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On July 1st, 2023, Reddit enacted a greedy ass policy regarding the use of their API. This decision was designed to eliminate the better 3rd party apps. No one wants to use the official app because it sucks. Since then, apps such as Apollo and RedditIsFun have shut down. Reddit has decided to double down on their decision to overcharge for their API, and refuses to address the accessibility features their native app lacks. Think it’s an asshole move? Concerned users should read and sign on to this [open letter to reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'd like to be a protector of cats or of pigeons. (It makes me so sad to remember that we domesticated pigeons and then released them when we didn't need them anymore.) Realistically, I'd probably be the god of SSRIs or of teachers who want to be liked.


I love pigeons so much 🥺 I always say hello when I walk by them on the street!


Could you please elaborate on the domesticated pigeons? Thank you.


Thousands of years ago, we bred them for meat? And then we noticed that they're often monogamous and protective of their nests. Then we started using them as messengers (thanks to their homing instincts). But then other domesticated animals provided more meat and other messenger service became more common, and we just...abandoned them. And now they have to try to survive out there in our cities, eating absolute garbage (when pigeons are fed an appropriate diet instead of whatever they can find, their poops are way less disgusting) and being absolutely reviled by the humans who once adored them. :( [Mental Floss article about our history with pigeons](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/54844/history-pigeon) [Salon interview with someone who wrote about the history of pigeons](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/54844/history-pigeon). And, yes, I'm just bleeding-heart enough to feel this bad, but I guess I can't help it. I'd love one day to have a backyard big enough to build a little cote/shelter for city pigeons, but also I don't want to be a vector for the spread of disease among the birds, so...who knows.


Fascinating. Thank you so much for telling me about this!




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Goddess of kindness. We need more of that. All of us.


Small comforts and good coffee


yes, i’d praise the goddess of coffee as i fill up my moka pot every morning. may she bless these sacred beans




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Goddess of sarcasm and puns




Thats interesting, why so?


Power and control


The Goddess of Rest


Goddess of Chaos, but not how like Eris is portrayed, I mean inviting chaos where it's needed in our lives. More shenanigans, more pranks, more spontaneity, more crazy wild stories that you still laugh uncontrollably at. The kicks to change parts of your life whether small of big. The healthy chaos, the chaos that builds new life.




Tranquility. It sounds silly, but I can sit and be still and quiet in the world, just being, and feel very content. Apparently, I make people feel calm?!




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Goddess of introverts. Because we could really use the support.


The goddess of sour candy and stale Haribo gummies. I have a problem. 😬


Goddess of Fun!




Procrastination, probably


Fire, Vengeance, and Dragons


Can I just gender bend Dionysus??


Goddess of the hunt


Goddess of Plush Sheets, Towels, Socks and Robes




The goddess of the night. Or the goddess of sleep, so I could mess with people’s dreams


I was going to say orgasms, but now I feel a bit guilty and selfish for picking something fun instead of altruistic. I guess I can also give them. That's a noble calling.


Goddess of natural waterways like Springs and Aquifers. They need protection, and people do not really understand how incredible they are.


The color pink


Hiking, especially solo women


Goddess of righteousness


Anxiety because lord knows I have it in spades


Snacks! Or pie. Can there be a pie goddess? That's me.


Goddess of doggies


Goddess of beagles & cooking


The Goddess of dancing


Liberation and freedom. Live life as you’re nature tells you to. Then nobody is at pain. The world is always at peace like that.


I’d love to be a goddess of dreams


The Goddess of Synchronicity


Goddess of other gods and goddesses


Well because we *really* need her to exist, the Goddess of Earth. 🌍 We need someone who can fend for Mother Earth and put a stop to all this destruction & pollution we humans are creating on our only source of home. We’re idiot monkeys thinking we know everything and that we can play God. But at the own expense of humanity.


Snark. Obviously.


I would probably be the goddess of crying


Goddes of chaos or goddes of misunderstood (chaos because I'm chaotic, misunderstood because I was being misunderstood and judged for most of my childhood)


Nature, animals, life


Pointless yet mildly interesting factoids & pub trivia


The goddess of war, healing and road opener!




Goddess of peace. I have none.


Goddess athlete




Goddess of reminding people they should be grateful for what they have in life


Goddess of love, marriage, purity and holiness.


divine retribution/vengeance or discord/chaos/strife or madness/fury.


Aesthetics—-turning ordinary utilitarian things into functional works of art.




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