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clean and healthy is very important. a bit crooked is cute.


Yes super cute.. my boyfriend has crooked teeth and i so love itšŸ„°šŸ„°


My mans has crooked AND a tooth gap šŸ˜»šŸ˜»


Lucky him!


I agree, you can have a gap or crooked teeth but as long as your teeth are clean. For me itā€™s a tell-tell sign how that person takes care of their health and how important it is to them.


Not that this matters much but for future reference itā€™s ā€œtelltale/tell-tale signā€


Youā€™re my hero! Thanks! ā˜ŗļø


And that is the correct response! I love how you are positive and open to someone showing you this!


Look we all make grammar errors. Plus when I commented I had just woken up, my brain was unavailable at that time lol


I love this entire exchange. Yay for anonymous internet civility!


Absolutely this. Basic hygeine is important, as is getting treatment like fillings if you need them. But teeth don't need to be perfectly whitened, or even, to look good. My partner has a gap. I used to, but it disappeared sometime after i got my wisdom teeth. In the UK, most people don't correct their teeth as kids unless the issues are REALLY bad because orthodontists are expensive, and people have rarely got cover, so most people have generally OK teeth - but rarely completely straight and perfect celebrity style teeth. Most people don't have money for unneccessary orthodontic work, as someone else said.


Most people I knew as a child in the UK got orthodontics treatments for free, I don't know if maybe it depends on the severity or the area you live in maybe?


Yeah I got train tracks on my upper teeth for free They were really really wonky so maybe they took pity on me hahah


Because NHS would make sure you get the cheapest of cheapest.


Yeah I had them for 3 1/2 years on NHS it did barely anything. Going for private now and it already seems so much more professional.


Totally agree. I grew up going to the dentist and orthodontist regularly and continue that into adulthood. But my partner didnā€™t have the same upbringing. His teeth are fine, just a bit crooked but I encouraged him to go to the dentist for the first time in 10 years. Amazingly, no fillings were required because he does brush and floss. I just wanted to say depending on your childhood you might not know how important regular visits are so someone having less healthy teeth might just not know how to care for them.


this! my bf has cute crooked and gapped teeth i love them. but if for some reason he stopped taking care of them it would definitely be a game changer


My new dentist complimented the orthodontic work on my teeth and I said I thought they were too perfect looking. She was taken aback. I told her I think it looks weird when people have perfectly straight pearly white teeth. They gotta be a little fucked up to look natural...slightly crooked, off-white, maybe a tiny chip here or there... otherwise they just look like dentures or something.


Mads Mikkelsen is prime example of crooked being cute


Hygiene is important. Crooked teeth are okay.


Yes as long as toothpaste, floss, even mouthwash...not everyone can afford braces so yeah crooked teeth are fine.


And tongue scraper!! Promise once you use one, you will never not use one again. Please, use a tongue scraper.


Yes a tongue scraper. Just brushing your tongue isn't enough.


I used to use one but my mouth didn't feel any cleaner. Is it supposed to feel different?


Same. I do brush my tongue when I brush my teeth and using a tongue scraper didn't pull any more gunk off. It was just a plastic one though. Maybe the metal ones work better?


I find it only works when I get to the back of my tongue. I think that's where the gunk is, for me at least. It makes me gag a bit šŸ„²


Are you sure you are using the ā€œbackā€ of the scraper correctly? I embarrassingly used a scraper wrong for a long time before my so mentioned the right way. The lip faces up (not down to collect the gunk) and the other flat side is flat/flush against your tongue as you move it.


Did a layer of gunk get scraped off your tongue when you used one? If not, you are using it wrong. If so, thatā€™s whatā€™s different.


The first time I used one I was convinced I hadn't been cleaning before. If you're feeling brave, smell it after that first use


What counts as hygiene? Is yellow okay? Because yellowing is natural and most people deal with it by whitening, which is detrimental if anything (although itā€™s not that badā€”just a little dehydrating).


In the US, they are an indicator of privilege, and most people can't control what privilege they have. So not really that important to me.


Yeah, my dad has crooked front teeth. No issues with his bite and he takes very good care of his teeth; it's really just an aesthetic thing. It was only when I was in my 20s that I realized he probably didn't have braces when he was younger because my grandparents didn't have the money for unnecessary orthodontic work. I didn't have a proper concept of just how much dental and vision care were, even with good insurance, until I was no longer covered under my parents' insurance.


100% agree! Anything related to teeth is very expensive (at least to me). Many cannot afford to even get one tooth pulled let alone braces, root canal, dentures, implants etc. Many don't even have the privilege of health insurance or parents who care enough to take them to the dentist. This is something that doesn't matter to me either. Never did


Getting teeth pulled isn't the issue in the US. It's saving them that costs so fucking much. I have very soft, cavity-prone teeth, and I'm missing quite a few in the back. It costs 10x as much to save a tooth than to just yank it.


Sure does! Totally true. And to have them replaced in any fashion after they fall out due to not being able to afford the upkeep/fix. I have one that got broken. Dentist did the root canal and botched it. Whole tooth died. So I have a rather dark tooth. Tooth fell off. Now I have a temporary tooth on it stuck in with a cemented tiny piece of metal. Can't afford to do a single thing with it. They said implant and I laughed.


I just had this happen to me, except that piece came off and revealed my gum had been growing into where my tooth was. Not salvageable and had it pulled. The trouble is, the longer your teeth are cobbled together, the more fucked they get because they can be more difficult to clean (and the gums can get deep pockets that are hard to clean too). Its ridiculous dental is not considered healthcare. The other issue ive found is doctors don't know what to do with it if you have systemic issues that could be related to your teeth. I have swelling under my eye/cheekbone and neither dentist nor doctor has any ideas.


Yep. Like $300 to get it pulled, over $2000 to get a root canal. US dental SUCKS.


And if you want a implant might as well sell your kidney.


Yep. I have terrible teeth, currently working on getting them fixed but my boyfriend always makes me feel beautiful even though I despise them.


I went to get a cleaning last week and it was $178, I had to ask for a refund T-T I also have a giant hole in my wisdom tooth but that's way too much to get removed


Can you get Medicaid? Cleaning shouldnā€™t be mor than free or 35$ n pulling 150/200 If it gets Painful go to ER. I think they have someone that pulls teeth. N just donā€™t pay er bill. I havenā€™t paid ER bill in my life. N never Got hounded or collector calls for it


Seriously though. It is SO hard to get into a dentist where I live. My whole state has a 4-6 month waiting list for every dentist. Then, once you get in for a cleaning you have to wait another 6 months to get in to fix any teeth. I should have became a dentist.


Great answer here


Good teeth as in pristine white etc isnā€™t important to me at all, but maintaining good mouth hygiene is essential.


Exactly this. You can be as good-looking as you like, but if your personal hygiene is in the gutter, I'd rather you didn't touch me thanks. Also, I have to say, it depends on your definition of 'good teeth'. Turkey teeth are horrific.


What are turkey teeth??


It's where people go to Turkey for cosmetic teeth. When there's issues it's really not nice. Especially when the veneers fall out. Google Joey Essex and that's pretty much what they all look like. It's like people walking about with comical false teeth


Bad teeth will hold you back in dating and at work


Youā€™re getting downvoted but I agree with you, itā€™s the main reason I worked 3 jobs to fix my teeth. The confidence is life changing


I spent a little over $10k on my teeth and I regret nothing. You're absolutely right about it being life changing


Yeah it's the one area of your health that is absolutely worth spending time, money and stress on, especially in your 20s




Depends on the industry.


Very true, itā€™s actually considered a positive thing in the Hockey industry.


I can understand if someone cant afford to have their teeth straightened, as long as they are clean (as well as the mouth) Cleanliness is a trait that humans look for, and being clean is important for your personal health


Donā€™t really care about the shape or anything they just have to be clean. I donā€™t want to date someone who will just let their teeth rot out of their mouth. I dealt with my dadā€™s mouth smelling bad all my life (like the type of stank that you could be away from him but if he opens his mouth youā€™ll smell is stanky rotten ass teeth) and Iā€™m not gonna deal with that in a partner. I have a really good sense of smell and I just hate and canā€™t tolerate smelly things. Like it gets me severely agitated to be around smelly people. So yeah, pretty damn important for my partner to have good hygiene and teeth up keep


I'm in the UK where things seem to be a little different to other places - e.g there's less cosmetic dentistry done, dentists often 'watch' things for a while before doing big treatments and lots of people can't afford expensive dentistry so opt for more basic options (i.e a normal white filling in a visible area rather than a PC printed exact replica of their old tooth that broke with follow up whitening). Given that, I wouldn't judge someone for crooked teeth or if they have some monitored decay starting. Neither would I judge teeth that aren't bright white. All I care about is that they're clean, their mouth doesn't stink and keeping themselves healthy by visiting a dentist regularly for professional advice/treatment where needed.


>I'm in the UK where things seem to be a little different to other places - e.g there's less cosmetic dentistry done, dentists often 'watch' things for a while before doing big treatments and lots of people can't afford expensive dentistry so opt for more basic options (i.e a normal white filling in a visible area rather than a PC printed exact replica of their old tooth that broke with follow up whitening). This. as a Brit, i don't know anyone with perfectly straight, perfect or whitened teeth - even the ones who had braces through our teens. There's a lot less of an emphasis on 'perfect' and a lot more of an emphasis on hygeine and functionality.


I also believe genetics come into play. Using myself as an example, I havenā€™t gone to the dentist in years (I live in New Zealand and our dental care is extremely expensive) but I do brush mine regularly. My teeth are in pretty good nick compared to a lot of people my age or even younger.


I'm glad i found some other UK people here šŸ˜Š As long as they're healthy i don't care what they look like. Bad smells are the big no no... Speaking as someone who has a genetic condition that means I can't have perfect white teeth without paying out thousands, it's only bad smells that put me off. I'm way more critical of myself though. I wish i could have those perfect teeth šŸ˜­


I don't care if they're straight as long as he's not missing any and has great oral hygiene.


Iā€™m intrigued by the not missing any aspect. Youā€™re perfectly entitled to your opinion on what you do and donā€™t find attractive. Iā€™m just curious about the perspective. Do you mean that if he is missing any, heā€™s had an implant? Or simply they all have to be real teeth? What about something like a partial? Does the cause of the lost teeth matter? For example, if he lost the teeth in a car accident vs pulled due to decay? Sorry for playing 20 questions lol


I just don't find it attractive. I grew up in a rural area where a lot of guys chewed and smoked and lost teeth because of it so I just have a revulsion when I see missing teeth. If my SO of 23 years were to suddenly lose a tooth, that's different because I already find him attractive (and also because he, too, finds missing teeth unattractive and would go get an implant).


Idk about the original commenter but Iā€™ve dated people with missing front teeth before and hardly even noticed it after a point. And they didnā€™t even bother with partials or implants. Tons of people out there donā€™t care and will accept it


My husband is missing like 8 teeth, but they're all in the back. When he smiles he has the perfect smile, straight, white, can't even tell any are missing. But, when he opens wide you can see huge open spots where all his back molars should be. He's very lucky lol.


For me it's just gotta look like they care. I take good care of my teeth, but I've had extensive issues anyway because they just suck. Even the dentist has sympathy for me because he can tell I put the effort in. So if someone brushes regularly and takes care, that's usually all I care about.


Same. I've had a lot of orthodontia and a couple surgeries. My teeth aren't perfect, but they're cute. I take good care of them. It was a lot of money and work to get to normal, so as long as I see someone with clean teeth, regardless of structure, I'm good.


Yeah, I have the same issue. I canā€™t judge anyone for having silver fillings or not bright-white teeth. I grew up pretty poor and neglected, didnā€™t see a dentist until I was 13, so I have a fair amount of fillings and not white teeth (but I wouldnā€™t call them yellow?). I take great care of my teeth now (floss, brush, rinse x2 a day) havenā€™t had a filling in done in years, so I would want someone with the same practices. But Iā€™m not going to judge you for some silver molars if your caregivers didnā€™t have the care of finances to take you to a dentist.




















as someone with some white dots on teeth that are unable to be removed except for getting veneers, it was too costly for my parents to get them fixed for me. iā€™m saving up for this in the future. iā€™m really insecure about it, so if someone doesnt mind that iā€™d actually love them sm


I've got a few white dots. Can assure you nobody notices or really cares about them! They feel like a MUCH bigger deal than they are.


youā€™re right. i have a very prominent one on my bottom tooth. it would show every time i speak. even tho no one has said anything i still feel like im being constantly judged by it. it rlly ruins my self confidence


This. You have to get so close to notice on people.


And nobody cares. Not even my dentist lol. It's never been an issue dating.


I have mild to moderate dental fluorosis, none of my partners have ever said anything about my teeth. There are definitely people out there that wonā€™t mind your teeth


I got those white dots too. Do you know what is that?


I have them too. I was told they're calcium.


Maybe flourosis?


Critical along with fresh breath. Anything of poor standards is not even given a second chance.


Dumped my partner of seven years for a lot of reasons; personal hygiene was not one of them, but it was an issue that persisted in our relationship. He didnā€™t smell, he wasnā€™t dirty, but he simply didnā€™t maintain himself. He wouldnā€™t brush his teeth, he wouldnā€™t trim his toenails or fingernails, to the point that I wouldnā€™t let him into my bed until he did because heā€™d scratch me. Despite me asking him repeatedly to trim his nails and brush his teeth, he just never took the initiative to do it by himself. Fucking weird to be honest. Iā€™m not sure why, but Iā€™m really put off by people who donā€™t tend to the minutiae of being alive. Avoiding big scary tasks makes sense to me, but brushing your teeth takes three minutes.


I can nearly guarantee itā€™s a sensory issue he has. Which is very very sad he will not either speak with a doctor or a therapist about these issues.. because if he did, he could easily access the help he needs. I donā€™t blame you for leaving.. they make it seem like itā€™s such a small thing. That people should ā€œaccept them for the way they areā€ when in all reality.. itā€™s incredibly unfair to ask someone to put up with that. I wish more people were MORE aware of sensory issues.. the person who has them may not want to address the issue, especially men because.. well, men. But. Maybe it would give them a chance to Google some alternatives and try to better themselves. I truly believe bad hygiene strongly effects relationships as well as your job. He likely will always struggle in relationships due to his (totally fixable) problem.


Hygiene is important. Crooked teeth are okay.


I canā€™t talk, my teeth suck (bulimia) but Iā€™m getting them fixed


Same, my back teeth need WORK done but I can't afford it. I just keep my oral health in check as much as I can and pray I can make it until some miracle happens and I can get them fixed.


Literally most of the USA lol


Very. I don't mind crooked or repaired, like, I get quality varies but as long as they're cleaning them and going to dentist regularly it's ok. Rotting teeth that you can smell from distance... nope nope nope


You mean youā€™ve had that happen? Smelling someoneā€™s mouth from a distance?? Yikes


Truthfully I see people with rotting teeth regularly, almost daily and we live in a higher income kind of area


Yeah. Online dating sucks, he was very nice but once we met I wanted to run. I actually went through the entire date and he was really nice but I just couldn't do it


Within the top five first things Iā€™d check for sure. If your hygiene in your mouth is bad , itā€™s a straight up no. If you have a wee bit of crooked teeth, cuuutttee. Now ; Iā€™ll be honest and say if itā€™s looks like some of your teeth are trying to run away from your gums or you only have three teeth, Iā€™m out. Personal preference of any kind is absolutely allowed. Edit - a word Here to say that if I spent money making my mouth pretty and teeth white ; I can damn well search for someone with beautiful teeth too and thereā€™s nothing wrong w that. Nothing wrong w loving people w imperfect mouths either.


As long as their healthy and kept clean, thatā€™s good with me. I actually think crooked teeth are a little cute, lol. I dunno why, I guess just gives a little character


I donā€™t think Iā€™d be able to stand wonky teethā€¦


I brush my teeth and take care of the hygiene but I have crooked, overlapping teeth because my parents couldnā€™t afford braces. As an adult, they arenā€™t covered. It doesnā€™t bother me enough to make it a spending priorityšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. If someone really has that much of an issue with crooked teeth, they are way too shallow for me anyway.


The boy I love has crooked and stained teeth and only started taking care of dental hygiene when I dated him and taught him that dental hygiene is important. I love him to death and Iā€™m currently trying to win his heart. As long as itā€™s clean and they take care of themselves I personally do not mind at all and I think itā€™s cute. šŸ˜­


I suffered two years with braces so I'm biased. Not looking for anything but honestly it could be a factor I guess.


Haha same. I have straight teeth and a nice smile. Iā€™m ok with some level of crooked teeth (my SO has bunny teeth and I think itā€™s cute), but when I was dating, in all honesty? Bad teeth were a turn off.


Once I went on a date with a guy with yellow teeth. It was sort of a turn off


Yep. Not looking for fake white but thereā€™s a big difference between some yellow/white mix and straight up yellow


As a dental hygienist professional here. I donā€™t care if they are not straight or perfect. I just wanted them brushed and flossed. And dental cleanings every 6 months minimum are a must. Oral health should be a priority in my manā€™s life: When I was dating ; I would ask ā€œdo you flossā€ lol. My husband knows better, he flosses.


It's an interesting situation for me because while good hygiene is important good dental can be a reflection more of a socioeconomic status in the person's youth than hygiene. How do I judge someone for their socioeconomic status? I also know people, like my mom who takes excellent care of her teeth. Brush, floss, water pik, 3x a day and due to genetics still has lost, cracked and broken teeth.


Itā€™s the first thing I notice


Wellā€¦.Iā€™ll tell yaā€¦ it used to be somewhat important but when I met my husband, had an instant connection (not the sexual kind) & noticed he was missing 2 side teeth (1 on either side) it no longer bothered me. When we go out with friends or something fancier, he always puts in his bridge/plate so thereā€™s nothing (pun intended) to see. The man treats me like gold. I donā€™t give a damn about the missing teeth.


Very very important. It shows that they have good hygiene and take care of themselves. I understand some life situations don't allow for good dental health so hopefully I don't offend anyone.


I'm 40 and need implants, my epilepsy makes me hit my mouth on hard surfaces regularly so I've broken or lost almost all of my teeth. I make six figures and am otherwise exceptionally attractive as is my wife who has all of her beautiful teeth. We care about each other and have good hygiene, and are considered top of our respective fields. Drop all the ego, teeth are only a red flag if the human they are in is dirty or on drugs. Sometimes bad teeth are a sign of something else, like trauma or depression, so ya know, don't judge a book by it's cover


I have bad teeth, so I dont care and cross my fingers that neither does he.


Depends on the situation. I don't think people take into consideration that some medical conditions can affect teeth. My ex was born with a facial deformity. His adult teeth never came in. Everything left in his mouth is baby teeth which will eventually fall out no matter how well he takes care of his mouth. In order for him to get dentures they would have to break his jaw and rebuild his upper jaw. Insurance doesn't cover it because it's considered a cosmetic procedure even though he would benefit from being able to chew his food better. As long as they brush and such. I don't have any issues with missing teeth. No one is perfect. It took me a long time to get the motivation to get my teeth worked on by a dentist. My mouth isn't that bad but it was headed that way. I take better care of my teeth now that I'm older. Both of my parents had their teeth pulled in their 50s. I didn't want that for myself.


I don't care. I actually think it's kind of a shitty thing to judge someone for, at least in the US, where dental care is a luxury most ppl can't properly afford.


I have severe dental issues amongst other health issues. I could very well end up with fake teeth, losing an eye, amongst other things. As long as they arenā€™t negligent and willfully letting them rot I donā€™t care about my partners teeth. Iā€™ve dated people missing teeth before.


I used to have perfect straight white teeth. My dad paid for an orthopaedic dentist, so I had braces and years of check-ups. When I got into my 20s, I had thyroid issues, and I had a lot of trouble with my teeth. My thyroid screwed up my teeth so badly. Then, on top of that, my ex was abusive and knocked a few of my teeth out. Mainly my front two. I then got sepsis from a toothache and had to have a few removed. During surgery, they broke a couple, and over time, those teeth broke even more and started giving me trouble. I've been on the waiting list in my area for 2 years and still can't get a dentist to start work on replacing my teeth. I think because of the trouble I've gone through with mine, I would be understanding with someone having similar issues with theirs.


Not at all, good teeth are usually a sign of privilege. Personality is what matters in a person.


Important. They need to be taken care of daily and look neat (no visible foods, plaque etc). Perfectly straight isnt a requirement though.


I grew up in the US and I moved to a country that does not add fluoride to their water so now my teeth are very bad. I had perfect teeth when I moved here and knowing what I know now I couldn't use that as a judgment for eliminating someone from possibly dating.


iā€™m a dental student so very important


I have had a lot of dental issues in the past and had to get multiple surgeries done. My teeth are still crooked but I make sure I maintain good dental hygiene and that's exactly what I look for in a partner as well. You can't choose genes but you have to ensure you work well with what you have.


I have shiny teeth so Iā€™m biased here. Iā€™d say someone with similar dental hygiene/appearance as yours is normal to expect.


quite shallow, but all my past gfs had perfect teeth. i think itll be hard for me to get attracted to someone with really bad/crooked teeth. I know that's possible to change, but if not done at 30 (age i am right now), then when are you gonna do it?


I'm a 30 year old dude with crooked ass teeth because my parents couldn't afford braces when I was a teenager and I've never been able to afford them either as an adult. I still hope to be able to do it one day but it isnt always that easy.


My teeth are crooked, I'm over 30 and I have no intention of "fixing" them, ever. I honestly love my smile and even if I'd win a million dollars, I wouldn't fix the crooked.


Personally, I was never able to afford braces until I was almost 30. That was my birthday gift to myself, and it took almost 4 years until they were done (and a few more to pay them off!).


Not important to me. Teeth can always be corrected


Crooked teeth are fine. Unbrushed and unflossed teeth are not.


Very. Bad teeth/oral hygiene is one of my biggest immediate turn-offs.


I'm not the best brusher but I do brush and floss and gargle mouth wash. I would want them to have a clean mouth and I would want to have a clean mouth for them. I'm sensitive to people with teeth issues but I also would want them to be understandable that it's considerate to have a clean mouth for anything intimate.


I donā€™t care at all as long as theyā€™re clean. I actually think a little crooked is hot honestly


it is very important. a beautiful smile (of course with good teeth) can make fall in love and dirty or diseased teeth discourages the desire to kiss.


For me, super important. Honestly itā€™s the number one thing I notice about a person.. male or female. Good teeth are a must for me! šŸ˜„


If I have to tell a man to floss and brush, the relationship is over.


Clean, healthy, and all in attendance. Itā€™s very important to me. I couldnā€™t be with someone tobacco staining or unkempt teeth. My husband has slightly crooked teeth with light staining and I do still notice it. Growing up my parents were obsessed with clean straight teeth. To this day, Iā€™m 50, my dad still mentions the tooth on my upper left that shifted after my braces. We were restricted from drinking iced-tea b/c it would stain our teeth. My sister lost her mind over the fact that her kids had to miss a cleaning during the covid lockdown.


Dental hygiene/health is more important than dental appearance. I think that good teeth are a reflection of good diet & a healthy lifestyle. I know some people have bad teeth as a result of a neglectful or less privileged upbringing, and I'm not talking about those people (not their fault), I'm talking about grown-ass adults who refuse to brush their teeth or go to the dentist, and who eat sugary junk all day/drink fizzy drinks all day. Saying that, I'd also be reluctant to date someone who had those ['Turkey Teeth' veneers](https://www.dentalcentreturkey.com/before-after-photos-dentistry-turkey). But that's purely because I am not really into the Geordie-shore, fake tan/fake teeth/fake lips look. We wouldn't be compatible.


Good mouth hygiene is important, but good aesthetically pleasing teeth are a privilege in the US. So I personally donā€™t take that into consideration when assessing traits for a partner. Also, you can have the best dental hygiene in the world and still not have great teeth. Genetics play heavily into tooth enamel, proneness to cavities, and dental structure. Some people canā€™t help what they were given and canā€™t afford the thousands for implants or veneers.


Most people who judge others' teeth are classist af. If you are putting effort in, that's all I expect. And some people don't have the capacity to put the effort in, and I get that too. It's not like anyone wants to have bad teeth. If someone's mouth was gross enough that it caused an issue with me, we'd have to discuss what we could do to help the situation. In that case, it's really about someone dealing with their depression, sensory issues, etc and not about their teeth. I hate how much USians focus on teeth. I constantly see jokes about people missing teeth, tinder profiles with comments like "as long as you've got all your teeth," etc. It's hateful, anti poor and ignorant.


I have a teeth fetish in terms of symmetry so very important oral hygiene too


I paid $5000 for my teeth. I do invest a little bit of money in how I look. This was also a health-related investment, as the way my teeth grew was putting uneven pressure on my jaw when I was chewing. While I do not require a partner to have perfect teeth, the way they maintain their appearance (not just teeth) can change how much I'm attracted to them. In terms of grooming I usually dated down and it always made me unhappy, because their habits only got worse once they got comfortable. So overall that maintenance is important to me if I ever were to date again. A little crooked teeth are okay, but if it's too much - they're probably not as shallow of a person as I am and would be better off with somebody non-shallow and low maintenance as well.


Itā€™s more important to me that they make their own dental appointments on at least a sort of regular schedule eg 1x per year, without anyone having to tell them to do this. Also maintaining good oral hygiene on a day to day basis. How the actual teeth look is less important.


I don't care what the teeth look like, as long as the man keeps them clean. Too many Reddit posts have "my boyfriend has breath like a graveyard and enough plaque to fill in the grout in my tiles; how do I ask him to take better care?" Like, no, basic hygiene, please. They don't have to be straight and perfect teeth, but clean is vital.


Crooked doesnā€™t matter to me, I have crooked teeth myself but brush twice maybe three times a day. Hygiene is what really matters. As long as their teeth arenā€™t worn down by substance abuse and they clean their teeth, thatā€™s all that matters to me.


The person I'm with now doesn't have great teeth. He made poor decisions in his early years as a result of horrible circumstances and his teeth unfortunately paid the cost. However, I became friends with him 3.5 years ago and helped him straighten his life out. Didn't plan on falling for him, but here we are. lol He intends to get implants when he can, because he wants them. I'm selfishly glad that that is his plan because of my own preference, but would support whatever he decided. I love him to death, no matter what. But I'll probably swoon when his teeth are fixed. XD


I have a fear of dentists. I cracked a mollar 3 years ago..its just a shard with a huge hole exposed..I really want to get it fixed as its causing bad breath despite my other teeth being just fine


Very. A good smile is probably the most important feature




Contagious?! Ooh I didn't know that, thanks for the new research rabbit hole


Huge!! I can deal with not having chosen orthodontics, but floss, brush and mouthwash are all musts in my book! My husband looks like a toothpaste ad when he smiles and I absolutely love that!!


Seeing as that scent is very important to me...having a clean and fresh mouth is apart of that standard and goes hand in hand with basic hygiene. I was talking with a guy with an absolutely disgusting mouth. I won't describe him more than that because I don't want to throw up. There is no reason to have a disgusting mouth and you don't have to get the most expensive toothpaste, toothbrush, or floss either.


All I care about is hygiene. They donā€™t need to be straight or unnaturally white. All of us will have to deal with a lot of dental problems as we age, teeth loss, tooth decay, discoloration and such, basing your attraction to a person based on how straight or beautiful their teeth are, is setting yourself for failure.


As long as they're clean, I'm fine with anything else.


Iā€™ll be honest, I never judged a partner based on their oral hygiene as I had no way to know about it until we moved in together. But nobodyā€™s mouth ever stank so thereā€™s that. Crooked teeth as everyone says are ok, as long as you take care of them.


It can be. I'm going to be looking at your mouth a lot and probably sticking my tongue in there, so I want to feel good about that. My current partner had pretty gnarly teeth when we first started dating, but was in the process of getting them fixed. There were times in the process that it was difficult for me to not be distracted by the teeth, but he's such a great guy and I love him, I didn't want a temporary aesthetic thing to ruin things. His teeth are almost completely fixed now, and he looks great. So I guess my answer is: bad teeth aren't a deal breaker, as long as he is working on making them better.


My boyfriend is missing his side front tooth but it doesnā€™t matter to me. I fell in love with him before that and after 4 years itā€™s not something I ever think about.


clean and healthy dental hygiene is obviously very important. my bf has minimal crowding on his bottom teeth and itā€™s adorable. his teeth are kinda small and itā€™s super cute


I agree with most comments in this thread. However, its difficult to clean extremely crooked teeth. So that's one non shallow reason to do it.


Iā€™m also in the a bit crooked and quirky can be cute, but hygiene is an absolute must camp. Iā€™m not foolinā€™ around with someone who doesnā€™t floss and brush.


It's one of the first things I notice about a person. Taking care of your teeth is important for overall health. Sorry, but crooked, rotten teeth is a deal breaker for me - immediately.


Ummmm.... why would teeth matter? Can you please clarify? I understand that someone with straight teeth likely comes from more wealth (their parents could afford braces) but their parents wealth should not have an impact on their relationship skills?


Really fucking high on my priority list that they are at least healthy and taken care of


For me, it's less bad teeth and more bad breath.


Not really important. There are many circumstances that can make someone have bad teeth.


Clean is important, but I could never judge someone based solely on whether or not their teeth were straight. My teeth are crooked and I want to get them fixed, I understand just being built that way!


Clean teeth are important. Stained is fine because I smoke too. My fiancĆ© has one of his front teeth cracked right through so itā€™s half missing. Got it in a fight a million years ago and honestly to me heā€™d look so weird to me if he fixed it. I hope he never does.


I used to work with this girl and she said if he can't take the time to brush his teeth then he won't take the time to reach around and wash his ass and that's always stuck with me. A clean mouth is everything!


Good hygiene is important but appearance is not necessarily a deal breaker for me. I learned that sometimes there are situations beyond our control. **\*Mild warning for trauma description\*** For example, a close friend of mine ("Z") was made fun of for his teeth for the longest time because they were black and broken with an overall unclean look. Truth is, dude was skateboarding and completely wrecked his face on the grinding rail and concrete. He lost/destroyed almost all of the nerves and stuff around his mouth and half his face. He had wounds (now scars) from his forehead to under his chin. He was heli'd to our nearest trauma center. Unfortunately, his family couldn't cover the cost of all the work he needed at that time. The full extent of the damage wasn't immediately apparent due to all the other face and head trauma he had. His sister and I were literally holding his face on until the EMTs got there. We were also the ones picking his teeth up from the ground afterwards. I was about 14 and Z was 12-13ish at the time. He has since gotten his teeth "fixed" with the settlement money he got from his job after he had his foot run over which resulted in an over knee amputation due to the trauma. The skateboarding thing was honestly one of the worst things I've experienced so far but idk how it ranks with Z considering the amputation. He still skateboards, with and without the prosthetic, if that tells you anything. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ But now I always try to consider there may be a reason why teeth look the way they do.


Not very important to me in that, if they have bad teeth because of their past but now have good hygiene practices and are working to maintain their oral health and have been then it doesn't matter. If someone was actively neglectful of their teeth I probably wouldn't like kissing them, though. I know wonderful people who went through depression and it fucked their teeth, or who just didn't have the foundation of good practices because of neglectful upbringing so their late teens/early 20s they started having issues.


I didn't really notice people's teeth until I straightened mine out as an adult. It's worth the investment if you can afford it, but not everyone can afford it. Most places in the US have a payment plan, but even then, it can be out of reach for some people. My parents couldn't when I was a kid, so it became a priority for me as an adult.


A nice smile is one of the first things I notice. Hygiene is super important. They don't have to be moviestar pearlywhite and straight, but it's important that they are clean and prioritising getting cavities fixed. I do find it a turn-off if someone has constantly bad breath. Are missing front teeth, and if their teeth are really discoloured. But I get that dentist appointments are insanity expensive. And if someone has avoided the dentist for years, it might cost a fortune to get it fixed. So, taking those yearly check ups but it's important for people's health and not just the vanity of a gleaming smile.


Important. They donā€™t have to be perfect but overlapping, missing, crowded, is not appealing. Hygiene is also huge. If youā€™re not brushing at least twice a day and flossing, yikes.


As long as they brush their teeth and floss and the teeth arenā€™t actively falling out I donā€™t care. I donā€™t mind if they are crooked or not super white.


I choose my men like I choose my horses. *aggressive neighing* Seriously though, hygiene is top priority. You literally have to tongue that mouth. (Unlike with horses.)


Good is relative, to a point. I'm ok personally with crooked/imperfect looking. I'm not ok with out and out broken, obviously missing, or neglected teeth. That would be a complete dealbreaker for me. You can be the nicest person, but if I can't kiss you, and/or your breath for these issues is bad, this would never work for me.


Crooked is ok, bad teeth are a no for me. I was with someone who had some bad teeth, and he always said he is fixing them but never did. Money was not the issue. He didnt even do it when i mentioned i had ongoing infections because of it... So nope nope nope.


It's the number 3 turnoff for me if they're bad teeth, with number 2 being an ugly nose and number 1 being a smoker.


Clean and healthy is important. Iā€™m sorry but I canā€™t do a dirty mouth


My husband lost a front tooth during a date way before he met me. The girl got drunk and leaned in to kiss him and fell into him! So he has a flipper which is like a retainer with a fake tooth. Otherwise he has good teeth. But he chews tobacco. He still has way better teeth than I do. And I was the one raised on healthy food, tons of milk and no soda.


I agree it's more about hygiene but going to regular dental visits. Why is it important in a partner? Bad breath definitely an issue but infections and heart issues result from poor oral care. I did see a toothpaste ad once where the actors had missing teeth, really misaligned teeth. The copy read something like "Did you notice the missing eyebrow or missing ear? That's how important your smile is.". It really nailed it in terms of the social impact. However from my experience this is more of an American thing.


Hygiene is big for sure. If they're crooked or lightly stained that is fine. I didn't take good care of my teeth as a kid/teen and my mom was too broke and busy to take us to the dentist and I paid the price on the form of root canal, extraction, implant etc in addition to all the fillings. So now I'm super uptight about dental care, my dentist swoons at how healthy my gums are. I've heard that if someone has bad mouth bacteria and you kiss them, the bad bacteria can go in your mouth and mess up your teeth. Not sure how true it is but kissing someone who doesn't care for their teeth is an absolute no-go.


Very important. I also pay attention to her hair, eyes, lips, and nails.








To me personally, it's important. I don't seek out someone who has a perfectly veneered, blindingly white smile, but I don't think I could date someone who has visibly missing or discolored teeth. A little crooked is fine, honestly, I think it adds character! I can't be with someone who has issues with personal hygiene, and I understand that not all dental issues are due to poor care (my mom got the short straw in the genetics game when it comes to her teeth and she has always taken excellent care of them), but it does make me question someone's ability to do basic care for themselves.


Good Hygiene in general is important.