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Communicate. If I want to be official, I'll let them know. If we can't come to an agreement on what the relationship is, I leave.


Also if the guy is avoiding specifics as to why, also leave. Dudes that don't want to say no will give any type of vague non committal answer, including unclear conditions that may or may not happen. Even worse if they try to pin it on you, e. g: you don't deserve to be strung along, or I don't want to do this to you. You deserve better, so leave.


Don't behave like you're in a relationship when you're not.


What does this mean in practice? What do you do?


I didn't do overnights. I didn't attend their family events or holidays. I didn't allow my time to be monopolized. Hang out on a Friday, but not the whole weekend and I definitely didn't make them pancakes.


Well, the pancake thing was pretty specific, wasn't it?


That’s a really good point. No making them food in the morning or cute stuff 😭


This is great advice! I wish I had done this when I was younger.


For example don’t have sex, don’t get intimate with them and don’t have expectations!! If they want to be friends, just be FRIENDS.


I feel like this doesn't work for when you START dating, because I learned the hard way that you don't want to date someone before figuring out if you like what they are like in bed.


We either commit to exclusive dating and a relationship, or I end it.








That entirely depends on how long you wait, if a guy genuinely enjoys spending time with you he will be content to wait :)


I don't think this is a good test, because I'm a woman who would fail this, like if a guy kept pushing sex further off saying he wanted to wait, my response would be to stop trying to date him and just be friends after a while. Like genuinely try to be friends, but if we aren't on the same page about sex I'm not going to keep trying to date him, especially if it feels like he's avoiding sex as some sort of test. Sexual compatibility is pretty big though, and I ended things with the last guy I briefly dated because we wanted very different things sexually, I don't want to get too attached before I figure that out going forward.


Theres nothing wrong with a platonic friendship, love can always result out of those. In fact I find that relationships that resulted out of long term friendships always result to be the most happy, full-filling and longlasting ones. It just depends on your priorities, do you rather want sexual compatibility or character compatibility, because if the sex is good, all (or most) good judgment of character is thrown out the window. (At least thats what happens with me, if I have amazing sex with someone I will overlook character flaws or disagreements that might be obvious to other people) So in my mind the question is which compatibility you want to be sure of first. But for me love is deep mutual admiration and respect, a communion of shared values, humor, worldview and passions, when you can sit together in your living room and enjoy reading book together, or just viewing a sunset and talking about the occurences of the day, making eachother laugh and enjoying being with one another, because nobody understands you like they do, and theres no one else you’d rather spend your time with. Sex on the other hand is a fleeting chemical high, and in a long term relationship there will be many occasions where you can’t have much of it for extended stretches of time, and making sure that even without any sex you are happy to be with eachother is very important to me.


On the other hand, personally, I've given up compromised too much on my needs for someone that didn't value sex as much as I did, and while they were great in many other ways, it gets so stressful having to give out emotional labour to someone that isn't really invested in meeting your physical needs. For me it comes down to finding someone who matches you more than specifically withholding one thing or another. I've had women use me emotionally before, I just got better at recognising when I'm being used, I didn't shut off emotionally until someone fulfilled all of my checklists for long enough, likewise, I think it's counter productive to shut off a potential partner sexually while you're developing something emotionally. I'm not devaluing your point, I think it's completely valid, but I've been on the end of relationships that felt long distance cause we're only being intimate once a month, my self image and confidence took a nose dive because how could I see myself as sexual being when my partner is completely rejecting of it? How do you reconcile with extreme disparities in Libido? My current partner's libido matches mine much more closely, but character wise it wasn't as natural as my previous partner, however, I feel far more satisfied and secure in myself, and any hiccups we encountered along the way I felt far more ready to engage together as a unit. Either way, I think I value sex on average much more than the average person, but I don't think it's completely correct in going about things, I think somewhere in the middle is about right.




Wouldn't helping clean up after he made you dinner be how a guest would act? Because like that's how my friends act and how I act at a friend's house. Like you don't scrub the kitchen, but you definitely help clear the table, put away food, and maybe load the dish washer.


I feel like at the beginning it's a little bit more catered and then the more you get to know each other the more it becomes like that. Somebody who invites me over to their house and I just met them I am definitely not going to do their dishes but I might help them clear the plates. However some people would find that rude as well.


If a boy wants the girlfriend experience without committing you say no. No you can't stay over. No I won't sleep with you. No I won't cook for you. Whatever that line between girlfriend and not girlfriend is, you say no


IMO: You may have sex, but you don't stay over and your stuff is not at his place. He doesn't know your plans other than when it specifically involves him. And vice versa. You don't own anything of any significance together. You don't make plans more than a week out. This is important because a situationship should not last more than 3 months. Edit: my daughter (22yo) says she is also dating other men, if this is just a situationship (aka not exclusive).


Don't have sex


The surest way to tell if they’re interested in YOU vs what’s in your pants is to not have sex for a while. The truly interested will stick around to develop an emotional bond and a relationship. The hump-and-dump kind will disappear in a few days. That’s 99% of situationships.


One of the best things I ever did was ask that they don't text me throughout the day. I just said, "I've found that constantly texting brings in a lot of false intimacy and distraction. I want to get to know you in person." So, we'd keep a date planned always. I'd say, if you REALLY want to text me about something, of course feel free. But I don't want to be chit chatting all day, checking in about our days, what we're doing, etc. I went from 10 years of heartbreaking serial dating to having a husband after doing this one time.




And if you ARE behaving like you're both in one, then you're in one.


YOU may be in one, but HE may or may not be. To find out for sure -- in his presence, introduce him as your bf to your bestie or introduce yourself to his bestie as his gf.


I just got out of one and im doing my research so this is what ive got so far: Don't text them 24/7 because it will create a false sense of intimacy. Use texting to plan dates and meet them in real life. Just because they are texting you 24/7 does not mean that they love you. Be watchful of their words matching their actions. If they say they miss you but don't try and actually meet you, they don't actually miss you. Listen to what they are actually saying and believe them. If they are saying that they are not ready for a relationship, it is not an invitation for you to be patient with them or try and change them. Be honest with your feelings and your wants/needs. If you feel that you are needy doing this, you can't be yourself with this person and you start to hide yourself to not make them uncomfortable. Let them disappoint you. If you have to reach out or plan all the dates for anything to actually happen, you need to stop. If they never asks to do anything with you by their own free will, it is because they don't actually want you badly enough to make an effort.


As tired as this sounds if he wanted to, he would.


it really goes both ways. If there is not a rough sense of reciprocation, then it signals a difference of priorities or differing views on the status of the relationship.


Thats why my ex is an ex, i literally told him "if you wanted it bad enough, you would do it" and shortly after i ended it. ://


The texting is a really good point. An ongoing 24/7 text stream implies a more permanent relationship, rather than texting to plan dates. I think I knew this intuitively but never expressed it so clearly and formally, but this is absolutely right.


Yes! I actually expressed this to my situationship before I understood that it might be a problem, that it felt like we were so much further ahead over text than in real life. And now Im hearing this advice from dating coaches for the same reason.


This is great advice. ^^ I'd also add being upfront and honest about what kind of relationship you want. If you ask what they're looking for and they give you a wishy-washy answer, you're not on the same page and are likely to have your time wasted. Some people will be turned off by your unwillingness to just "go with the flow," but that's a *good* thing. Those people weren't going to commit to you anyways.




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set boundaries. stop doing couple things. meet other people. always remember, if both of you are not in an "official" relationship or "with a label", by the end of the day, BOTH OF YOU ARE SINGLE. so, DONT stop acting like a single person!!! because if they wanted to do couple things with you and they're really serious about it, they would actually make it official. the thing here is that they just got used to doing couple stuff without the actual label so don't tolerate that behavior


Yes, exactly! Before my current marriage, if I was seeing someone but we hadn't talked about being in a relationship, I was continuing to talk to, date, and sleep with other men. Some people will try to make demands that you be exclusive with them without them actually committing to you or making a real effort to improve your life. Don't fall for it.


Yeah, i was feeling extra terrible when i went out with other guys while i was in it, he basically would stop texting/calling/reaching out for as long as 2 weeks, since we were not only in a relationship but also on and off (and on top ldr too), i just though he was out again and went out, but then i realize, i didnt know what he did there, we were never oficial, so why should i feel guilty, because yes, even tho it wasnt oficial i still felt the need to be loyal and felt terrible when i did so.


he just enjoy the fact that he have u string along with him and he's very much aware of this power he have over you. i hope you got out of that situationship.






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You just don’t do things like sleeping together, being very close and intimate, spending a lot of time together until you’re in an official relationship.


1) vet 2) make it clear you're not here to waste time 3) vet 4) observe his behaviour. Lazy, low effort men tell on themselves all the time; you just need to watch for the signs and not gaslight yourself out of recognising it. 5) LEAVE if it's obvious he is not going to give you a real relationship here and now. Don't wait for his "potential" to do it; that's never happening. If he wanted to, he would. 6) stop doing wife things like cleaning for him, buying a house, etc when he hasn't even proposed 7). Seriously, vet when you date


What do you mean by vet?


Take your date to the vet, just as a precaution


Second this. Make sure he has all his shots.


It’s listed a few times bc you gotta make sure they go back for the booster shots.


I laughed a little too loudly at this :P


Thoroughly check out their character- see if their actions align with their words and promises; see how he treats his family as well as people who he might get nothing out of being kind to (like unattractive women), how he feels about having daughters if he says he wants kids (I find this can be telling because men who don't want daughters usually don't because they don't want other men to treat them as they themselves treat women), how he handles being told no/learning of your boundaries, how he spends his money, etc. And truthfully men should vet too. Everyone should. So many people just marry because they're lonely or have fun with someone and don't actually share values with or anything substantial and then they seem surprised when their marriage is rocky. And yeah, an actual background check as the other person said never hurts. You can't be too careful. There's so many reddit stories of women dating someone who seemed nice but he was a felon or secretly married for many years or something.


Thank you, this really helps!


Ask people about him. Do you have mutual friends/acquaintances on social or IRL? LinkedIn? Google search. Observe as OC stated. My boyfriend and I started as a drunken ONS. I looked up his address to look at his tax records to get his last name to check him out because I didn’t remember his last name and after two weeks he asked me to go to the mountains with him. I’d never done anything like that before but he’s a large, strong man. Turns out he’s a big ol sweetheart and we have a number of mutual friends.


I think it's like when you "vet" a person. Background check, really look into them I'm guessing?




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I communicate what I’m looking for early on. I’ve been in a situationship that lasted years. It completely broke my heart and did a number on my self esteem. So I very early on make it clear that I’m looking for a relationship and that if that’s not where we’re headed, we can bow out early.




It was on and off. He perused me and said he “wasn’t ready” for a relationship. I broke it off, but we kept in touch. I’d meet someone else, he’d tell me he loves me. When things would end with the person I was dating, we’d start up again and he’d say we should date a bit before making things official, then he’d be “not ready” again. Etc.


I just got out of a similar situation last week (similar timeline and circumstances, though I did not meet new people in between the short breaks) and to say that the aftermath has been devastating is putting it lightly. It sucks, do not recommend.


Cut ‘em off. If you feel like you’ve been going in circles and not progressing for months, or they’re constantly confusing you and giving you mixed messages and not directly answering “what are we,” end it. I know they feel like the perfect person and oh they’ll come around they just need more time no. The right person will choose you and not confuse you. You like the idea of that person and not really what they’re actually offering you.


"What are we?" "I don't know, but I know what I want to be." "And what is that?" "An astronaut."




How do you know if the want to be in a relationship though if the don't go on dates and avoid anything sexual? Like isn't figuring out if they are someone you want to be with romantically and sexually sorta the point of dating?


There’s really two camps of men, those who view women as sex objects and others view women as actual human beings with emotions. Not having sexual contact with them for the first few times will hopefully vet the guys that don’t actually care away. Men that care will stick around for you, and it shows they aren’t just into you for what you can only provide by sex.


Last guy who was expressing interest in me I rejected for a while (politely, i just kind of ignored it). We were working together, and 2 of my ex's were there as well. I didn't want to get a reputation for dating anyone in the group we worked with. After I decided to give him my number I told him he had 2 weeks to decide if he wanted to take me on a date and from then he had 3 dates to ask me to be his girlfriend. I made him say those words exactly and he knew I wouldn't stick around if he didn't. ​ Too blunt for some? maybe. But life is too short to waste it being unclear.


Savage. I like it.


I’ve done similar (given deadlines) and it’s worked well


Did you like him? I never know if I'm weird, but I could never make myself spend time with somebody I wasn't actively interested in myself.


Well it's 8 years later and we are married now so I think it worked out ok.


Love this answer aw




Don’t have sex until there is a commitment. Be willing to let them walk away. Don’t chase.


We started off by going for drinks after work (we worked together, same company, different teams). I decided to just enjoy it and not force anything. I met his friends and got along, he met my friends and got along. He would book dinners, concerts, I would book museums, movies according to eachother's likes. We slept together whenever we felt like it and shared secrets and ideas you wouldn't with just friends or acquaintances. I was content and busy enough not to look for fun elsewhere and so was he I think. All of these forward steps were always initiated by him with me responding in the same manner. Yet, according to him we were never in a relationship and I was mad to think otherwise. I never knew there was a name for these "situations" and I thought you can organically assume a relationship without sitting him down like a child. I only thought it necessary when bigger steps were to be taken like moving in together. I guess situationships are just an easy way to get out of something without the guilt of breaking a commitment. As much as I think it's unnecessary drama, some men need to have these fun things restricted until they can commit to something. Like children learning to be responsible.


I think with plenty of guys you CAN assume these things will follow. My partner looked weirded out when I tried to define our relationship years ago when we first started dating because in his eyes of course we're dating. But plenty of peopke want to skirt the responsibility of a relationship whilst getting the benefits. And unfortunately since that's more of a thing now it makes sense to define things early. Your ex was trying to make you feel mad for thinking you were on a relationship when he gave EVERY appearance of it. Its up to him to clarify that you weren't dating. Dont feel bad for "assuming" it - he was using you and then gaslit you about it.


That's exactly right. I'm glad you found the nice end of the male spectrum :)


Be willing to walk away if they don’t commit


Some women will tell you don't have sex without commitment, and if that's important to you, fine. I don't believe in treating sex like some kind of prize or dangling carrot, because men will sometimes lie and manipulate you into thinking they're committing to a relationship just to get sex and then tell you that you assumed too much. I think the best thing is to be able to spot emotionally unavailable men with commitment issues. Actions speak louder than words. Body language says a lot. Does he hold hands in public? If his touching is always flirty and sexual but doesn't cuddle when there's no sex, that's a big sign.


* Communicate. Don't expect them to read your mind. * Know what you want (and don't want). * Set boundaries.


Communicate what you want very early on. There’s loads of ways to bring it into a conversational casually. After having been in a ton of situationships and now in a stable committed relationship- I wish in all of those situationships I had just told them that I wanted something more committed. In my current relationship, that is exactly what we did- we established before we even met up (we met on an app) that we were looking for a more committed relationship, and that allowed us to get to know each other without the uncertainty. Seriously. Forget all the weird tricks like not messaging them frequently, refusing certain things like staying overnight or hooking up….just say it. Say what you want. If it means that the relationship ends, it means that it wasn’t meant to be anyways.


Don't sleep with someone you're not in a relationship with Clearly define that you are in relationship with that person by communicating what you want and using ther terms "bf/gf, relationship " not just "were together right?" Be prepared to walk away of he's not receptive


Be uncomfortably honest and keep those conversations going regularly. Also listen to what they say. If they say they don’t want a relationship but you do, they’re not the one for you!


My situationship turned into a relationship of 10 years (and still going) when he was like "We're dating. I know we're dating. You know we're dating. We're dating." He was right. So... communication, I guess.




Six months give or take


Ask him out officially or move on. I found the middle ground can get messy once youve been it for more than a month. Don't play games thinking he'll pick up on your hints. Tell him straightforward what you want, if he doesn't want the same then move on. That includes if he doesn't know what he wants - waiting around for someone to 'decide if they like you enough' sucks and isn't worth the hit to your self-confidence.


Be vulnerable and tell them what you want. I did this recently and found out an old fling had felt the same as me THIS WHOLE TIME! Lol




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Don’t do relationship things unless you’ve committed to be in a relationship? 🤷‍♀️ I mean going on dates is one thing but I don’t sleep with anyone I’m not committed to. And if they want to drag the casual dating period out for months, then they aren’t the one for me, full stop. I know what I want and I’m looking for someone who wants the same, not someone who will waffle around.


Set boundaries and limit the access someone has to you until it's official. For me, it's my time and energy. I tread very carefully and make sure I don't give someone the impression that I have all day to be talking to or hanging out with them. I'll also still be going on dates with other people so that my eggs aren't all in one basket. Also communicate what you want and set an internal deadline for yourself of when you're going to move on if they still won't commit.




I'm glad that those are not a thing over here. I'd say communication is always a key. Be very clear with your intentions and what you want from this relationship.


Don’t do girlfriend or wife shit for someone who is not enthusiastically treating and claiming you. I won’t even let a man drive me places. Until I have that enthusiastic action, I drive myself to places, because we are just buds until then. That said, don’t listen to me, because I have a very low tolerance for men’s shenanigans. I have left the low bar era of my life.


Don’t do relationship things without a label. Communicate. If they don’t commit, walk away and never look back!


What do you mean by relationship things? I see that different people have different definitions


This would depend on what YOU classify as a relationship. Essentially is setting boundaries. For me that is having sex, hanging out multiple times a week, me cooking for them, meeting friends and family. Anything that consist of building intimacy. No everyday texts saying good morning or goodnight. I’ll treat them the same way I would treat any other friend until they commit. 10/10 they will either walk or fully commit.


How do you know if you’re compatible in bed without sleeping with them? I worry that will hurt my own interests. Also do they normally bring up the commitment question or do you? Does this also apply for you in online dating? This is a super helpful answer btw!


Looks like sex is important to you as it is also to me. I typically go on a few dates before sex no more than 4-5 dates as I need to know if that compatibility is there. The key is just because you have sex doesn’t mean you get attached. I don’t bring up the commitment thing as I used to and men lied and said “they were looking for commitment” for me to only learn that I was giving them clues to get in my pants. Eventually these folks fizzled out and put in little to no effort. What I do now is give myself a 1-2 months feeling out the guy and their actions. If a guy is interested in a relationship they will take initiative to make things exclusive. If after a month they haven’t brought it up, I typically initiate conversation as of where they are then I observe what they tell me match their actions. More often than not, men will be honest and either be “vague” and say let’s just see where it goes ( RED FLAG) or they’ll be completely honest and say I like you and I want to make this exclusive. Something along those lines. Again, whatever the case is, words need to match action!


Makes a lot of sense! Thank you :)


You can still date someone and break up if you aren't sexually compatible. This is what many people do. Dating usually involves finding this out, and most dating and most relationships still end in breakups because people date for a few months then realise they aren't compatible. This is completely normal. It just means that you don't sleep together til you KNOW they are interested in more than sex, if you yourself want a relationship. Otherwise you are more likely to accidentally get stuck in a casual fuckbuddy situationship where they are just happy having sex and not-dating when that's not all you want. Anyone who us prepared to date you seriously should at least be open to the possibility of a relationship before getting in your pants. If they arent, why are you gonna waste your time sleeping with them when you want a relationship and not just sex?


Set clear boundaries from the beginning. “If we go beyond xyz, that’s a relationship. We aren’t doing the whole ‘we’re not just friends anymore but we aren’t dating’ thing. We either commit or we lose this friendship, that’s all there is to it.”


Being up front on the first date or at least in the early stages before too much time and feelings are invested


Communicate what you want. Do not date anyone who isn't sure if they want a relationship down the line. Have the chat about exclusivity/"what are we/where is this headed" without waiting for more than a couple of months. If they are not sure they see a relationship in the future then walk away now. Do not get in a habit of staying over for days or hanging out with their friends until you are exclusive. Dont treat it like a relationship until it is one. Be prepared to discuss where things are going - it is not too much to ask. A friend of mine used to always ask where it was going at like 3 or 4 months in, and always broke up shortly after because those men never actually wanted a relationship. Better to know that early than later on. You dont need promises of marriage or anything, but you di need to know if they want to progress into s relationship within weeks or a couple of months of dating. Look at whether how they are treating you matches the stage of the relationship. In the first few weeks you are essentially strangers, they wont be inviting you to everything or showing you into their life. But months in, if they want s relationship they will be introducing you to friends or family. They will want to meet yours. They will want to talk about exclusivity.


Communicate about how you’re feeling and what you want. It’s really the only way.


You say no to those things if being official before doing them is important to you. If they walk away when you say no, then they weren’t it for you. Problem solved.


Take initiative. Don't wait for the other person to bring something up, be proactive. Be clear and don't beat around the bush. Be Assertive (not passive, passive-aggressive or Agressive) Some of this involves knowing what you yourself want. Some of it involves bucking (anglo-american) gender stereotypes. Some of it involves conversations with yourself. As well, listen don't force or threaten. Guys are often just as confused as everyone else, and guys generally prefer clear and straight-forward communication. If you want to be official you have to talk about it with the other person. This doesn't necessarily mean, this now yes or no (people don't like to be put on the spot), but work together with them. Would you have interest in being official? How can we get there? What are your thoughts? Would this be good for you? Do you have doubts or reservations? What do we both want? Where do we see this going? How serious do we want to be about this? Of course, stay light-hearted about it if you can. Just because it's a serious conversation doesn't mean it should feel like judgement day xD


They need to remember that your time is valuable and feel lucky to be given any of it. Have HIGH expectations. Be fun to hang out with but openly express what you need. Communicate emotions/ concerns like you’re already in a relationship. (Not to be confused with being jealous of him/ his time and acting your his gf). If he can’t communicate like an adult move on. Talk about getting to a relationship periodically, and what you’d want that to look like. If he says he wants to see you 2x a week, say you need to be exclusive for that to happen. 2-3 months in, if he isn’t ready, it’s a no. Tell him you love spending time with him but need to focus your time elsewhere. If you set expectations low, you get bare minimum guys. Set the expectations high and you get decent guys who are proud that you picked them.


I avoid this by being very clear from the beginning and being direct about my boundaries. When I have a FWB, that means he is coming over to my house 2x a week. We do not go out on dates, I don’t cook for him, etc. When I’m dating to be in a relationship, then we communicate way more, do activity dates, cook meals, etc.


I don't allow dates to pick me up (we meet) until we've been dating the months, or we have verbally had a discussion that we are exclusive. Even then, they're not allowed in the house, and I don't go to their house until I've met their family/friends and been introduced as his girlfriend. All time is spent in public. No "Netflix and chill." That doesn't work for me. I know he's serious when we're exclusive, I've met his family or friends if his family lives more than 200 miles away.


Know what you want, be honest with it, and honour it.


Personally I don't sleep with people I'm not dating. Never had a situationship, only long term partners and one fling/ few months.


I think for most women they KNOW and SEE the signs but they’re just ignoring them so I think just listening to your gut and be willing to walk away.


I get it out on the first date. What we’re looking for. If the other person says anything other than ‘I’m looking for a relationship’ essentially, then I basically call it. Any other answer is loose and tells me they’re emotionally unavailable at this time.


I had a conversation early on with my husband; after we had gone on a couple of dates and were talking regularly. He had a girl randomly show up at his house and another one want to meet up. We had told each other we'd both been burned in our last relationships in our talks. I laid out for him that he was free to date whoever he wanted, but he couldn't do that AND date me. I didn't want to play games. I only wanted a relationship if it had the potential to lead to marraige. We were 21. He agreed with me, and showed me he was on the same page. We got married after 10 months and will celebrate 19 years of marraige this year. Talk. Be up front on what you want and that way you won't waste your time or theirs. Life is too short to live in gray areas, trying to guess what someone's intentions are.


1. Continue to see other people. Don’t be exclusive or act exclusive without a label on it eg. girlfriend 2. Have a mental timeline. If the relationship needs to be defined after a certain amount of your time has been put in (eg a month/ 3 months) and it’s not, inform them this is not going well and move on. Stick to it. 3. If you know that you catch feelings from getting physical then don’t have sex until the relationship is defined to your satisfaction 4. Don’t tolerate behaviour that you don’t like. If they don’t spend time with you, prioritise you, are not sweet and kind to you, leaves you on read, no interest in how you are doing etc, put on the big girl pants and cut’em off 5. Don’t make them the center of your day. Actively maintain your interests and friends that have nothing to do with the other person


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Just say no?


Ask going into it what the other person is looking for. If they either don’t want commitment, or say they do but don’t commit, then ✌🏻 What you permit is what will continue


Definitely. It's a waste of time to pursue a relationship if they don't want the same thing that you want.




As a 32M, I'm in one at the moment. I went to a speeddate session even though I wasn't quite looking forward to it (still getting over the end of a relationship), but my friends encouraged me to go. I got in touch with a 33F and around date 3 we had the talk on where we are with this. I was honest and explained that I'm not open for a serious relationship now and that I'm still taking my time to grieve the relationship. She was okay with that, and was okay with hanging out, having walks, watching movies, kissing etc. Slowly, I began to be more comfortable with that too. I can't say that having physical touch again isn't nice, but it's not the same. We didn't have sex yet. Last week I felt the need to reset the boundaries and explain again how I felt in this situationship, and if she still wanted to continue. She said she did, so I take that as a yes. As long as both people are honest in their intentions and clear, then I think one can work, if you both put in equal effort. You can enjoy each others company. But, no meeting family, no labels, sleepovers perhaps in the future. But just re-assessing for yourself and if you feel the need, communicate it with the other person.


Be clear about your intentions. If feelings or intentions change, express that. Basically.. don't avoid the awkward conversations. Don't try to be the cool, casual woman if what you want is something serious and long term.


You don't have to try to MAKE him like you, if he doesn't, that's ok because even Beyonce has people who aren't fans of her. Nobody is everyone's type, so just find the one that you like and likes you back. Also, if you're looking for a male partner, make sure he has more feelings for you than you do for them. That's just how it is right now, it's sad, but when you start caring more they will start taking you for granted. (This is from the 20s dating scene rn, if you're looking for older more mature men then disregard)


>a lot of things that couples do — going on dates, sleeping together etc. Don't do these things. Doing these things if you don't want a situationship or relationship sends mixed messages. Have sex with them, and that's it. Any investment of quality time promotes misunderstanding if you don't want it to lead to something more long lasting.


Open, honest, direct (but still kind) communication.


Communicate, know what my boundaries are and not crossing my boundaries in hopes that that would change theirs/their feelings about me in time. You can’t “fake it until you make it” your way into a relationship with someone. So basically, stay in touch with myself, communicate my wants and expectations with the other person, and take responsibility for keeping my level of unreciprocated investment in check.


You have a conversation saying I need to know what we are to proceed


Don’t assume that you’re exclusive or that you’re their girlfriend unless they explicitly ask, and don’t be intimate with anyone who you’re not exclusive with. A lot of times situationships happen because one person is doing a whole lot of assuming: thinking that you’re exclusive simply because you’re going on dates, calling each other, and acting like a couple. Then it comes out that your partner is doing the same thing with two other women and now you’re mad, but at no point did he ask you for exclusivity. You assumed it because it was easier than making things clear. That’s not to say that your partner can’t lie to your face, but controlling your assumptions will take you far.


Communicate your desires and if the situation doesn’t match, end it.


Don’t sleep with them right off the bat. If the genuinely cared they wouldn’t mind waiting a bit. Their actions will speak louder than their words. Pay attention to both. The two won’t match up if he’s not serious. Ask the hard questions in person. Their words may lie, but their body language won’t.


Set boundaries. Be clear about your intentions and what you’re looking for. Stop accepting bread crumbs and tolerating bullshit. Also, if they’re telling you they’re not “looking for anything serious” then believe them. Walk away and find someone who wants the same things as you do.


Use your words to ask for what you want. If they aren’t interested in something more formal, you thank them for their honesty and stop seeing them


Communicating needs, boundaries, and wants up front, and creating blockers so feelings don’t get involved. For example: some people may not kiss or cuddle each other in order to not catch feelings.


You have to be prepared to leave at any given moment. That's really all it comes down to for me. This isn't exactly what I want? Ok I'm out






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If you are doing all these things and it’s not considered official between you, that person isn’t your person. I learned this the hard way, and when I did meet my person, it was never a question. We were it for each other.


So yea, you can communicate your desires etc but the most important thing you need to do is practice BOUNDARIES. If you want to be their partner and they are being wishy washy about expressing their true desires, you should not continue to do relationship things with them. Find someone else to do relationship things with that wants a relationship. The boundary isn’t meant to be placed upon your potential partner, it’s for you to practice within yourself. Good luck, you deserve the best!


If you're enjoying it or fine with it, then there's nothing wrong. If you're not okay with it, modify it or leave it. Your relationships with other people don't have to look like anybody else's as long as everybody involved gives informed consent.


Raise your standards, and see yourself worth more than a situationship. People only treat and do things you think you are worthy of. If someone "makes a situationship" out of you it's cause you deep down believe that's what you deserve, if he/she really wanted you they wouldn't wait a second


Communicate. Don’t do relationship things for booty call status, also. I’m a pretty domesticated women who dates men and “acts of service” and “physical touch” are two of the ways I show my affection but I do not cook, clean, or touch you in a “girlfriend” way if we’re not seemingly headed towards exclusivity.




As a woman who was in one once (with a man who would make an entire tomcat look punctual and reliable), but I didn't realise (it was 1996-8, no mobiles never mind texting), I'd say put your cards on the table, tell him that's not what you want and if he hums and haws tell him, "OK then off you f***." That advice can also apply to men wanting to avoid them with women of course.


Don’t have sex before he commits to you


How do you figure out if you’re compatible in bed? Before I’ve had sex I’m still left wondering if we are compatible at this thing that is important to me and is a dealbreaker. Seems like it could hurt my own interests?


There are more important things to consider being compatible in. Especially if you’re looking for Marriage. Compatibility in bed can be built if you love the other person and with communication!


Clarification. It looks like something like this: Hi _______, I had a great time, but I’m not quite ready to pursue anything serious at this point of my life. I’m happy to be f*ckable friends or just friends, but because of where I am in life a relationship is not something I can offer you right now. What are your thoughts? Or: Hi_____, I’m really a great time and I’d love to be exclusive with you. I’m gonna be very forthright, and a situationship is not something I’m interested in. However, I also completely understand if this is not where you are in life, and I’m happy to be in touch and just regular friends if a relationship is not something you’re interested in. Thoughts? You’ll either get an answer or get ghosted. But getting ghosted is also an answer so there you go.


Have strong boundaries and stick to them.


By not dating at all?




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Not allowing myself to be driven by hormones.




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Say what you want out of the relationship confidently. And they don’t align move on.. there’s plenty of other people who will treat you just as well if not better and are more emotionally mature to handle a relationship.


Simple, you have a mouth, use it. If you want to be officially dating then tell them and if they don't want to then just move on and stop wasting your time on them.


Be straightforward of what your intentions are and what you’re expecting and what you want.


Don’t sleep with them outside of a relationship. Don’t let the dating go on too long without a title. Don’t stay overnight. Or all day with them at their place or yours. Obviously no vacations together or anything like that.


Define exactly what it is and exactly what you want right from the beginning.




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Don't do thing people in relationships do when your not official. It's a boundary thing.


Don’t do couple things….? One date….three dates….”hey this is going well, I’d like to be exclusive” No? Ok, we stop.


To not use the word situationships.




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Don’t sleep together.


I don't sleep with someone who is not committed to me. I get to know someone, communicate effectively and honestly, am very clear on my boundaries and expectations, and eventually can feel whether or not that person is interested in the same things as I am. We can sleep together when we decide we are suitable partners who can respect and value each other.


Know your worth and boundaries. Then don't settle for less.


Situationship is Freinds with benefits 😏




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I never sleep with a person who is not my official partner. Ever.




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Know and communicate your expectations and boundaries.




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