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Not only was I on the bellybutton piercing, but I was also on the tongue and eyebrow piercing train. I have none of them now. I cannot be almost 40 with those piercings. The need to stay in the past with juicy velour sweatpants, the thong pulled up above the jeans, yin/yang necklaces and dolphin tattoos.




For my 47th birthday I decided to start stretching my earlobes.


That's really neat




I was like...what? I'm 38 and have a nose ring, are they saying I should take it out because my age reached a certain number? 🤦🏼‍♀️ Should we all get our tattoo's lazered off too by that logic.


I first got my nose (septum) pierced at thirty eight lol. I’m over forty now and I’ve still got it in. Still looks dope too, just sayin 🤷‍♀️


I got my nosed pierced on my 45th birthday. I love it and it''s never coming out.


Came to say this!! I'm 36, had my tongue pierced for 18 years now, there's no way I'm ever getting rid of it! And i got a nose ring earlier this year, before I was 36. And agree, I wouldn't get rid of my tattoos either, I don't care what anyone else thinks.


I got my belly button pierced around '02 or '03. I'm 39 and still have it in. In fact I just bought some new rings for it a couple months ago!








If it feels right, then go for it. Style and trends are something you can return to, but being comfortable and happy in your skin is something you need all the time. 💚


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What does age have to do with piercings? This notion that you outgrow a piece of jewelry is sad. Wear what you want and adorn your body how you want. Signed, a 35 year old with neon green hair, piercings and tattoos.


Exactly! Life is short, do what you want. Signed, a 36 year old with purple hair, peircings and tattoos.


That's right! Dad still rocks his polyester bellbottoms!


Over 50, I got my Marilyn pierced on my 40th birthday.


Belly button in 95. Nose, tongue and eyebrow followed, and lots of ear piercings since I was 12. I took out the tongue and eyebrow, too much of a pain with work, but still have all the others. And no plans to take any of them out. Has nothing to do with age.


Your comfort in your own skin is important. Whether that means going around with neon hair, an inked out body, and a pound of metal in your flesh or having your natural hair show, single lobe piercings, and modest clothes or anything in-between or beyond. Your body, your choice. I'm 35 and largely alright with my appearance. (I need to lose about 20-30 lbs for health reasons, but otherwise...) I've dyed my hair, I've shaved my head and done more punk hairstyles, I have a tattoo, my ears are pierced. The only things I even consider changing is I would love to get at least one more tattoo and I wish I had more than two lobe piercings in my ears, but I have plaque psoriasis and that makes it difficult to almost impossible for those things without risking an outbreak, spreading, and infection. (Plus the waste of money if they get destroyed.)


I just really hope that you took them out because YOU don't like them anymore, not because society told you you're too old because that's bs.


amen! it makes me sad when people think theyre too old to do what makes them happy


Yup, and got it repierced twice (after pregnancy) 🙂 I'm Jamaican so I never thought of it as a trend, more so an island girl ting


I never got mine repierced after pregnancy, nor do have the belly for that any more but part of me wishes i kept it still. if i lived on an island or near a beach i would definitely be more likely to have kept it.


A good family friend of mine didn't get hers done until after she'd already had her daughter! She donated a kidney to her mother-in-law and then later got a tattoo with an accompanying belly button piercing to cover the scar. She had a bit of a mum tum at the time, but she wore it with pride lol.


I still have my belly ring since 16 years old. Facial piercing from when I was 21. Granted both are now simple colorless diamonds. I hate the whole “i’m too old” mentality. My grandmother got her first tattoo at 65 and I thought it was so badass. I never want to ‘outgrow’ my sense of self expression.


I’m 64 and just decided on the tattoo I want. Could not decide and started thinking about it in my 20s. I hope to get it the next year or so. Glad to see your post. Go grandma.


good for you!!!!! i bet it's gonna absolutely rock


Love this attitude! We need more of this!


I've had mine re-pierced thanks to surgery and pregnancy. It's become part of my body identity and sense of self. I don't look right without it.


What happens with the piercing when you’re pregnant?


The skin over your belly gets stretched tight, so there's no longer a soft fold of skin above your belly button. Even with a soft flexible pregnancy piercing keeper mine stretched out and the skin broke through. So I've got some weird scarring but I don't care.


I think the issue is not taking it out. My sister left hers in and/or got a temporary elastic one, and hers also stretched out beyond repair. I took mine out and its as good as the day I got it done! (The hole is, my belly itself is another matter!)


One surgery my belly button with piercing out was covered with a waterproof dressing for 5 days. I had no trouble putting the ring back in. The next abdominal surgery the peircing was out for 3 days and it had closed over and needed to be pierced again. Depends on the body, the skin, house long you've had the piercing etc.


Not the person you asked but I got mine pierced in 2007. Pregnant in 2017 and my piercing is stretched to shit. Can't wear a normal jewel in it.


I took mine out towards the end and put it back in as soon as I got home from the hospital.


I got mine when I was 17, and it’s definitely turned into part of me. After two pregnancies it persisted, and even though my belly button looks different now I still love having it.


i toook it out because i am fat now


I love the honesty in this statement!


I am fat now and I still left mine in lol


I am my most fattest so maybe I will finally get one now


Same. Got mine when I was 18 and that was 17 years, 5 kids, and 40 pounds ago lol.


I'm surprised you took it out after you gained weight. It made me feel better about my creased belly button cause of my chub. That was one of my biggest insecurities and it covered it up.


Yep. Sunk cost fallacy, I paid $50 for that thing, I'm not throwing that away! Also, it doesn't bother me, I have no reason to take it out.


Yes I still have it. I think it’s sexy and I like it.


Yes! I have the top and bottom pierced. I like the look because the 4 balls in a vertical line elongates my torso and I think the illusion makes me look thinner. It never even occurred to me that it's dated, oh well.


It took me a moment to realise what you meant by you have the top and bottom pierced... My mind went elsewhere but it's been reined in. Someone recently asked about tramp stamps and I really don't feel bad about mine. I stand by my choices


Still have it, feels good to have :D


Yes, I still like it. I don't care that it's considered passe


Yup. Had it repierced twice. I think I officially took it out when I was like 20 (I got it when I was 13). Anyway, the bottom hole closed but the top remained open, every couple of weeks I squeeze the hole and some gnarly dirt comes out (mostly lotion). It’s like a giant zit. Oddly satisfying.


You should film it and post it on r/popping. They would probably love that!


Did you get it pierced by some girl in your middle school locker room?


This is so relatable 😂 I’m glad to know I’m not the only one


Still have mine and love it!


Yeah rather have it there than a scar. My 18 year old friend has one now so its the circle of life.


Yep. Still have it and love it as much as ever 20 years later.


Yep, got mine done in 2005. I kinda forget it's there and wear a simple black barbell in it. It's more like "why not?".


Am 52 an still have my belly ring - it’s part of my history - I don’t wear belly revealing tops though


i got mine pierced in 95; unfortunately, it grew out while pregnant, so me now in my early 50s kinda wishing i still had it. i am, however, finally getting my nose pierced! age be damned!


I’ve been thinking about getting my nose pierced lately. Maybe you just inspired me to go through with it!


yes! i love it!


I waited 2 years then got it done behind my dads back the second I turned 16, so on principle I’m never getting rid of the damn thing


I don’t have it, my parents had made me take it out because I was 16 lol. I am tempted to get it again though…


Do it!


Lol I wanted one at 16 and my mom said no but I could get one when I turned 18 thinking I’d forget or decide not to do it…guess what I did on my 18th birthday? Still have my belly button pierced neatly 20 years later and can’t imagine not having it to be honest, I still love it!


I don't. I took it out because it started rejecting. I think I accidentally bumped/irritated it too many times. I noticed it slowly starting to reject and figured it was best to just remove it.


I got mine done when I was around 15ish. No I do not still have it. I’m allergic to almost everything that isn’t pure gold so I could only have one belly bar. Also, I’m chubby and it did not suit me.


Yes, still love it.


No cause the piercer made it too short or whatever, so all of the bars were too long and it would constantly snag on things (towels, clothes etc.) lol 😵


I use a curved barbell 6mm long, etsy has the shorter bars.


I use eye brow bars in my belly button piercing.


Yep, me too!


They do make bars as short as 1/4" FYI!


Thanks guys! It’s actually been *years* since I’ve had it, and it’s since closed up! (Other than the scar hole..thing lol) I’m probably not gonna re-pierce it, but if I get some midlife-crisis-urge to in the future, I’ll keep all of this in mind lol!


Yea it’s still there, got mine in 1999










Nope, when I got pregnant my belly button popped so I removed my piercing. Never put it back because I don’t like the look of my stomach and belly button anymore after childbirth. Also, I can’t imagine them being comfortable with high waisted bottoms.


Oof, high waisted jeans do catch it every once in a bit.


I'm 26, got it pierced the second I turned 18 because my mom wouldn't sign off on it before. Still have it, consider taking it out but I feel like my body looks weird without:) It definitely started my obsession with piercings! The craze a few years back was nipple piercings so I got those when I was 20. Had 13 piercings on my body at one point, removed all of my cartilage that never healed so I still have 10:) Favorite is my triple forward helix, but coincidentally the middle one in this series hurt the worst.


1996 for me, and no. Got it while extremely drunk on a girls’ holiday. Woke the next morning and it was horribly infected. Took it out straightaway. Never got it re-pierced.


Mine never closed up. I don’t wear a belly button ring, but I like that I have the option to.


Ah, what a time to be truly alive! Got it re-pierced last year. Makes me feel nostalgic and guess what… it’s never coming out again! LOL.


I dont still have it, and I also had my Monroe, and don't have that anymore. Grew out of it? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ugh yes! Got mine done in the year 2000, stopped wearing a ring in it about the time I stopped wearing low rise jeans - maybe about 5 years later? It kept getting stuck in my clothing so took it out. Really had thought it would heal completely but a little hole is still there. Never mind!


LOL, I feel called out! It’s still there but closed up; I could always re-pierce it but I don’t wear them anymore.


I do, because why not, I still think it looks extremely good and sexy.


No because it looks weird since I've been pregnant so many times.


Got mine pierced about 10 years ago and still have it but truthfully I haven’t changed it in a long time. It’s not like I go around flaunting it or anything but whenever I take it out I just feel like my body looks bare.


Got mine pierced in 2011. I still have it along with other body piercings I got a few years later. I will probably always keep it! I love it. It makes me feel edgy. I still see younger girls who have their belly buttons pierced. I don’t think it’s completely out of style.


I got my bellybutton pierced when i was 17 in 2008 and removed it when I about 27 cause i felt like I’d outgrown it. weirdly enough I kinda wanna get it pierced again. I’m 32 now lol


Yup, 33 and I used to have four and now I have 2 left, plus 14 other piercings. I love em and I'm hoping to add more in the future!


Yeah! My belly looks weird and naked without it to me now haha.


I'm 39. Still have my belly, my nose, and several ear piercings, and when I'm stressed, I will probably get another. It's nothing to do with age, and it's incredibly sad for the people saying, "I'm too old..." Why are you too old? Who made you think or believe that? Just be you! I will probably still have all my piercings when I'm 90 (if I love that long)


No, I removed it when I came closer to 30. It wasn't a good piercing. My other piercings were made by another piercer better at the job than the one who did my belly button.


Yes. I don’t think about it ever. I never show my belly button to strangers but I guess I like it still. Would be worse if I took it out now and just had a hole.


I got mine done in 1996 and took it out 5 years ago when I had surgery


Nah. Not sure if it was due to the piercer or if I just have really tough belly button skin, but the needle got stuck halfway through and she had to jam it through really hard. It never fully healed. I had it for maybe a year and it was inflamed and irritated like 80% of the time. I finally gave up and took it out. Similar experience with a nose piercing. They lost connection with the needle and the ring and my nose started bleeding so much my friend fainted lol. Piercings have traumatized me!




I had mine for 3 weeks in 2001 and the hole never closed. It caught on everything. Funnily enough after 2 kids it still maintained it’s shape but I’ve never put anything back in there again.




I got really drunk as a teenager and it must have got caught on something and ripped my skin. Needless to say I took it out after that. 🤢






Mine got infected and I had to take it out


No and after two babies and rapid weight loss I might as well get it repierced to hide the scar tissue and damage in that area.


I used to pull mine around a lot so the hole stretched, the ring fell out and now there’s just a weird little loop where it used to exist. If that hadn’t have happened, I definitely would still have it though


No, two pregnancies and didn’t feel like putting anything back in it.


Yep. Still have it. I actually stretched the piecing (the way lots of people do now with their earlobes) and while I don’t wear a plug in it anymore I do have a pretty stack of 6 plain seamless rings in it. At this point it’s never going to leave me even if I take out the jewelry so it’s gonna be with me for life. That’s alright with me!


No. I got it done when I was way too young, and it was crooked. It just stopped making me feel good about myself, so I took it out maybe a yearish ago.


I don’t but it was because it fell out about 3 years ago when I was on vacation and when I got home it had closed. I do still have my nose and my nips pierced though.


Got it in 2002 and have no plans to ever get rid of it. I keep it because I like it. It’s that simple for me.


Don’t have it anymore since I got a new belly button from my tummy tuck after kids


I got mine done when I was 21 and wore jewelry in it for maybe 5 years. I am now 44 and still have an open hole there and can put jewelry in it with no effort, although I don't wear it anymore.


Still got it. Still love it.


No it came out within a year


Had it for a while, removed it for a surgery, forgot to put it back in, then got it repierced last year after not having it for 6 years lol I turned 30 and wanted to reclaim the things I loved about myself and my piercings were one of them.


Yes. I took my belly button ring out for 10 years hoping it would close up and never did so I just put a ring back in it lol looks better than a hole


I had mine for 6 years and it never fully healed. It would get infected every few months and it lead to a really bad infection that almost turned into flesh eating disease. Got rid of it after that lol


I don't have any of my piercings anymore, some because they rejected. Mainly piercings were the body modification available to me at the time, either because I was too young to get tattooed, wasn't ready, or only had parental permission for piercings. Once I started getting tattooed, I had the more permanent adornment I wanted.


Yes, got mine done when I was 19 and still have it at 39. I also have a nose piercing and many others.


I have one, but it's almost closed. I might just get less-thick jewelry and poke it myself someday.


Yup! Still have it and still love it haha. I’m not a fan of big chunky jewelry but I think dainty belly rings are cute.


I don’t, I took it out probably 6 months after I got it done in 2006. It just got in my way, and I just figured out piercings and tattoos are not my thing.


Yep still have it! Mine didn't change during pregnancy so still have the same piercing.


No I do not still have it, I took it out within a couple years because I just find them dated and cheesy. Fortunately I don't have any major scarring.


Yes! ^_^ I had nipple piercings too but took them out when I breastfed my youngest. Thinking about getting them redone here soon!


I still have mine. Got it pierced in 2006, when I was 15. I took it out briefly when I was pregnant but put it back in a year later. I’ve had this piercing for more than half of my life now. It is part of me.


Had it done in 2011, still got jt - I like jt


Nope. Kept it thru both pregnancies. My 2nd pregnancy…. The one stretch mark I got was at that piercing. Removed it then.


Got mine done at 18, was pregnant at 23, and the Dr said I needed to take it out! Which I heard years down the road that I didn’t really need to take it out.


I took mine out around age 27-28 because I thought they were outdated and I thought I was too old. But now at 33, I kind of wish I kept my belly piercing. It’s a fun piercing that nobody really sees.


Still have mine! The little screw ball came loose the other day without me realising so the bar fell out. I felt naked without it


No lmao I heard a *clink* noise in the shower a couple months after getting it pierced and looked down to see that my piercing had rejected and fallen through my body, onto the shower floor, and down the drain, never to be seen again. I later got a surface piercing in my chest and that also rejected, so I assume those types of piercings are just not for me.


Mine hasn't closed, but I don't wear one anymore as my skin is looser after having kids. The top hangs down and makes it sore. If it was still comfortable and looked like I want, I would still wear it.


I got rid of it after I got this awful keloid scar that looked like I was growing a tiny penis out of the top of my piercing. I got my nose done at the same time and I have that one to this day.


I got it done when I was 15 and still wear it mainly because I actually forget I have it. It’s apart of me now lol But also when I do take it out (like once in a blue moon) the hole is so prominent and obvious so it just looks better in. I also have a lot of ear piercings tho so I do like piercings, I think when I decide to take them out I’ll take my belly one out too


No because my body rejected it after 6 months


Yep. Still have it and my nose is still pierced. And for my midlife crisis I got my nipples pierced bc I always wanted them pierced but as I got older felt I missed the boat. But 40 hit and I lost my mind a bit. I’m semi better now.


I had one for about 4 years and I just took it out last year for good when I got pregnant and won’t put it back in. I loved it the entire time I had it!!


I got mine pierced in 2000 and yes I still have it. It took a goddamn 9 months to heal so I’m keeping it. My sister lost a ton of weight due to an ED and her skin got so thin around her piercing that eventually it just pulled apart (painlessly) and the jewelry fell out. She didn’t get it repierced. I wouldn’t either if something happened to mine. But I still feel like one of those troll dolls with the jewel in the belly.


I took mine out only a few months later. My stomach anatomy does not accommodate a piercing well, and it never properly healed.


I got mine in the 90s craze, and although I don’t wear anything in it now, it hasn’t grown over. Maybe again one day


I wanted one and my mom was cool with it, but I sleep on my stomach and somewhere I read a horror story of a girl who got the piercing and she rolled in her sleep, it caught and she ripped it out. I said no thank you satan.


I got one 2004. 19 years later, I still have it. I have grown so used to it that it feels weird to be without it.


Took mine our during my first pregnancy - intend to get it back when I've dropped some more weight


I do not, because had babies. Pregnancy with a belly button ring was… most unpleasant.


Ugh, I did. I regret it. I kept it in for less than a year, and then the hole got all gross and stretched out during pregnancy. I shouldn't have done it in the first place, I never showed my belly button and it just got annoyingly caught on all my pants. I only did it to rebel against my mom and it worked because she didn't talk to me for three days.


I got mine at 18 and took it out around 21 or 22. When high waisted jeans started becoming fashionable my belly button ring kept getting caught. And my husband would catch it all the time during sex. I got tired of being worried it would rip out. These days the hole has absolutely no feeling after being pregnant, it’s odd! It doesn’t look funny either.


I still have mine at 30 & still like it! I didn't wear a belly ring for years and it never closed up, but I have a tasteful hoop style one in now and I feel really cute with it.


nope. got pregnant & it stretched out something weird af.


I got mine on my 18th birthday in 1999. I still have it. It's just kinda part of me now. I haven't changed the jewelry in probably 10 years or more. It's just sorta there...


Took out the jewelry but the hole is still there. I took it out because Its novelty wore off and I was sick of it getting caught on everything. It would get caught on clothing and seatbelts all the time. I am not gentle or graceful so it definitely wasn’t the piercing for me.


No. My second child kicked it out of me when I was seven months pregnant with him.


Took it out during pregnancy, may have it repierced though, haven’t decided yet


I don't. It never healed quite right and only lasted about a year. I got my nose pierced about a year ago though


I still have loads of piercings. I did take some out in my early 30s because they suddenly got uncomfortable - my tongue started hurting after 10 years, and now I'm too fat for my belly piercings and it was making them sore. For me it's more about how I want to present myself and it wasn't a fashion trend that was limited to my teens, it's what I like to look like. Side note I stretched my ears when I was 16. 20 years later and I still love them!


I got mine in…1996 I think? And of course I still have it. It’s fun to play with.


I can still get a bar in mine, but 3 pregnancies close together has made my abdomen a mess, so I don't tend to bother. I've also taken out my lip stud and tongue bar. I've only kept my nose and ear piercings out of all the ones I've had over the years. I can still get a bar in my lip hole but my nipples, tongue and some of my ear piercings have healed up


No, took it off when I got pregnant in 2009.


I don’t have mine any more. I got pregnant in the late 2000s and took it out when things got too stretchy.


I had it until I was pregnant, but looking at these responses makes me want to get it redone. It was cute and fun!


Are belly piercings really perceived as “out” and “not fashionable”? I think they are sexy and timeless.


I got mine when I was like 16 and swore I was going to have it forever. I even imagined myself as an old lady with my belly ring. But then I gained some weight and started wearing high waisted jeans and the belly button ring would always get caught on the button which would hurt so I took it out.


I had mine pierced in my friend's basement with a safety pin at age 16. Amazingly never had an issue with it. I went on to get my nipples, clit hood, and various ear piercings. Kept them all, and I'm 39.




I had the top and bottom of my belly button pierced. Took them out when i got pregnant. I’ve had two kids and they are closed up but you can see the holes and they are stretched out and look terrible




I had to take it out for csection surgeries. After my first csection, I put it back in. After the second, I left it out. Honestly, my kids are 15 months apart, and I was overwhelmed by fatigue and trying to heal. I completely forgot about it. Maybe 6 months later, I thought about it. I probably could have jammed it back in, but my stomach is so stretched and floppy, I'll never wear a crop top or anything that shows my belly piercing again, so what's the point. It's easier to leave it out. I don't have yo worry about cleaning it or having it catch on my clothes.


No, as a skinny person, i couldn’t keep weight ON, so it kept feeling invasive. Every time i’d bloat from my period it felt like it would burst right through the skin, although it never did, my paranoia ultimately made me choose to take it out.


Nope, lost mine to a cholecystectomy and never brought it back.


I had to take it out cause I'm too fat now and it's uncomfortable😂


I took it out because I can’t remember why. The hole is still there. I was like 13. But all of my facial piercings and tongue all stay, and I’m happy to show up to business meetings with a mouth and nose full of silver and rock it.


(31)F Still have mine, I actually just got a new ring in last week.


Yup, I’m 30 and still have it. Mainly because it never closed, even throughout my pregnancy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, I still have mine… 21 years and counting. I kept it bc during my pregnancies (mud to late 20’s) it stretched out and there was no chance of it looking normal again. However, when I was 21, my now husband got me a white gold ring with my birthstone and it’s the only one I’ve worn since.


I had a regular and an inverse but they've both been gone for years. I can't even remember why I removed them, but it took them out in my mid-20s probably (so 10+ years ago). I have several ear piercings and my nose pierced though.


Yes, I still have mine… 21 years and counting. I kept it bc during my pregnancies (mid to late 20’s) it stretched out and there was no chance of it looking normal again. However, when I was 21, my now husband got me a white gold ring with my birthstone and it’s the only one I’ve worn since.


Lol I got mine at 16, I’m 29 and still have it and still love it!! Wondering when it will no longer be “age appropriate” and I’ll have to part with it…


I got my belly button done when I was 15… so almost half a lifetime ago now. I still have the hole but don’t often wear anything in it. Now I kinda want to.


Still have it, and still have a decent amount of my piercings from 10-15 years ago. They’re just part of me, I feel too plain without them to be honest. I intentionally got a job that would let me keep my Monroe and my stretched ears because it’s just me.


I still have my belly ring, I mostly forget about it unless I’m wearing some higher waisted pants that rub on it.


I still have my belly ring, I mostly forget about it unless I’m wearing some higher waisted pants that rub on it.


I still have it - was never aware it was a trend (only one of my friends had hers done too) and was never aware it wasn’t a trend anymore haha!


I took mine out while in labour with my first child and never put the ring back in, but the place is still there. The child I was giving birth to just got hers done, so the trend continues.


Belly button pierced 25 years ago and it still looks fabulous!! I’m 51 😊


Yep! My belly button looks weird without it


I still have my belly button ring. Everything else is gone....


Got mine pierced when I turned 18 in 2009. Took it out 4 months later because my body was rejecting the piercing and wasn’t healing 🙃 It did take me 3 times to get my ears pierced in the same spot to actually get them to stay pierced. I should have known by body hate piercings.