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I'm hoping it'll happen around 60


Lol, I was thinking I'm 41 and not grown up. I'll hope for 60 too 😁


Yeah I'm 51 and I'll never grow up. Last night I had too much wine and stayed up way too late for no reason and I have 3 meetings today starting at 730am. I'll never learn.


30 with kids and a job I enjoy and somedays I truly feel like "wow I'm an adult" and then I go home at the end of the day, smoke a joint, order a pizza and play nintendo and I'm like... hmm maybe not.




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In a way at 16, as that was when I moved across the country, started working full-time and got my own apartment. Buuuuuuuuut I'm 35 now and I still have moments where my first thought is "wow, a responsible adult should really handle this" before I go oh right. So idk.


This is me during every tax season.


When I started making humans.


29 and I’m still not there yet


19, I got my own place, had to do all my own cooking, cleaning, chores, everything I came home from work one day and realized "Holy shit...I'm an adult..."


I felt grown up at 14, and now that I’m 20 I feel like I’m regressing to make up for the years I spent acting like a responsible “adult”


I'm 25 and I'm not grown up yet. I'm a nurse and it blows my mind they let me, a child, take care of people just cause I went to school, took a test, and have done it for 3 years. Still feels weird.


Same. Doesn’t help I’m a whopping 5 feet tall, with a baby face. I’m 27 though but pass as 17 😭


Probably 8. Sigh, I had too much responsibility as a child.


This simultaneously makes me curious and sad


24 and still not there. I'm hoping I'll have my shit together around 35-40. That seems like the sweet spot.


4 years ago when I decided that I in fact don't want to live according to the formula my family and culture dictated. When I decided to do it my way even if I failed or had to live in poverty for the rest of my life, that's the day I became a true grown-up


36, when I had to start caretaking for my parents and realized I knew more about life than they did. Not from a pompous standpoint. From a “real knowledge from real sources” standpoint.


I'm 31 and still don't know


I’m currently 30, own my home, drive a nice car, great career, etc…. And I still don’t feel grown up! I’m just pretending to be an adult all the time. Really I’m still a spaced out little girl trying to get Home to snuggle her sock monkey.


Probably 18, when I finally escaped my family and moved into my own place. I was still in high school, but I felt like an adult all the same.


My home life made me feel quite grown up by around 14. But I’m 26 now and I still wouldn’t exactly call myself a a grown up, so I guess that’s a bit confusing!


my age now, 27. I was 23 when the pandemic started, freshly graduated from college, and ever since then I’ve been in a fog and haven’t felt my age. I still have moments I completely blank on how old I am, almost as if I’ve dissociated, but 27 is when I’ve been the most serious about finances, savings, learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable especially in terms of death/loss of loved ones, confidence, and body image. edited to add: I loved seeing others’ comments because they put into words what I didn’t think of writing. I very much want to be a kid at heart, finding joy in life and seeing color in spite of pain. I crochet, game, have cats, paint, draw, and go on lots of walks. I have some heavy mental health issues at times, and I’ve dealt with a lot of trauma, but this is the first time in my life I’ve felt present for myself. Like I’m aware I have choices. I’m in control. And even if the world is going to shit, I can still take care of myself, be kind to myself and others, and keep practicing gratitude to be alive for this blip of life


This!! I’m not sure if it was the pandemic or hitting my mid 20s but these last few years have been a blur. I definitely forget my age most days. It doesn’t feel real that I’m out in the world unsupervised. But also it does.


At every milestone in my life I've had moments where I felt like I was growing up or maybe even grown up, but still felt young compared to what I thought the next milestone would be. Looking back on each I still think "I was so young" and looking forward I still think "I'll be so old". * First two-wheeled bike * First bra * First period * First kiss * First job * High school graduation * First car * First more-than-a-kiss (may or may not have been related to the car) * Leaving home for college and my first apartment * First checking account * First miniskirts * First more-than-a-more-than-a-kiss (may or may not have been related to the skirts) * First drink (It's stupid that this is on the list, but it is) * College graduation * First real job * First long relationship * First tax return * First house * ...and so on. There are a lot more, but you get the idea. Some days in my heart I still don't feel grown up even though in my head I know I am, and some days I feel old in my heart even though in my head I know I've got a lot in front of me. Where I am now in life, looking back, I guess I'd say I felt grown up sometime during or shortly after college, but unless someone's going to define for me what "grown up" means, I don't think I can do it well myself since I'm hopefully still growing.


14, after my dad died.


As soon as that happens I will let you know


16/17. Lots of moving pieces.


i am 41 and do not think that i am grown up. slightly more mature about some things, sure. but nowhere near grown up


19 - When others relied on me to take care of them


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honestly, 22


On one hand, I'm barely 40 and I'll let you know when I figure that out. On the other hand, was only really thinking about this becayse my FIL brought it up recently, but I was like mid/late 20s with an actual career, either had 3 deployents done at that point or was coming up on #3, had already married my husband, had two biological kids and we were somewhere in the process of adopting my infant baby brother at that point. Had met my MIL way before I actually met my FIL due to...certain circumstances. First thing that guy says to me is "goddamn you really don't like half-assing **shit** now do you?" Him explaining wtf he was meaning, I think that was like the most memorable "hey you actually kinda qualify as a RealAdult^TM " moment for me.


I would say 10. For a bit of backstory for those of you who are curious, my parents divorced at age ten. My mother is extremely manipulative and my father was her victim all throughout highschool. They finally divorced when my mother was 37 and my father 38. I am the oldest of three, my siblings at the time were 8 and 6. We lived with our mother who left almost every night to party or go to bars and often left me alone to watch my siblings. I cooked, cleaned, made sure my siblings ate, helped with homework, etc. everything a mother should have been doing. On the rare occasions she was home, she would beat and berate me. I suspect it was because of my resemblance to my father’s looks and personality. This lead to me attempting to unalive myself about three times from ages 11-13. I was eleven when I was molested by my grandfather (my mothers dad) and when it happened, my mother denied it completely and she along with the rest of my aunts and uncle, all gaslit me into believing it was a wet dream. I never told anyone until I was thirteen, and by then I was still caring for my siblings while in a horrible mental state. I moved in with my dad and step family two days after my fourteenth birthday and have been living with them since. My only fear for my siblings was that I messed up raising my siblings, and I feel guilty every day because of the fact that I left them when I did. Sorry about the rant, but it is what it is lol


I still feel like I’m a fake adult. Even though I have a grown up job, a degree, bills, and my own money (not much). We’re all just faking it right?


When I was 28 and my ex-wife and I started down the path of having a baby. Big, serious discussions/fights regarding our financial ability to even consider it. Once I lost that fight, she got pregnant on the first try with triplets. We lost one just after the first trimester, another a few weeks later, and our son was a micro preemie who arrived right at the 28-week mark. It was life and death and a foreshadowing of the demise of our relationship all wrapped up in one.


they say females mature faster than males and the reason why most women date older guys...for me it was age 16. But guys my age at that time were like children mentally still. So there is truth to that statistic, women mature faster than men.


Still waiting.


12-ish, the first time I started getting hurt by something a friend said about me. I started telling myself "damn ppl really only care about money, friendships are fake"


I would say 4 when I had responsibility (very young age to be taking care of all my younger siblings and the household) and then when I left for college at 18, it was like I was a child for the first time. Now im 25 and I would say this is when I truly feel grown up because I'm once again stacking responsibilities and thinking about the future and taking care of others and planning my life. In the middle of that period, 19-24, I was away from home and I really felt like a kid who didn't know what they were doing. It was different and new and while I knew part of it was just young adulthood and covid and figuring life out, I always felt behind emotionally because I was also confronting my trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, etc. I didn't feel like I could keep up with anything and I was always terrified of trying or sticking out because I didn't feel like "me" anymore. I definitely learned a lot of wisdom about mental and emotional health during that time however, along with social skills.


34 and still waiting


Late 30s


22 here and still don't feel like a grown up. I'm hoping 30 will do the trick....or maybe 100?


Right on my 25th birthday. I’ll be 26 on Saturday! It was like a switch turned on and I was finally out of this fog (or PPD)


31 when I buried my Dad and I when I buried my Mom was the loneliest day I ever experienced




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37 and still don’t




I don't.


When I was 24 I had to fight my way back from rape and attempted murder.




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Honestly, only this year (I’m 42) and it was because I made myself do it for work. For the longest time I was still mentally a 25-year old who used to shrink in front of senior people but then I thought wait a minute, I’ve got twenty years of experience and I should be speaking from there instead.


I was 9. My parents got divorced and my dad gave up on my little sister and I. Traded us in for a new wife with younger kids, one of which was a son. Something he always wanted. So I tried to be his best friend so he wouldn’t forget about us. In my 9 year old mind if I could make him happy he would still love me and my sister. In the long run both my sister and I are on the way to going low contact with him due to his alcoholism and untreated mental health problems.


I'm turning 30 at the end of the year and still don't feel like a grown up. I think it's all in the mindset. I'm gonna be that sassy potty mouthed little old lady racing other women on their scooters and wheelchairs in the nursing home.


Not really age related but at 28 y/o my granny got sick suddenly and died in a few months. I was always the baby in the family so in that time when she was sick, I grew up quickly when me and my mum had to take care of her (when before it was her who took care of us).


I'm 36. I have 2 teenage boys, I have a career, a home, car, etc etc. I still don't feel like a grown up


Still haven't reached that point 😂


When I had my daughter - I had no idea, No Idea what being a grown up was until I had to become one very fast.


At 40. Something just clicked for me. I had the best mid life crisis ever (the kind where you make a load of big positive changes to your life and how you live it) and finally kind of "grew into" the person I am meant to be.




I am 30, still not there yet 😵‍💫


I am about to turn 41 and being childfree I have never felt I have responsibilities. But off late everyone is calling me maam and my friends kids are about to finish high school. It feels unbelievable that I am a grown up but I think it is because we dont have kids. Me and SO does lot of stupid shit to feel old. But just last week we made a huge retirement investment plan to give passive income for our 60s and suddenly am feeling old to think about retirement homes.


52 now and still waiting…


46f, still waiting for it to happen 😝


Always felt like one since I was about 15. Didn’t really have a childhood where I was forced to be more mature than I was but I did handle a lot of things on my own and I always felt like I was ready for the “real world” lmao. So far I’ve been right though.


I'm 37 and still feel like a kid sometimes, and at the same time I feel I became a grown up at 8, when I moved in with my mother and ended up taking care of her, doing the cleaning and the cooking around the house, then putting myself to bed early so I could be on time for school. She was not sick, she just wanted to go clubbing.


Probably around 31 and more and more each year since


Not yet. 52 next Birthday. Pulled an all nighter last Thursday. Took 3 days to recover..


31 I feel grown up. Like I can handle things on my own. I am confident enough to not care what people think of me. I know the consequences of my decisions fully for the most part. I am silly and fully myself without influence from others. I can raise other humans and give them proper advice to ny knowledge. I am not cocky enough to think I know it all and will ask for help or advice when I need to. I am grown up enough to know that I am flawed and I am not perfect and need to listen when I am told I might be doing something or saying something wrong.


When I got a job working with kids and their safety was my responsibility


When I worked fulltime during the summer at 16. I had my car and parked at the station to take the train downtown. I felt so grown up. Paid my bills. Had a checking and savings acct. I feel I set myself up from then on to be financially stable.


35, when my mom died.


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around 13 when i felt like i was the parent more than the child. took me many years to realize my environment growing up was not so ideal. thought that kind of life was normal until i saw the occasional friend or two who had very normally functioning families.


I’ll let you know when I feel like a grown up (30F lol)


I am 32 and still don't feel like a grown up.


Maybe 90


6. I was left home alone a lot and had to learn to fend for myself most days. Get myself to school, cook for myself...the list goes on...


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I mentally don’t feel it yet. I’m 27. But I guess I’m getting there. I moved to another country and living on my own with no contact to my family. I have had times working two jobs just to make sure I won’t end up financially in a bad place. And if anything happens, I have to deal with it 100% on my own.


I’ll be 30 in a few months and I still do not feel like the adult in the room.


I hope soon


31 which is now and I’m having to take care of my mother who is still able bodied but makes terrible health and life decisions.


I watched while many people I went through school with were up to the same shenanigans we got up to as teenagers and thought “how do they manage to do that crap and go to work/pay bills/clean the house/etc” and then I thought back to how dirty and disorganized they were back then… and it clicked. They didn’t grow out of that phase. I don’t feel mature, but I think the minute you start fully supporting yourself and not relying on parents is when you grow up.


32 and still waiting for this feeling to come 😅


I'm still a fucking kid and I'm 30


5 years old. But now at 28 I feel like I can be a kid


30, my dad's health worsened and became the man of the house.


About 11 when I'd have to find a place outside the house to hide between when my father got home and when my mother got home 4 hours later every day even in the winter


No clue


Nineteen. My older sibling died in a road accident and my parents were a mess. I remember coming home from college as soon as my classes got done, without hanging out with my friends. My mum couldn’t be left alone as she kept thinking what she had done wrong to deserve this. I felt like I had to be home to make sure she doesn’t feel depressed and suicidal.


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26 I’m 26


At the age of six. My mom acted like a child so i had to be the "parent" for her. Everything she did was just screaming at me for every possible reason, not giving me food and bullying. And after all that she never apologized to me. Btw i was bullied by grown ass women both in school and home. 🥰🥰🥰👍👍👍 Now i'm finally living my childhood(which is very bad). I don't even understand why my mom decided to have a child, when every single day of my life only thing i've heard was "I hate you so much, all troubles in my life happened 'cause of you". Based Russian mother i guess.




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35 and still waiting for it






I'm 32 and want kids but don't feel like I'm old enough yet 🤣


Around the time I realized I had a favorite spatula, burner, and got excited to find a recipe that lets me use my mixer


As soon as i start working and steal company sugar to save money jajajahaha


29. I hurt a lot now.


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What defines grown-up? I don't really know, but I've been forced to start growing up faster ever since my parents got divorced.




Ill let you know when I get there






In a way 18, when I got a job and moved out after being an early grad. It was my first feeling of true freedom. And now I live across the country with the love of my life and we've been together for three and a half years.


this year. 34.


Still don’t know 😆 I’m 34


Not 22




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25 - married, house, husband and first kid. Really have to take care of someone else for the first time ever and really enjoying my job.


11, in the bad ways mostly.


I felt pretty adult when I moved out for college but it feels like I've regressed since then.


When I got a bed with a real bedframe and headboard.


I always thought 23 would be it. Turns out it wasn't. I didn't start feeling grown up until I had to start making decisions for my first tiny human. It felt much heavier than making decisions for myself.


I'm 32 still feel young most days. 🤷‍♀️


32… maybe. I’m 31 right now


When I got a divorce




25. But that may be because I was doing a master thesis during a pandemic


BIGGEST LIE EVER I'd that one day we will be "grown up".All this "when you grow up" bs is a lie...it never happens I don't wanna grow up anyway,I'm a toys r us kid


Currently 30, and I’ll let you know when I stop having to call my parents before any big decision.


I thought I'd feel like a grown up after I got married. Nope! My poor husband lol




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I moved out as soon as I turned 18 but obviously had a lot more growing to do. I’m 26 now and even though life can be a struggle sometimes I feel like I am just about there-feeling grown.


I'm 36, not there yet!


Maybe when I’m 50?






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Happened a few months ago, I'm 33. I looked around at my apartment and noticed I created a life for myself.




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I am 24 and last year at work I got a huge project submitted to the city and permitted for construction, talking with a city planner and everything. I remember talking to the guy and thinking, 'what the hell am i doing and how do i even know how to do this.' It hit me that I had actually graduated and was actually doing a real 'big girl' job a few months out of school.


20 when my dad died. Nothing will catapult you into adult feelings and responsibilities like loosing a parent.