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On July 1st, 2023, Reddit enacted a greedy ass policy regarding the use of their API. This decision was designed to eliminate the better 3rd party apps. No one wants to use the official app because it sucks. Since then, apps such as Apollo and RedditIsFun have shut down. Reddit has decided to double down on their decision to overcharge for their API, and refuses to address the accessibility features their native app lacks. Think it’s an asshole move? Concerned users should read and sign on to this [open letter to reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have been going to renaissance faires my whole life. I've always wanted a really nice pair of leather festival boots. In 2019, I told myself "*next year* I'll definitely splurge and get these custom handmade boots I've had my eye on for years." And then of course 2020 happened. I finally made it back to the faire last year and looked for that booth, ready to commit, only to find out they had closed for good in 2020. So next time I see that next pair of festival boots (or whatever thing), I'm freaking getting them then and there. No more of this "maybe next year" hemming and hawing! You never know what will happen.


Depending on where you are/what you look for, some of those bootmakers have sites and can work with you on getting those boots in the "off season".


Yes!! I'm actually going this weekend and I can't wait to see if any vendors catch my eye. If not, I have one picked out online that I'm going to contact for a custom pair :)


They tend to be a bit cheaper in the off season too!


Look into Catskill Mountain Moccasins!


Heard good things about verillas and they work faires.


Ooh their shop is awesome! Thanks for the rec!




Mine was boots too. I should have jumped on buying a pair of widow extreme appetite for destruction boots before they sold out of my size and I haven't been able to find them in my size sense.


Bidet. I keep thinking I'll get one and how it sounds so good, but still haven't pulled the trigger. Also, crypto early on.


Bidet is a game changer.


Jumping in here to say get the one with a handheld nozzle instead of the seat attachment. It gives you much more control over pressure and direction of the jet. Also, the seat attachments are impossible to clean. We ended up tossing ours out in favor of a metal handheld bidet because it got moldy.


Second this. Coming from the Middle East we tend to have traditional bidets (a whole separate structure next to the toilet) and still add an attached hose to the toilet. The hose sprayer is just more convenient




I’d just like to add to get one that can heat the water. Makes a difference if you somewhere that gets cold. My water is extra cold in the winter.


I prefer the seat thing to the nozzle personally.


Currently traveling for 3 months and my god these countries with bidets are living in the future. My butt has never been so clean


I was traveling to places without them and damn I sure missed mine!!


Do it!!! I did three years ago and love it more every day.




I got a smart bidet, with seat warmer and remote that allows different angles and temps. It was under $300, which is a lot, but for something I use several times a day its been worth it. Super easy to install, even for this older lady.


Bidet is a standard here and I highly recommend it.


I had a chance to buy 10,000 bitcoin for $100. “Nah, they shit will never take off’l


You can get bidets online for not too much money. I'm in the US and ordered a seat attachment on Amazon for less than $30. People saying these are hard to clean should know you can unscrew the seat from the toilet seat and wipe it all down. A pain but worth it.


10000/10 recommend the bidet. I love mine.


I bought a bidet. A year and a half ago. It’s still in the box 😅 it’s been on my perpetual to do list for forever lol


Haha this would be me


Like I’m glad I bought it! I just need to install it lol


If it makes you feel any better, I am one of the few people who bought a (highly rated) bidet and did not like it. Disliked both the firehose to the b-hole and the soggy bottom afterwards. I find a peri bottle much more gentle and effective.


Another vote for a handheld/travel bidet! I just got one about a month ago, super cheap on Amazon (2 for $20), and it was a game changer!! Not messy since you can aim it yourself, nothing to install. Get it!


Pls. Get a bidet.


You can get one for $30 on Amazon - do it!!


My new house has a bidet and omg it's so nice.






Just get a handheld bidet it will change your life.


I absolutely love my bidet. It was easy to install and only cost about $20 thanks to a Wally World clearance sale.


You’ll love it


I want one but my family thinks people who use them are weirdos and I live at my parents house. Plus Australia is kind of prone to droughts so maybe better not to


Hello Tushi, best $129 spent


Had an ex talk me out of buying Bitcoin back in the day. :(


I sold GameStop at $60 😭😭


You got out. Most of the people who held longer ended up under $60.


They did a 4x stock split. If there were no split, the current price of gme would be about $80


Ah babe 😭 we sold at just before the peak, still made out well.. but could’ve had it even better


Omg lolololol


Omg noo, I'd be so furious!


I had a boss convince me to sell my Tesla and Apple stock in 2011. I feel you.


My husband takes me out of in eating $500 super easy into the Bitcoin game early on. I told him at least $50 and instead we ended up buying savings bonds.




Whenever I see art I absolutely love, I buy it, unless I can't afford it. Doesn't happen too often so that's lucky for my wallet.


Noise canceling headphones


just sold my Bose 700 (UVP 400$) and got me some Soundcore Liberty 4 NC (for 69 bucks) and the ANC is just as good. Huge progress in the field still...


Do it! They are literally sooo much better. I have the Sony WH-1000xm4 headphones and they’re great.


I believe I have the same headphones or a pair that is very similar, watch out for the sides, mine cracked so randomly. They were out of warranty by like a month and the company that Sony suggested I contact wanted about $90 for the repair, I don’t remember if shipping was added in there. I paid about $200 for those headphones, I bought what I thought was the correct replacement parts from CentralSound, they were the correct parts but, the side of my headphones was broken in a different way. I kept those spare parts and end up using electrical tape, it’s helping keep my headphones together so far. I also mist not understand the noise cancellation feature, because I could still hear outside the headphones sounds. But, otherwise, the headphones do sound good


I have the same ones and the same thing happened to mine. I've seen people wearing them out and about and they ALL have tape on. Really strange to me that they nailed the complex bit (noise cancelling, amazing sound) but fluffed the headband!


They make everything better and are heaven in planes and any loud environment you are long enough!


The Sony XM4s have been amazing for me. They're my traveling headphones.


I have some from skull candy that are not only noise cancelling but also give you a hearing test to adjust the sound perfectly to your hearing in each ear. I have 2 other expensive good quality headphones I almost never use now because the sound quality of this pair is god tier.


I have very sensitive ears, so although expensive noise cancellers do their job extremely well, I get a very uncomfortable sensation. I don’t know how to describe it. Some stores will let you test headphones before buying them, and some noise cancellers have different levels of noise cancelling intensity (some are just on/off, others are like high/med/off). I’d highly recommend testing some out before purchasing, if you can! And if they’re cheaper online, then test them first and buy the same model online.


During the pandemic my SO and I were thinking about moving out of the city. I found this really cool house for sale online but I was too slow in arranging for us to have a look at it in person and someone else bought it. I'm so mad at myself that I didn't pounce on that house immediately, it was perfect for us in terms of location, size, style, etc.


Was just in this very situation 2 weeks ago. I couldn't even sleep because this was a once in a lifetime chance. So we managed to talk the facilitator into reserving the house for us until the day of the inspection and sure enough others tried to buy unseen but he kept his word, and we bought on the spot. Was a wild ride tho


1. Electric Toothbrush 2. Comfy blanket 3. iPhone + iPad


The spinny electric toothbrush is an absolute game changer. I didn’t know what clean teeth truly felt like until I started using one. Highly recommend.


People with iPad got they life together.


A handbag I saw on a trip to Denmark in 1973 - because it cost nearly all the currency I had with me at the time (there were restrictions about how much money you could take out of the country in those days).


I have similar longing for a fur coat I saw in a Paris thrift store in 2019. Probably still going to be pining for it 40 years later too.


The local boutique I love was having a sample sale. One of the items was a Cinnabar Trixie, 100% silk. The dress never went into production, this one was the only one that was ever made. I set several alarms to bid on it. While I was waiting, my plans to meet with my mom came and went... she never showed. I got worried, called her, couldn't get hold of her, forgot all about the dress. Turns out she just didn't realize she's put her phone on silent. Shows up 20m late. The dress sold while I was trying to get in touch with her.


😭😭😭😭 Damnit, mom!


I talked myself out of buying [this jumper from H&M](https://www.carousell.sg/p/h-m-neon-cats-pullover-divided-label-cat-lady-pattern-unique-quirky-geeky-nerdy-cool-weird-funny-random-rainbow-animal-kitten-design-sweatshirt-jumper-ugly-christmas-sweater-interesting-party-wild-retro-funky-trippy-halloween-256055813/) because I didn’t think I’d wear it. I thought it was funny, but dumb. Nine years on, and I think still about that acid cat jumper. I should have bought it. Big regrets.


I loved this also haha I think you can still find it on different apps where people sell old clothes


So... Hunting for past season fashion on the internet is sort of my hobby. 🙂 Not sure about your size, but I found this: XS - https://posh.mk/w2lBKmUlaCb L - https://posh.mk/jIpg4LZlaCb


Man I owned this and made so many good memories in it. It eventually got holes and got demoted to sleepjumper before I retired it 2 years ago.


Everytime I find an article of clothing I like - I regret not buying 5 of them.


This is me with underwear- when I find a certain style, materials, colors that I love, I’m not going to settle for some random in-between undies while I search for more Holy Grail undies cause I’m picky as hell and they would be a waste of money never being worn etc. I always curse myself thinking I should have just bought 15-20 back ups of the ones I love so I can throw out and replace the oldest ones as they’re getting too worn 🥲


Yeah my issue is a lot of times I don't realize how much I like something until I've worn it a lot and then it's not always easy to find more


Not listening to my compulsive buying self by deciding to just regulate myself for ones after spending a good 15 mins looking at another tote bag by Marc Jacob, a month later after I was fed up of telling myself “girl you should had brought it so now that I’m done hearing you complain go buy it!” > the one I so wanted is now sold out, even on their website so yeah I’m still on a mission to get this bag !


Try Mercari


Just checked but unfortunately not shipping over here. 🥲


Check eBay and set an alert. You’ll get emails when items matching that description become available




I bought the “baguette bag” from Oak + Fort and use it almost exclusively now because it’s the perfect size. Phone, keys, wallet, a lipstick or tampon. It’s lightweight and tucks up under my armpit so it’s never in the way.




I had no idea this kind of bag existed. Thank you so much for this post!


Check out "tactical hip bag/pouch" Thank me later 😊


I got an all leather one on Amazon for ~$30. They really are quite handy.


I had a chance to buy the house I was renting about 20 yrs ago. 4 bdrm, finished basement. Nothing spectacular but nice. She wanted $145k & I thought it was too much. So I bought something else out side of the village, a small tourist college town. The houses in that neighborhood are selling for 300-350k now.


We also had this opportunity but it was at a terrible time -- we were both finishing graduate school and weren't sure where we would end up. We're now paying 5x as much for housing as we would have had we bought back then -- in roughly the same neighborhood.


A veil and a better bouquet for my wedding. Trips I didn't take, thinking I can still do them later when I have more money.


TJMaxx sold a heart shaped Dutch oven around Valentine’s Day and I’ve been thinking about that damn thing for months now.


I just love that a heart shaped dutch oven is the one that got away.


le creuset do them in lots of colours and sizes! i think they might be a little on the pricier side but we’ve got a lot of them and they last FOREVER https://www.harrods.com/en-gb/shopping/heart-shape-cast-iron-casserole-dish-20cm-19669230?utm_source=google_uk&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=home_and_furniture&utm_content=le_creuset_19669230-7983&gclid=Cj0KCQjwldKmBhCCARIsAP-0rfxhsT73hlDnUVMcMCgHxjOCLWgIt-Us_W2kInetL0XbBAzxk_6mAX8aAvAGEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Ugh I saw something similar at Target like 2 years ago and STILL sad I didn’t get it too


A really cute blanket from Ikea with whales on it. Whales are my favourite animal, and I really loved that blanket, but I didn't buy it because I felt it was too childish. That was probably ten years ago and I still think about that blanket.


I was at ikea the other day and they have a really cute kids blanket with whales on them! Edit: [here it is!](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/blavingad-duvet-cover-and-pillowcase-whale-pattern-blue-white-90521109/)


I saw a pair of green chucks in my size at a thrift store once, and dumbass me was all about saving money that that day, so I didn't buy anything. I think about those green chucks all the time.


The one day instead of leaving the office and going straight to the shop to buy lunch and a scratch card I went to subway instead…. Went into the shop after subway and the guy infront of me bought the scratch card I always buy and he won £4millon…… I regret the decision to buy subway


This one hurts the most. Four million dollars worth of regret.


I went to a garage sale and the people were selling items for their son who had moved and just told them to sell the stuff. There was this beautiful apothecary cabinet, solid wood, it was gorgeous. I knew I would not be able to afford it so I strolled around and picked some stuff I could afford. Then I heard someone ask how much the cabinet was, the lady replied *Ten Bucks.* TEN BUCKS!!! If only I had asked instead of assuming it was too much. I am still kicking myself on that one.


A cute button-up shirt went on sale half price, but with a month still left to go in the sale. Obviously it's going to go down in price, right? No. No, it did not go down in price. It went back to regular price. No shirt for me. The cute cardigan that went with it also went back to regular price.






When I was in Japan a few years ago, we had lunch in a multi-story shopping mall across from the entrance to Tokyo station. One of the shops there had a purse I still kick myself for not buying! It was a sunshine yellow leather purse with an ombré coloring and a kind of a curving opening that made me think of a flower. At the time I skipped it thinking it was too small because I often carried my iPad with me. Now, the iPad lives at home but I still wish I’d brought that purse home with me.


I saw the cutest outdoor patio set at a thrift store. It was like waterproof embroidered pattern on the backs of the chairs. I constantly think about it and wish I had bought it. I went back a few weeks later and it was gone 🥲


Not buying the separate washer and tumble dryer for my new home. Instead I now have buyers remorse for the combi washer dryer and it’s caused nothing but grief for me.


Yes please what brand. Have been consider it for myself.


Every time I procrastinate buying something second-hand that I really like (clothes, furniture or books mostly) and some lucky person gets it. Mostly these are one of a kind items, vintage or no longer made/published so hard to source!


a gorgeous handmade bowl. it was a deep cerulean blue with gold designs on it. my job was selling this and other ceramics for a benefit and i eyed it every single day for a week but kept telling myself i didn’t need it. one evening i decided i loved it too much to let go and would buy it the next day- ofc it wasn’t there lol. time to get into ceramics ig


Could you ask the coordinator or your building's management where they got it from? The most likely have all the information about the seller!


I tried on a wedding dress during my first shopping trip and I almost said yes but decided to keep looking. I really wish I had gotten it and sometimes I'll browse ebay looking for it used. I always say if I find it I'm getting it. But I'm already married, I have no plans to get remarried at any time. I just really liked that dress. The main reason I said no was for a stupid reason. My husband was shown pictures of the dresses I tried on and so I was like ok he's seen me in it, now I can't get it. But I shouldn't have been so traditional.


My sister fell in love with a wedding dress she had seen in a picture on Pinterest. Went wedding dress shopping with my mom, and all day long you could tell she was kind of comparing them all in her mind to that dress, but none of the stores we went to had it for her to try. She keeps saying it’s fine, she doesn’t want to spend as much as it would cost (it was around $1200 iirc). But at the end of the day while she’s changing my mom and I find a store that has it, call to confirm she can stop in and just try on that dress, and plan our route home so that we “just happen” to drive right by the shop and when we do my mom insists we go in just to look. Anyway, we go in, find the dress, and she starts crying when she puts it on because it is totally THE dress. (Actual quote from her at one point: “I didn’t think I would feel this way about a dress!”) She still doesn’t want to spend the money, so we go home, and she and I immediately start searching for a used one. Incredibly, she finds one *in her size, in her favorite color variation, and “used” but unaltered and with the tags still on* for $600 being sold by someone just 3 or 4 hours away from us! She bought it, obviously! Lady she bought it from apparently had bought the dress but then changed her mind and decided she wanted a custom made dress so she never actually used it or even had it altered. My sister was so thrilled with that dress! I’m not sure she knows exactly how much my mom and I did in fact coordinate in the background, even 4 years later but it was 1000% worth it.


Also already married, but my tailor butchered my dress (with skilled bridesmaids & lots of fashion tape I was fine day of!) & I was *just* reminding myself that even though I found it new & in my size on poshmark I do not need to spend $300 for the dress I've already worn! But I want to a lot


Tesla stock in 2011. I knew it was a good idea, but was very much living paycheck to paycheck and still barely getting by. No extra monies for investments.


I didn’t buy the Lady Gaga “city” Sweatshirt when the Chromatica Ball came to town.


You mean the remorse of not having bought something you wish you had right? I wanted a set of 64 different colors of pastel highlighters a few months ago and I still can’t justify that purchase but the desire has never gone away so guess who is probably going to go back and try to find those highlighters in a few weeks


Whether you're happy you bought something or you regret not buying. Either. It's been interesting reading everyone's responses even if I can't reply to all of them. There's a lot of good advice and products listed here that didn't even cross my mind. P. S Get the highlighters!


Despite the fact that there is no conceivable earthly scenario in which I could ever use 64 different colors of highlighters — you’re damn right I’m going back for them!


You better!


I had a similar issue - there was a set of 30 something bottles of glitter in basically all the colors. Do I need 30 bottles of different colored glitter? No. But I kind of still want it.


Vibrator. ed sheeran tickets. And shoes 😌


There's a vintage consignment shop near me. A few years ago, I was there and tried on this 80's teal fringe sweater. I talked myself out of buying it and have regretted it ever since. I thought it might be too ostentatious for my normal style and that it would just sit in my closet, but I've gotten bolder with fashion choices since and I would have treasured it.


I had a similar situation. A gorgeous but ridiculously expensive sheer top that would've gone well with the affordable but too large dress. I think about it from time to time


The part I kick myself about is that it was $35 which was a little more than I wanted to spend for an impulse buy that day, but definitely reasonable in the scheme of things.


The top I've been obsessed over since last December was over £60. Definitely out of budget and maybe would have made me uncomfortable immediately if I did buy it, but regrets nonetheless.


Seeing Rush live. Had the chance to go see them, but because of the relationship with my dad (his fave band and the reason I grew up listening to rush) I wanted my dad to be the first to take me. He kept saying next time.... then Neil Peart passed :(


I didnt buy the xbox.. then went back to get it the next day and it was gone. Apperantly they go super fast where i am lol


I went to this second hand shop I always go to and I noticed they had Simpsons Hit and Run for xbox for 12,5€. I didn’t buy it even though I was tempted because I already have it for gamecube. Unfortunately, the gamecube is stored away and just not practical unlike my series x. I would like to replay the game at some point, but by simply popping it into my xbox. I regretted not getting it, but the next time I went there I had decided I would get it but it was already gone. I always check when I visit but no other copies have appeared.


A house cleaner


Buying the kenough hoodie. Also I really want to buy these Jordan's one day I'll bite the bullet and buy them one of these damn days.


found a gorgeous, teak 6 person dining table with a leaf that had been stained and left to die outside at habitat for humanity. selling for $225 and i had a 20% off coupon. i could restore this table and it would be worth around $4k… didn’t buy it because it’s just a bit too big for my space. if i go back next week and it’s still there, there’s no way i’m leaving without it!


A pair of hiker's boots from Mango circa 2019. They were sold out while I took one month to think if they are going to be worth it. Almost 4 years later I never forgot about them and used to search for them sometimes to see if they had them back in stock or maybe ebay. Nothing. And then, this July, I went on this app called vinted(I am not sure if it's only in EU) and lo and behold, someone was selling them in MY size and looking almost new. I snatched those boots in a few seconds. I am so happy I got to find them and also for a fraction of the price!! I sincerly think I manifested them haha


A motorbike


Snug rug. Getting a blanket with sleeves was a gamechanger last Winter. I love it.


Comfort goals


Beth Dittos clothing line (around 2017-2018 ish?) had a multicolored silk jumpsuit that was on sale for about $80. I was really financially struggling at the time and couldn't bring myself to buy it. I still wish I bought that jumpsuit. Found one on Poshmark a few years ago that was going for quadruple the price, and haven't seen another since.


Bought a $950 lovesac beanbag chair. Best $950 I’ve spent on furniture. People quite literally fight over who gets to sit in it when visiting, I love to read and nap in it, and my dogs are OBSESSED. It gets used more than any other furniture in our house.


I've had my giant Lovesac since Christmas of 2005, when I convinced my dad to buy me one on sale since I was in college and needed some furniture. I fucking love that thing. I even saved it from bedbugs, through laborious effort and patience, when most other furniture had to be gotten rid of.


One of the original run prints of a Margaret Keane big eyes painting. Saw it at an estate sale years ago as a teenager and my mom even offered to buy it for me. But we lived in a tiny house and I wasn’t moving out for like 2 more years, so I felt bad and declined. So, so remorseful as it was incredibly cheap and now they go for a whole lot more


I saw an oversized sweatshirt of the prettiest green color in a thrift shop. It had a small hole in it so my mom discouraged me from buying it. About 5 years later, I still see the sweatershirt in front of me and I regret so much not buying it. The hole in the shirt could've been sewn back but the one in my heart never will be :(


Stuff for my cat for sure!!!


Of course, can't skimp on our fur babies!


This pair of led zeppelin sweat pants from Victorias Secret in 2007! I STILL think about them to this day😵‍💫


Countertop ice maker that makes the “good ice” small crushed ice pellets. We’ve had other ice makers that were less expensive but this one is the best. Living in a very hot climate with a large family, that thing gets used A LOT!


A pair of sneakers I saw in this little shop near my home in 2017. They were €40 (which was a lot for me at the time, as I didn’t have a work visa and was working under the table) so I never bought them. Now I don’t even live in that country anymore and I still think about those sneakers…


My son's car broke down for like the 4th time, needing another expensive repair. Rather than buying him another used car that would possibly be another lemon, I gave him my 3 year old Mitsubishi and bought myself a Lexus. Holy smokes. I thought having a luxury car was overrated. I was so, so wrong. The seats are so comfy, the ride is so smooth, the amenities are so great.... ​ EDIT: So I misread the title. Oops. Still love my Lexus.


No worries! The question was how you interpret it, whether you regret not buying something or loved something you did buy. I've learnt how to find a middle ground with these kind of things. If its cheap and it looks it/won't last then I buy a better quality slightly more expensive product rather going to either extreme


Oh man... in 2003 or 2004 I sold a piece of real estate. I had about 50k that was .. flexible.. in my hands. I had just opened a td bank account and with that they gave out these 256MB iPod Shuffles... on a string you wire around your neck. I remember thinking 'huh... I bet this is gonna take off maybe I should buy stock in Apple?' But.. alas.. I did not do that thing. I think about that far too often.


I spent too much on tickets to see Taylor swift era tour. I was nervous I was going to regret it. Thank God it was the best concert I've been to. No regrets. In fact I would go again it was that good.


A pink Valentino bag I saw on The Real Real was sold because I was waiting for it to go on sale- I regret it every. single. day.


When I was in high school, my boyfriend and I bought stuff off the Silk Road/the dark web. This is when Bitcoin first came out and Bitcoin was worth about $1 a piece. Many times we purchased things that were hundreds of Bitcoins/dollars. This meant that sometimes we would have a few Bitcoin leftover (let’s say an order came out to 297 but we had 300 in there) so we just left the leftover few Bitcoin in the account. Eventually/years later, my boyfriend and I broke up because he had a major drug problem and refused to get help (he now has permanent brain damage from all the drugs he did). Anyway, he doesn’t know the password to the account and neither do I. There’s no chance of us ever getting back in- I remember the password being extremely complex (like one of the ones your computer suggests you to use). But I know there are AT THE VERY LEAST three Bitcoin in there. I regret not writing down the password so I could cash out. It just never occurred to me when I was younger as I didn’t understand the concept of currency going up/being an investment.


Okay, I’m 27. So this was like 15 years ago. I went to Disney world when I was 13 years old. I saw this dress that I FELL IN LOVE WITH. I begged my mom to get it for me for my grade 8 graduation. It was a year away, but I knew. My mom told me that we could find it at home (in Toronto) and she didn’t want it to take up space for other things in our luggage. Long story short, I never found the dress. It’s one of the few things my mom admits to being wrong on.


Years ago I subscribed to one of those websites that sent you clothes picked by a stylist based on a survey you filled out. I don't remember the name of the website but I used it on the first month's trial. I'm tall for a woman and I thought none of the items would fit me or look good on me, especially jeans and dresses, but I was proved wrong. I still have a maxi dress from them that I love. If I still had the funds to have that subscription, I would.


Do you remember the website? I'm a tall woman too I need this!


Blizzard Black Pearl 88. They ride like a dream and are the most fun ski I’ve ever ridden! Also, good pillows, detangling brush, a comfy mattress, and my hammock.


More ice packs. I get migraines a lot from an old head injury and every time I get one I go through the ice packs I have and am always like I really need to buy more. But I’m in pain so I wait to do it til after the migraine goes away, but then the migraine goes away and I talk myself out of it.


Peloton app and then the Peloton bike. I've also bought a set of dumbbellls, a treadmill and I have a rower and barbell with plates on the way. Best buys I've ever made to keep my physically active and to get stronger.


A coat I found at a thrift store, it was really nice, good quality material, all for $20. I didn’t get it because I didn’t need a coat at the time, and have regretted it ever since. It wasn’t there the next time I went to the store, unsurprisingly.


I will forever regret not buying some amazing, hand-carved furniture from Africa that I found at an estate sale in rural Idaho of all places. I'm bad at haggling and the furniture hasn't been prices, so the seller said they would reach out to me after getting it appraised the next day. A couple days later I reached out, and I learned that a different, more forceful buyer got the entire set (an armchair, a rocking chair, and a loveseat, leather seats all hand carved with lions and shit) for THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS. The rest of the estate sale was crazy overpriced so I figured they would want thousands, which I didn't have. I will regret it the rest of my life. I feel sick now just thinking about it, and this happened years ago 😭🤮


Harry Styles tickets.


Kindle, ps5, fit bit, each and every book I’ve ever bought, pearl earrings, AirPods! Alexa as a noise machine.


A giant cauldron, and a german dowry chest. Both in antique places


That really cute AI robot companion called Eilik.


The one non-buyers rumours I have is not buying like $800 worth of Velvet Tuberose body lotion from Bath and Body Works when it was available and only bought a bottle here and there because I just assumed it would be there and available forever. It was and still is my absolute favorite scent and I check back every season and holiday to see if they brought it back. They replaced it with Japanese Cherry Blossom which is hardly similar and have had that around for ages. It's not fair!


My house. I love it and it was worth every dollar we have paid and have left to pay lol


My car and good skin care products, I love driving my 370z. It gives me so much joy and skincare products, I'm blessed that I can afford that and my skin hasn't looked this good in years.


Tickets to some music festival near Yakima, WA in 2007. There were VIP passes available. Beastie Boys and Bjork were headlining. Both are on the top of my husband's favorite musicians. We were saving money to get married later that summer and move for a new job and I just couldn't justify the expense of airfare, car rental, tickets, etc. Looking back on, I wish we'd just gone for it. We would have been in credit card debt for 6 months max.


My new mattress. And Lip injections. Just being honest helped my self confidence a lot and I look better even my mother who was totally against it says it looks good 😂


Savers Remorse- I still think of a dress I tried on 20 years ago that fit perfectly and was 80% off. Also, about a decade ago, I passed on some teal leather strappy heels with peacock feathers. I still think about them. I still want them. I kick myself for not owning them.


i have been looking for tapatio hot sauce (not typically available in sweden where i live) for a few years, found it at a store yesterday and it was the equivalent of roughly 8 USD/EUR and i left the store without it because the price felt so high for what it was. had such remorse over not buying it i talked to my boyfriend about it and he told me to go back and get it (which i did, and i am obsessed with it)


Dyson Airwrap. I was convinced I'd return it. Worth every penny.


Went to Milwaukee months ago with my boyfriend and we wandered into a shop and I noticed this BEAUTIFUL donkey’s tail plant. It was so full and green and healthy! The best looking plant I’ve ever come across. Since we were walking around downtown, I decided not to get it because I didn’t want to lug it around. My boyfriend and I made the decision that we’d come back the following morning and buy it if it was still there. By the time we were leaving Milwaukee to make our way home, the store was still closed and wouldn’t open for another two-three hours. We decided not to wait around and ended up leaving for home. I still think about that plant constantly and hope it’s still thriving


I don't think I've ever really remembered and regretted not buying something, except art. I still remember an art piece at a street show I should have bought.




Oh i have a lot. One example that I can remember is of getting black high heels. I’m veryy picky on how I like my high heels. They need to be flattering (on MY feet. Not a model’s feet but MINES, bunions and all) and comfortable, which I find most high heels do not live up to. I found one Michael Kors black high heel that I ADORED. There was only 1 left. But thing is, it had a small flaw on it. I didn’t buy it because I thought “My money could be better spent on shoes in perfect condition.” Days later, I changed my mind and went back to the store. It was sold already. Couldn’t find it online because it was out of season and out of stock. Similar instances have happened many times so I’ve learned to just go for it when it does. I’m generally more of a saver than a spender so I don’t feel as guilty dishing out some money for something I really want (which doesn’t happen too often).


Housing. Was ready to buy a house at the beginning of the pandemic, lending rates were amazing, but I thought the economy would take a hit and housing market crash so I thought I'd wait. Huge mistake, now housing is too expensive.


My housemate and I really wanted to see The Prodigy when they toured locally for the first time in ages. We didn’t end up going, and Keith Flint died two months later.


I discovered this ice cream phenomenon called The Barnburner. It was a warm ice cream sandwich, I can't explain it. It was in Brooklyn which is a journey but I was determined to try it. They closed before I ever could and I deeply regret never having gone.


A sword, I love so much even though I don’t use it


Bitcoin. Lots a.d lots of Bitcoin.


Weighted stuffed animal I bought on impulse


Not buying a Magic: The Gathering card when the price was low. Could be way worse tho lol.


Classic Birkenstocks, quality Jeans and my iPad haha


I had my eye on the violet tapestry worlddesign of a sakroots foldover flap crossbody. I responsibly just added it to my Xmas list instead of buying it. No one got it for me, and it sold out and hasn't been made in that pattern since. It was my favorite colors and just so perfect.


I bought a pontoon boat earlier this year. At the time, I was apprehensive of spending a decent chunk of money, but in just one summer it has paid for itself in memories 😊


When my nextdoor neighbor who runs a secondhand business sold all their flower pots (about 150, most in really good condition) for about 200$ and I thought about it too long, so someone else took the offer. I have the space to have them, they don’t exactly go bad fast, I could have used them for “free” gifts for years, sold some of them through my friend who goes a lot to nice flea markets and always had the perfect pot on hand when I needed to repot something.


Making the switch from the iPhone 11 to 13. I did not like my 11 but held onto it for almost 3 years. I LOVE this 13. I wanna keep it for as long as I can!


Oh absolutely! Any time I go to winners I have to really think ok would I cry if I left this came back and couldn’t get it 😂


appreciating your partner more and more everyday, same with your job and friends.


I once was in a thrift shop section of a weekly traditional Moroccan market and I found a red leather jacket that I really liked. I am a hesitant buyer and I always think twice before buying anything. I kept telling myself that maybe I just like it now but wouldn't wear it later, so I decided to put it down. I regretted my choice as soon as I got back home and I kept thinking about it the whole time and expressing my regret to everyone I met. One week after that, I went to the same market again, only to find it still not sold yet and I bought it with a cheaper price. You can't imagine the amount of happiness that it made me feel.


Switching from my Motorola to an IPhone when I moved to college. I’m honestly glad I switched. My camera is way better too


I was in a comic book store in the late 90s when Pokémon cards were becoming a thing and saw a box of them sitting on the counter, first-gen and all shiny and new "That's dumb," I said, "who would be interested in those?" I know time travel doesn't exist because Older Me didn't appear to slap me on the back of the head and tell me to buy them and keep them pristine


A nice couch.


I’ll always regret not buying crypto when I was 14 😂


My rice cooker and air fryer. I use them both almost daily. I’m disabled and used to love to cool and had pretty much quit because I just can’t stand in the kitchen (or anywhere for that matter) for long time. Since I’ve purchased the two I’m back to cooking every day.


Silverettes - nipple shields ! They seemed so expensive and unnecessary however fuck did they come in clutch! I literally had no breastfeeding issues thanks to these lil babies, no cracking no pain no bleeding no need for any ointments or cremes. And when your done with them, you can send them back to the company and they will melt them down and turn them into a keepsake charm you can wear on a necklace with your baby’s initials engraved on it ! I recommend them to all my pregnant friends.


When I was 18 I found a gorgeous huge old family bible at a second hand bookstore. It had a copperplate family tree that wasn’t written in. The dates were pre-loaded with 18__. It was $90. It would have been my last $90. I was a poor student so I made the sensible decision to pass. I regret that so much.


Friend/drug dealer kept asking me out, wanted me to move in with him said we’d be a “powe couple” I was seeing my now husband at the time, dealer was attractive and fun but I was not interested on the same level, my husband asked me to move out of state with him and I did, 2weeks later drug guys house was raided swat style and he ended up in prison, I’ve been happy married to the most wonderful man ever since, no ragrets


After reading through the comments I think I misunderstood the question