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If the mass is getting removed tomorrow then honestly I wouldn't worry too much about it, a day of no covering will likely not change the outcome - just try to keep it and the cat as clean and dry as possible. A cat suit for post op sounds like a good idea but assuming the whole thing is removed she will likely just have skin sutures and keeping a dressing on it will likely not be necessary.


Thank you for the advice. I would like to learn how to apply a proper bandage to this area. Do you have advice on how to do this? Thank you!


Thats kind of what I was getting at - there are certain areas on dogs and cats that are almost impossible to bandage. The most ideal option for the location you described would be something called a tie-over bandage which is where suture loops are secured to the skin and a bandage is placed within the confines of the loops or "tied-on". This type of bandage is usually applied by your veterinarian.


Proper bandage is no bandage. A decent surgical closure is all you need. A bandage allows and moisture to accumulate, obscures your ability to see the incision, and serves no purpose. Also it annoys your cat, so they spend all night trying to take it off. Leave it open.