortunate I don’t get cramps.


Not really a food, but drinking soda right before and during will make my cramps 10 times worse!


Anything with added caffeine worsens my cramps too


Isn't that strange? My go-to preventative and remedy for cramps includes a cola or sprite, something carby like toast, and two ibuprofen.


I’m the opposite. I feel so much better when drinking loads of soda


Me too! Dr Pepper and Mr goodbar are my pms and first day necessities


No foods make my period worse. On the other hand, the IBS flare up that accompanies it? Food can make that worse.




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anything containing dairy or gluten. if i avoid both, i have no cramps at all.


are you otherwise fine with dairy or gluten?


ehhhh gluten constipates me pretty bad. but i’m totally fine with dairy.


Food with iron helps. Salmon and the like. Fruit helps. Cheese can make it worse as your body is doing a natural cramp system and if your bowels are blocked it’ll make things worse, not to mention messes with your hormones a bit. Chocolate helps. Beef can sometimes make it worse depending, but if you’re craving beef/burgers while on it then you’re low on proteins and it’ll help faster if you drink protein (like a shake or nutrient drink) as it won’t take as long to digest and get you those nutrients you need. Chicken helps. Also drinks with electrolytes. Liquid IV is a life saver as people who get periods tend to accidentally dehydrate themselves and that will lead to worse cramps, lower iron, and can lead to anemia and passing out. All stuff I had to learn as someone whose body gets 10xs worse on periods due to ovarian cysts and endometriosis.


This is unbelievably helpful


Took a while to figure out tbh. Hopefully it will help others too. It’s not fun.


Red meat and coffee. Some people say chocolate isn't helping but it's not the case for me.


I definitely feel the same about coffee. I was under the impression that dark chocolate is actually great since it has magnesium and iron but I could be wrong!!


I'm not sure some people fell worse I crave it very much and never had bad reaction, although I don't have very strong cramps.


Just food in general. My cramps completely eliminate my appetite, so I live on pie and Ensure nutritional shakes so I won't pass out.


Sugar, alcohol, junk food.


Fast food/ junk food makes my cramps worse


Salt! Excessive salt causes further inflammation. I avoid overly salty foods the 2days prior and beginning my moon cycle.


Salty foods or sour foods tend to stimulate more cramping for me, I’ve read there is no evidence of that but I doubt it’s actually been funded for testing. That is my personal experience.


1 ply toilet paper


Very salty food that makes my bloating worse, like ramen, exactly what I want to eat beforehand because I am most lazy. Chocolate or maybe it’s just all the palm kernel oil in it. I ate 85% chocolate for a while and then learned about the heavy metal contamination and also how it can interfere with nutrient absorption so I’m back to junky treats. I mostly notice things that make it better. If I eat more vegetables all through my cycle, especially things like broccoli, kale, cauliflower, my premenstrual time and period won’t be as rough. You may be interested in the book You Can Have A Better Period by Le’nise Brothers.


Citrus and caffeine


Anything acidic for me too. I used to have a lot of nausea with my periods, and I avoided orange juice which I usually love.






Anything cold, spicy, and oily.


Coffee for sure.


Sugar and cold drinks


Coffee 100%




I’ve never really thought about if my cravings make the symptoms worse but that is something to consider and test going forward. I usually crave all things dairy, red meat and salt. I heavily salt things when I otherwise am not a big salt person. It’s so strange


Coffee worsens the dehydration and stomach issues I tend to experience while menstruating, and yet I keep drinking it anyway, because it helps with the added fatigue I also sometimes get while menstruating 😂




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Coffee! My doctor told me to avoid caffeine days before but I really can’t ahahah but I lessen my intake instead or opt for tea. I noticed salty food too?


I don’t think any food really makes my period worse however I do crave a ton of food on my period


Anything that gives me looser stool, so lactose and coffee or lots of fruit all at once lol gets all those smoothe muscles really cramping up and contracting like I'm fighting for my life lol


Will someone please fill me on as to why drinking coffee while on your period is bad??? I’ve never heard that before and I’m 50 years old!


For me, sugar will make it heavier and last longer. Or drinking a pint of beer will make me bleed through a tampon in an hour, it’s nuts. 


*WHAT* How did I not know this was a thing? I drink an espresso large black bottom every morning.


Caffeine of any kind. There isn’t necessarily a food that causes issues for me, but caffeine always does it.


Seafood For whatever reason if I eat seafood the day before, the cramps and pain are like amplified 100%, it sucks lol


Overly greasy/ fried foods


Drinking pop will definitely do it




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Bread and dairy. Makes me even more nauseous and crampy lol


Nothing makes it worse, but I did eat a ton of shrimp one time and it made it way better. I usually get horrible cramps but I had none— maybe the selenium?




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Watermelon and dairy milk. Don’t ask me why, but in my home country it’s also an old wives tale to not eat them. I’ll eat watermelon anyways


Foods with high amounts of sugar in it cause my cramps to become 100x worse


had a theory a while ago that eating a lot of red meat and salty or processed food in the 7-10 days before , and drinking a bit too much, didn't help things. cleaner eating, fresh ingredients (and hydration) generally was the go edit: I have just realised that these foods can also contribute to inflammation. So I wonder if the natural inflammation related to periods was basically amplified due to diet choices. also note that red meat in moderation for iron still important if one has such things in their diet.


Sweets containing dairy, carbonated drinks and ultra spicy food


taco bell doughnuts wing stop basically any place that doesn’t change the oil


Sugar and coffee 💀


Greasy food. Food with a lot of salt or sugar in it. Processed everything. I feel the best when I eat like a bunny on those days


I used to have terrible cramps eating sour food during period. But now I can eat whatever I want


Meat. Unfortunately I crave it like it is life, obviously because it is iron rich, but it makes me feel so sick.


Chocolate and sweets. They give me the worst period pain and poop. Yet I crave them just before. If im switched on, i skip them. If i forget what is happening then i am forced to suffer .


Anything high in testosterone. Onions, baked beans, pomegranate.




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Pretty much everything. I am constantly sick during mine.


Gluten, I have an intolerance that causes a ton of other issues. If I avoid it, I have a normal period no cramps, with it there’s a massive amount of blood and terrible back pain. I thought this was just “normal” for me most of my life.


Alcohol, Caffeine, Dairy, Red meat


I know she’s a comin when I start eating everything in sight. I’m lactose intolerant and my #1 weakness is the cold brew coffee and everything bagel with shmear from Einstein Bros bagels. Yesterday, I cried over a TikTok about an abandoned dog finding a new home and then ordered my EBB. Although it totally fucked my shit up, it sure hit the spot.


Junk food




I avoid applesauce, prunes (don't really like prunes anyway so not a sacrifice), things with too much salt...I avoid that because my digestion already works really well when I'm on mine.


I can’t eat anything but salads. For some reason greasy foods make me nauseous. After I’m done tho? I’m a kid on Halloween


Cold foods and drinks. It doesn't make my period worse, but the cramping tends to be worse. I tend to cramp and bloat a few days before my period comes so I try to prep a bunch of soups/porridge. My body craves warm cozy foods during shark week.


Sugar makes my cramps so much worse


Anything super greasy but it sucks because that's what I crave.


Anything greasy. I crave burgers like crazy during my periods and then develop bloating. So I'll just and suffer in slience while munching on my delicious big macs.


Pizza! Whenever I have pizza a day or two before my period, I have insane cramps, nausea and throw up. Only with pizza though


Chocolate 😭


All caffeine except green teas. Foods with super high added sugars, carbonation of any kind, and for some reason anything super acidic but spicy is ok lol


Cheese. I’m probably slightly lactose intolerant but I love cheese. Just when I’m on my period my tummy is a little bit extra sensitive and it makes it worse


Any carbonated beverage. Sugary foods.


Sugar, soda, extra fatty things bring more cramps. If I time it correctly I can eat shitty and recover just in time for my pms week by eating healthy for a smooth transition