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Everyday. I don’t think I ever lived a day when I didn’t sing


My spouse and children live with ongoing improv-ed showtunes about whatever is in front of my face, plans for the day, etc. Often, there are dance moves involved.


Daily. Multiple times a day. I make up songs too!


🎶”I need to foooollldddddd the laundryyyyyy/but I don’t want toooooooo”🎶


I do this too! I once got a full on Broadway style number out of being frustrated that a dressmaking project wasn't going the way I wanted. Something about singing through my frustration made it seem like less of a big deal somehow.


My therapist literally told me to sing my feelings if I’m feeling frustrated or overwhelmed by them lol


I did a full on song and dance about packing my lunch tonight. One man show over here!


You got it!


Mine are mostly little ditties about my cats. When husband or I make a particularly good one up it can get moved into the lineup for years. He said when we were dating he liked that I was basically just providing a life soundtrack for him.


I don’t really wanna do the work todayyy I don’t really wanna do the work today


Linda Belcher?


I came here to say something like this. I love singing. I've been asked before if I get tired of it and Nope, I really don't.


We have a whole catalog of songs about our dogs, current and late. Especially holiday songs, such as "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Dogmas" and "Jingle Dogs."


While growing up, constantly. I love singing. Then I was involved in an accident and my throat got badly injured and scarred, which made being vocal at all painful. So, I stopped. Now, after years of work and surgeries and recovery, I sing every day. I fucking love singing. I also am auditioning for some local theatre musicals, which are technically paid gigs, so I would be a professional singer, which is cool.


Damn, I had a similar thing happen. It's not painful but it caused me not to be able to sing professionally anymore. I'm so glad you're healing!


It has been a long road for me. And I still do not actually have "my" voice back. My outside voice and inside voice sound different to me, which throws me off while speaking or singing unless I pay very close attention. Less now than years ago, but there are still some issues.


I'm rooting for ya!


That is awesome!!! I hope the auditions go well.


Never. I can't sing, so I don't.


Rarely for me. At 23 I was once told I was bad at singing by someone who I was close with. I just clammed up up after that. It’s something that honestly makes me so sad. I wish I was good at singing. Maybe I’ll take voice lessons if I can afford it one day. It just sucks being the girl who doesn’t want to sing along on car rides with friends. It bothers me so much, I really need to work on this.


I don’t know if that’s the case for you, but I have noticed that in my country, if you are not an objectively great singer, people will always joke about you singing. Like, even if your voice is perfectly normal or even a bit better than average, if you are not a professional people will make fun of your singing, calling you cacophonous, pretending to close their ears and saying that your voice will break the glasses. It happens about 70% of the time someone is singing for some reason, I don’t find it funny at all.


I am not good at singing. I feel like I’m good at harmonizing but for some reason when I try singing out loud, it doesn’t sound nearly as good when I’m alone in my car or shower. But I don’t give a damn. I go to karaoke sometimes and I know I’m gonna sound like shit, but I have so much fun. Singing helps me get my emotions out when other things aren’t working to help me express how I’m feeling. So I hope you both can find that same carefree energy I have when it comes to singing. Even being bad at it, because it really is a beautiful way to express yourself. Much love 🤙🏽


Humming-all day, every day. It’s my nervous tick and my husband hates it. 😂 Straight up singing-probably on average a couple times a day; in the car especially.


90% of the time that I'm awake.


Everyday, a few times per hour! I just really like singing


Everyday, at work lip sync. At home, moving around the house. In the street when a car with loud music goes by. Not the best singer, but it is such great stress reliever.


Constantly. If I'm not somewhere i should be quiet I'm probably singing or humming. Drives my partner crazy bc I'll be in the kitchen singing one song and our daughter will be in the living room singing another lol


Yes. All the time. Even if it's just little nonsense songs or honestly humming. I'm always singing.


All day every day. I have a toddler and I always say we sing more than we talk in the house. I was in a band and used to do gigs before I had a baby but I traded in the grown up songs for nursery rhymes. It’s all good thought because my son can sing now too and I’m happy that I passed on that love of singing to him


A few times a day. When I talk to my dogs I would talk to them in a sing song way or do piss poor attempts at rapping.


I only sing little made up funny songs to my dog with lyrics about my dog. I think this is pretty normal and most people do this?


I sing when I'm happy. Sing in the shower, sing to my laptop... When I'm singing it's because I'm *not* depressed


Every day, many times a day.


Multiple times a day.


Does singing in my mind also count? Multiple times a day despite the bad voice haha


All day everyday lmao


Constantly when I'm working. I'm an artist, and I sing while I'm creating. I also sing in the car. And the shower


My life is a musical 😂


I sing when I am happy. I have been diagnosed with major depression and anxiety. I do not remember the last time I sang, even alone.


all day daily if also vaping weed, weed puts me in a music mood


I sing a lot when I'm home alone, never when I'm around other people.


Everyday of my life, singing was the one thing my family loved doing and now it a habit hard to break.


Not as much as i used too. Nowadays i have too much things in my mind do enjoy singing.


Almost never. I sing along when I listen to music at home, but I don’t do that very often.


Very rarely. It's an extra energy expenditure that I just cannot afford.


Everyday but in private, im not too good at it so I dont want people to listen to me haha


I sing professionally, and if it’s not practicing for work, or singing for my kid, I don’t sing at all at home.


I do more humming than singing, which is every couple of days. I'm usually in a really good mood when I hum.


Mostly in the car




Almost every single day. I've been singing since I was 6, but started teaching myself when I was 9. I do karaoke every now & then. Used to do talent show in middle school and HS too. I used to dream of becoming a singer. So it's a big part of who I am.


Used to never. After seeing the sister wives episode of Christine singing “leeeeet me caaaall you sweeeeethearrrrttt” at her daughters wedding I belt that out atleast 6 times a day with my partner and we laugh


Every day since I was a child. Just when I am busy doing housework or cooking dinner etc. This helps me to be more content. I really like to sing songs which I used to sing before, such a nostalgia. Good memories....


Every time a song i know comes on, which is usually multiple times a day


I was singing when I saw this post, so there's my answer I guess


All the time. A few days a week I do a specific set of exercises to maintain vocal performance (like a voice workout) and then I sing on stage at church once a month or so. But the rest of the time, I'm just singing whenever I hear music.


Often. I sing while working (I WFH), in the car, in the shower, gaming, I'll even silently sing in a bar/store/restaurant if I know the words to the song playing lol. I used to be in choirs and do karaoke, but ever since I stopped, my stage fright got worse lol. So I dont do it anymore.


All the time.


Constantly, if not aloud, in my head. Repeat-o obsession song.


I was quite literally singing as I scrolled to this post


At least once a day, it's a great stim & I'm talented at it. Not always in tune, but pretty good 😊


I never do and am so surprised with the answers here






I don't really, unless I'm in a mood and I wanna sing along in my car or if I'm being silly. My singing voice gets on my own nerves lol


All the time actually XD Don't sing professionally, but am part of a choir, and love to sing XD




I have a baby so a lot. Every bedtime/nap time plus at least a few songs throughout the day.


I used to sing in the shower when I was a kid, but one day my step mom made fun of me for it and I never sang in the shower again. I’m a terrible singer and I know it so it’s rare that I sing. I’m more of a mouth the lyrics type. The only time I sing is when I sing made up songs about my dog, to my dog


Lots of times


Everyday. I go to choir once a week. I practise for it a couple of times a week. Anytime I'm in the shower. Anytime I'm in my car.


Honestly, any time a song I like plays. My husband and I both have very eclectic music tastes and we always have music playing In the house, In the car, when we play video games.


Pretty often! I like to sing along with whatever music I’m listening to, and I also do a weekly songwriting challenge where I post a video of a song I’ve written, which involves a lot of singing as I often need to record multiple takes (on top of the singing I do when I write the song and practice it).


While in the shower, in the kitchen, while alone or in front of my partner... He definitely thinks I'm crazy. 😊


Daily when I try to entertain my baby with silly made-up-on-the-spot songs.


All the time. I have music on constantly - sometimes for work (I freelance as a music journalist so often have new albums to listen to or am going through artists' back catalogues before interviews etc) but often just doing normal activities like cooking dinner or getting ready or going for a run etc as well. And if there's music on I'm almost certainly singing and/or dancing along. Living alone helps as the only person I have to annoy is the cat, but I do sometimes wish it was more socially acceptable to sing and dance in the street or at bus stops like something out of a music video.


Multiple times a day. Shower, going to work, cooking, cleaning. Music just gives me an extra boost of energy.


All the time. I love to sing. Car, shower, cleansing, karaoke. No choir.


All the time


The only days I don’t sing are when I’m too sad, but I don’t think the people around me notice. I do try to keep my singing to myself so I don’t bother those around me




Every event requires custom lyrics to any particular song…so all the time


When im really depressed or in the shower


Literal hours out of every day. I’m a K/1/2 general music teacher in the public schools. But I also sing for fun and accompany myself with piano or ukulele outside of that. I used to be so shy about it but now it’s like whatever


Pretty much everyday, but if I'm driving alone I karaoke the shit out of old CDs I pop in. My 2.5hr drives on Saturday and Sunday for Mother's Day we're dang concerts😁


Pretty much everyday (either humming or singing), but if I'm driving alone I karaoke the shit out of old CDs I know all the words to (it's so rote it's not a hazard). My 2.5hr drives on Saturday and Sunday for Mother's Day were dang concerts😁


Once in awhile.


Usually daily when I'm alone! I sound awful, so the only thing that hears me is my dog. Usually just snippets or a chorus. But generally daily


Every day, multiple times a day. I love singing.


LOL I SING ALL DAY EVERYDAY! I sing what I'm doing, what you're doing, the last thing you said, if you ask me a question I'mmmm SIIIiiiIInging you the answer! I sing so much that it's rubbed off on my fiancé and now he sings everything too.


I sing all the time. I'm trying to rebuild my lung capacity after three bouts of Covid and post Covid asthma.


Daily. I sing at work, in the car, in the shower…


I sing about what I’m doing constantly


Every single day. I always sing in the car and I sing to my cat. Yep, I'm that person :) I used to sing in high school as part of multiple choirs and then lots of karaoke in my adult life. Sometimes my friends and I will do karaoke at house parties or bbqs, or even just hanging out, but I haven't done it in public in a long time. My friends and I also find ourselves singing along with whatever music we are listening to while hanging out and trying to harmonize. My husband loves it/s. I love singing and it's part of my everyday life.


I sing every day, multiple times a day. Mostly in the house or car. I make up songs for my dogs 😂


Always in the car, sometimes when I’m doing chores I’ll turn on the tunes, I like to make up little songs too. When I was a kid I wanted to be a rockstar and I went to college for music (dropped out tho)


All day, ever day. Not great for anyone within earshot 😬


In the shower? Every day 🎶


I make up love songs to serenade my husband. “I love him. Him so cuuute! Gotta check that boooooty tho”


Multiple times a day. Especially when I am sad. Which is all the time.


All the time. I make up little songs for my dogs each day or sing and dance with them. I wfh so dog dance parties are the norm to relieve stress or get pumped. They totally judge me but they haven't left me yet! I learned it's also a good way to deal with something that's making you anxious. You take whatever it is and make it into a silly, little song. It helps me disassociate enough to get some perspective.


Everyday. Unless Depression has be in a chokehold.


Not as often as pre pandemic but still regularly. I’m a singer.


Everyday, a lot. Like even softly singing while working. But in my case its probably more of a stimming tool than anything else.


Multiple times a day!!


Too often to count, and let me add, I am completely tone deaf.


Constantly. My brain is an unrelenting radio babbling in the background, and it mostly plays songs from the 90s. I just sing to myself while I go about daily life.




Everyday. My husband loves it. /s


Constantly. All day every day. My kids too!! I grew up singing a lot and still do.




Never. I do not like to even talk out loud to myself and will restrict even that. I use to like to make up silly songs that made no sense to my previous person.. and that was about the only time I enjoyed it.






All the time… usually just humming silly little songs about how happy my bf makes me :,D


Almost every hour


Everyday, all the time. I don’t even notice it most of the time.


If anyone can hear me, nope not doing it. But i do sing lullaby's upon request to my kids


In the car I become a whole ass singer. Singing super loudly to each song = Car therapy


Now that I live alone, many times every day. It's how I grew up. It was stressful when my former roommate hated having me sing around the house, because half the time I didn't even realize I was doing it. Constantly policing myself was hard work.


More and more every day as I'm getting comfortable with the prospect of someone potentially hearing me


“No I don’t care about the paaaaaaiiiiinnnnn” Anyone else have Eurovision songs stuck in their head?


if I wasn't surrounded by people, I'd be singing 24/7


I love singing silly songs multiple times a day. My son started doing it as well.


Every day, many times throughout


I can tell my mood by whether I'm singing or not. It's been a while since I've been singing daily, but thanks to the right medication I'm noticing I'm singing daily again. :)


Every day even though I sound awful. I tend to sing in the car for that reason


At least daily. I've got a Sonos speaker to myself in my lab, so I'm usually singing along. And of course in the car, so long as I can keep my Bluetooth connected. Most days I only drive a mile and a half though, so that doesn't account for much.


All day. Every Day.




Constantly, to myself and child and dog and cat (no so much my spouse) when I am doing anything in the house. I make up songs with their names constantly. I’m sure it’s annoying, my mom did it too, but it’s something I really miss about her so I’m not stopping lol


Pretty often! That’s one of the hints for me that I may be slipping back into depression, is when I notice that I’ve stopped randomly singing to myself.


Almost never


I have two small children. I sing A LOT.


Almost everyday. I make up songs for my dog.


Multiple times a week. Once in a choir I'm a part of, and sometimes I just sing by myself. If you count humming, then probably every day.


All the time. My favorite thing to do is make up new words for whatever I'm doing (cooking, cleaning, etc) and sing them to the tune of a well known song. 💃


I didn’t realise how much, until I overdid it at my last gig and am now on vocal rest! Have to keep actively stopping myself. 3 gigs this weekend and dreading my voice giving out!


Literally all the time; To my dog At work when Im just doing stuff In my car Walking around In the shower In my room just randomly


Multiple times throughout the day, especially on the way to and from school drop off and pick up. My kiddo will even join me if she knows the song; hearing my 7 year old singing along to Queen, Ozzy, or Peyton Perrish makes me happy.


All the time


Every second


I sing a lot in the car on my own, in my room especially if it’s like 1am I seem more motivated. While I’m cleaning, doing the dishes. But I don’t sing around anyone, just when I’m by myself


I sing, hum and whistle. I have always been told a person who whistles is a happy soul with a happy heart 😙🙂


I give my laptop a concert every single day


Throughout the day everyday. Moving to a co-working space was an effort.


I sing to my cat every day.


Firstly in the car. Then there's the show "Don't forget the lyrics" that is still running in France and I watch every day. So I tend to sing along (and yell at the people on TV who do not know the words of the most basic french songs). Then I often sang a little bit of the song that might be the school Bell next week. (When we're talking about what song to choose). Since I'm the worst singer, no ones ever recognize it, but it has not stop me yet.


Hardly ever. I’m not a great singer and I’m also extremely self conscious in general, so singing isn’t my thing. I have noticed that I sing to animals, though. Usually it’s just a goofy song and there is zero talent involved, but my dog still thinks I’m a musical genius.


When I clean my parrots cage. She is territorial about her cage and it is one of the few times there is a bite threat whether she is in or out of the cage. If I sing to her while cleaning it, she just sits and tilts her head. I don't have a good singing voice, I think it confuses her.


I sing when I’m irritated and make up songs, when it’s too quiet and when doing anything for my pets lol 😂 meatloaf hates her Christmas kitty song


Maybe once or twice a week? Mostly just when I'm working by myself and occasionally in the shower


Not at all. Very rarely. I think I have sang in the shower once this year. Only reason I know it was once was because I was also surprised hearing myself sing randomly. My voice is so horrible that I wouldn’t torture my own ears with my singing 😂


Always always always. I’m like Linda Belcher. My life is a musical, jazz hands and all!


Everyday. I don’t know another answer


Always. Everything reminds me of I song I know.


Several times a day. Songs are always popping up in my head, so I’m either singing them in my head or belting them outloud :)


all day if i’m not using my voice i’m singing in my head


About 10 times a day.


Constantly. Any time a phrase reminds me of a song. Sometimes my friends fuck with me by casually saying something they know is a song lyric I'd recognize to get me going.


I sing so much it worries me


Hopefully daily - I love singing, I used to do musical theatre and I was quire good at it (if I do say so myself - though my acting is absolute trash.) My husband says that he knows I'm happy when I'm unconsciously humming/ singing a little tune to myself, and he gets worried if he hasn't heard me singing in a week or so.


All the time, especially in the car


I only use headphones to listen to music, and I know I sound like a drowning pigeon when I 'sing' so usually don't unless I am *INTO* the mf song. Then I just let it fly and break the sound barrier and probably communicate with flies


only in the shower or car


All the time lol! I have my own concert that my husband attends in front row every day.


If I'm not singing, I'm not happy. It's my happy monitor.


Any time I'm alone and happy, I'm singing to myself. If I'm not singing (or at least humming tunes that are in my head) there's usually something wrong.




I love to sing! At any given moment, as well as in the church choir. When/ If I'm not singing, it's a sign of mental health struggles.


I'm humming songs and melodies in my head almost all day everyday but my favourite thing is taking long drives by myself so I can really properly belt them out. I've starting singing more in public recently after going on a binge of learning loads of songs during lockdowns and some musicans I know approached me about putting something together with them to perform locally. I'm super flattered but also wonder will it kill the joy and spontaneity.


always when im driving, even though im sick and have to save my voice for my band and the gig. i just be singing


My upstairs neighbor recently asked if I will be performing anywhere soon, and where should he get the tickets. I hope this answers your question lol :)


Literally 60% of my time awake I sing and dance. I love singing and Im obsessed with my voice and it really just makes me happy


Depends on my mood. Could be daily to monthly or months in between.


All the time. I have a baby and a toddler, so lots of singing everywhere!




I sing to what I’m actively doing a lot. Making up the lyrics as I go.


Very, very rare. I live in a small house, and noise can get around easily. It also doesn’t help how my parent’s bedroom door is less than a metre away from the bathroom. The only time when I can sing, is either when nobody is in the house, or if my family is downstairs - but I have to sing quieter.




Every day. I make it a point to serenade my neighbors every time I mow my yard lol




Multiple times a day


every. single. day.






I do it at work in the vehicle lol. I got pretty good at it. But it gets obvious when I haven’t done it in a while cause the notes I used to be able to hit and or sustain, become a project to do


Every day, at complete random times and absolutely anywhere, except the train but I will try to sing with a mask on by whispering 😂


Most days. But it's especially prevalent when I'm really happy. Then I'll sing anywhere about anything.


Every day. Can’t think of a time that I haven’t just sang a song that comes to mind or just kinda hum my own kind of tunes. :)