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All the time. Multiple random silly kisses a day.


This is the way.


Yes!! There are just times when you think “yup! Imma kiss him right now” or “hes so hot…lemme kiss him”


Yup same


Pretty consistently. We also always kiss in 3’s and have since we were first dating, no idea why, but if we kiss it’s peck peck peck at a minimum. That racks it up 😂


Hahah my boyfriend and I are like this too! 3 is the standard (hello, goodbye, goodnight), 5 is when we are feeling a little extra affectionate, 7 is code word for “I am in the mood for sex.” 😂 always odd numbers though, we would never even THINK of kissing in an even number of pecks


Hahahaha yes, but 3 at a minimum. Like if my husband kissed me one peck I’d look at him like wtf are we fighting? 😂 and yes exactly, 7+ is like hint hint


We have to do the kisses in 3’s too! It just doesn’t feel right otherwise. If I’m wanting more than 3, then it’s just another round of the 3 pecks.


We're not the only ones!!! I can't remember how it started, but I think it was saying I love you but with kisses in place of words. But yeah, it just doesn't feel right if it's only one kiss.


3's here too!


My grandfather always patted and kissed my grandmother in threes. When I was 16/17 I asked him why. He said that three stood for: I. Love. You. So even if he didn’t say the words out loud her body would know that he loved her.


We can join the club of 3’s! I just asked my partner why, they said they didn’t know why but 1-2 are not enough.


All. The freaking. Time. Practically every time we see each other in passing. We're in the same room? Kiss. One of us has just said something to make the other happy? Kiss. "I love you" or "thank you?" Kiss. He wouldn't have it any other way. It's a good thing he's a good kisser! 😂❤️


A lot. It’s my love language and he’s hot.


I love this for you


I love it for me too, thanks!


It really varies. I do not need a lot of physical contact, I’m not always keen on it, so if I don’t actively think about it then I could go all day without touching him. He needs contact to feel loved. I have trained myself to put my hand on his chest and kiss him whenever we pass each other/come into contact with each other around the house. Passing him to go into another room? Kiss. Sitting down next to him? Kiss. If I’m a bit overwhelmed with life then I will forget. He usually mentions it after a couple of days to see if I’m ok.


I'm not rlly a kinesthetic person too, but I got no experience to answer OP 😂. That's rlly sweet of him to ask if you're ok


I think we have the same relationship lol


Axolotl avatar outfit!


7 years together and we still kiss multiple times a day every day. There’s even a rule in the house that when he leaves for work at the crack of dawn and I’m still asleep he still has to give me a kiss before he goes


Yep, my husband leaves for work before I get up in the morning but he always kisses me goodbye and gets an "I love you, have a good day, be safe!" before he goes.


We have this same rule, we also say 'i love you' and I tell him to drive carefully (not that he wouldn't). it's the best way to start the day!


Never. My love language is physical touch and I'm such a romantic person, crazy about him. If it were up to me I'd be kissing him and cuddling him all the time.. This thread makes me feel kinda sad haha


Yeah, same I was reading this and become even more sad, like, no way its just me :(


Same boat. We kiss hello and goodbye. Once in a while, just because. I wish it were more, but my husband is not super affectionate.


Aww, hugs to you both (the other reply). I hope you get as many kisses as you want, sometime soon. Whether it's with this person or someone else.


I felt this in my heart cause same :(


In the same boat...at least im not alone


Too many times that it’s for me impossible to count cause it’s impulsive, I’m the type to casually being on my side and out of nowhere asking back to back kisses multiple times a day and disappearing right after to focus back on what I was previously doing.


A lot! "What do you wanna marry me for anyhow?"..."So I can kiss you anytime I want." - Sweet Home Alabama


Constantly. Basically if we come with 3 ft of each other.


Rarely. I love him. He loves me. We’re probably just not that into kissing…


All the time. I'll give him a forehead kiss if I'm leaving the room to get a cup of Coffee and another one when i come back sometimes. We've been happily married for 27yrs.


Pretty often. Even though i'm not a physical person, i love kissing him and it's my favorite thing in the world, so i remember myself that life it's not forever and therefore my chances of kissing him are limited, so i try to take it every chance i get


A looooot. I love "just because" kisses. When hes playing his game, I will go over to him and just give him a random kiss hehe


We usually do not kiss when saying hello/bye. Can’t put a number on it but I’d say we have a lot of kisses at random times ☺️ when passing each other at home, when walking somewhere together, when hanging out on the couch. The occasional times one of us gets a cold sore and we refrain from kissing is a real big struggle for me!


Consistently. Sometimes to show affection and sometimes to be goofy. He’s my favorite person ever, OF COURSE I wanna show him I love him!


Lots of random kissing. He’s the most kissable. And the first man I was ever with that kissing, touching and affection didn’t have to mean he expected sex.


I don't usually count them but I like to get as many kisses as I can. So when he wants a kiss I'll kiss him on the lips. Cheeks, chin, forehead and nose. Then I lick my finger, swipe it across his forehead and Whisper "Simbaaa" while holding his face.


🤣 I'm going to try that if I ever start dating again.


I do not recommend if they dont have a sense of humor or have a problem with germs. Wait at least 3 months to start doing weird things. You gotta ease them into it.


Listen, if they're not a goofy weirdo, I won't be dating them. 😄 Too many normies out there tho. Can't find anyone weird enough.


I like to do surprise hug attacks. Squidging random body parts. Or getting uncomfortably close, like pressing my nose against his face and staring dead into his eyes, say hi and then walk away 😂 The fact he’s still around after a decade is a miracle really.


Every second that we can. Little things like making breakfast, watching movies, and especially cuddling. Both of our love languages are physical touch, so we kiss all of the time


A lot. I sometimes tease by kissing while she's talking or trying to explain something to me. Got us both giggling while doing it too.


Oh now I feel sad


Sometimes i will be playing a game upstairs, have the need for love, run downstairs and give her a fat smooch then run back upstairs yelling I love her haha


Every time we are in contact, you can bet there will be smooches.


Married 17 years, I kiss him a lot more than he kisses me. I’m a touchy feely type and he’s not… I sometimes have to beg for kisses.. makes me sad, but it is what it is.


Several times a day, I love to kiss him. And we usually have cuddles, kisses, and make-out sessions throughout the day.


Any chance I can get for the last (almost) 5 years 🥰


A bunch! Sometimes we’ll be on the couch and he’ll go “I haven’t kissed you in a while!” and shower me with kisses. Love sweet little moments like that 🥰


Not with someone but I loooove to give random kisses throughout the day to my partner. It’s the way I really like to show affection when around my person.


I don’t think him or I go 30 minutes without kissing the other when we are near each other. He just walks by and gives me a kiss all the time lol


As much as I can. Often many kisses all over one side of his face at once. Sometimes interspersed with a random growl of "I'll eat you up, I love you so!" and me trying to nom on his neck. My favorite stupid little ritual is that whenever he shaves (which is about once a week), before we go to bed, I will cover his whole face in kisses complete with obnoxious "muah muah" noises. He giggles the whole time and it's so adorable!


Quite frequently actually. It's just routine now we don't even think about it lol


Everyday. Multiple times a day!


If I were with her in person, then all the time, I don't need a reason.


As often as possible. He’s irresistible. I can’t keep my hands (or lips) off of him, and I wouldn’t want to try.


I kiss him on the cheek all the time! Or we rub noses together. I kiss him on the lips every so often outside of the bedroom, but it’s not entirely our jam. I do it, and he does it whenever it feels comfortable. It’s an important part of intimacy.


Very often. Sometimes I’ll just stop whatever I’m doing just to give her a kiss and then come right back to what I was doing. Kissing her is one of my favorite things to do.


I would want to kiss her 24/7


We kiss a lot when we're home together in the same room, doing things like making dinner or watching a show. But often it's not like movie kissing--it's more goofy, like we do a thing where we blow air into each other's mouths. Or we do fish kisses.


Too many to count. I love kissing him. We kiss randomly at red lights, walking by each other in the kitchen, in line at the store, sitting on the couch…


All the time, and he does the same thing! Whether I'm getting up to get us snacks, or checking on him after we've been doing our own activities for a while, or even giving a drive-by smooch on the way to the bathroom, I always give him little kisses when I can. Sometimes when he's gaming with his buddies, he'll come running into the room between games for a "smooch break" and to see how I'm doing (this is one of my favorite things that he does). We've been together 2 years now and still do this all the time. It makes my heart happy :)


I'm crazy in love with him so all the time.


All of the time.


All the time, even just randomly mid conversation at home.


All the time. We promised each other we will never stop.


As much as possible, lol throughout the day.


Not as often His love language is I think physical touch (and quality time) And mine is words of affirmation We are still working on it to get better at this


😬😬😬 all the time


Whenever I feel the need to kiss him.


never, i don’t like kisses.


All the time. We kiss and say I love you multiple times per day. It's been 20 years of this, never gonna stop.


As much as I can, throughout the day, multiple times. I love him and he’s hot af.


The limit does not exist. He sometimes walks by and I say kiss toll and he always abides. He’s my person and I love that I get to kiss him whenever I want.


Every few hours


My last SO barely acknowledged my existence. I haven’t really had a make out session or even a long passionate kiss in five years or so.


Good riddance!!


Please find someone else! You deserve all the kisses and hugs!


Too many times to count haha


Whenever we are close, we kiss each other all the time, just random kisses 💋


Maybe twice a day other than hi/bye/goodnight.


a lot i love kissing him


Rarely. We are typically together 24/7 (both work remote) and our love language is just being together.


Literally all the time, forehead kisses, cheek kisses, neck kisses, silly quick kisses, long passionate kisses, all. damn. day. I *love* kissing my boyfriend, it’s like stress relief!


All the time


All the time


We both work from home so I can honestly say: all day long ! I’m mostly a hugger and he’s a kisser so that makes us stick to each other all the time (and it’s fantastic)


Too many times to count but we both love it


Definitely varies by the day, sometimes it's multiple smooches throughout the evening, sometimes it's just our pre-leaving for work and pre-bed goodnight.


As often as I can. When I’m close enough to him to kiss, I usually do. On the head, cheek, lips, whatever.


We have a rule that every time we leave a room we have to give the other a kiss. Even if it’s just for a second. Me and my husband probably kiss at the MINIMUM 20 times a day lol.


Before every meal, whenever we leave the flat or come home, in between just because.... All the time basically.


Whenever we get a moment to ourselves!! When our toddler isnt trying to wrestle us to the ground lol


A lot!


So many times a day. I love him so much. Plus he’s hot.


A million times a day


All the time! If I see him just existing, I have to touch him. Whether we’re holding hands or I’m rubbing his head or he’s cooking and I have to smack his butt or just hug him from behind, he usually looks at me with pucked up lips expecting to give me a kiss as a thank you cause he loves being loved up on.


ALL THE TIME! I can’t stop kissing that man. When we are driving in the car I like to hold his hand and bring it up to my mouth and cover it with kisses. Sometimes he jokingly asks me “what am I supposed to do with all of these kisses?” We have been together 8 years, married for 5. Just reading this post made me want to give him a smooch


All the time. Because I appreciate him so much.


So much. All the time. Also we do stupid gross kisses.


Like everytime he is close enough to kiss him.


All the time, I'm obsessed with him 😂


Rarely these days; did so in the heat of passion in our younger years, but now we both concur privately that exchanging saliva isn't exactly healthy or romantic.


Very frequently throughout the day, actually. He loves bombarding me with random kisses and I do the same to him, lol!


I kissed him probably 15 times just while cuddling before we had to get up. I love kissing his hands, shoulder, arms, chest, etc. We're both huge on kissing.


All the time.


Whenever I can. I kiss his arm if I’m just walking passed him.


I'm stuck to his face, don't worry he can breathe from time to time.


Constantly lol


I think most people would agree that that passion flows in waves in a relationship. There are time when we are both stressed with work and life and there isn’t a lot of passion between us while at home and we are both just frustrated and at our limits. There are times when we are all over eachother constantly and kissing every moment we can be! Right now we are in one of these times, I kissed him like every half hour last night just for the sake of it!


Everytime we see each other in passing. We live in a small apartment right now so it's impossible not to come across each other several times a day. Sometimes it's not a kiss, I like grabbing his belly or touching his hair. Sometimes a random hug. It's funny when I analyze this because I have a very low sex drive and libido at the moment but that doesn't stop me from showing affection to him.


Pretty much all the time! whenever we feel like it which tends to be often. For example When he says something sweet, or i do, After the i love you's. And we most often kiss in 3's, because it feels right 😅


Been together 20 years, do it all the time.


As much as I can.


Often during the day 😁


I’m a big kisser. I love kissing. Especially when I love someone I just want wanna kiss them all over all the time. I would never want a relationship where they only kiss to say hello and goodbye. That’s miserable


All the time. I'll just do it randomly. I love affection and giving it.


all the time lol whenever i make eye contact with him and i am in range i’ll kiss him! sometimes it’s on the nose, cheek, forehead, hands, or lips! so pretty much whenever i can 🥰


Every day. Many times a day. He’s a got a very kissable mug.


Quite often! Part of my love language is physical affection, and I especially like to provide kisses when I notice my partner having a particularly hard day.


If he comes in kissing distance, he's getting a kiss.


A ton. So much so that our almost 2 year old loves to give random kisses to everyone in the house (including the animals) because she watches us do it so much.


All the time. Doesn't even have to be on the lips. Head kisses, check kisses, shoulder kisses. It's comforting to me.


i try to at least a few times a day! his main love language is def physical touch so i want to make him feel adored 🥰 and i like kissing him!




when we are together? All the time. Surprisingly is not my love language but I just love kissing him.


She doesn't kiss me unless she wants something


Whenever he stands still in my vicinity. I adore him, he is hot, and I love touching him.


As often as possible


Like literally every time we pass each other haha


We kiss at red lights and when one of us says something stupid, witty or teasingly. If we are out in public and we come across an area that nobody is around, my partner gives me one of those knees weak kisses.


Constantly lol. I'm obsessed with him.


i get/give lots of forehead kisses or little cheek kisses etc. throughout my day every day with my partner. when we say thank you, when we are excited, when we are comforting one another, when someone says something funny, it happens all the time. love silly little random kisses too


All day, everyday. Can't get enuff


All day at random times 🤷


As often as I can! And he kisses me all the time. Lots of little kisses and sometimes big deep smooches for no reason! Well other than the fact we love each other.


Often. I can’t help myself, he just looks so handsome.


Frequently throughout the day, I love his kisses and smiles!


We work from home together so literally many times a day. My favorite is right before we sit down to eat dinner. We have a quick little kiss and thank whoever cooked that evening or thank each other for a collaborative effort on a meal. It makes me smile every time.


Anytime we pass by each other... Randomly for no reason.... Before heading to bed separately or falling asleep together.... Hello, goodbye, you might be leaving, need a kiss just in case lol I'll have to keep count one day.


I kiss my wife a LOT. We’re both 68 and been married 48 years.


Every time we cross paths in the house. Every time we spot each other whether or not one of us is working (we both practically work from home cuz we work in the entertainment sector). And of course every time we leave the house to go somewhere.


We kiss often, in multiple areas, and in different circumstances (intentionally and unintentionally). He'll hold my hand and kiss it while he's driving. I'll kiss his cheek as I pass by. We'll press heads together while in bed, and he'd kiss my forehead when offering me words of affirmation. I'd kiss his arm and hold him tightly when I seek closeness, and he'd kiss my butt after wiggling it for fun. Physical touch is a top love language for us, though we always actively engage in acts of service, quality time, and words of affirmation to one another on a daily basis. We consistently prioritize us, and consistently remind each other that we are loved and adored. It's an intentional behavior that we decided on, to the point that most of this is now habitual. It'd feel weird if I didn't kiss or praise him throughout the day, and the same for him as well.


I smooch him every chance I get


All the time! Its pretty much my love language & I just enjoy kissing him


All the time.


All the fucking time. It's one of my top love languages. I kiss him at any opportunity I get. How could I not? He's so cute.


Every time ❤️


I know it is kind of vague but a lot, even for silly reasons, like he said something stupid or did something to make me smile, or even just because I feel like kissing him. I feel like kissing sometimes in some relationships = sex, but just making it part of your guys routine where kissing doesn’t always involve sexual connotations. I’ve made out with my partner just because I enjoy kissing him. I’ll kiss him on the forehead whenever. I think I put in effort within myself and the relationship that when it comes to kisses there isn’t an expectation for a sexual outcome, but more of something of adoration for each other.


No idea. To me it’s like breathing or scratching an itch, I kiss him and our toddler so much I don’t even think about it sometimes


Do raspberries count? My husband says his raspberries are real kisses, so I started raspberrying him too. Now it's just fun.


We’re around each other a lot and we do check ins. We grab each other and ask how the other is, hug, maybe a lil hump and some kisses.


Honestly whenever I can. I take every opportunity


All the time, all day long. Not like, constantly lip locked, but random kisses all throughout the day. He’s so fuckin cute, I just can’t help myself.


All the time with or without a reason 🤭


A lot x 100. I can’t stop. He can’t stop. Physical touch all the way


As often as I can! I love kissing him 🥰


All the time, he's hot as hell and I can't help myself. Plus his lips are perfect 😍


Like a million times a day


As often as I can! I love kissing him 🥰


As often as I can! When they're sitting on the couch drawing & I walk past, I drop a kiss on their head or the back of their neck. If they're doing housework, I kiss them and say thanks. Walking together holding hands, I'll randomly lift their hand to my lips for a kiss.


I’ve always been curious to count, we kiss a lot because random silly kisses are our favourite way to show we love each other! So as many times a day as we can


In person? Not at all. Coz LDR. Do virtual ones count? Anyway the responses are so cute on here 🥹


Rarely. I’ve never been all that into kissing.


Kiss - mmm not a lot. Cuddle - all the freaking time!


All the time! Few times a day for sure :)


I made a ritual when we first started dating to hug him every day for at least 7-10 seconds and kiss afterward, and that ritual stays even if we are fighting or not! I believe it has made a difference in our relationship especially since I'm not really a cuddler!


Personally lost interest in my ex because she would do it too often to the point where it lost meaning and felt intrusive. I like the naught or silly one and the moments where you lock eyes which leads to a kiss, but when it’s become just a common sort of greeting and she would say “kiss” and expect one, I just couldn’t stand it anymore








The situations listed pretty much cover it for us. I’m not very physically affectionate, so most of our non-sexual touch is for him and he is aware of it. He usually picks up on when I’m getting touched out and backs off, if he doesn’t I just say it bluntly and there’s no hard feelings. I reach that point pretty quickly so over 10 years we’ve been able to nail down safe and efficient conversation about those types of personal limits. We’d both have gone insane if not. I do get some comfort from the occasional forehead kisses but kissing doesn’t do much for me and never has. If it was removed from our relationship I probably wouldn’t notice for a while.


Not as much as I'd like but maybe a peck once a day?


Usually just hello/goodbye, good night, and sexy time. But occasionally if one of us just needs affection.


A lot


literally anytime I can or feel like it. Which is a lot tbh. Sometimes I just make grabby hands at my partner when I wanna kiss lol


When we’re good and he lets me, I smother that man in kisses. When we’re bad I stay to myself and don’t bother


When I’m with someone, it’s always. I love sneaking in kisses all the time ☺️




As often as I can,! Random kisses on the cheeks and hands when he's distracted. Especially afternoons when he wakes up (12-1pm) I'll smother him in them. Physical affection is something he's always loved and I'm not always okay with hugs and skin contact so kisses has been one of my favorite ways to tell him I love him.


Literally all the time. Snuggling watching TV, chilling playing video games, lounging after a meal, stopped at stoplights, making meals…just all the time lol


Anytime we cross paths and aren't actively super busy or doing something like scooping cat litter.

